Dr Felicita Tramontana

Besides advancing Mediterranean historiography on migration, the project aimed to open avenues for further research and to suggest a new methodological approach to the study of mobility in pre-modern societies. Furthermore, thanks to the broad geographical and thematic perspective, the research also advanced major fields like religious history / confessionalization, intercultural exchanges and history of Catholic parishes. Finally, departing from the analysis of migration in the early modern Mediterranean, the project contributed to current debate on contemporary migration, enlarging its perspective and challenging its very basic elements. https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/ren/projects/earlymodernworldmigration
Before I came to Warwick, I was fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (2015-1016). Between 2010 and 2013 I worked the Scientific coordinator (for the University of Palermo) of the research project “Beyond "Holy War". Managing Conflicts and Crossing Cultural Borders between Christendom and Islam from the Mediterranean to the extra-European World: Mediation, Transfer, Conversion (XVth-XIXth Century)”, financed by the Italian Ministry of the University. Between 2009 and 2010, I was a researcher at the Oriental Institute of the Martin Luther University of Halle - Wittenberg (Germany). I have thought Early Modern History at the University of Palermo (2013-2013) and History of Islamic coiuntries at the University of Enna-Kore (2013-2015), both in Italy.
My main research interests are Mediterranean history and the social history of the Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern period (1500-1800). Most of my research activity has been focused on Ottoman Palestine, with special attention to the history of Palestinian villages; I have written on religious conversions, changes in the distribution of the population, Franciscans' missionary activity and the spread of Catholicism in the area. I have also worked on Ottoman justice, on the contacts between the two shores of Early Modern Mediterranean, on Mediterranean slavery and on contacts and interactions between Protestant and Catholics in the Ottoman Empire.
Email: F.Tramontana@warwick.ac.uk
List of Publications