Dr Floris Verhaart

Floris Verhaart is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. His interests include the religious and intellectual culture of the early modern period, as well as Neo-Latin studies. Along with Paul Botley, he is currently working on an edition of the correspondence of the scholar and poet Dominicus Baudius (1561-1613), whose letters were widely read and hugely popular in the seventeenth century. Baudius’ letters were printed fourteen times in the fifty years after his death, but the text was always heavily censored in these seventeenth-century editions. Our edition will reconstruct the original text of the letters on the basis of manuscript material and circumstantial evidence and will also give insight into the reasons why censorship was applied in the seventeenth century. More information about the project can be found here: The Correspondence of Dominicus Baudius (warwick.ac.uk) .
Before joining Warwick, he completed a DPhil in history at the University of Oxford and held postdoctoral fellowships at Queen’s University Belfast and University College Cork. He is the author and (co-)editor of four books.
Teaching for the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance in 2023-2024
Term 1
- Renaissance Europe I: Origins, Traditions, and Society of the Renaissance (UG)
- Latin Palaeography (PG)
Term 2
- Renaissance Europe II: Arts, Culture, and Knowledge of the Renaissance (UG)
- Renaissance Culture and Society (PG)
Publications (selection)
- Floris Verhaart, Classical Learning in Britain, France, and the Dutch Republic (1690-1750): Beyond the Ancients and the Moderns (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020). [Monograph.]
- Ian Campbell and Floris Verhaart (eds), Protestant Politics beyond Calvin: Reformed Theologians on War in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Abingdon: Routledge, 2022) [Anthology with introduction, translation, and commentary.]
- Floris Verhaart and Laurence Brockliss (eds), The Latin Language and the Enlightenment (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2023). [Edited volume.]
- Floris Verhaart and Karen Hollewand (eds), Hadriaan Beverland’s De peccato originali: A Critical Edition with Translation and Commentary (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2023). [Critical edition with translation.]
Articles and book chapters
- ‘A Humanist Identity in an Enlightened Age: Neo-Latin Poetry, Canon Building, and the Quarrel of the Ancients and the Moderns in the Dutch Republic,’ in Latin Enlightenment: Uses of Latin in the Long Eighteenth Century, edited by Floris Verhaart and Laurence Brockliss (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2023), pp. 39-59.
- ‘From Humanism to Enlightenment: Nicolas Gueudeville and his Translation of More’s Utopia,’ in The Oxford Handbook of Thomas More’s Utopia, edited by Cathy Shrank and Philip Withington (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022), pp. 324-40.
- ‘National Traditions in Scholarship: The French and Dutch Schools of Classical Scholarship at the Turn of the Eighteenth Century,’ in The Worlds of Knowledge and the Classical Tradition in the Early Modern Age: Comparative Approaches, edited by Dmitri Levitin and Ian Maclean (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2021), pp. 21-63.
- ‘Jean-Baptiste Du Bos and the Réflexions critiques sur la poésie et sur la peinture within the Context of Contemporary Philology and Antiquarianism,’ Intellectual History Review 32.3 (2022), pp. 411-28.
- ‘Across the Confessional Divide: Johannes Hoornbeeck (1617-1666), José de Acosta (1540-1600), and the Role of Force and Free Will in the Development of a Reformed Missiology in the Dutch Republic,’ Journal of the History of Ideas 83.4 (2022), pp. 629-42.
- ‘Latin, Liberty, and Human Rights: Pieter Burman the Younger’s Circle and Revolutionary Thought in the Eighteenth Century,’ Humanistica Lovaniensia 71.1 (2022), pp. 79-114.
- ‘Scholars and the Public Sphere: The Transmission of Knowledge via Polemics in the Republic of Letters at the Turn of the Eighteenth Century,’ De Achttiende Eeuw 45.2 (2013), pp. 142-163
- ‘Horace and Ramist Dialectic: Pierre Gaultier Chabot’s (1516-1598?) Commentaries,’ in Transformations of the Classics via Early Modern Commentaries, edited by K.A.E. Enenkel (Leiden: Brill, 2013), pp. 15-46.
- ‘L’anglois a autant de civilité que le hollandois: Jean Le Clerc, Pieter Burman and the Strategic Use of Stereotypes in the Republic of Letters,’ De Zeventiende Eeuw 29.1 (2013), 64-80 [In print].
- ‘Productive Tensions in the Republic of Letters: Jean Le Clerc and Pieter Burman in Search of the Relevance of the Classics,’ in S. Rebeggiani and G. Pezzini (eds.) Classics Scholars: Their Works and Methods (Pisa and Rome: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2013), pp. 61-75