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The Correspondence of Dominicus Baudius


A generous grant from the Leverhulme Trust to Professor Paul Botley has made it possible to produce the first critical edition of the correspondence of Dominicus Baudius (1561-1613), one of the most widely read letter-writers in Latin of the seventeenth century. Despite the popularity of his writings, the existing editions – all dating to the period 1615 to 1662 – have all been censored and bowdlerised. This two-year project will use manuscript evidence to restore Baudius’ correspondence, and will make available previously unpublished letters. The edition, to be published in three volumes with Droz in Geneva in 2025, will identify precisely what early editors chose not to print, and ask why they chose not to print it.

For a more detailed account of the project's aims and methods, see our Project Summary.

For the editors, see here: Project Staff.

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Portrait of Dominicus Baudius