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Postdoctoral: taking a look forward

'Early postdoctoral' awards come in a variety of guises, from short-term Assistantships and three- to four-year Research Fellowships to 'tenure-track' lectureships. Below follows a short list of the main, regular schemes which may of interest to those coming to the end of their PhD studies on a Renaissance-related topic:

The following may also be of interest for those who already have obtained their PhD:
  • The British Academy has arrangements with the Huntington (California) and Newberry (Chicago) Libraries for postdoctoral research sojourns (1-3 months). Application deadline 15 January
  • Scouloudi Historical Awards. The purpose for these awards are a) as a subsidy towards the cost of publishing a scholarly book or article, or an issue of a learned journal in the field of history and b) to pay for research, and other expenses, to be incurred in the completion of advanced historical work, which the applicant intends subsequently to publish. This does not included expenses incurred in the preparation of a thesis for a higher degree. Awards are not available to those registered for undergraduate or postgraduate courses or degrees. Forms and regulations are available on their website
  • La Fondation Kastler(offers support for doctoral or postdoctoral researchers seeking to undertake a research sojourn in France)
  • The British Federation of Women GraduatesLink opens in a new window
  • Vitae is the UK organisation championing the personal, professional and career development of doctoral researchers and research staff in higher education institutions and research institutes
  • Beyond the PhD - ideas and views on career development after an Arts and Humanities PhD

Other offers of postdoctoral places are advertised in the press and on For a general overview of postdoctoral funding, put together by Warwick's Research Support Services, click here. You can also seek advice from Warwick's Careers Service.

Always discuss with your supervisor what you can realistically apply for. If you wish to remain based at Warwick, then you are warmly invited to discuss your plans with the Centre's Director.