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Renaissance Culture and Society (Core Module)

Seminar Timetable for the Core Module (RS904) and Skills Sessions: Term 2, 2016-17, based at the University of Warwick

Readings for core module

Week 1. Monday 9 January 2017, 2:15-4:15, H450. ‘The City: The Idea of Rome’ (Prof. Ingrid De Smet)

 Week 2. Monday 16 January, 10:00-12:00, H450. ‘Fuimus Troes (‘We were Trojans’):  Theories of Ethnography and Historiography in the Renaissance(Dr Sara Trevisan) 

Week 3. Tuesday 24 January, 10:00-12:00, H450. ‘Thomas More’s Utopia(Prof. Mark Knights) Please note that this class is on Tuesday 

Week 4. Monday 30 January, 10:00-12.00, H450. ‘Organising Knowledge in the Renaissance’ (Dr David Lines) 

Week 5. Monday 6 February, 1:00-3:00, H450. ‘The Wars of Religion’ (Prof. Penny Roberts) . Please note the later time for this class 

Week 6. Reading Week – No classes 

Week 7. Monday 20 February, 10:00-12:00, H450. ‘Reading Plato in the Italian Renaissance’ (Dr. Maude Vanhaelen)

Week 8. Monday 27 February, 15:30-17:30, H450. ‘Neoplatonism in Renaissance Art’ (Dr Lorenzo Pericolo)  Please note the later time for this class

Week 9. Monday 6 March, 10:00-12:00, H450. ‘English Literature: Domestic Tragedy’ (Dr. Iman Sheeha)

Week 10. Monday 13 March, 10:00-12:00, H450. ‘Religion, Ethnicity and Race in Elizabethan Drama: The Jew of Malta and The Merchant of Venice’ (Dr. Máté Vince)

Timetable for Renaissance Centre's Induction + Skills Sessions ~ Term 2, Warwick

Week 1.
  • Monday 9 January, 12:30-2:00, Graduate Space (near H450). Warwick Induction (Prof. Ingrid De Smet / Dr. Sarah Wood) which includes lunch
  • Thursday 12 January, 16:00, Library Seminar Room, 2nd Floor, Warwick Library. (SS) ‘Introduction to Warwick University Library / Bibliographic Searching for Renaissance Sources/Using Electronic Textual Sources’ (Lynn Wright/Helen Curtis). The purpose of this session is to introduce students to the resources and services available at the university library and to explore some of the databases suitable for Renaissance Studies. As a starting point for the class, please see the University Useful introductory guides are: Sonja Cameron and Sarah Richardson, Using Computers in History (Palgrave, 2005); Charles Harvey and Jon Press, Databases in Historical Research (Macmillan, 1996). Library pages for Renaissance Studies: 
Week 4.
  • Tuesday 31 January, 14:00-15:00, H450. (SS, Prof. Ingrid De Smet) ‘Consulting Renaissance-related databases; building a bibliography; writing a literature review’. This session will review some of the foundations of academic writing in the field of Renaissance and Early Modern studies. You will have already explored the principal databases that will help you build a corpus of primary materials and critical bibliography (skills session week 2), now we will discuss the principles of bibliographical referencing, and strategies for writing a literature review (state of the question). If you can't wait to get started, see: Paul Oliver, Succeeding with your literature review: a handbook for students ​(n.p.: Open University Press, 2012; Susan Imel, 'Writing a literature review' in Tonette S. Rocco, The Handbook of Scholarly Writing and Publishing (Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011), chapter 11.
Week 8.
  • Tuesday 28 February, 14:00-15:00, H450. (SS) Dissertation Writing Workshop (Ingrid De Smet)