A Conference Held at Il Ciocco Conference Centre, near Lucca, Tuscany, 16-21 September 2000
Chairman: Professor J. R. Mulryne, University of Warwick (U.K.)
Vice-Chairman: Dr Gillian Bepler, Herzog August Bibliothek (Germany)
Secretariat: Dr Elizabeth Goldring, University of Warwick (UK)
Saturday, 16 September 2000
19.00: Welcome Dinner
Sunday, 17 September 2000
9.00: Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly (Exeter College, Oxford)
From Event to Print: European Festival Books of the Renaissance
Chair: Sydney Anglo (University of Swansea)
10.00: Jochen Becker (University of Utrecht)
"Mehr als Zeuxis und Apelles": ein silbernes Standbild für Michelangelo in Antwerpen (1549)
Chair: Henri Zerner (Harvard University)
11.00-11.30: Coffee break
11.30: Richard Cooper (Brasenose College, Oxford)
Court Festival and Triumphal Entries under Henri III
Chair: Jill Bepler (Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel)
12.30: Lunch
Chair: Elizabeth Goldring (University of Warwick)
14.00: Veronika Sandbichler (Leopold-Franzens University, Innsbruck)
The Wedding Festival Book of Archduke Ferdinand II of Austria (1529-1595)
14.20: Paul Cohen (Princeton University)
Which Idiom to Celebrate the King? Royal Entry Ceremonies and National Language Ideology in Early Modern France
14.40: Anne-Laure van Bruaene (University of Ghent)
The Chambers of Rhetoric in the Low Countries as Organisers of Court Festivals (15th and 16th Centuries)
15.00: Questions and Discussion
17.00: Mara Wade (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Politics and Performance: Saxon-Danish Court Festivals, 1548-1709
18.00: Allan Ellenius (University of Uppsala)
The Way to Eternity: Court Funerals in Eighteenth-Century Sweden
Chair: Neville Davies (University of Birmingham)
20.00: Dinner
Monday, 18 September 2000
9.00: Margaret McGowan (University of Sussex)
The Renaissance Triumph and its Classical Inheritance
10.00: Bonner Mitchell (University of Missouri-Columbia)
Extratemporal Dignity: the Psychology of Allusions to Ancient History in Sixteenth-Century Entries
Chair: Robert Oresko (Institute of Historical Research, London)
11.00-11.30: Coffee break
11.30: Claudia Schnitzer (Prints and Drawings Collection, Dresden)
Kostümfigurine und Festpraxis am Beispiel des Dresdner Hofes
Chair: Günter Berghaus (University of Bristol)
12.30: Lunch
Chair: Paul Cohen (Princeton University)
14.00: Victoria Musvik (Moscow State University)
And the King of Barbary's Envoy Had to Stand in the Yard: The Perception of Elizabethan Court Festivals in Russia in 1600
14.20: Sandra Pietrini (University of Florence)
The Role of Court Fools at Royal Festivals
14.40: David Rosenthal (Monash University, Australia)
River Work, River Play: Social Relations and Spectacle in the Florence of Cosimo II
15.00: Maximilian L. S. Tondro (St John's College, Cambridge)
The First Temporary Triumphal Arch in Venice, 1557
15.20: Questions and Discussion
17.00: Almut Bues (German Historical Institute, Warsaw)
The Political Use of Festival in an Electoral Monarchy: Poland-Lithuania, 16th-18th Centuries
18.00: Aron Petneki (University of Miskolc, Hungary)
"Funus eius magnificentissima pompa … elatum est" : Aspekte der höefischen Begräebnisse in Ost-Mittel-Europa (16.-17 Jahrhundert)
Chair: Karin Friedrich (School of Slavonic and East European Studies, London)
20.00: Dinner
Tuesday, 19 September 2000
9.00: FORUM: Music, Performance and Public
Chair: Iain Fenlon (King's College, Cambridge)
Dinko Fabris (Conservatorio di Bari)
Feste musicali di una capitale senza corte: Napoli spagnola da Carlo V (1536) a Filippo V (1702)
Juan-José Carreras (Ciudad Universidad, Zaragoza)
Music and Festival in Seventeenth-Century Madrid
Nicoletta Guidobaldi (Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance, Tours)
Musica e danza nella festa di corte del primo Rinascimento
11.00-11.30: Coffee break
11.30: Roger Savage (University of Edinburgh)
A Check-List for Philostrate: Problems of Staging a Courtly Show
Chair: Margaret Shewring (University of Warwick)
12.30: Lunch, followed by afternoon excursion to Lucca
20.00: Dinner
Wednesday, 20 September 2000
9.00: Bernhard Schimmelpfennig (University of Augsburg)
The Two Coronations of Charles V at Bologna, 1530
10.00: Robert Knecht (University of Birmingham)
The Journey of Charles V through France, 1539-40
Chair: Mark Greengrass (University of Sheffield)
11.00-11.30: Coffee break
11.30: Monique Chatenet (L'inventaire général, Paris)
Henri III et le ceremonial de France
Chair: Robert Knecht (University of Birmingham)
12.30: Lunch
Chair: Jane Rickard (University of Warwick)
14.00: Elizabeth Goldring (University of Warwick)
The Funeral of Sir Philip Sidney and the Politics of Elizabethan Festival
14.20: Lisa Sampson (University of Cambridge)
Pastoral Performances at the Ferrarese Court
14.40: Flora Dennis (Emmanuel College, Cambridge)
Music in Ferrarese Festivals: Harmony and Chaos
15.20: Questions and Discussion
17.00: Nicolas Le Roux (Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne)
Les politiques de la fête à la cour des derniers Valois
18.00: Chantal Grell (Centre d'histoire culturelle de l'Europe moderne, Versailles),
Le financement et l'organisation materielle des fêtes de Louis XIV
Chair: Maria Ines Aliverti (University of Pisa)
20.00: Dinner
Thursday, 21 September 2000
9.00: Marie-Françoise Christout (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris)
Louis XIV et le ballet de cour (1651-1670)
Chair: Marie-Claude Canova-Green (Goldsmiths College, London)
10.00: Peter Davidson (University of Warwick; from September, University of Aberdeen)
The Grisaille Arch for the Wedding of Federico della Rovere and Claudia de' Medici
Chair: Ronnie Mulryne (University of Warwick)
12.30: Lunch
During the conference, delegates had the opportunity to attend three informal multi-media sessions devoted to CD-ROM and web-site demonstrations of material related to festival studies. Participants included Sandra Pietrini (University of Florence), Guy Spielmann (Georgetown University), and Elizabeth Woodrough (University of Exeter).