Ritual in Renaissance Siena:Comparative Disciplinary Approaches
Friday, 16 May 2003 University of Warwick, UK 10.00-4.30
Organizers: Philippa Jackson and Fabrizio Nevola
Speakers will include:
Martina Schilling (University of Warwick)
Altarpiece and Choir: The Liturgical Setting for Duccio's Maesta'
Gerrit Schenk (University of Essen)
'Enter the Emperor: Charles IV and Siena between Politics, Diplomacy and Ritual'
Machtelt Israels (University of Amsterdam)
‘Altars on the Street: The Arte della Lana, the Carmelites and the Feast of Corpus Domini in Siena’
Christine Shaw (University of Warwick)
'Peace-making Rituals in Renaissance Siena'
Philippa Jackson (Warburg Institute, London)
‘Pomp or Piety: the Funeral of Pandolfo Petrucci'
Mauro Mussolin (Villa I Tatti, Harvard University)
'The Cult of the Immaculate Conception and Sienese Religious Architecture'
Karin Fuchs (University of Freiburg i. Ue.)
‘Palazzo Pubblico of Siena 1529-36 - the decoration of the Sala del Concistoro by Domenico Beccafumi and the long expected "venuta" of Charles V’
Diana Norman (Open University)
Discussion Chair
Coffee will be served at 10.00 in the Graduate Space in the Humanities Building Extension Block
Papers will be given in Room H.060 in the Humanities Building
Dr Fabrizio Nevola
AHRB Centre for the Study of Renaissance Elites and Court Cultures
University of Warwick
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 024 7657 3963
Fax: +44 024 7657 2997
Email: fabrizio.nevola@warwick.ac.uk