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Vacation School. 'Neo-Latin Studies Today: Tools, Trends and Methodologies'

IANLS Vacation School: 7-9th July 2016, Venice, Italy

img21175-palazzo-pesaro-papafava-cannaregio-venezia-venice.jpgNeo-Latin Studies Today – a short Vacation School for early career researchers – will take place from 7-9th July 2016 at the University of Warwick's Venice premises, in the historic Palazzo Pesaro Papafava.

Overview: why an event on Neo-Latin Studies?

Neo-Latin Studies (NLS) concerns the rich body of Latin writings from the dawn of humanism in Trecento Italy and the spread of the Renaissance to the present. Three new companions to Neo-Latin (NL) (Brill, OUP, CUP) illuminate the development of NLS from an emerging discipline into a recognized field of study per se. Nonetheless, there are few, if any, “departments of Neo-Latin Studies”: institutionally, Neo-Latinists are affiliated with Classics (especially on the Continent), Modern Languages (including English), International Studies, History (including History of Science); others work in History of art, Music, Philosophy, Theology, and in libraries and archives; a few are based in interdisciplinary centres. If Neo-Latin is united by the use of one language (a Latin that consciously reacts against Medieval usage and harks back to, but inevitably remains distinct from, Classical Latin) and a strong consciousness of its Ancient heritage, NLS remains diverse in terms of national paradigms, topics and genres (from scientific discovery and confessional debate to occasional poetry, diaries and jokes). As a living language, NL played an enormous role in education, and in international communication through diplomatic and scholarly correspondences, in Europe as well as the New World and the Orient. Today, Latin serves in academic publications, taxonomy, inscriptions, speeches, and semi-popular culture, witness, e.g., Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation speech (February 2013), the world news bulletin Ephemeris (, and the Latin Harry Potter.

Navigating these diversities is no easy task, especially for doctoral and early career researchers who are as yet carving out an academic identity of their own. Common uncertainties range from the most immediate and practical, to long-term career planning: what are the best dictionaries and databases to use alongside those advocated by Classicists, historians or modern linguists? What are the (dis)advantages of web-based editions? Should any study of NL take into account productions in the vernacular? What are the best venues for publishing articles and books? Given the various “national schools”, what constitutes best practice for studying and teaching NL? And what kind of academic jobs are open to holders of a PhD on NL topics? How should a budding Neo-Latinist prepare for the job market? Our Vacation School offers a unique opportunity to address these issues.

The Vacation School's Objectives

The event consists of a programme of lectures and/or workshops aimed at UK, European and transatlantic Early Career Researchers (normally advanced PhD students, or those with up to three years of postdoctoral experience) working with Renaissance and Early Modern Latin sources. It may also be of interest to some more experienced researchers who are only just developing an interest in the field (e.g. Classicists newly turning to reception studies). NLTS also intends to aid Early Career Researchers in the establishment of new networks, placing their publications in an international forum, and preparing the ground for postdoctoral and mobility applications.

An International Panel of Specialists

This international advanced training programme brings together the expertise of nine established specialists, from the USA (Craig Kallendorf), Austria (Florian Schaffenrath), Hungary (Énikö Békés), Finland (Raija Sarasti-Wilenius), Germany (Marc Laureys), Austria (Johann Ramminger), Spain (María Teresa Santamaría Hernándes) and Joaquín Pascual Barea and the UK (Ingrid De Smet), all of whom fulfil leading roles in the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies (IANLS) and/or are active as Neo-Latinists in the Renaissance Society of America, and other regional/national networks and learned societies. Through presentations and round tables, we aim to enhance the as yet uneven quality of NL research and prepare participants for their future careers.

Provisional programme (click for details)

Neo-Latin workshop in collaboration with:
Our programme is generously subsidised by Warwick University:

and by the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies.


Conference registration fees:
Full registration fee: £85
Warwick staff fee: £75
Student fee: £65

(Most major credit/debit cards are accepted)

Terms and Conditions (these are important, so do please read)(PDF Document)

Suggested General Reading
Topic specific reading (password protected-attendees only)

Downloadable Programme (PDF Document)

PPP general view

Palazzo Pesaro Papafava Location and Contacts

General conference delegate information

Palazzo Pesaro Papafava area map inc hotels

Airports to Venice-Routes and PPP address




