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'Rhetoric and Tradition: A Celebration of Peter Mack'

Symposium on Saturday 1st November 2025

Rhetoric and Tradition: A Celebration of Peter Mack

University of Warwick Arts Centre

Woods-Scawen Lecture Theatre

Helen Martin Studio (lunch and coffee breaks)

Agora, Faculty of Arts Building (wine reception)

Speakers include: Jennifer Richards, Rita Copeland, Larry Green, Manfred Kraus, Paul Botley, Henry Woudhuysen, Andrew Hadfield, Graeme McDonald, Rebecca Earle, David Morley, Jeremy Treglown, Paul Hills and members of Peter's family.

This celebration is co-sponsored and jointly funded by the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance and the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies (Warwick), the Society for Renaissance Studies (SRS) and the Warburg Institute

Registration information

Costs are £25 each, £10 for student concessions. This fee includes lunch, coffee and wine reception. Link to booking form HERE.

Dinner will be hosted at Scarman House at 19.30 (central Warwick campus) and this is on a 'book and pay for yourself basis'.

Contact their dedicated booking team to discuss being added to the dinner reservation, or to make a B&B booking, on +44(0)24 7652 3222



10.30-11 Coffee

11-11.30 Welcome

11.30-1.30 Roundtable, responses to Peter Mack’s work (Chair Ingrid de Smet)

1.30-2.30pm lunch

2.30-4pm Plenary Lecture (Brian Cummings)

4-4.30 Coffee

4.30-5.30 Reading and discussion of Peter Mack’s essays

5.30-6.30 Wine Reception