The readings for each class will be available on this page at least a week in advance.
Each class session will be organised around a short passage by an important early modern writer. We will read and translate the passage together, while also discussing grammatical and stylistic characteristics. Sessions will also include revision of relevant points of grammar.
Term 2
Week 1. Introduction. Giovanni Boccaccio’s De casibus virorum illustrium 8.1
Week 2. Poggius’ De nobilitate.
Week 3. Leonardus Chiensis’ De vera nobilitate and Buonaccorso da Montemagno's De nobilitate.
Week 4. Poggius’ Historia Florentina Book 1.
Week 5. Nicholas of Cusa’s Epistola ad Rodericum Sancium de Arevalo.
Week 6. Reading week – no class.
Week 7. Erasmus’ Moriae encomium (epilogue).
Week 8. Guillaume Budé’s De philologia.
Week 9. Thomas Linacre’s De emendata structura Latini sermonis (Book 6, Temporum enallage).
Week 10. Willem Canter’s Latin version of Aelius Aristides’ Concerning the Prohibition of Comedy (or. 29 Lenz – Behr = 29 Keil = 40 Dindorf).
Term 3
Awaiting suggestions from participants; TBA at the start of term.