UPDATE AS AT 18 MARCH 2020: Unfortunately due to the current climate of movement restrictions and social distancing / isolation, the decision has been made to cancel this course.
Our apologies to those who were signed up to participate.
The Centre for the Study of the Renaissance at the University of Warwick will run a 9-week evening course on the theme of ‘Religion in Europe between the late medieval period and the Reformation'. Classes will take place at the University, on Friday evenings, 7-9pm, starting on 24th April 2020, in room H0.58 (Ground floor Humanities Building). The cost of the course is £125pp, numbers will be limited to around 16, and a deposit will eventually be required to secure a place. A little more insight into the theme can be found below:
Religion played a very central role in the social, economic, cultural and political life of all groups of people in late medieval and Renaissance Europe. This is a period that saw immense change and conflict, which influenced all areas of life. We will look at how these transformations affected the lives of people from various groups in society, from the parish level to the highest political circles. The course will explore the features of the medieval religious landscape and proceed to investigate the nature of the changes brought by the Reformation, also considering religious deviance.
Confirmed timetable is below.
To book your place or to be added to our mailing list, please email or call on 024 7652 4587 (office hours 9-5pm, Tuesday-Friday).
Date |
Tutor |
Topic |
24 April |
Aysu Dincer |
'Crusading in the Fourteenth-Century' |
1 May |
Joe Chick |
'Guilds and Popular Religion' |
15 May |
Maria Pavlova |
'Encounters with Islam and the Islamic world in Renaissance Italy'' |
22 May |
David Lines |
‘Italian Humanism and the Church Fathers’ |
29 May |
Beat Kümin | 'The View from Below: Parish Religion on the Eve of the Reformation' |
5 June |
Bryan Brazeau |
'Fractured Heroes in Counter-Reformation Italy: Torquato Tasso’s The Liberation of Jerusalem' |
12 June |
Naomi Pullin |
‘Reformations and Religious Deviance in Pre-Modern Europe’ |
19 June |
David Nicoll | 'Tension and unity: Religious confessions and community in sixteenth-century France' |
26 June |
Aidan Norrie |
‘As Solomon, so I above all things have desired wisdom’: Protestantism, Parliament, and Polemic in Elizabethan England |

Old St Paul’s (sermon at St Paul's Cross) by John Gipkyn (1616)