Feasts and Festivals in the Renaissance
Warwick University’s Centre for the Study of the Renaissance (CSR) is holding a community study day on ‘Feasts and Festivals in the Renaissance’ on Friday 30th September 2022, 10:00-3:30pm approx. The day course will give the attendees an opportunity to explore this fascinating topic, through a focused and immersive experience in our new Faculty of Arts Building (FAB), room 1.10 (first floor).
Feast days and festivals held an important place in Renaissance daily life. They shaped the yearly calendar, punctuating it with days of celebration and ritual, where communities reaffirmed their bonds and celebrated together. Feasts and festivals also functioned as opportunities for displays of abundance, wealth and power. Examples of the kinds of topics we will cover include: rituals, the types of food consumed, entertainment, and the idea of ‘misrule’.
The study day will start at 10am and conclude at 3.30pm. The programme will include four one-hour sessions delivered by academic members of the Centre, including Margaret Shewring, Joseph Chick, Eva van Kemenade and Naomi Pullin.
The cost of the course is £50pp (credit/debit card payment only), lunch will be provided and numbers will be limited to around 12. Deadline for registration and payment is 08:00 BST Tuesday 20th September 2022.

Paolo Veronese (The Wedding at Cana) 1563