Leila Zammar
When I first applied to attend a PhD program at the University of Warwick, I was a mature professor around fifty years old, who had a well-built teaching career but was still very curious and willing to learn. I had long dreamt of researching about the set design and staging techniques used to perform early operas (I teach a course on introduction to opera at Loyola University of Chicago JFRC) and Warwick gave me the possibility to fulfil my wishes. I have gained my PhD thanks to professors David Lines and Margaret Shewring, who have been generous and helpful supervisors. I have also found a friendly and supportive atmosphere among the other Renaissance Studies students and its nice Administrator Jayne Brown. My experience at Warwick has proved to be one of the best in my life. I have had the opportunity to widen my scholarly frontiers, make connections with researchers all over the world, writing and sharing articles, participating in and organising conferences. My academia webpage is https://luc.academia.edu/LeilaZammar