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Publications & Presentations

Conference presentations / Papers 


  • [postponed]: STVDIO seminar (University of Warwick)
    • Shaping National Identity or National Rivalry?: Published Translations of Navigation Manuals in the English Renaissance, 1500-1640




  • "The STCV Workshop: Practical Training in Analytical Bibliography for Staff of Heritage Libraries" in Raphaële Mouren, ed. Ambassadors of the Book. Competences and Training for Heritage Librarians. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012, p. 167-175.
  • '"For the Common Good and for the National Interest": English Translations of Navigation Manuals and Their Paratexts' in S.K. Barker and Brenda M. Hosington, eds. Renaissance Cultural Crossroads: Translation, Print and Culture in Britain, 1473-1640. Leiden: Brill, [2012]


As translator:

  • Herman Mulder, 'Cameracenses nihil servant de sancto Frederico: The Windesheim calendar in the dioceses of Utrecht and Cambrai' in De gulden passer. Tijdschrift voor boekwetenschap 89.1 (2011), p. 7-29.
  • Ortelius' Spieghel der Werelt. Een facsimile voor Francine de Nave - Ortelius's Spieghel der Werelt. A Facsimile for Francine de Nave. Antwerp: Uitgaven van de Vereniging van Antwerpse Bibliofielen (New Series: 4), 2009. [3 vols.]
    All the English translations, most notably volume 2:
    • Dirk Imhof, 'The Printing and Selling of the First Editions of Ortelius's Pocket Atlas', p. 19-29.
    • Hubert Meeus, 'The Spieghel der Wereltas Mirror of Peeter Heyns', p. 49-68.