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Copy of PhD in Renaissance Studies

About the course

We offer our doctoral students a buoyant research culture with academics of national and international renown from across Medieval, Renaissance, and Early Modern Studies (see 'People'). Students are typically advised by two supervisors based in different departments. This allows them to pursue research that combines multiple methodological approaches. The CSR's strong institutional links, and the presence of visiting students and scholars, make for a greatly enriching environment for our own students.

Current doctoral research in the CSR

Previous PhD research theses

How to apply

• write a draft research proposal (feasible in up to four years). In around 500–1000 words, explain what you would like to research and why. Send this to the Director of Graduate Studies for advice about the most suitable supervisor(s). Develop your proposal in consultation with your prospective supervisor(s), typically by October/November.

• follow the steps under the 'Warwick application guide' above to put in an application for a place and for funding (typically by December).

• wait for the outcome of scholarship competitions, usually announced in February/March.

Success stories

Our graduates have gone on to teaching and research positions at a number of global instiutions, eg, Sara Miglietti is senior lecturer at the Warburg Institute; Aidan Norrie teaches at University Campus North Lincolnshire; Sophia Li, is professor at the National Sun Yet-sen University in Taiwan; Leila Zammar teaches and researches in Rome.

Other alumni profiles,