Emblem 11
The Dubious aRaven doth her young forsake
Whil'st Callow shee noe Care of them will Take
Till shee peceives their Plumes of sable hew
They beeing Nourished with Celestiall Dew
If God the voice of Volliteeles doth hear 5
Why should his Children then soe Faint and Fear
T'was hee that these hard Hearted Birds did make
Of his bEliah constant care to take
When hee involved was in want and sorrow
They brought him Bread and Flesh both E've and Morrow 10
Thus Gods affections altereth every hower
To shew to us his infinite Love and Power
Then as thy Freinds and near relations Die
To him alone (to him) for comfort Flie
For though thy Father and thy Mother bee 15
In noe Capacitie to Comfort thee
And though successive sorrows and new Fears
Makes thee his dAlter cover or'e with Tears
Nay though thy onely Love doth thee Forsake
Yet hee will then, thee to his Mercie take 20
Despaire not then my Soul but Patient bee
For hee that hear's Young Ravens will hear thee.