Emblem 12
This Vast Leviathan Whose Breathing blows
Huge Floods and sholes of Fishes through his Nose
Hee whose Fair Consort in salt Pickle lyes
To feast the Jewes or elce their Talmond lies
Even hee who treated Jonas in his Belly 5
With wholsom Chilus and Provokeing Gelley
With poynant sauce and Unctious Caveare
A Diet as restorative as Rare
Even hee the Chief of all the Sons of Pride
Cannot pursue his prey without a Guide 10
The little Musculus doth Swim before
Least hee in Shelves or Sands his Bulk should Moor
And of the Whales abundance shee but lives
The Emperious Monster Scrapes, and Mammucks gives
Soe may you see Nils Caymen gapeing lye 15
Whilst in and out his Mouth the Wren doth Flie
To wake him when the Ichneamon her Foe
Into her Lothed Intralls strives to goe
For which the Putred Flesh shee picks away
Between her teeth, this beeing all her pay 20
Soe greatest Monarchs poorest vassals need
Soe hungry Pesants pamper'd Nobles Feed
Then let those that are placed the rest above
Answer their labour with their care and Love
And Pittie those which labor at the Plough 25
T'is God that made the difference and not thou.