Emblem 22
The hunted Hart when shee begins to Tire
Before her vitall Spirits doth expire
Shee every way doth Rowl her weeping Eye
At last shee finds her long'd for Dittany
Which having Eat if shee bee but alive 5
It doth her fainting spirit soe revive
That shee out Runs all that her life pursue
Though they their Courage and their cryes renew
Yet shee trips on the Hounds their Yelping cease
And shee in those sweet shades doth rest in Peace 10
Thus if at any time shee bee opprest
In her lov'd Dittany shee findeth rest
Even soe a soul which is or'e whelmd with griefe
And in this Empty Orb finds noe reliefe
Though present sorrows doth her heart oppress 15
And future fears afflict her thoughts noe less
Though her sad soul with suffrings gi'ns to Tire
Her Fainting spirit ready to expire
Though shee is pursued by her Goastly Foes
Who all her sins in their true Coulours shows 20
Her soul beeing Fild with Horrid Hellish Fears
Her Heart en'e break with sighs, her Eyes with Tears
Beeing quite dissolv'd, even fainting then shee goes
To him who for her sake his life did lose
Then o my God though sorrows doe involve 25
My sinfull soul, though I to Tears dissolv
Or though my spirit I suspire to Ayre
Yet let mee trust in thee and not despair
And when my sorrows and my sins doe cease
Let mee injoy thy everlasting Peace. 30