Emblem 3
That many Heliotropians there bee
Philosophers unanimously agree
But that a plant should in the Center grow
Few Naturalist to find the Truth will goe
Soe Far below the Cavarns of the Dead 5
To Find this Simple Simpring in her Bed
Which sends forth Branches through the Sea or Earth
And as the Sun doth Rise begins her Birth
Then as hee higher doth in splender goe
Even soe this Azure Flower doth Taller grow 10
And when hee Mounts to his Miridian Height
Then many Cubits shee doth stand upright
Above the Earth when to the Western Tracts
Hesperion goes her stature shee contracts
Then when hee Hurries down the Olympick Hill 15
Lower and Lower this brave Flower growes still
But when in Thetis Lap hee layes his Head
Shee sadly sinks into her Earthly Bed
When to the Antipodes hee doth apear
Shee follows him to tother Hemispheir 20
The Earth or Sea be’ng every where above her
Shee breaks through all to meet her Raidient Lover
Even soe those Soules which are to God united
Though in this vale of Tears they be benighted
Yet still a Blessed Influence from above 25
Sweetly inclin's them to a constant Love
Though Tyrants in their innocent bloods doe Wallow
Though they the Martyrs in their Deaths doe Follow
Wheels, Jibbits Precipices Crosses, Flame
The’le break through all to magnifie his name 30
T'is neither Power nor Principallitie
Dear God can seperate my soul from thee
Nor all the Powers of Heaven Hell or Earth
Can keep my Soul from whence she had her Birth
Though Death Calcine my Flesh and bones to dust 35
In my first Principles I'le in thee trust
Ney even my Dust disperst shall rest in hope
To meete my Saviour in a Horiscope
Infinitely then this our Orb more bright
Not interwoven as now with death and Night 40
Then though I sadly here sigh out my story
Yet am I sure to Rise again to Glory.