Emblem 31
Old Esculus being told that hee should die
By the descent of something from on High
Into the field hee went and satt him down
The Sun Shone bright upon his glistring Crown
For hee to Erisine had sacrifis'd 5
Pitty a Poet thus was stigmatiz'd
A Towring Eagle let her prey fall down
In hope to break the Escallup on his Crown
Shee had her wish it broke the fatall shell
And struck the Poets Ryming Soul to Hell 10
Then let none Curiously prie in their Fate
For none can lengthen or make short their date
For surely none their Fortune can prevent
Unless a Messenger from Heaven bee sent
With a Reprieve, soe Hezechias Tears 15
A pardon did obtain for fifteen years
This Jezabell found true that fatall hour
When Dogs her Curssed Karcas did Devour
Nor could domition Cross his Prophets fate
Or ad a minute to his own lives date 20
Though Cæsar did the fatall Ides know
At twenty and three wounds his blood did flow
Soe Agrippina was her fate foretold
Yet, her descection Nero did behould
Then let mee never know my Destinie 25
But every day soe live that when I die
I may with comfort lay these Ruins down
In dust ‘tis softer farr then finest Down
Nor is that Pillow stuft with Cares or fears
Nor shall I wake as now to Sighs and tears 30
Yet o my God this Comfort let mee have
Let mee not here anticipate my Grave
Yet if I must alive thus buried bee
Let mee yet live my gracious God to thee
Then soe assist my soul in her Sad Story 35
That though I fall yet I may Rise to Glory.