Emblem 37
Behold how many Cobwebs doth invest
This ugly Spider in her nasty Nest
Where Barricado'd shee in ambush lies
Domition like to Murther sportive Flyes
Yet such a Monsterous Spider once I saw 5
That would with ease, Flies, Wasps and Hornets draw
Most Cruelly into her Dusty Nest
Then Tyrant like shee on their Blood would feast
Yet did I see a slender Azure Flye
Make this bloodsucking Monster fall and die 10
Soe the most impious Tirants in the World
Even in a moment to the Grave are Whorld
That King of Terrours doth by sentence Just
Grind even their very Skellitons to dust
When hee upon the pale Horse doth apear 15
A Julianus then begins to fear
Throwing his blood and spirits in the skies
Confes'd yet died in his Apostacies
What by the Wars was Alexanders gains
When guilt his Conscience, poyson stung his veins 20
Soe hee that hath three Kingdoms in his power
What comfort will they Yield that fatall hower
When as that Sea of Innocent blood shall Rore
To Heaven for vengence, who can but implore
But why doe I blame Spiders Tiranny 25
Who forc't by Huger kills a silly fly
When Man's the greatest Beast of prey of all
His hous a Shamble is or Butchers Stall
In all those Books which I have Read I find
There's none but Man doth Kill and eat his Kind 30
The Antidiluvian Patriachs happie were
That liv'd by what the Earth did freely bear
The Pithagorians noe blood would spill
The Banians now noe animals doe kill
But such as Murtherers they doe Esteem 35
And oft will but those Creatures to redeem
But stay my Pen write noe more then is meet
Least I forget Noahs Licence, Peeters sheet.