Emblem 5
The Manucodiats as Authors write
On This base dunghill Earth doth never lite
But hovers in the Ayr both day and Night
And on the Dew of Heaven they onely Feed
Which Signifies their pure Celestiall breed 5
Their Flesh consumes not, yet their often Found
When Dead, for their Indulgencie their Crownd
T'is true some Birds will help to build their Nests
And Swans and Doves Sit half the Time at least
But these Transcend all Animals in Love 10
Which shews that their Extraction's from above
For on their Backs the Males have hollow Pits
In which the Female lays her Egs and Sits
Shee having the like Concave in her breast
Beeing thus conjoyn'd their young securely rest 15
Let Parents then Learn here Indulgencie
For none are Blessed without Unitie
But know that the least spark or beam of Love
Is first diffus'd and kindled from above
For in my poor experience this I find 20
The holyest Men are evermore most kind
Then Oh my God from thy bright Throne above
Irradiate my Soul soe with thy Love
That as the Sun Illuminateth all
Which are capacious on this Earthly Ball 25
Yet still his brightest beams to Heaven return
Soe let mee with such holy Fervour Burn
When that Eternall Spark begins to Glow
In my Chast Breast let itt diffuse below
To all relations then reascend above 30
To God the Fount of Glory, Life and Love.