Alitheas Pearl
Fair Ælithea (when I was a Girle)
One Sunday, offer'd mee an Orient Pearl;
But for it, I must part with all I had,
I of the Bargain was extreamly Glad.
Then being soe directed, from above 5
Shee smileing, ask'd mee if I could her love?
(I seeing her soe fare transcend all other,
And more resplendent then her raidient Mother
Said,) I with her would Gladly live and Die;
Celestiall Love the true Loves knot did tie, 10
Reciprocally promiseing ne're to depart,
Shee took possession of my Virgin Heart,
In earnest of her love shee gave a kiss;
Saying she would lead mee to eternall bliss;
Soe should I shun the paths of endles errour, 15
And have an Innocent soule still free from terrour.
Shee bid mee feare noe trouble in my story,
For love would Crown mee with imortall Glory.
Thus Innocently I past my youthfull Dayes;
Seeing more and more of her refulgent Rayes. 20
Thus beeing puft up with prosperity,
The World in every star I thought to buy,
And oft I did my Virgin Guid intreat,
To make my happines on earth compleat;
That Peace, (that stately Dame) shee would invite 25
To dwell with us to consumate delight.
For then I said, that Joy would follow after
Get but the Mother, and you have the Daughter.
That blest triumvirie might I once injoy
I should Esteem this World a trifeling toy. 30
My faire Directris smileing then did say,
That those two Jolly Lady's would not stay
Long in a place, nor were they as they seem'd:
As all that Glisters is not Gold esteemd.
Ther’s now true Peace, nor Joy, below the sun: 35
Nor can wee know it till this Life is dun.
Nay more being at the Parces house of late,
Turning the vollumes of the book of Fate.
To see what might advance the eternals Glory
Shee hapt to cast an eye on my sad story, 40
And by my destiny shee saw my life,
At which shee sighd! both, Infant, Maid, and Wife
Would bee involv'd, and fild with inward trouble,
But yet as brittle as the tenderest Bubble.
And looking further on from page to Page, 45
Shee found I would live a tedious Pilgrimage.
But yet to comfort mee in my sad story;
My troubles all would end in endles Glory.
Therefore shee did advise for my reliefe,
A modest Matron to allay my Griefe. 50
One not soe brave but of as ample Fame,
And noble Birth, (the Daughter of that Dame
Who doth defend the Faithfull with her shield,
And makes them still victorious in the Field)
Patience her name, who said shee would invite 55
Her sister Hope, to Further my delight.
I said of those two Damsels I had bin told,
But yet I thought till I grew Sick or Old,
Their sad and tedious stories would deject
My spritely soul, them I did not affect 60
Truth sighing said, not many Dayes would Goe,
Er'e I would wish for those I sleighted soe.
But all her counsell was to mee in vain,
For I invited home that Gallant Train,
Peace in a Purple Mantle, wrought with Gold, 65
Where Groves, Phanes, Citties, you might there behold
Which cast a luster to my wondring eye.
Joy in an azure vesture like the skie,
Studded with Gems, which dazeled soe my sight,
That now (mee thought) my Pearl was not soe bright 70
As it was wont, but lookt both dim and sad;
Thus of my Guests I was extreamly Glad.
Peace sweetly smiled, Joy Gigling Laugh'd outright
And thus in Mirth wee past the time till Night.
Then tir'd with Laughing wee went all to Bed; 75
But by the Morn my Chearfull Guests were fled.
And none but sorrow left, tearing her hair;
And Fear who (trembling) asked for despair.
My Blessed Guid seeing mee in tears dissolved,
And with such Woefull Company involved; 80
Asked mee? if Patience I did yet desire.
I said without her I should soon expire.
At that shee came, with slow and modest pace,
Wipeing the tears from my pale blubbard face.
Shee told mee many a sad and dismale story, 85
Which ever ended in the sufferers Glory
These tears sure washed the Felms from of my sight,
For now I found my Pearl was fare more bright,
Then all the Gems I ever yet did view;
Behould the Power of Penetentiall dew. 90
I laid my Pearl closs to my trembling breast,
And on an anker Lay'd my head to rest,
That Hope (in love to mee) before had lay'd
Mee to sustain, that fair and blessed Mayd
Whom Faire Alithea brought to take my part, 95
To sway the Factions in my troubled Hart;
And gave them charge, ever to hold in awe
Sorrow and Fear, and never to withdraw
There best assistance, to keep out dispaire
Who with her curst associates would repaire 100
Mee to aflict which would mee much afright
Cause the black brood of Acheron, and Night,
Would alsoe com, who onely were adicted
To ad aflictions to the most aflicted.
Just as shee spake, in came that Horrid train 105
Which caused a trembling, throughout every Vein
Of my sad Heart, down fell I in a sownd;
Till that brave Damsill raisd mee from the Ground.
Who just then came triumphant from the Field,
Then with her bright impenetrable Shield; 110
Shee all those Hellish Monsters did oppose:
Thus was I safe deliverd from my foes.
Then leaving Hope, and Patience by my side,
Commanding them both, with mee to abide.
Councelling mee to follow my faire Guid. 115
Who would through all the trouble of my story,
Lead mee at last to everlasting Glory.
Thus have I liv'd a sad and weary life,
Thirteen a Mayd, and Thirtie three a Wife.
All I found true my Alithe’e did speak, 120
But yet (aye mee) the bubble will not breake.