The invitation into the Countrey to my D:D: MP: PP 164[7] when his sacred Majestie was at unhappy home
Deare daughters come make hast away
from that sad place make noe delay
Hee’s gon that was the Citties Grace
Feirce Hydras now usurps his place
The Phanes are over Grown with moss 5
With shedding teares for Englands loss
Hard hearts unsenceable of woe
Whom Marble wals in griefe out goe
Then come sweet virgins come away
What is it that invites your stay 10
What can you learn there elce but pride
And what your blushes will not hide
There virgins lose theire Honoured name
which doth for ever blur theire fame
Theire Husbands looke with Jealous eyes 15
And wives desceive deceive them and theire Spies;
To Inns of Court whole and Armies goe
Wise children theire owne Dads to know
Theire Shepherds, that noe Flocks doe keepe,
Like Butchers Mastives, worrie Sheepe 20
The Come sweete Children come away
What? can allure you yet to stay.
Hide Parke a place of chiefe delight
Her bushes mourne like Jewes in white
The stately Deer doe weeping stray 25
Anticipateing theire last day
Spring Garden that such pleasures bred
Lookes dull and sad since Cloris fled
The Christall Thames her loss deplores
And to the sea her Griefe out Rores 30
The Swans upon her silver brest
Though dieing yet can find noe rest
but full of griefe crie wella-daye-
And singing sigh theire breath away
Aye me then com make hast away 35
From that sad place make noe delay
Here's Flowe’ry vales and Christall springs
Here's shady Groves, here ever sings
The Bulfinch, Linnit, striving which
The Auditours shall most bewitch; 40
The early Larke long ere the Morne
with Roses can her head Adorne
Sings Cheerfully a roundelay
Telling this lower world ‘tis day
Here Thrushes, Wrens and Red brests, sing 45
To welcome in the gladsom Spring
Then come sweet Maydens come away
to this sweet place make noe delay
Here carefull Shepherds view there sheepe
They him, and he theire soules doth keepe 50
Blessings flow on them from above
That are reciprocall in love
he in his bosome bears the Lambs
And Gentlely leads the heavie Dams
He whistles those that goe astray 55
By which meanes none runs quite away
Here Husbands free from Jealous eye
Have wives as full of modesty
They in theire Children Doth rejoice
Commending still theire happy choyce 60
Most kind, and free from all debase;
That noe true love, can ever hate.
Then come my Children come away
To this sweete place make noe delay
Here virgins Sit in flowe’ry vales 65
refresht by sweet Favorious gales
Makeing them anadams and poses
Crowning theire Heads with new blowne Roses
In woods and Dales faire Maidens may
Unfrighted freely gather May 70
But oh those times now changed bee
Then lovely lasses Com awaye
To cheere my heart make noe delaye
Sad Metamorphosis wee See
For since Amintas went away 75
Shepherds and sheepe goe all astray
Those that deserved whole Groves of Bayes
In sighs consume theire youthfull dayes
And that faire fleecy flocks did keepe
Dispise’d in corners sit and weepe 80
Since Chloris went both wife and Maid
In love and beauty hath Decayed
Where Maypoles shewed theire feathered head
Theire colour'd Insign's now are spread
Instead of Musicks pleasant sound 85
And lively lasses danceing round
Tumultuous Drums make Deafe our eares
And Trumpets fill our hearts with feares
In shades where Nymphs did use to walke
There sons of Mars in Armour stalke 90
Inamell'd Vales and Cristall Streames
Prove now alas poore Bradfields dreames
Leas drooping swains now sadly sing
And Beane comes weeping from her spring
Mimmer andSturt in mourning weeds 95
Shewing theire hearts for griefe en'e bleeds
All run to Lea for some reliefe
And in her bosome bear poure there griefe
Thus Shee and they all weeping goe
To tell the Thames theire grievous woe 100
Vir lookes and sees this shire looke sad
Shee whirls about as shee were mad
Round Verulan his ruin’d stones
Shee Runs and tells to Colne her mones
For since her saint his blood was shed 105
Shee never grieved soe as shee said
Colne simpathised with her in woe
And to the Thames resolved to goe
Cleare Purvall too came bubling out
But long shee did not stand in doubt 110
Seeing our Halcion dayes were dun
Shee loathed (shee said) to see the sun
As he pursued the Chearfull day
But turn'd her course another way
And sighing shed forth tears as cleare 115
as pearles and ran to Bedfordshire
To Owes who was so full of Griefe
That shee her self did want reliefe
And said would any place receive
Her teares, she would her channell leave 120
As when king Richards Reigne had date
But this shee was denied by fate
Grayes spring too sadly makes her moane
and with her teares turns moss to stone
And seeing delight with Cloris fled 125
Shee sighed and murmuring his her head
Within her womb that gave her breath
Venting her griefe below the earth
The Nayedes here fit in Rankes
Forelorne upon our withored bankes 130
And Garlands make of Willow Boughs
To hide theire tears and shade theire browes
Since Cloris went our flowers fade
Noe pleasure is in Hill or shade
Poore Phillomele doth sit alone 135
To Senceles trees now makes her mone
Our woods theire Choristers now lack
The Woozles Whisle clad in black
And the forsaken Turtle Dove
Bewayles her owne and Cloris love 140
The Hamadriades invokes
The Goddeses inshrin'd in Oakes
Who fold theire yielding armes a cross
And weepe with them Aminta’s loss
Som trees drop Gumm from theire sad eyes 145
T’Immortalise ambitious Flyes
Tho they can give us noe reliefe
The'le simpathise with us in griefe
The Oriads sport and play noe more
But great Amintas loss deplore 150
Insted of Roses Cypress boughs
Pearld ov’er with Tears doth shade theire browes
Disshevel’d torne neglected haire
Hang ore theire throbing bosome bare
Nayigh the Na’peas for theire Hills 155
Dissolved with teares weepe Cristall rils
Those flowers which the Valleys Crown
Or’e Charged with griefe theire Heads hang downe
Since lovely Cloris frighted fled
The crown Imperiall hangs his head 160
His Princely breast or’ewhelm’d with feares
Weeping at once Six Cristall teares
To lov’ely shades pale vi-letts creepe
And thatere unpittied sit and weepe
The Royall Rose that nere would yield 165
But stroue for Mast’ry in the field
And, Cloris Cheeke neglected, fades
In silent solitary shades.
The lilly and the July flower
Doe wish it were within theire power 170
To sleepe for ever in theire Caves
But ti’s denide by Natures Lawes
Th’ aricola that Cures the giddy braine
Dizie with griefe hangs downe her head againe
Then shall not wee with griefe or’e flow 175
Shall Vegetables us out goe
Thus neither Woods nor Fields nor Hills
Inamel’d Vales nor Cristall rills
nor birds nor Trees nor flowers of scent
But doe this kingdomes loss resent 180
Then let us still lament and grieve
Till heaven in mercie doth relieve
Tis neither sight nor odours sent
can my aflicted heart content
Untill I see them both restored 185
Whose absence hath been so deplored
Just heaven heare our prayers and teares
And place them in theire shineing sphe-res
Then come sweete Daughters come away
To comfort me make noe delaye. 190