Of a Young lady at Oxford 1646
A Noble pair in Love without Compare
Heroick spirits both Lovly and fair
Whose Hearts were Counterchanged then noe wonder
They could not possible subsist asunder
Hee in this Grand Rebellion Late was kild 5
For his good king his Loyall Blood was spild
Which from the pregnant earth sprung up in fame
Honouring him with a never dying Name
This Gallant Las thus having lost her Love
Disdaind to immitate the Turtle Dove 10
Who mourning sits upon a withred spray
Her Noble Heart refusd to Live one day
Without her Love, earth noe contentment yields
Shee vowes to follow him to the Elizian Fields
Then takes a Pistol in her snowey Hand 15
Like Roman Lucrece soe did shee stand
Who did prefer her Honour fore her Life
And in her trembling Bosom thrust her knife
Or like that Babylonish Virgin sweet
Who saw her Love lie bleeding at her feet 20
Shee with his sword, her spotles Breast did pierce
Which makes her live still in imortall vers
Soe this Heroick Maid display'd her Breast
On which the God of Love was proud to rest
The sulpherous mouth plac'd at her generous Heart 25
Her Noble Mind triumphs or'e Death and smart
To Heaven shee rowls her sparkling dieing eyes
From her undaunted Breast her spirit Flyes
Even soe a spotles Lylley Fals and Dies
As this declares a magnanimous spirit 30
Soe shee the Glory of it doth inherit
This shee did doe to follow Earthly Love
And thou my Soule whose Joys and Hope's above
Are placed still Hanckrest hovering here below
Oh when wilt thou to thy Redeemer goe 35
Thou keep'st a Fluttring here bout thit base Earth
My soul I doubt thou dos't forget thy Birth
Thou art a ray of that invisible Light
Thy wings noe impeing need then take thy Fleight
Leav them this Low and Gloomey Earthly spheir 40
What dost thou mean what dost thou hope or fear
Tell mee is thy Eternall business here
Hee whom thou lovest is gone, to Heaven hee's Fled
Why dost thou seek the Living amongst the Dead
My active Faith tool wing and Late did fly 45
Up to the Top of Canaans Calvary
There did I see with Faiths resplendent eye
The Fountain of all Love my Saviour Die
There did Longuives Peirce that guiltles brest
In which ther Faithfall shall in Glory rest 50
Ay mee there did his dieing Quicknig Blood
Flow from his side for our Eternall good
To Heaven his righteous soul did take his Flieght
Leaving the Univers Lapt up in Night
O admirable unparraleld affection 55
Thus by his Fall recovering our defection
I am amazed at his infinite Love
For us hee left his Glorious Throne above
Though for a good Man one would Deign to die
Yet who would doe soe for his enemie 60
Damon and Pithias, would Die for one another
Pollux divided splendour with his Brother
Patrocles, and Achillis, loves excell
Theseus reveng'd Perithous death in Hell
When lovly Lilse saw Lucas Bleeding Lie 65
Hee on his trembling Boosome strait did die
Thus doe these storyes and these Fables teach
And shew to us how fare our Love may reach
But hee (my soul) his precious Blood did lose
For us (aye mee) for us his Curssed Foose 70
Considering this my soul how canst thou stay
Now hee is Gon, dost thou not know the way?
When little Infants new Created souls
Doe easily Fly about or star of Poles
And From their tender Mothers Ubrious Brest 75
Doe often Fly to their Eternall rest
And thou my soul witherd and Worn with Grief
Thinks't in this Dunghill Earth to find relief
Believe it terren hopes are all But vain
For thou must cast thy Haccle once again 80
Before thou canst posses those endles Joyes
Compar'd with which all worldly Pomps are Toyes.