On the Same [2]
Let none sigh more for Lucas or for Lisle
Seing noe the very soule of this sad isle
(At which trembling invades my soule) is Dead
And with our sacred soveraign spirit’s fled
To Heaven, where smileing he looks down 5
And sees these Monsters strugling for his Crown
Whils’t his illustrious brows adorn'd with Glory
Expects the finis of their Tragick story
How could they doe it; sure they were afraid
And therefore call'd in Jews into their aid 10
Who their Redeemer and their King betray'd
Oh Horrid Villains could they doe this deed
To wound that heart for whom all should bleed
And nobel Capell let it bee they Glory
Though dead to live in his unparrild story 15
Take it not ill that wee would scarce deplore
This kingdoms loss in thee when full before
Thy loss Heroick Kinsman wounded deep
Had wee had power left to sigh or weep
Senceles wee were of private desolation 20
Just like a Floudd after an Inundation
Thus Nille does proudly swell to loose her name
And bee involved in the Oceans fame
Thus stately Volgas in the Caspian tost
And Natures great design in thee is lost 25
Soe Mercury surrounds the purest Gold
And Phœbus beams doth Hermes light infould.
Hideing his Raidient Fulgour from our sight
Soe is thy splendencie out shin'd by light
Thy pardon greatest soul grant I presume 30
Not to ad odours to thy choice perfume
I onely doe it to illustrate forth
By his great vertue thy transcendent worth
Heroick Prince now rais'd above their hate
Thou tramplest over Death and advers fate 35
And as one fate your bodyes did dissolve
Soe imMortality shall both involve
Just as our martyrd king his spirit fled
The spouse of Christ hung down her Virgin head
And sighing said my Faiths defender's Dead 40
Then trickling tears down on her trembling breast
Shee said (ay mee) when shall I safely rest
At which a voice from Heaven said weep noe more
Nor my Heroick Champions Death Deplore
A second Charles shall all thy Joyes restore 45