Acciaiuoli, Jacopo d’Agnolo d. 1502
Career: Brother of Neri and Raffaele. Patron of a Flanders galley, 1460. With his father exiled and declared a rebel in 1466; pardoned June 1484. Although Barletta was his official place of exile, he was made siniscalco of Eleanora d’Aragona and lived at the Ferrarese court. Captain of Pietrasanta, 1484. Member of the Dieci di Libertà e Pace, elected by the Consiglio Maggiore, 1495. Orator in Ferrara, 1496. Member of the Dieci, 1497. Died in Milan.
Refs: When he was at Ferrara Lorenzo had promised to help him: J Guicciardini in Ferrara to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 11 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 310. A is very pleased with Lorenzo; ‘desiderebbe che i 3 diventassino 4’: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 19 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 312. Elected commissioner to bring Florentine men-at-arms from Lombardy to Tuscany and then wherever ordered: 11 Aug 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 52. The Otto elect him as commissioner to collect and accompany troops for Sarzana impresa: 11 Aug. 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 87-8. Is to go and meet Milanese troops being sent for the Sarzana impresa: Otto to P F Pandolfini, 11 Aug 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 87-8. Commission to take Florentine men-at-arms to their lodgings: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 11 Aug. 1484, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Left for Parma yesterday: 19 Aug. 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 92-3. Sent to Lucca: Dieci, Resp, 32, 141, 10 Sept 1484. Lorenzo’s letter to the Anziani of Lucca is carried by A, to whom he had given the commission: 2 Oct 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 244. Arranging with Filippo Strozzi to transfer to him in the camp cash owed him by the Dieci: C. Strozz., III, 247, 202, 19 Oct 1484. Reports on the progress of the campaign; refers to Alfonso Strozzi as his and Filippo’s son, so was he the godfather?: J Acciaiuoli to F Strozzi, 24 Oct 1484, C. Strozz, III, 247, 203. Commissioner at Pietrasanta: 29 Nov 1484, Dieci, Miss, 22, 29. Lorenzo refers to A’s parte and says he does not think much of it: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 7 May 1486, Lettere, IX, 277.
Acciaiuoli, Neri d’Agnolo b. 1434
Career: The principal Florentine exile in Rome, where he became involved in the Frescobaldi/Baldovinetti/Baldinucci plot to kill Lorenzo in May/June 1481. According to Marino Tomacelli, A. encouraged the plotters and supplied poison for it. A part in it was to bring infantry to the frontier when the assassination attempt was made.
Refs: A. had been saying he intended to foment insurrection in some Florentine cities, such as Pisa and Pistoia; left three days before in connection with the plot, but had returned; had received money from the Fregosi and been in close touch with Girolamo Riario’s henchman, Cola Montano: G A Vespucci in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 9 June 1481, MAP, 38, 208. News from Rome that A has gone to Venice: B. Rucellai at Milan to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 9 Apr 1482. Galeotto Manfredi reported that A was in the Romagna: G Manfredi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 14 Apr 1482, MAP, 54, 9. Letters to A from Gasparo Toscano about recent events in Milan were intercepted by the Venetians: 25 Sept 1482, ASV, Dieci, Misti, 20, 203. Is in Rome with Obietto Fieschi: 21 Nov 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 409. His influence over Fieschi: G A Vespucci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 9 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 216. Wants to do as much for Lorenzo as he formerly did against him; is lodged in the house of Obietto Fieschi; thanks Lorenzo for the good done for his brothers: 13 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 61. As instructed by Lorenzo, Guidantonio Vespucci has repeatedly asked A to persuade Obietto Fieschi to arrange deal between Florence and Genoa: 30 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 243. Present at the meeting between Fieschi and Vespucci regarding the overthrow of the Genoese regime: 8 Feb 1485, MAP, 39, 81. Roberto di Sanseverino’s chancellor lodges with him: 26 Aug 1485, LC, II, V, 18, 53. Urges Roberto to come to Rome to help Innocent against Ferrante: 12 Sept 1485, LC, II, V, 18, 74.
Acciaiuoli, Onofrio Nofri d. 1490
Refs: Gonfalonier of Justice, Apr 1482: Lettere, VII, 22. In the consulta, agreed with Lorenzo Carducci: 29 May 1482, Min, 11, 365-7.
Acciaiuoli, Raffaele d’Agnolo
Ref: Giovanni Lanfredini sees Antonello Petrucci regarding A’s private affairs: LC, II, V, 15, 127, 31 Aug 1474.
Accolti, Francesco 1416/17-1488
Career: Aretine lawyer who had been a pupil of Francesco Filelfo and taught in a number of Italian universities, including Pisa in 1484.
Refs: Giovanni Bentivoglio repeats his request to have Francesco d’Arezzo [Accolti?] released from his post at the Florentine Studio so that he can teach at Bologna: G Bentivoglio to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 25 Aug 1481, MAP, 38, 303. Invited to adjudicate the case of the men of Barga: Signoria of Florence to F Accolti, 19 Nov. 1481, Sig, Miss 2a Canc, 10, 164. Ferrante of Naples suggests sending A. to the revived Council of Basel in addition to the others ambassadors: Dieci to P. Capponi in Naples, 21 Sept 1482, Dieci, LC, 5, 175-8. Florence wants to send him; he is promising to do great things if he goes: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 24 Sept. 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Has agreed to go; Ferrante is pleased by this; is to be sent to the emperor first: F Gaddi in Naples to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 9 Oct 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 164. Gentile Becchi and A have been elected for the mission to Basel: Lorenzo de’ Medici to [F Gaddi], 15 Oct [1482], Lettere, VII, 116. A is to represent both Naples and Florence at Basel: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 22 Oct. 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 168-72. His mandate for the council has been ‘expedita’ in Naples: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 24 Oct. 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. He is to be sent his mandate from Naples, but this depends on the outcome of Anello Arcamone’s negotiations: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 25 Oct 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 172.
Bibliog: DBI, 1, 104-5
Accursio de Petra
Ref: Apostolic protonotary who was among the witnesses to the peace between Sixtus and the League, 12 Dec 1482: Lettere, VII, 498.
Achille da Elci, conte
Ref: One of the Sienese ambassadors to Rome: 15 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 328.
Acquaviva d’Aragona, Andrea Matteo d' 1458-1529
Career: Son of Giulio Antonio d’ Acquaviva d’Aragona and Caterina Orsini. Invested with the marquisate of Bitonto, 1464; inherited the dukedom of Atri, 1481. Fought against the Venetians at Gallipoli, 1484, and was among the leaders of the barons in their revolt against King Ferrante, 1485. Saw considerable action during the Italian Wars.
Ref: One of the signatories of the baronial league of l’Aquedonia: 11 Sept 1486, Sig, X, VIII, 77, 235.
Acquaviva d’Aragona, Giovan Antonio d’
Ref: One of the signatories of the baronial league of l’Aquedonia: 11 Sept 1486, Sig, X, VIII, 77, 235.
Acquaviva d’Aragona, Giulio Antonio d. 1481
Career: Duke of Atri. m Caterina Orsini; father of Andrea Matteo d’Acquaviva d’Aragona. Killed at Otranto, 7 Feb. 1481.
Refs: He owes the Medici bank 1,500 ducats; is currently with Alfonso d’Aragona at Buonconvento: A. Biliotti to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 26 June 1480, MAP, 34, 345. Possibly ‘il più reputato capitanio’ in the Neapolitan royal army; the duchess of Ferrara seeks news of the battle with Turks in which he was killed: Eleanora d’Este to G. Albino in Florence, 21 Feb 1481, Albino, De gestis, 181-3.
Adorno, Agostino di Raffaele d. 1502
Career: Genoese who allied with his brother Giovanni, Gian Luigi and Obietto Fieschi and Battista Fregoso against Doge Paolo Fregoso, governor of Genoa for the Sforza. In 1488 they took over the government of Genoa, but then divided among themselves; within days, Ludovico Sforza took advantage of this by making A governor of the city, which he remained until 1499.
Refs: Involved with Obietto Fieschi in an effort to retake Genoa: T. Ridolfi to Lorenzo, 18 July 1481, Sig, X, VIII, 4, 3, 59-60. Milan approached for help by Obietto Fieschi and A: G G Sforza to Doge G Fregoso, 20 July 1481, ASMi, SPE, Genova, 992. Has sent an envoy with Giovanni Adorno to ask for Neapolitan troops to aid in overthrowing the Genoese stato: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 20 Feb 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. Is sending Jacopo da Gambarana to Lorenzo as an emissary: 14 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 326. The Dieci’s commission to Francesco Baroni to sign contract with A, Giovanni Adorno and Luca Spinola: 27 Sept 1484, Dieci, Delib., 24, 56. Together with Giovanni Adorno and Giovanni Spinola, A. signs an accord with Francesco Baroni and, together with Giovanni Adorno, acts as procurator for Luca Spinola; the three Genoese write to Lorenzo about two conditions in the accord regarding the attack on Genoa that they do not like: 6 Oct 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 265. A’s agreement with Florence for the overthrow of the Genoese regime: 6 Oct 1484, Not Antecos, 1597, 46-8. The Dieci’s commission to Niccolò Martelli to overthrow the Genoese regime with A’s aid and that of Agostino Fregoso and Giovanni Spinola: 22 Nov 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 67. A’s attempt to overthrow the Genoese regime: 1 Dec 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 107. Guido Mannelli is sent to him: 16 Dec 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 83-4. Captured by troops loyal to the regime in Genoa: 21 Dec 1484, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 96. Failure of the attempted coup: 29 Dec 1484, Otto, Miss., 3, 109-10. Members of the Spinola and Giustiniani families encourage Florence to persist in the enterprise against Genoa; they will be very happy to accept A. instead of Prospero Adorno, if the latter does not take part in the impresa against Genoa: 19 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp., 30, 198. Is prepared to cede the dogeship to Prospero Adorno: 19 Jan. 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 200. Sends an emissary to Lorenzo, Rome and Naples, seeking help to overthrow regime in Genoa: 2 Oct 1485, MAP, 26, 457. An undated letter of Battista Spinola says that the Adorni are reported to have an agreement with Battista Fregoso: MAP, 51, 294. The pratica proposed by the Adorni via Simonetto Belprat; intercepted letters show they had another pratica to make accord with Paolo Fregoso: Dieci, Miss, 6, 40, 3 Apr. 1486. The Adorno pratica with Belprat; negotiations for an accord with Paolo Fregoso and the commune of Genoa; Ludovico Sforza is involved, at least in the first of these: 2 or 3 Apr 1485 [sic; probably 1486], Dieci, Resp, 34, 2. The Adorno pratica proposed to Florence regarding Genoa: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J. Guicciardini in Milan, 4 Apr 1486, Lettere, IX, 222. Impatient with Milan, the Adorni threaten to accept Paolo Fregoso’s offer: 22 Apr 1486, MAP, 48, 353. Florence’s fears that the Adorni will make a deal with Fregoso via Giuliano della Rovere: 29 July 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 69.
Bibliog: DBI, 1, 285-6
Adorno, Brizio/Fabrizio
Ref: Involved in the impresa against Genoa: 4 Feb 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 326.
Adorno, Giovanni di Raffaele d. 1500
Career: Brother of Agostino; married Eleonora, daughter of Roberto di Sanseverino. Close to Agostino and much involved in military affairs.
Refs: He and Agostino Adorno have sent an envoy to ask for Neapolitan help in overthrowing the Genoese stato: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 20 Feb 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. Sends Jacopo da Gambarana as an emissary to Lorenzo: 14 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 326. The Dieci’s commission to Francesco Baroni to sign a contract with Agostino and Giovanni Adorno, Giovanni and Luca Spinola: 27 Sept 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 56. Together with Agostino Adorno and Giovanni Spinola, signs an accord with Francesco Baroni; he and Agostino act as procurators for Luca Spinola: 6 Oct 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 265. His agreement with Florence for the overthrow of the Genoese regime: 6 Oct 1484, Not Antecos, 1597, 46-8. His involvement in the attempt to overthrow the Genoese regime: 1 Dec 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 107. Guido Mannelli is sent to join A. and other disaffected Genoese: 16 Dec 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 83-4. Failure of the attempted coup: 29 Dec 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 109-10. Talks with Lorenzo: 10 Jan. 1485, Dieci, Miss, 23, 3. Has stayed a long time in Florence and Pisa and this has benefited the impresa very little: 10 Feb 1485, C Strozz, III, 247, 224. With Agostino Adorno, sent an emissary to Lorenzo, Rome and Naples regarding help to overthrow the regime in Genoa: 2 Oct 1485, MAP, 26, 457. Jacopo Guicciardini reports A’s arrival [in Milan?]: 31 May 1486, Otto, Miss., 5, 5.
Bibliog: DBI, 1, 299-300
Adorno, Prospero di Barnaba c. 1428-1485
Career: Reached an accord with Francesco Sforza and Paolo Fregoso, 9 Mar 1461. Withdrew Genoa from French dominance, becoming doge 12 Mar 1461. Forced to flee in July 1461 by Paolo Fregoso, who had joined forces with Bartolomeo Doria. Took refuge in Milan. When Genoa rebelled against Sforza rule in 1463, A was imprisoned at Cremona. After the assassination of Galeazzo Maria Sforza in 1476, A was sent to retake Genoa from Carlo Adorno. Entered the city 11 Apr 1477 and remained as ducal governor. Sought an alliance with Ferrante and a rapprochement with Sixtus, both of which made Milanese suspicious. Assumed the title of doge; hired Roberto di Sanseverino; defeated the Milanese 9 Aug 1478. Obietto Fieschi’s betrayal forced A. to flee on a Neapolitan ship, 25 Nov 1480, to Naples. In 1482, after a brief stay in Pisa, he retired to Silvano d’Orba and then to Asti.
Refs: Has asked for a safeconduct to come to Florence: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 24 Nov 1480, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 2. At Florence: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 28 Nov 1480, ASMo, cit. He has asked for aid to raise infantry with his own money, which he has deposited in Florence; this has been refused and he is due to leave for Lucca: Antonio da Montecatini to E. d’Este, 3 Dec 1480, ASMo, cit. A arrived in Florence yesterday and is due to leave for Lucca tomorrow; there is a rumour that Florence is prepared to give him secret support: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 8 Jan 1481, ASMo, cit. Received a safeconduct to stay in Pisa: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 28 Jan 1481, ASMo, cit. Jacopo Pandolfini says that A intends to go to Ferrara: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 8 Mar 1481, ASMo, cit. Is still in Florence; Lorenzo wanted him to think carefully what he was doing before joining Obietto Fieschi: Antonio da Montecatini to E. d’Este, 6 Apr 1481, ASMo, cit. News arrived in Florence that A. had gone to join Obietto Fieschi: G. A. Cotta and F Sacramoro to G G Sforza, 11 Apr. 1481, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 302. Is waiting for Marco Pio’s men before joining the Spinola and Adorno in their attempt to enter Genoa: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 13 Apr 1481, ASMo, cit. Sixtus urged Florence and Milan to persuade Obietto Fieschi and A not to attack Genoa: M. Trotti at Matera to G. G. Sforza, 23 Apr 1481, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 232. Is leaving Florence for Ferrara: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 23 Apr 1481, ASMo, cit. Has gone to Ferrara to consult Ercole d’Este: F Sacramoro, 29 Apr 1481, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 302. Arrived in Ferrara: G F Salarolo in Ferrara to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 30 Apr 1481, MAP, 38, 158. Antonio Gazzo had listened and given encouragement to A’s plans for a coup in Genoa: M. Trotti at Barletta to G G Sforza, 23 Aug 1481, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 234. Florence wants to stir up Obietto Fieschi and A against Genoa: Otto to T Ridolfi, 5 Aug 1482, Min, 12, 453-4. Milan is considering giving a condottato A and his brothers: Z Saggi to F. Gonzaga, 11 Sept 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. A is five miles from Genoa: L. Lanti to the Signoria of Siena, 8 Oct 1482, ASS, Conc, 2050, 5. A. wrote that, with the help of a few galleys and infantry, he could easily take Genoa; Anello Arcamone is to supervise this: G A Vespucci in Rome to the Dieci, 13 June 1483, Dieci, Resp., 28, 27. Negotiations with Battista Fregoso, Gian Luigi Fieschi and A.: Z. Saggi to F Gonzaga, 26 Dec. 1483, ASMa, AG, 1628. Ousted the doge, Battista Fregoso, who says he has good understanding with A and is planning a parentadowith him: Z da Pisa to F Gonzaga, 8 Dec. 1483, ASMa, cit. The Otto have learned that Sixtus has decided to suspend negotiations with Genoa and deal with the exiles instead; the Otto approve of this: Otto to G. A. Vespucci, 15 Jan 1484, Otto, LC, 2, 3-4. Does Ferrante also the favour exiles over the doge?: P Nasi to the Dieci, 23 Jan 1484, Dieci, Resp., 27, 70. Sforza Bettini has gone to see A., who has been making great offers to Florence: Antonio da Montecatini to E. d’Este, 16 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit. Anello Arcamone reports that A. has entered Genoa: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 15 June 1484, ASMo, cit.
Ludovico Sforza considers A to be Ferrante’s man: 13 Jan 1485, MAP, 48, 288. Members of the Spinola and Giustiniani families encourage Florence to persist with the enterprise against Genoa; they say that they will back A if he comes to Genoa, but would be very happy to have Agostino Adorno instead: 19 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 198. Very reluctantly, citing all his bad qualities, the leaders of the Genoese exiles agree to A as their future doge after the impresa; Agostino Adorno is content to cede him the dogeship: 19 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 200. The Spinola will accept A as doge but do not like him: 20 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 201. The need to unite him with the other Adorno in moves against the Genoese regime: 21 Jan 1485, MAP, 48, 283. If he is hired, all of the Adorno casa will back the impresa: 21 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 227. A is more in the interest of Naples than in that of Florence: 24 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 253. The leading citizens in Genoa dislike A, though he has some favour with the popolo; if he becomes doge ‘ sara tucto del Re’: -- Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 286. Came to the walls of Genoa, but then retreated; his troops are dispersing: 8 Mar 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 428.
Bibliog: DBI, 1, 303
Agnelli, Antonio d. 1493
Career: Archbishop of Bari, 1472-93.
Ref: Nominated as one of the Neapolitan representatives to the revived Council of Basel: F Gaddi in Naples to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 28 Sept 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 158-9.
Agnello, Ludovico d. 1499
Career: Mantuan curialist; nunzio to the imperial court, 1478-9; vicar-general of the March of Ancona; archbishop of Cosenza, 1497-9.
Refs: Is being sent to Genoa (by Sixtus); the Dieci consider him ‘huomo da bene’: Dieci to G A Vespucci, 24 Dec 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 336-7. Has not yet left Rome: P Nasi to the Dieci, 7 Jan 1484, Dieci, Resp, 27, 21. Opinion in Rome has cooled about sending A to Genoa because it is unlikely to do much good: G A Vespucci to the Dieci, 8 Jan 1484, Dieci, Resp, 27, 25. Anello Arcamone reports that A is going to Genoa via Florence: P Nasi to the Dieci, 14 Feb 1484, Dieci, Resp, 27, 88. Guidantonio Vespucci reported on 5 Feb that Sixtus decided to send A: Otto to G A Vespucci, 14 Feb 1484, Otto, LC, 2, 7-8. Left [Rome?] on 13 Feb to go to Genoa: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’A ragona, 17 Feb 1484, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Has been in Florence on his way to Genoa; impressed on the Florentines the importance to the League of winning over Genoa: Otto to B Buongirolami, 20 Feb 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 21-2. Arrived in Florence yesterday; will leave tomorrow for Bologna and then Modena; says he will be at Milan within a week: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 21 Feb 1484, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Arrived in Milan today: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 2 Mar 1484, ASMa, AG, 1628. His journey to Genoa has been put off until receives further instructions from Rome: Pontano, 201-4, 7 Mar 1484. Ferrante thinks he should be sent to Genoa: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 13 Mar 1484, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Has come back from Genoa with nothing concluded; saying he only stayed for an agreement about Sarzana: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 6 Apr 1484, ASMa, AG, 1628. Will leave Milan tomorrow for Genoa: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 12 Apr 1484, ASMa, AG, 1628. Has suggested that if Agostino Fregoso delays handing over Sarzana, A should leave Genoa; Milan and Florence agree: Otto to B Buongirolami, 1 May 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 51-2. Left Milan for Mantua: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 15 May 1484, ASMa, AG, 1628. With Giovan Francesco da Tolentino, papal emissary at the Bagnolo peace negotiations, albeit representing Genoese interests: N Michelozzi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 26 July 1484, Dieci, Resp, 31, 478-9. Pope Innocent sends him to Tivoli as governor: ASMi, SPE, Roma, 24 Nov 1485.
Bibliog: DBI, 1, 424-5; Partner, Pope’s men, 161-2
Agnolo, ser
Ref: Recommended to Lorenzo de’ Medici by ‘messer Pucci’ for a military post; may be a suocero of Pucci: MAP, 26, 370, 11 May 1485.
Agnolo da Castel Durante
Ref: The Otto ask Guidobaldo da Montefeltro to send A: Otto, Miss, 3, 93-4, 23 Aug 1484.
Agnolo di Francesco di madonna Dina
Refs: Intercession in his favour and that of Lionardo di Benedetto di Cione, men of S Gimignano imprisoned for illegally exporting grain: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the Balia of Siena, 1 Mar 1484, Lettere, VII, 362. A second appeal: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the Balia of Siena, 7 May 1484, Lettere, VII, 402.
Agnolo di Virile da Castello
Ref: Judicial proceedings by Florentines against A and his brother Marco Antonio di Virile, who live in Celalba: 14 Mar 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 462.
Agostino da Berignano
Ref: Joins the League side together with Niccolò da Gambara: Dieci, Miss, 6, 49-50, 3 May 1486.
Agostino da Lucca, fra [‘maestro Agostino’?; see also Agostino dal Vecha?]
Refs: The Dieci order the arrest of a Fra Agostino, a conventual Franciscan travelling from Rome to Genoa: Dieci, Miss, 21, 49-50, 5 Oct 1484. Emissary of doge of Genoa, Sept 1485: Lettere, VIII, 249. Intermediary sent by Doge Paolo Fregoso, Dec 1485: Lettere, IX, 188. Ludovico Sforza’s source of information about Paolo Fregoso: J Guicciardini in Milan to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 9 Apr 1486, AGF, LC, V, 400, 49. Acting as intermediary in negotiations between Milan and the Adorni: MAP, 48, 353, 22 Apr 1486. His letters to the Sforza from Genoa: Dieci, Miss, 6, 49-50, 3 May 1486. Had arrived in Milan with Fra Bernardino, Ludovico Sforza’s agent in Genoa: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 23 June 1486, Dieci, Resp, 36, 425. Ludovico has been deceived by Paolo Fregoso by means of A’s lies: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 27 July 1486, Dieci, Resp, 37, 23. Writes to Ludovico from Genoa that the duke of Lorraine is very upset by the peace: MAP, 48, 351, 26 Aug 1486. His mission to Milan: Dieci, Miss, 6, 77, 6 Sept 1486.
Agostino da Urbino
Ref: With Gentile Becchi, involved in peace negotiations between Florence and Genoa, May 1485: Lettere, VIII, 272.
Agostino dal Vecha, fra[fra Agostino da Lucca?]
Refs: His report to Milan from Genoa: 16 June 1486, Otto, Miss, 5, 10-11. Sent to Genoa with Maffeo and the guardiano of S Francesco: 4 July 1486, Otto, Miss, 5, 17.
Anjou, René II d’ see René II d’Anjou, duke of Lorraine
Alamanni, Domenico
Ref: Is coming with Strozzo Strozzi to see Lorenzo regarding the affairs of Jérôme d’Estouteville and his brother: 5 Mar 1485, MAP, 39, 97.
Alamanni, Luigi di Francesco
Refs: Appointed commissioner in the Romagna in place of Tommaso Ridolfi, initially for a month; this was later extended indefinitely: 16 May 1482, Sig, LC, 21, 41. His instructions from the Dieci: 29 May 1482, Min, 12, 279.
Alamanni, Piero di Francesco 1434-1519
Career: Member of the Calimala guild. General member of the Balia for S Spirito, 1471. Master of the Zecca, Mar-Sept 1480. Sea consul, Mar 1481-Mar 1482(?). Podestà of S Gimignano, 1482. Member of the Otto di Custodia, July-Oct 1483. Ambassador to Ferrara, 1483. Commissary of the Dieci di Balia in Pisa, Mar 1485. Captain of Pisa from the death of Tommaso Soderini to Mar 1486. Orator in Milan, 1486-9. Orator in Rome, Jan 1491-Mar 1492. Accoppiatore, 1492. Represented Florence at the conference of Vicovaro; member of the embassy which went to meet Charles VIII, 1494. Eclipsed with the Medici and banished for complicity in the 1497 pro-Medicean plot. Pardoned and re-employed by Piero Soderini, 1500. Held various offices after the restoration of Medici in 1512, including that of Gonfalonier of Justice in 1513. 1480 Catasto: sostanze 2,271 fl.
Refs: Ercole d’Este is pleased with A’s election as Florentine ambassador in Ferrara: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 24 Aug 1483, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Being sent as envoy to Ferrara: mandate, 10 Sept 1483, Dieci, Cond e Stanz, 24, 31-2. Will leave for Ferrara tomorrow: Dieci to G A Vespucci, 11 Sept 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 427-8. Is ill; given permission to withdraw from Ferrara to recover: Dieci to P Alamanni, 18 Oct 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 263. Is very ill; cannot leave his bed: P Alamanni to the Dieci, 19 Oct 1483, Dieci, Resp, 29, 240. Ercole commends him and regrets that he had to give up his post because of ill health: E d’Este to the Dieci, 28 Oct 1483, Dieci, Resp, 29, 263. Elected commissioner to Volterra and Campiglia; is to learn who is the Volterran most involved in the anti-Florentine plot: 4 Dec 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 69-71. As commissioner, took the confession of Francesco Contughi regarding the plot of Geremia Contughi to return to Volterra: 15 Dec 1484, MAP, 39, 397. Reports to Lorenzo the results of the interrogation of suspects in the Contughi plot: 15 Dec 1484, MAP, 39, 404. Commissioner in Pisa for the whole period of his captaincy there: 17 Nov 1485, Dieci, Delib, 24, 146. Captain of Pisa: 13 Feb 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 14-15. Mandate as ambassador to Milan: ------ 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 80-1, 208.
Albanese, Cristofano d. c. 1535
Refs: Infantry constable serving with Florence in the Lunigiana campaign: -- Sept 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 130. Florentine constable involved in a legal battle with one Matteo da Siena over compensation for a dead moro; is sending his chancellor, Antonio di Tommasino, to Siena to recover property taken from him: 13 Feb 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 104. Will leave Pisa in a few days with eighty infantry: 11 Mar 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 135-6.
Albanese, Giovanni d. c. 1530
Ref: Infantry constable serving with Florentines: 22 Jan 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 218.
Ref: Will make four passavolanti for Lorenzo: 25 Mar 1485 [or 1484?], MAP, 39, 74.
Alberti, Bernardo di Pazzino di Luca
Ref: Tommaso Soderini replied to the Milanese orators ‘que vexillifer iustitia [i e Gonfalonier of Justice] Bernardus Luc’ Albertus et si prudens, bonusque vir existimaretur non satis eloquentia valebat: et alium ex collegis respondere ignominia ascribi posse existimabat’: 23 Apr 1480, Risp verb di oratori, 2, 73.
Alberti, Girolamo
Ref: Brings Lorenzo Spinelli’s letter from Lyon to Lorenzo: 11 July 1486, MAP, 39, 532.
Alberti, Ricciardo degli
Ref: Elected by the monks of Passignano as their new abbot, while Lorenzo endeavoured to secure the commendatory abbacy for Giovanni de’ Medici: Lettere, VIII, 130.
Ref: Milanese commissioner at Pontremoli: 23 Sept 1484, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 307.
Alberto da Bologna
Ref: Will leave Florence today as commander of a squadra belonging to Ranuccio da Marciano: 5 Apr 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 160-1.
Albertino, conte
Ref: Piero Capponi is instructed to pay him for his fifty men-at-arms: 31 July 1486, Dieci, Miss, 7, 78-80.
Albino, Giovanni, da Castelluccio
Career: Librarian and secretary of Alfonso d’Aragona, duke of Calabria.
Refs: ‘Sua Sria’ will have heard that Milan has, at Ferrante’s wish, agreed to a condotta and title; the title is equivalent to that of Federico da Montefeltro: Alfonso d’Aragona at Buonconvento to G Albino, 16 Apr 1480, Albino, De gestis, 164-6. A was sent by Alfonso to Florence and Milan in Aug 1480 to further negotiations for his increased condotta: instructions, 2 Aug 1480, Albino, De gestis, 170-4. Present when Marino Tomacelli made a formal request to the Florentine Signoria for the subsidies promised to Ferrante in Sept for his war against the Turks: 8 Dec 1480, Sig, X, VIII, 75, 41-7. Apparently still negotiating Alfonso d’Aragona’s condotta; if the Florentines are not prepared to take immediate action, A should give Tomacelli his commission and leave Florence, since proceeding without achieving anything would damage Alfonso’s honour and reputation: Alfonso d’Aragona at Matera to G Albino, 13 Jan 1481, Albino, De gestis, 178-9. Has been instructed by Alfonso to leave Florence because of his failure to get anywhere with the condotta, but he should delay his departure to give time for the Florentines to think again: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’E ste, 1 Feb 1481, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 2. Is in Bologna, speaking bitterly against Florence: Francesco da Casate to G G Sforza, 10 Feb 1481, ASMi, SPE, Romagna, 191. News of some 700 Neapolitan troops in skirmishes with the Turks at Otranto: Eleonora d’Aragona to G Albino in Florence, 21 Feb 1481, Albino, De gestis, 181-3. Marino Tomacelli and A have come to Florence from Siena and said that Ferrante had decided to restore the disputed towns on the terms recently proposed, with some changes suggested by Milan: Otto to T Ridolfi in Milan, 3 Mar 1481, Min, 11, 133-5. Briefly in Florence on a visit from Siena: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 3 Mar 1481, ASMo, cit. Witness to the accord for the restitution of the towns, 29 Mar 1481: Lettere, V, 309. It is thought that Princivalle De Gennaro or A must personally be bringing the agreement over the towns, which Ferrante was to ratify: P Nasi in Matera to the Otto, 19 Apr 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 162. Arrived with money but without the contract: P Nasi to the Otto, 24 Apr 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 174-5.
Alfonso d’Aragona has sent him to Naples to hurry on preparations: F Riccio at the duke of Calabria’s camp to G G Sforza, 1 May 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 239. ‘Famiglio cavalcante’ of Alfonso, in Naples to try to speed up the dispatch of Neapolitan men-at-arms; has been talking to the Florentine ambassadors: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 16 Apr 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Is to speak to Lorenzo about money for Alfonso: Ferrante to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 15 June 1484, MAP, 45, 235. Alfonso is sending A to the Florentines to persuade them to send Nicola Orsini with all the Florentine troops: E d’E to Antonio da Montecatini, 27 June 1483, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Has been sent to Florence by Alfonso to urge suspension of the Lunigiana impresa: Dieci to J Gucciardini, 28 June 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 336-7. Arrived in Florence to borrow 10,000 ducats and take them to Alfonso: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 29 June 1484, ASMo, cit. Arrived at Ferrara yesterday content with his mission to Florence, especially with Lorenzo: J Gucciardini at Ferrara to the Dieci, 5 July 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 126; J Gucciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 July 1483, MAP, 48, 327. Is being sent to Lorenzo: Alfonso d’Aragona to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 26 July 1484, MAP, 45, 235. Like Antonello Petrucci, fears Ludovico Sforza wants to become duke of Milan: G Lanfredini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 13 Aug 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 113. Ambassador to the Turk: 16 Apr 1485, Dieci, Resp, 34, 21. Lorenzo asks him to stay on in Bologna for the good of Ferrante: Lorenzo de’ Medici to G Albino, 8 Oct 1485, Lettere, VIII, 311-12. Lorenzo gives him a message for Ferrante: Lorenzo de’ Medici to Ferrante, 29 Oct 1485, Lettere, IX, 25. Lorenzo gives him a message for Alfonso: Lorenzo de’ Medici to Alfonso d’Aragona, 29 Oct 1485, Lettere, IX, 26. Present at the signing of the Orsini condotta; he promises that Ferrante will ratify it: 2 Nov 1485, Dieci, Delib, 30, 115. Lorenzo gives him a list of instructions on what to report to Ferrante and Alfonso: Lorenzo de’ Medici to G Albino, 3 Nov 1485, Lettere, IX, 27-35. The Otto receive a copy of Ferrante’s letter to A relating Neapolitan successes in war: 7 Apr 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 165. The Dieci want to know what he reported to Piero Capponi about peace negotiations when he returned from Rome: 11 July 1486, Dieci, Miss, 7, 70.
Bibliog: DBI, 2, 12-13
Albizzi, Alessandro degli
Ref: Tells Bernardo Rucellai what Lorenzo has done regarding the priorate of Lupeta: 3 Sept 1484, MAP, 48, 262.
Albizzi, Francesco di Luca degli
Ref: Recommends to Lorenzo the case of Luca degli Albizzi: 22 Sept 1485, MAP, 26, 446.
Albizzi, Luca d’Antonio degli 1459-1502
Career: Grandson of Luca Pitti; m Costanza di Pier Filippo Pandolfini. Prior, 1490. Supporter of Savonarola. Commissary at Borgo S Sepolcro, Cortona and Poppi, 1494-6. Prior, Jan-Feb 1498. Member of the Dieci della Libertà, 1498. Attempted to rouse the popular party to arms after the failure of the friars’ trial by fire, but this was thwarted, so he left Florence and took refuge on his estates. Arrested Paolo Vitelli in the camp before Pisa in 1499. Commissary to Beaumont’s French army before Pisa. Firmly resisted mutinies and disorders of troops. Seized by angry French troops and made to pay 1,300 fl for his liberty. Gonfalonier of Justice, Sept/Oct 1501.
Refs: His case recommended to Lorenzo by Maso and Francesco degli Albizzi: 22 Sept 1485, MAP, 26, 446. Involved in the murder committed by Gherardo Guardi’s son: 26 Sept 1485, MAP, 26, 450.
Bibliog: DBI, 2, 26-7
Albizzi, Maso/Massino di Luca degli b. c. 1427
Career: Camerlengo generale of Pisa, Apr-Oct 1458. Sea consul, July 1466-July 1467. General member of the Balia for S Giovanni, 1471. Accoppiatore, 1476, 1492. Podestà of Pisa, Aug 1477-Feb 1478. Member of the Dieci di Balia, Nov 1479-. Member of the Council of 70, 1480. Member of the Otto di pratica, Oct 1480-Apr 1481, Oct 1481-Apr 1482. One of the 12 Procuratori, Apr-Oct 1481, Oct 1482-Apr 1483, Oct 1483-Apr 1484. Captain of Volterra 1489.
Refs: In the consulta he suggests that Florence look to her allies for extra men and money: 29 May 1482, Min, 11, 365-7. Recommends to Lorenzo the case of Luca degli Albizzi: 22 Sept 1485, MAP, 26, 446. Lorenzo’s good will towards A in the matter involving his nipote: 24 Sept 1485, MAP, 26, 448.
Albret, Alain d’ (‘le Grand’) 1440-1522
Ref: His differences with Jean de Foix, vicomte de Narbonne, regarding the kingdom of Navarre; Cardinal de Foix, Narbonne’s brother, is hoping to resolve them: Dieci, Resp, 32, 45, 17 Aug 1484.
Bibliog: DBF, 1, 1295-9
Aldighieri, Alberto, see Aringhieri, Alberto
Aldighieri, Giovanni
Ref: Involved in the letter of exchange issued by Lorenzo da Pesciola in Milan for Lorenzo de’ Medici as part of Ludovico Sforza’s contribution to the war effort: 14 Nov 1485, MAP, 26, 480.
Aldobrandini, Giovanni d’Aldobrandino 1422-1481
Career: The last of his family to be associated with the Medici. m (1) Giana di Baldassare Bonsi, (2) Elisabetta d’Andrea Carducci. Podestà of Pistoia, 1458. One of the 12 Buonuomini, 1459. Prior, 1464. Captain of Pistoia, 1467. General member of the Balia for S Giovanni, 1471. Captain of Pisa, Sept 1471-Mar 1472. Sea consul and provveditore of Pisa, Nov 1472-Jan 1473. Podestà of Pisa, July 1475-Jan 1476. Gonfalonier of Justice, 1476. Commissary in Sarzana, 1478-9; captain of the same, 1480. One of second half of the Council of 70, 1480. Commissary in the Lunigiana, 1480-1; agreed with plans to recover Sarzana and oppose the Fregosi. Died as captain of Pisa, Sept 1481. 1480 Catasto: house in S Lorenzo; farm and villa at S Michele in Castello and another in the contado of Prato [latter part of entry is missing].
Ref: A, captain of Sarzanello, knows why Giovanni da Lodi, a familiar of Luigi Terzago, is coming, and he is to do as Giovanni asks: Otto to G Aldobrandini, 2 Oct 1480, Otto, Miss, 1, 69. Condolences to his brother Salvestro on A’s death; since he is on the spot, the Otto would like Salvestro to remain until A’s successor is appointed: Otto to S Aldobrandini, 9 Aug 1481, Min, 11, 173-4.
Aldobrandini, Tommaso
Ref: Seeks renewal of his office as podestà of Viterbo: 30 June 1484, Otto, Miss, 2, 45-6.
Aldovrandini, messer
Ref: Ferrarese emissary to Florentine Signoria and to Lorenzo: 14 Oct 1485, MAP, 47, 362.
Alençon, René d’, duke of d. 1492
Refs: Sent to court as a representative of the duke of Orléans: 18 Nov 1484, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 307. Among the opponents of the Beaujeu regime: 30 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 73.
Alessandri, Jacopo d’Alessandro b. c. 1421
Career: Member of the second half of the Council of 70, 1480. 1480 Catasto: sostanze 5,927 fl.
Ref: In the consulta, agreed with Antonio Pucci and Roberto Leoni: 29 May 1482, Min, 11, 365-7.
Alessandri, Maso di Niccolò
Career: One of the 12 Procuratori, Apr 1481-, Apr-Oct 1482, Apr-Oct 1484, suggesting that he was a member of the Council of 70.
Ref: In the consulta, speaking on behalf of the 12 Procuratori, he proposed the raising of new taxes and men: 29 May 1482, Min, 11, 365-7.
Alessandri, Ugo degli
Ref: His case against Giovanni Sforza of S Fiora: 3 Apr 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 157.
Ref: Chaplain and emissary to Florence of Antonio Alberico Malaspina: 18 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 177.
Alessi, Cosimo di Marco
Ref: Sienese cancelliere grande on a mission to Florence, Sept 1482: Lettere, VII, 65.
Alfieri, Jacopo Alfeo
Refs: With Luigi Terzago, is being dropped as Milanese secretary of state, though Bartolomeo Calco remains, with the addition of Cristofano da Cambino: P F Pandolfini in Milan to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 8 Apr 1480, Sig, X, VIII, 10, 176-9. Sent as special Milanese ambassador to Florence because of the prospect of an imminent conclusion with Ferrante of Naples; sent to mediate over the disputed towns: Otto to P Nasi in Naples, 21 Jan 1481, Min, 11, 117 and 119. The Otto spoke to A about the danger of the Torelli family attacking the Lunigiana; they want Milan to intervene: Otto to T Ridolfi in Milan, 21 Jan 1481, Min, 11, 118. A fears losing his position and wants Lorenzo to recommend him to Gian Galeazzo Sforza: T Ridolfi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 4 July 1481, Sig, X, VIII, 4, III, 20-1; MAP, 48, 85. Ludovico Sforza wanted A to go on from Florence to Naples, but A declared himself unfit: 12 Jan 1481, ------. Pallavicino Pallavicino claims that the decision to please Roberto di Sanseverino by allowing A to become a secretary was in order to make Venice suspect too close relations Milan and Roberto: 19 Dec 1484, MAP, 48, 274.
Alfonsetto da Pontremoli
Refs: An infantry constable on the Florentine side: 23 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 250. Assigned to the fleet for the Portovenere campaign: 11 Dec 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 80. A Milanese infantry commander for campaign against Roberto di Sanseverino: 11 Mar 1486, MAP, 51, 298.
Alfonso d’Aragona, duke of Calabria, see Aragona, Alfonso d’
Alfonso, marchese of Finale
Refs: Milan values A because he is ‘alevo et creato nostro’ and because his stato is very important for Genoa, but he has problems in supplying his stato with grain: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni, 27 Sept 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Wants to send a brother to serve Federico Gonzaga: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 16 Oct 1483, ASMa, AG, 1628. A parente of the Adorni but an adherente of the Sforza of Milan, who he does not want to displease: -- Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 286.
Alidosi, Ludovico degli
Ref: With his son Ottaviano and other nobles of Castel del Rio, mentioned in the treaty signed between Sixtus and the League, 12 Dec 1482, Lettere, VII, 491.
Altavilla, count of, see Francesco da Capua
Altino, count of
Ref: One of the French ambassadors to Rome: 20 Jan 1485, Dieci, Miss, 23, 15.
Altoviti, Antonio di Bindo b. c. 1455
Career: 1480 Catasto: Vipera; sostanze 1,441 fl.
Refs: His marriage to the daughter of Madonna Clarenza: 12 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 60. Suggests that he be used to solicit the dispatch of a papal brief regarding the Florentine clerical decima: 28 Aug 1486, Dieci, Miss, 7, 93-4.
Altoviti, Bernardo di Paolo
Ref: Commissioner at Livorno and in his captainate: 14 Sept 1485, Dieci, Delib, 24, 122.
Altoviti, Cornelio
Ref: In line with Lorenzo’s instructions, A hands over to Tommaso Portinari the obligations and documents deposited with him by Giovanni Olivieri: 16 Oct 1484, MAP, 40, 167.
Altoviti, Guglielmo di Bardo 1444-1511
Career: Prior, 1481. Podestà of Bibbiena, 1482. Provveditore delle gabelle of Pisa, Sept 1484-Sept 1485. Captain of Borgo S Sepolcro, 1486. Captain of Livorno, Apr- Aug 1489. Vicar of Anghiari, 1493. Although a Medicean, he changed sides in 1494 and continued to hold offices. Commissary with army against Pisa, 1496. Captain of Borgo S Sepolcro 1499.
Refs: As captain of Borgo S Sepolcro, writes to Lorenzo regarding the removal of Alessandro Uguccioni, provveditore of the Captains of the Guelf Party: 13 Mar 1486, MAP, 39, 497.
Altoviti, Guglielmo di Paolo (di Bardo)
Career: m (1) Lisabetta di Nofri Rondinelli, (2) Nannina di Leonardo Strozzi. Soldier; castellan of Ripafetta, 1480; castellan of S Marco at Pisa, Nov 1492-May 1493; castellan of Arezzo, 1496; vicar of Val d’Elsa, 1500; castellan of Pistoia, 1511.
Altoviti, Rinaldo di Zenobio 1450-1527
Career: A friend of the Medici whose career included being head of a banking house in Constantinople, and podestà of Castelfranco in 1501.
Refs: He and Neri Capponi have a case against one Melina, a corsale, regarding a vessel Melina took from them; Jacopo d’Appiano is backing their argument: 18 Oct 1485, MAP, 26, 464. Reports to Lorenzo from Marseille: 7 Oct 1486, MAP, 39, 574.
Aluisino, ser
Ref: Chancellor of Guidobaldo da Montefeltro: 13 May 1485, Dieci, Miss, 24, 113.
Alviano, Francesco d’
Refs: One of the Orsini raccomandati nominated at the time of the Orsini condotta: 2 Nov 1485, Dieci, Delib, 30, 116. His lands are conveniently close to an area held by the Todi exiles with whom the Orsini are negotiating: 22 Feb 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 387.
Amadeo, messer
Ref: Representative in Florence of Lorenzo Giustini for the settling of his condotta: MAP, 39, 465, 16 June 1486.
Ref: With his brothers, the subject of a letter of support: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the Signoria of Lucca, 30 Jan 1483, Lettere, VII, 190-1.
Amboise, Jean d’ d. 1498
Career: One of seventeen siblings who included a cardinal (Georges d’Amboise), four other bishops and a grand master of the Hospitallers; bishop of Maillezais, 1478-81; bishop of Langres, 1481-98.
Ref: Cardinal Balue tried to replace him with Guichard d’Aubusson in the French embassy to Italy: MAP, 39, 398, 8 Dec 1484.
Bibliog: DBF, 2, 513-14
Ambrogini, Agnolo see Poliziano, Angelo
Ambrogini, Tommaso d’Antonio, da Montepulciano
Ref: Recommendation of this soldier and first cousin of Angelo Poliziano: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini in Ferrara, 25 Mar 1483, Lettere, VII, 211-2.
Ambrogio, maestro
Ref: Ludovico Sforza’s doctor and astrologer: MAP, 48, 28, 20 Aug 1484.
Ambrogio da Savona
Refs: Some of his silks have been seized at Faenza and the case recommended to Lorenzo de’ Medici by Giuliano della Rovere; he deserves Florentine citizenship: MAP, 39, 60, 12 Jan 1485. The Dieci ensured that his silk was given back to him many days ago: Dieci, Resp, 30, 255, 24 Jan 1485.
Ambrogio, Jacopo, marchese of Ponzano
Refs: P favours the Sarzanese against the men of Falcinello: 15 Mar 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 484. The Otto complain that P is attacking Florentine subjects despite letters from Ludovico Sforza telling him to stop: Otto, Miss, 3, 127-8, 12 Apr 1485. A raccomandato of Ludovico Sforza of whom the Dieci complain; Ludovico writes a stern letter to him: Dieci, Resp, 34, 46, 22 Apr 1485. Further complaints from the Otto about the way he calumniated Florence and her subjects to the duke of Milan and about the way he has been assisting the men of Sarzana: Otto, Miss, 3, 158-9, 25 Aug 1485. Is assisting the Sarzanesi with information regarding doings Florentine activities; a raccomandato of Ludovico Sforza: Dieci, Miss, 6, 42-3, 12 Apr 1486.
Ambrosini, Francesco di Piero, da Iesi
Ref: Florentine citizen and podestà of Siena recommended for the position of Captain of Justice in Milan: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini in Milan, 24 Apr 1486, Lettere, IX, 255.
Amis, Jean
Refs: Louis XI’s secretary and, with Robert Gaguin and Jacques de Belleville, a member of the French embassy to Italy, the purpose of which is to assert the Angevin claim to Naples: MAP, 39, 459, 6 Apr 1486; Lettere, IX, 285-6. Going to Rome: Dieci, Delib, 24, 173, 14 May 1486
Andrea, ser
Ref: The Dieci tell Piero Capponi and Piero Vettori to use A when they hand out pay to the troops: 24 May 1486, Dieci, Miss, 7, 40-1.
Andrea da Alessandria
Ref: The Dieci recommend A to be general of the Sienese chapter of Augustinian hermits: 6 May 1486, Dieci, Miss, 7, 18.
Andrea di Lando
Ref: Recommendation of A as doganiere: Lorenzo de’ Medici to ser Giovanni and ser Bartolomeo, 6 May 1486, MAP, 20, 64.
Andrea di Matteo dal Borgo [San Sepolcro]
Refs: The captain of Pisa is to enrol 100 good men and give ten paghe to the bearer, A: Otto to captain of Pisa, 28 June 1480, Miss, 1a Canc, 48, 98. The Otto have decided not to let A go; does Lorenzo agree?: Otto to Lorenzo de’ Medici at Pisa, 10 Jan 1482, Otto, Miss int, 2, 38. A will have spoken to Lorenzo, who is also at Pisa(?); if he has agreed with what they want, he is to come to Florence to speak to them and ‘tractare …quello ne occorrerà’: Otto to Andrea dal Borgo, 15 Jan 1482, Otto, Miss int, 2, 41. Florence appoints A as captain of her infantry: 4 Mar 1482, Otto, Miss int, 2, 72. The Otto send him to re-fortify Montepoggiuoli: Otto to Corbizzo di Giovanni de Castrocaro, 24 Apr 1482, Otto, Miss int, 3, 5-6. Sent by Florence with infantry (to the camp at Castelnuovo?): Otto to B Gianfigliazzi, 11 May 1482, Min, 12, 258-9. Hired by Ercole d’E ste(?); does not have a full complement of 500 infantry: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 7 June 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. His pay is set against Ercole’s old condotta, which is still owed by Florence: Otto to B Rucellai, 10 July 1482, Min, 12, 384-6. Discussion regarding A’s pay, as his company is under strength: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 1 Aug 1482, ASMo, cit. Is among soldiers who came to Rome following Roberto Malatesta’s victory at Campomorto to take service with the Venetians, because he has a quarrel with Lorenzo: Oct 1482, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, I, 294. Stationed at Argenta, where he had been plotting with the Venetians: 14 Oct 1482, Caleffini, 17. Has been conspiring with the Venetians to betray places in the Romagna: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 29 Oct 1482, ASMo, cit.
Andrea da Mino
Refs: After Roberto di Sanseverino was well received in Siena he sent A, the captain of his mounted archers, to Rome to discuss the possibility of a visit by Roberto to Girolamo Riario: A Arrivabene to F Gonzaga, 21 Feb 1482, ASMa, AG, 846.
Andrea del Fede
Ref: Lorenzo’s head groom; sent to Siena for the Palio; Niccolò Michelozzi is to write letters of recommendation for him and see that he has money: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 10 Aug 1480, Lettere, V, 37-9.
Andreotto da San Marcello
Ref: A peace which he and his family made has been broken: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 8 May 1486, Lettere, IX, 280.
Angelo, messer
Ref: Thanks Lorenzo for favours done and gives him a report on the latest news from his brother Francesco in France regarding René d’Anjou’s descent into Italy: 10 May 1486, MAP, 39, 482.
Angelo da Campobasso, conte
Refs: Jacopo Conti had sent a message via A that Girolamo Riario and the Venetian ambassador in Rome had quarrelled: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 1 Oct 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Stationed with Alfonso d’Aragona’s forces on the borders of the Papal States?: G F Cagnola at S Lorenzo to G G Sforza, 11 Nov 1482, ASMi, cit. One of the Neapolitan commanders in the Ferrarese: P Nasi to the Dieci, 10 July 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 168.
Angelo di Giovanni
Ref: The Otto acknowledge receipt of the ratification of peace sent by A, the Genoese ambassador: 9 Feb 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 99-100.
Angiolini, Piero di Piero
Ref: Recommends to Lorenzo his sister’s son Antonio di Neri Segni, who was involved in the murder by Gherardo Guardi’s son: 26 Sept 1485, MAP, 26, 450.
Angoulême, Charles de Valois, count of 1460-1496
Career: Son of Jean, count of Angoulême, and Marguerite de Rohan; grandson of Louis, duke of Orléans, and Valentina Visconti of Milan; m Louise, daughter of Philippe II of Savoy; father of Francis I of France and Marguerite of Navarre. Opposed the government of Anne and Pierre de Beaujeu, including in the Guerre folle.
Ref: A member of the opposition to the Beaujeu regime: 30 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 73.
Bibliog: DBF, II, 1201-3
Anguillara, Deifobo dell’Deifebo d. 1490
Career: Son of Everso dall’A nguillara, whose extensive estates and power base were north of Rome, and of Francesca Orsini; m Caterina di Stefano Colonna. Received his early training in arms at the court of Alfonso the Magnanimous, but later saw action on behalf of the Angevins against the Aragonese in Naples. From 1464 he served Venice, in Greece, Croatia and elsewhere, especially after his excommunication in 1465. Commanded Venetian troops in Tuscany during the Pazzi War and remained in Venetian service thereafter.
Refs: The league signed between Sixtus, Naples, Milan and Florence, 13 Mar 1480, identified Bernardino Fortebracci and A as disturbers of peace and called for their expulsion from the territories of all the signatories: Lettere V, 283. Venetian governor-general in Brescia, 1482: Lettere VII, 29. Borrowed from the Medici bank in order to acquire property in Tuscany: Deifebo dell’Anguillara to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 15 Feb 1482, MAP, 138, 451. Has been ordered to move to Ghiaradadda with his troops: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’E ste, 2 May 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. To Lombardy with 400 cavalry: early May 1482, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, I, 245. Sent to Ravenna to replace Roberto Malatesta when the latter went to Rome: June 1482, Malipiero, 261. Like Bernardino Fortebracci and Giovanni Antonio Caldora, A is open to offers from the League: Otto to B Rucellai, 15 June 1482, Min, 12, 325. Has turned up with troops at Bagnacavallo: Otto to B Pucci at Città di Castello, 22 June 1482, Otto, Miss int, 3, 90. [Francesco Gaddi] told Ferrante of Lorenzo’s pratica with A: [F Gaddi] in Naples to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 26 Oct 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 172-3. The safeconduct for A’s wife to cross Florentine territory with up to twenty horse is valid until the end of Apr: 3 Mar 1483, Dieci, Miss int 19, 132. Is in the Bresciano: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 30 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 377. Has sent to Ludovico Sforza to say he wants to come to see him; Ludovico has told him to come, but has not yet done so: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 3 Nov 1483, ASMa, AG, 1628. Has entered his estates at Roncaglione and Vetralla but has not got the fortresses: 25 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 296. Uncle of Dolce dall’Anguillara: 26 Aug 1484, MAP, 26, 309. When he hands back all the terre and rocche he had taken from the pope, then his claims will be investigated: 1 Sept 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 106. Innocent has handed him over to the Colonna who have recovered Ronciglione: 1 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 308.
Bibliog: DBI, 3, 300-1; P Cherubini, ‘Deifobo dall’Anguillara tra Roma, Firenze e Venezia’, Archivio della Società romana di storia patria, X (1980), 209-34
Anguillara, Dolce dall’
Refs: Should arrive at Montepulciano today to take up a position watching for Sienese exiles: B Biringhucci in Florence to the Balia of Siena, 28 June 1483, ASS, Balia, 512, 24. Inspected by Puccio Pucci at Montepulciano before being given a condotta by Florence: P Pucci at Montepulciano to [the Dieci], 1 July 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 89. Has been taken into Florentine service and has fifteen men-at-arms ready for action: Dieci to G A Vespucci, 8 July 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 408-9. Is at the command of Siena if help is needed against the exiles: B Biringhucci to the Signoria of Siena, 15 July 1483, ASS, Conc, 2052, 87. Has been removed from the Florentine payroll and is now paid by Guidobaldo da Montefeltro: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 14 May 1484, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. A soldier hoping to return home: 15 Aug 1484, MAP, 48, 25. Reports the taking of Giove: Dolce dall’Anguillara to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 25 Aug 1484, MAP, 40, 129. Nephew of Deifobo dall’Anguillara: 26 Aug 1484, MAP, 26, 309.
Anguillara, Giovanni da Cere dall’
Ref: One of the raccomandati nominated by the Orsini in their condotta: 2 Nov 1485, Dieci, Delib, 30, 116.
Anguissola, Alessandro, da Reggio
Refs: Recommendation of A, Giudice della Mercanzia in Florence, who sought the office of judge of appeals in Siena: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the Signoria of Siena, 29 Jan 1484, Lettere, VII, 351. Recommendation for A to the same Sienese office, but this time described as judge of appeals in Florence: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the Signoria of Siena, 6 Mar 1484, Lettere, VII, 364.
Anguissola, Giovan Carlo, da Piacenza
Refs: Sends his chancellor to Genoa to finalize his condotta: 30 Oct 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 104. Hired by Genoa with sixty elmetti: n d, Otto, Miss, 3, 106. The Dieci ask Gian Galeazzo Sforza, whose vassal he is, to get A to withdraw from Genoese service; he used to be in pay of Ercole d’Este; the duke of Milan says that he can only try to persuade him in a friendly manner as has given him licence to serve whoever he wishes: 1 Dec 1484, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 307. His case is one of the reasons Florence has for feeling resentment towards Milan; Bernardo Rucellai reckons that if Florence wants A, they can get him for two-thirds less pay than he receives from Genoa, because he is not happy there: B Rucellai in Milan to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 30 Dec 1484, MAP, 48, 278. Ludovico Sforza orders him to leave Genoese service: 21 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 227. His condotta with Genoa is over, as Rucellai obtained a letter of revocation: -- Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 195.
Anguissola, Giovan Francesco
Ref: Milanese ambassador to Rome: 19 Mar 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 507.
Anjou, Charles II, duke of, see Charles II, duke of Anjou
Anjou, René d’, see René II d’Anjou, duke of Lorraine
Antella, Antonio di Buffilo dell’
Ref: His goods have been seized by the count of Modrus in Croatia: 4 Mar 1485, Acq e Doni, 352, 3. Giovanni Lanfredini persuades Ferrante to write to the count of Modrus in favour of A and Agnolo del Caccia, as instructed by the Dieci: 21 Mar 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 522.
Antella, Filippo di Giovanni dell’
Career: Member of the Otto di Custodia, July-Oct. 1482. Captain of Livorno, Apr-Aug 1490. Sea consul at Pisa, 1491. Exiled as a Medicean, 1497.
Refs: Commissioner to the citadel of Campiglia: 23 Mar 1485, Dieci, Delib, 24, 97. Captain of Borgo, elected commissioner of the town and district of Borgo for the period of the present Dieci’s tenure of office: 21 June 1486, Dieci, Delib, 24, 178-9.
Antella, Giovanni di Taddeo dell’ c. 1421-1485
Career: Captain of the Catalonia galleys, 1462-3. Captain of Pisa, 1464. Sea consul at Pisa, 1465-6. Legation to Siena, 1470. Accoppiatore, 1470. One of the original deputies for S Croce in the Balia, 1471. Captain of Livorno, 1472. Member of the Council of 70, 1480. One of the 12 Procuratori, 1480-1, and of the Otto di pratica 1481. Podestà of Pistoia 1482.
Refs: In the consulta, recommended avoiding raising more men if possible; ecclesiastical revenues can supply money if need be: 29 May 1482, Min, 12, 365-7. His death leaves a vacancy in a magistracy: 29 Apr 1485, MAP, 26, 357.
Antella, Taddeo dell’
Ref: Recommended to Lorenzo by the sons of the recently deceased Giovanni dell’ Antella for membership of the new Otto: MAP, 26, 457, 2 Oct 1485.
Antimaco, Matteo
Career: Chamberlain of Federico Gonzaga (d 1484); helped to draw up the peace of Bagnolo in 1484.
Refs: In Naples to request payment of a further 6,000 ducats owed by Naples to Federico Gonzaga: M Trotti in Naples to F Gonzaga, 1 June 1481, ASMa, AG, 1427. Zaccaria Saggi complains that the last time Gonzaga sent A to Milan he spoke to Ludovico Sforza alone, with Saggi being forced to stand aside: Z Saggi in Milan to F Gonzaga, 23 Aug 1483, ASMa, AG, 1628. Saggi is satisfied that A must have spoken to Ludovico alone on Ludovico’s instructions, not Gonzaga’s: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 28 Aug 1483, ASMa, cit. Arrived in Milan yesterday; was well received by Ludovico: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 20 Nov 1483, ASMa, cit. When he left Milan, A wrote to Ludovico saying that the money he is taking back to Gonzaga was very little and urged him to supply more: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 8 Dec 1483, ASMa, cit. Arrived in Milan yesterday; told Ludovico of Gonzaga’s dire need of money: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 7 Feb 1484, ASMa, cit. Left Milan today with 6,000 ducats: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 8 Feb 1484, ASMa, cit. Arrived in Milan; has spoken to Ludovico: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 15 Mar 1484, ASMa, cit. Arrived in Milan today: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 11 Apr 1484, ASMa, cit. As Gonzaga’s ambassador, signatory to the peace of Bagnolo, 7 Aug 1484: Lettere, VII, 515. Has made an arrangement with Ludovico about money for Mantua: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 12 Apr 1484, ASMa, cit.
Antinori, Francesco di Antonio b. c. 1449
Refs: Commissioner to escort Milanese troops from Faenza to Cortona: 8 Apr 1486, Dieci, Delib, 24, 166. Is bringing Milanese troops from the Cortona area to [Piero?] Capponi: 13 Apr 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 173-5.
Antinori, Tommaso di Bernardo
Career: Merchant who was the first member of his family to reach the top rank of Florentine society. m Alessandra di Giovanni Benci. General member for S Spirito in the Balia, 1471. Prior, Sept/Oct 1471. Gonfalonier of Justice, 1474, July/Aug 1496. Member of the Otto di Custodia, Mar-June 1481. Podestà of Pisa, Oct 1483-Apr 1484. Member of the Sei della Mercanzia, from Mar 1495. 1480 Catasto: Drago; sostanze 1,092 fl.
Antiquario, Jacopo c. 1444/5-1512
Career: Perugian humanist who served in the Sforza chancery and remained in Milan after the fall of Ludovico Sforza in 1499.
Refs: A, first chancellor at Milan, has refused to serve under the newly appointed secretary of state Cristoforo da Cambino and offered his resignation; Pier Filippo Pandolfini seems anxious to acquire him for Florence and says he would be willing to work as second chancellor under Bartolomeo Scala; A is aged forty to forty-five and is very attached to Lorenzo; he has controlled the Milanese chancery’s affairs with Florence, Rome and Naples for ten years; he receives 10 ducats a month at Milan and Pandolfini thinks he would be content with very little more; he was also at Bologna for a couple of years and was highly commended there: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 18 Apr 1480, Sig, VIII, X, 10, 183. A is interested in going to Florence, but says that, if he has a row with Bona Sforza, he doubts Florence will be able to employ him; he will try to get full permission to leave, but Pandolfini doubts he will receive it as he is too useful: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 3 May 1480, Sig, X, VIII, 10, 194-5. A is not going to get permission to leave and that is the end of it: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 18 May 1480, Sig, X, VIII, 10, 210-11. Ludovico Sforza is sending A to Rome to urge Sixtus to promote his brother Ascanio: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 20 Nov 1483, ASMa, AG, 1628. A told Bernardo Rucellai that Ludovico’s closeness to Girolamo Riario is the result of bribery by the latter: 19 Dec 1484, MAP, 48, 274.
Bibliog: DBI, 3, 470-2
Antonaccio da Doccia
Refs: A Venetian condottiere; has gone to Melara with five squadrons: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 1 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 308-9. Negotiating with Alfonso d’Aragona, who hopes to get him for the League with 100 men-at-arms: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 6 May 1483, MAP, 48, 317.
Antonello da Campobasso d. c. 1490
Refs: A squadron commander of Federico d’Aragona: G Brognoli(?) in Naples to Federico Gonzaga, 24 Aug 1482, ASMa, AG, 806. Is with Alfonso d’A ragona’s forces on the broders of the Papal States: G F Cagnola to G G Sforza, 11 Nov 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. Is at La Massa, reporting on the movements of the Venetian fleet: J Guicciardini at Ferrara to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 30 May 1483, MAP, 48, 307. With Neapolitan forces in the Abruzzi: list of troops, 8 July 1483, MAP, 61, 62.
Antonello da Forlì, Antonello Armuzzi Zampeschi d. 1482
Career: A condottiere of humble origins whose career began with Francesco Sforza in the 1440s and who served many employers, most notably his papal overlords, for whom he saw action against the Malatesta of Rimini in the 1460s. However, the Pazzi War saw him fight for Florence against Sixtus and Naples.
Refs: Together with other Romagnol commanders, mentioned in the league signed between Sixtus, Naples, Milan and Florence, 13 Mar 1480: Lettere, V, 283 and 285. Protected in the Neapolitan/Milanese/Florentine league of 1480: Bona and G G Sforza to F Sacramoro, 5 Apr 1480, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 299. Paid off by Florence in Apr 1480 with the first payment being of 900 fl: 11-14 May 1481, Provv 172, 32-3. Specifically excluded from the papal/Neapolitan league of 16 Apr 1480; Venice undertook not to assst A if Sixtus chose to chastise him for his errors: G Franciotti in Rome to the Anziani of Lucca, 13 May 1480, Registri Anziani, 89. In reporting a suspected plot by the sons of Cecco Ordelaffi, Gian Filippo Salarolo writes that one of Cecco’s sons had entered the citadel at Lugo and then gone to the house of ser Niccolò and Agnolo, partisans of Carlo Manfredi, and there met A; Salarolo thinks Cecco’ s sons are acting with Neapolitan consent: G F Salarolo to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 19? May 1480, MAP, 38, 21. Francesco da Casale wrote to the ‘dukes’ of Milan on behalf of Roberto di Sanseverino regarding A; although it is impossible for them to give A a condotta, they want Roberto to do what he can for him at Florence and with Alfonso d’Aragona: Bona and G G Sforza to Roberto di Sanseverino, 4 June 1480, ASMi, cit. A is in Florence, seeking a condotta, but has not yet received a reply: F Sarcamoro to Bona and G G Sforza, 11 June 1480, ASMi, cit. Is still in Florence and ready to accept even half of what he received in the last [Pazzi] war: F Sacramoro to Bona and G G Sforza, 15 June 1480, ASMi, cit. A is going to Galeotto Manfredi to present certain personal requests; the Signoria hopes Galeotto will do what he can for A, as the latter is Florence’s very faithful servant; ‘ desideriamo lo utile e honore suo come d’uno nostro caro e buono cittadino’: Signoria of Florence to G Manfredi, 20 June 1480, Sig, Miss 1a Canc, 47, 91 and 48, 88. A is prepared to accept 6,000 ducats, but Florence is stalling: F Sacramoro to Bona and G G Sforza, 17 June 1480, ASMi, cit. A is described by Florence as ‘ prudente e praticho e vale[n]te homo’ and they want Ercole d’Este to employ him: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 13 July 1480, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 2. Florence did not send A to stir up trouble; he has not been in Florentine pay for some months and, as far as Florence is concerned, is a free agent: Signoria of Florence to Signoria of Venice, 20 July 1480, Sig, Miss 1a Canc, 48, 108. Much as Florence would like to do so, she cannot help A at present because of great expenses and advises him, for his own interests, to conclude a pratica with the Church: Otto to Antonello da Forlì, 8 Aug 1480, Otto, Miss int, 1, 34-5. During Girolamo Riario’s journey through the Romagna, A went to meet him, accompanied by some troops: Galeotto Manfredi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 14 Oct 1481, MAP, 38, 178. It is thought that A will not sign another condotta with Sixtus, but Giovanni Tornabuoni doubts this: G Tornabuoni in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 Jan 1482, MAP, 38, 69. His son captured a castle of Riario’s near Cesena: 6-8 Nov 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 171. His sons had taken S Mauro from Riario: 17/18 Nov 1484, MAP, 39, 384.
Antonello da Prato
Ref: An infantry constable serving Florence in the Lunigiana war: 8 Sept 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 130.
Antonietto di Bertone da Corniglio
Ref: A leading man of Sarzana who arranged a tractato with Agostino Fregoso to deprive Florence of Sarzana; he informs Florence of the assistance Jacopo Ambrogio is giving to Sarzana: 25 Aug 1485, Otto, Miss, 3, 158-9.
Antonio, maestro
Refs: Thinks Antonio de’ Nobili should be sent to the Maremma: 22 Sept 1484, MAP, 48, 51. The matter of his bishopric in the Regno: 26 Sept 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 145. Ferrante agrees he shall have it: 29 Nov 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 180.
Antonio d’Alessandro
Refs: Lorenzo asked to be recommended to A [who had been one of the negotiators of the peace between Naples and Florence of 13 Mar 1480]: Lorenzo de’ Medici to P F Pandolfini in Naples, 26 Dec 1481, Lettere, VI, 179. A as the Neapolitan ambassador newly returned from Spain with news of Ferdinand of Aragon’s extreme irritation at the piratical acts committed by Paolo Battista Fregoso on Spanish shipping: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 27 Dec 1481, MAP, 51, 72.
Antonio di Bernardo di Miniato
Career: One of the leading minor guildsmen (a correggaio) of the Laurentian period. Prior, Sept-Oct 1470. Member of the Balia and of the first half of the Council of 70, 1471. Accoppoatore, 1471, 1484, 1490, 1493. Monte offical, 1474. Member of the Dieci di Balia, 1478/9, 1482. One of the 12 Procuratori, Apr-Oct 1480, Apr-Oct 1481. Member of the Otto di Pratica, Apr 1482 until the Dieci di Balia took it over.
Antonio da Cascina
Ref: Received a Pisan canonry; Bernardo Rucellai reports that he is coming to ask Lorenzo’s consent for it to go to his son: N Michelozzi and Giovanni Antonio d’Arezzo to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 7 Mar 1486, MAP, 51, 291; Lettere, VIII, 79.
Antonio da Catignano
Ref: Asks Lorenzo to get him raffermo in office as vicar of Montecchio: 2 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 274.
Antonio da Firenze
Ref: Constable in arce Corvarie who complains to Lorenzo regarding one Cataracione whom Lorenzo had recommended to him: 1 Sept 1485, MAP, 26, 419.
Antonio di Francesco di Sinibaldo
Ref: Witness to the accord for the restitution of the territories disputed by Florence and Siena, 29 Mar 1481: Lettere, V, 309.
Antonio da Genova
Ref: An agent of Ascanio Sforza sent to Venice as part of Ascanio’s campaign to regain his position in Milan; Venice rejected this approach: 1-3 Aug 1481, ASV, Dieci, Misti, 22, 111-12.
Antonio di Giorgio da Settignano
Ref: Examines the walls of Pietrasanta: 12 Mar 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 451.
Antonio di Jacopo di Goro da Livorno
Ref: An appeal on behalf of A, described by Lorenzo as ‘amicissimo mio’: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the Signoria of Lucca, 20 Oct 1482, Lettere, VII, 131-2.
Antonio da Lucarne
Ref: A bombardiere of Ludovico Sforza who is coming to serve Florence: 26 Aug 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 94-5.
Antonio da Lugo
Ref: Ercole d’Este approached Roberto Malatesta through A; he is a Ferrarese, Malatesta’s doctor and an old servant of Ercole: S Sacramoro to G G Sforza, 17 June 1482, ASMi, SPE, Ferrara, 328.
Antonio da Marliano
Refs: With Antonio Gazzo, the Neapolitan ambassador to Milan, and Giovan Francesco Pallavicini, A went to Castelnuovo to seek to compose the differences between Roberto di Sanseverino and Ludovico Sforza: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 26 Dec 1481 and 2 Jan 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. A member of the commission appointed by Ludovico Sforza to raise money: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 18 July 1482, ASMa, cit. One of seven councillors sent to negotiate with Ascanio Sforza: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 14 Sept 1482, ASMa, cit. Sent to greet Bona Sforza on her return to Milan: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 19 Oct 1482, ASMa, cit. Present at Ludovico’s great justification of Milanese policy towards Florence: 30 Dec 1484, MAP, 48, 278. A’s influence over Ludovico: 1 Aug 1486, MAP, 39, 536.
Antonio da Marsciano (Antonio Bulgarelli), conte di Marsciano 1429-1484
Career: Kinsman of the condottiere Gattamelata, whose profession he assumed. Served Venice from at least 1459 until 1482, seeing action against Milan, the Ottomans and Ferrara. Upon his release from prison in Ferrara, he transferred his allegiance to the League.
Refs: Captured by Ercole d’Este at Punta de Ficarolo: 5 June 1482, Zambotti, 108-9. Ercole wants to keep him, but Milan refuses: G G Sforza to G A Cotta, 9 June 1482, ASMi, SPE, 843. Ludovico Sforza has ordered A be sent to Milan: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 10 June 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Was well received by the duke and Ludovico: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 22 June 1482, ASMa, cit. Writing from prison to Alvise Lando regarding the situation in Milan: 2 Sept 1482, ------. Ludovico has been having discussions with A regarding peace with Venice: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 12 Sept 1482, ASMa, cit. Venice has written to Milan asking for his release: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 11 Oct 1482, ASMa, cit. Unsuccessful talks regarding the exchange of prisoners and hostages, including A’ s wife and children and those of Niccolò da Correggio and Ugo di Sanseverino: 28 Jan 1483, Caleffini, 60. The Dieci would like to have A in exchange for Costanzo Sforza; it is understand that he is ‘homo distinto e di virtu assai’ and would deprive the enemy of his services: Dieci to B Rucellai, 21 Apr 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 61-4. It is said he will be exchanged for prisoners held in Venice: J Guicciardini in Ferrara to the Dieci, 2 June 1483, Dieci, Resp. Venice has proposed a total exchange of prisoners; it is thought this is just to get A back: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 9 June 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 17-18. Has left Venetian service and re-entered that of Florence: Aug 1483, Zambotti, 145. Is ready to enter Florentine service, provided he does not have to fight Venice for six months; Florence is ready to accept this but Ludovico would like him to go into action immediately; Lorenzo has been negotiating a condotta: Dieci to B Rucellai, 18 Aug 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 476-7. Florence wants A to go to the Lunigiana to help their attempt against Sarzana: Dieci to B Rucellai, 29 Aug 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 478. His wife and children have fled from Verona to Mantua: 6 Sept 1483, Caleffini, 125. Has arrived in Florence and concluded a condotta: Dieci to B Rucellai, 10 Sept 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 481-3.
The Florentine have sent for him; he should be in Florence in a few days’ time: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 2 Feb 1484, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. The Florentines are waiting for him to come to put the Sarzana impresa in order: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 6 Feb 1484, ASMo, cit. Arrived in Florence yesterday; is discussing with the Dieci arrangements for Sarzana: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 11 Feb 1484, ASMo, cit. Is in Pisa: Otto to B Bongirolami and J Guicciardini, 18 Feb 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 20-1. Florence is pushing the idea of exchanging A’s family for that of Roberto di Sanseverino: Otto to B Buongirolami, 21 Feb 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 23. His son is trying to arrange the exchange of A’s family for that of Roberto; Florence is anxious for the exchange to be completed so that A can concentrate on the task in hand: Otto to B Buongirolami, 15 Mar 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 32-3. Has been given 5,000 ducats by Florence for part of his prestanza: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 16 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit. Agostino Fregoso has written to A saying would be willing to surrender Sarzana to Florence without conditions, if he could do so honourably: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 19 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit. Florence is sending A to Pisa, before Sarzana: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’E ste, 24 Aug 1484, ASMo, cit. The Milanese ambassador in Florence suggests Florence could send A’s troops to Lombardy in small groups; Florence is raising difficulties, though Antonio da Montecatini been told A has arrived in Florence and will be sent with troops to Lombardy: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 5 May 1484, ASMo, cit. Is claiming that 2,000 ducats of what he has been paid were for arrears, so wants 2,000 more to complete his prestanza; the Florentines say that all was intended for the prestanza and they will settle arrears later: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 8 May 1484, ASMo, cit. The Florentines have decided to send him to Lombardy: Otto to B Bongirolami, 15 May 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 57. Has gone to Pisa with a Milanese commissioner and will then go to Lombardy with men-at-arms: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 17 May 1484, ASMo, cit. Is to leave for Lombardy on 24 May: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 20 May 1484, ASMo, cit. May be a couple of days late in leaving: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 23 May 1484, ASMo. His wife and children are to be exchanged for the wife of Roberto di Sanseverino: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 25 May 1484, ASMo, cit. On his way; he wants to go ‘oltra’: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 27 May 1484, ASMo, cit. His company is in disgraceful order: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 29 May 1484, ASMo, cit.
Was summoned to Milan before he went to the camp; will go to the camp tomorrow: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 9 June 1484, ASMa, AG, 1628. His wife and children are to be exchanged with those of Roberto di Sanseverino: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 15 June 1484, ASMa, cit. Has written to Lorenzo via his chancellor in Florence about the situation of the League camp: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 22 June 1484, ASMo, cit. A’s wife and children have been handed over: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 24 June 1484, ASMa, cit. Warns the Dieci and Lorenzo to be careful of Florentine honour in the peace negotiations; the League camp is all too ready for peace: Antonio da Marsciano in the camp at Bagnolo to the Dieci, 18 July 1484, Dieci, Resp, 31, 448. Together with the Feltreschi and Nicola Orsini, A has been given a paga by Florence: Otto to N Michelozzi, 24 July 1484, Dieci, LC, 4, 48. Andrea Cambini is escorting A and his troops into Florentine territory: 2 June(?) 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 67-8. A’s property and famiglia were seized by Veronese officials when he signed up with the League; included in the seizure was property of his chancellor Nofri Camaiani of Arezzo; eventually Venice agreed to swap A’s wife, family and property for the wife and family of Roberto di Sanseverino, but Camaiani’s property was not included in that order, so the Otto ask Pandolfini to persuade Ludovico Sforza to write to Venice about this: 7 Aug 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 85. The Otto ask A’s view regarding what is necessary for the Sarzana expedition: 9 Aug 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 85-6. His property has been returned to him: 13 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 30. Antonio Piccolomini, duke of Amalfi, got him his property back: 13 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 31. Judged prudent and temperate as a military commander: 16 Aug 1484, MAP, 48, 27. Sforza Bettini is sent to A and the other condottieri in the Florentine camp outside Pietrasanta; A is ill: 6 Oct 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 61. His illness and that of other Florentine condottieri prompt the Dieci to ask for Gian Giacomo Trivulzio: 10 Oct 1484, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 307. Mortally ill: 26 Oct 1484, MAP, 48, 10. Wounded by a spingard: 30 Oct 1484, C Strozz, III, 133, 124. His death: 31 Oct 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 368; 6-8 Nov 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 171. One of A’s sons is to be involved in the Portovenere enterprise: 11 Dec 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 81. His sons are sent to protect Siena against the exiles’ attempt: 9 May 1485, Otto, Miss, 3, 137.
Bibliog: F Ughelli, Albero et istoria della famiglia de’ conti di Marsciano, ed M G Nico Ottaviani, Marsciano, 2003
Antonio di Meo di Giuliano
Ref: The matter of A’s stolen horse: Otto to the Balia of Siena, 28 Sept 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 62.
Antonio da Montalto, Antonino
Refs: [A captain of infantry] sent by Agostino Fregoso to offer the surrender of Sarzana to Alfonso d’Aragona on certain conditions: Otto to B Bongirolami, 13 Mar 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 30-2. Writes to Alfonso from Genoa regarding the possibility of Genoa joining the League: 29 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 95. The Otto are pleased with Alfonso’s reply to A regarding Genoese affairs: 3 Sept 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 96. Is in Pietrasanta with 700 foreign infantry: 19 Oct 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 318. Captain of the Casa di S Giorgio at the time of the surrender of Pietrasanta: 7 Nov 1484, Misc Rep, II, ins 54.
Antonio da Montecatini
Career: Ercole d’Este’s ambassador in Florence, his dispatches providing a detailed commentary on the republic’s relations with neighbouring states.
Refs: When A argued the necessity of Florence accepting peace with Sixtus, Bernardo Buongirolami asked if he wanted Florence to fall into a trap (‘ trabuchara’): Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 29 Nov 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Giacomo d’Argenta and A are having discussions with the Medici bank: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 12 Apr 1484, ASMo, cit.
Antonio da Montefeltro, see Montefeltro, Antonio da
Antonio da Montepulciano
Ref: Recommended by Lorenzo as ‘Notaio del Piano e dei Danni Dati’: Prot, 153; Lettere, VII, 113.
Antonio da Morone
Ref: Involved in the Contughi plot to return to Volterra with Genoese aid: 11 Dec 1484, MAP, 39, 400.
Antonio di Nicolaio da Filicaia
Ref: Is coming to Milan with Giovanni Lapi on business: 16 July 1485, Otto, Miss, 3, 153.
Antonio da Noceto
Ref: The Otto complain to Bartolomeo Scarfa, podestà of Lunigiana, regarding the way he has been treating A and the men who work A’s lands; A should get special treatment as he is a parente of Florentine citizens: 5 Apr 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 159-60.
Antonio da Pardo
Career: Costanzo Sforza’s orator in Milan, c 1481.
Refs: Informed Tommaso Ridolfi that Ludovico Sforza feared that Costanzo Sforza would take service with Venice and that a Venetian emissary was at Pesaro: T Ridolfi in Milan to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 7 June 1481, Sig, X, VIII, 4, 44. A has been sent to Bologna by Costanzo and will arrive tomorrow; thereafter, he and Gian Filippo Salarolo will journey to Florence together: G F Salarolo to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 4 Aug 1481, MAP, 38, 281. Costanzo writes that A has informed him of the conclusion he reached with Lorenzo, which is, he said, as far as Lorenzo could persuade the Otto to go, i e 10,000 ducats in peace without the captaincy; Costanzo accepts the 10,000 ducats but wants the title of captain, and is sure Pandolfo [Collenuccio] would not have given in over this as easily as A seems to have done: C Sforza to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 23 Aug 1481, MAP, 38, 301. Costanzo suggested A be sent to Urbino to help negotiate Federico da Montefeltro’s condotta: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 26 Feb 1482, MAP, 51, 80.
Antonio, Piero (‘Moschino’)
Ref: Lorenzo’s master of horse who carries a letter from Lorenzo to Raffaello Grimaldi; has brought horses from Tunis: 16 Dec 1485, MAP, 40, 174.
Ref: A trusted emissary of Alfonso d’Aragona who is going to Rome, Florence and Milan: 18 Dec 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 187.
Appiano, Antonio di Filippo d’Antonio (da Piano)
Career: Diplomat from Parma who entered Sforza employment in Milan in the 1460s. Developed expertise in dealing with Savoy, Monferrato and neighbouring states. Milanese representative at Ferrara, 1481-2.
Refs: In Ferrara; has informed Milan that Galeotto Manfredi is planning to marry Lucrezia Pico, widow of Pino Ordelaffi: T Ridolfi in Milan to the Otto, 15 May 1481, MAP, 38, 179. Because Niccolò Tranchedino has become involved in other affairs, A is being sent from Ferrara to Faenza instead of him: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 4 July 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 366. Sent to greet Girolamo Riario in the Romagna on behalf of Gian Galeazzo Sforza: instructions from G G Sforza to Antonio d’Appiano, 5 July 1481, ASMi, SPE, Romagna, 192. Description of his visit to Forlì to greet Riario: Antonio d’Appiano to G G Sforza, 19 July 1481, ASMi, cit. A has sent news from Faenza about the uprising in Forlì: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 2 Nov 1481, Otto, Resp, 2, 36. Is back in Ferrara: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 27 Dec 1481, Otto, Resp, 2, 130-1. Is investigating the reasons for Federico Gonzaga’s discontent: B Castiglioni in Naples to G G Sforza, 10 May 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 239. A as Milanese ambassador at Mantua, complaining that he is not being told anything or sent anything to show Federico Gonzaga: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 30 June 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Gonzaga has written complaining about something A wrote; Ludovico Sforza wants to believe Gonzaga: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 30 June 1482, ASMa, cit. Sent by Gonzaga to Ludovico to discuss the planned impresa: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 18 Aug 1482, ASMa, cit. Is to be sent to Federico da Montefeltro to urge him to transfer troops from the Romagna to Gonzaga’s impresa: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 21 Aug 1482, ASMa, cit.
Bibliog: Cerioni, I, 129
Appiano, Jacopo IV d’ c . 1460-1511
Career: Son of Jacopo III d’Appiano, who he succeeded as signore of Piombino in 1474, and of Battistina Fregoso. m Vittoria, daughter of Antonio Piccolomini, duke of Amalfi, and Giovanna d’Aragona. The proximity of his small coastal state to lands contested by Florence, Siena and Genoa encouraged him to be particularly flexible when offering his services as a condottiere. He fought for Naples against Florence in 1479, for Corsican rebels against Genoa and Naples against Venice in 1483, and for Florence against Genoa in 1484. Subsequent employment was found with Florence, Siena, Naples, Pisa, Milan and the papacy.
Refs: Ferrante had planned to send A against Church but instead put him at the disposal of Florence: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 12 June 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. The Venetian ambassador in Siena is making a handsome offer to A: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni in Naples, 2 Aug 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Ludovico Sforza has given A permission to raise men-at-arms [in the Milanese?] and has provided him with others: Z Saggi in Milan to F Gonzaga, 12 Aug 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. The Venetian ambassador in Rome says that A ordered his envoy to leave Ferrante if he does not get a reply about payments due to A; Lorenzo Lanti says he has threatened to leave Ferrante’s service before and will not carry out that threat: L Lanti in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 15 Aug 1482, ASS, Balia, 505, 26. A commander of Neapolitan squadrons: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 24 Aug 1482, ASMa, cit. Is being brought to Naples on Neapolitan ships: F Gaddi in Naples to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 27 Aug 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 138-40; B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 27 Aug 1482, ASMi, cit. The Dieci are anxious that A should be paid to keep him on the side of the League: Dieci to P Capponi in Naples, 21 Sept 1482, Dieci, LC, 5, 175-8. Is expected at Staggia, with cavalry and infantry, in support of the Sienese exiles: T Luzio at Monteriggioni to the Balia of Siena, 14 Feb 1483, ASS, Balia, 508, 9. Alfonso d’Aragona and Ferrante have warned A not to support the Sienese exiles: L Lanti in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 20 Feb 1483, ASS, Balia, 517, 17. Lorenzo will make known to A his friendship for the Sienese: B Sozzini in Florence to the Balia of Siena, 19 May 1483, ASS, Balia, 510, 60. The Sienese have heard that A is dissatisfied with Ferrante; they suggest a joint condotta for him with Florence: Balia of Siena to B Sozzini, 20 May 1483, ASS, Balia, 404, 99-100. Regarding a galley: Lorenzo de’ Medici to Jacopo d’Appiano, 3 June 1483, MAP, 14, 218. Ferrante has put A at Florence’s disposal; they are sending him to the Lunigiana to prevent him helping the Sienese exiles; Lorenzo will write to A, urging him not to support them: T Biringhucci in Florence to the Balia of Siena, 25 June 1483, ASS, Balia, 512, 13. The Florentines do not think A will go to the Lunigiana himself, but that he will send troops: T Biringhucci to the Balia of Siena, 28 June 1483, ASS, Balia, 512, 24. Lorenzo told A’s envoy that A should be friendly with Siena; friendship with both Siena and Florence is A’s best security: T Biringhucci to the Balia of Siena, 1 July 1483, ASS, Balia, 512, 37. Is raiding in the territory of Massa: Balia of Siena to T Biringhucci, 27 July 1483, ASS, Balia, 404, 151. The Sienese are worried about this: T Biringhucci to the Balia of Siena, 28 July 1483, ASS, Balia, 512, 86. A says he wants to be a good neighbour of Siena, but Lorenzo should not be surprised if he takes revenge for Sienese attacks on his lands and vassals: T Biringhucci to the Balia of Siena, 3 Aug 1483, ASS, Balia, 513, 6. Lorenzo and the Otto praise Sienese restraint in responding to A: Sienese ambassador in Rome to ------, 6 Aug 1483, ASS, Balia, 513, 20.
Arrived in Florence yesterday; honoured by Lorenzo; will leave tomorrow: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’E ste, 17 Feb 1484, ASMo, cit. Says he is happy to consider a condotta with Venice provided he would not have to serve against Siena: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 11 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit. Pier Filippo Pandolfini asked Francesco Toraglia to give him some of Ercole d’Este’s grain for A; Toraglia refused: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 24 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit. Neri Placidi is said to have arrived in Rome, to ask for a condotta for A; the Florentines are alarmed at this: Otto to G A Vespucci, 1 May 1484, Otto, LC, 2, 29-30. It is said that A is negotiating a joint condotta with Siena and Florence; envoys from Siena and Piombino are in Florence: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 5 May 1484, ASMo, cit. The Sienese suggest terms to Florence for A’s condotta; with difficulty, Lorenzo persauded the Florentines to pay 2,500 ducats of a 9,000-ducat condotta for A; A wants payment and troops increased by half in time of war; the number of men-at-arms is to be left to Lorenzo to decide: G Nani to the Balia of Siena, 6 May 1484, ASS, Balia, 518, 40. A did not want a clause saying he should obey only Siena; he wanted the condotta to show he was protected by Florence as well; the Dieci will write to say only that he is to obey Siena: G Nani to the Balia of Siena, 9 May 1484, ASS, Balia, 518, 48. Siena approved the terms agreed in Florence with A, but want c twenty men-at-arms: 8-9 May 1494, ASS, Balia, 32, 4. A’s troops need to be moved from Casalmaggiore to Tuscany: Otto to B Bongirolami, 11 May 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 55. His condotta was concluded this morning; Florence is paying part of the expense, but it is intended that A be entirely at the disposal of Siena: Dieci to the Balia of Siena, 11 May 1484, ASS, Balia, 518, 51. Hired for one year to serve Florence and Siena: 11 May 1484, Dieci, Delib, 27, 118-20. Terms and conditions of the condotta; Lorenzo is sorting out his ‘condotta del sale’: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 14 May 1484, ASMo, cit. The Sienese approve and confirm the terms of A’s condotta: 15-18 May 1484, ASS, Balia, 32, 6. A is joining with Florence in arming a small fleet against Genoa: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 23 May 1484, ASMo, cit.
Florence nominates A as one of their aderenti and raccomandati after the peace of Bagnolo: Sig, Miss 1a Canc, 49, 157. The Otto ask him to restore a boat and property to Florentine merchants; his brother Antonio has the boat, and he himself has the property, which was given to him by Medinno, who stole it in first place: 2 Aug 1484, Otto, Miss, 4, 53-4. Giovanni Strozzi requested military aid from A for the Pietrasanta campaign: 29 Sept 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 57. Negotiations to hire him: J d’A ppiani to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 28 Mar 1485, MAP, 39, 421. His purchase of grain from a ship belonging to Francesco Coppola; Neri Placidi of Siena was meant to have sent grain from Naples in the Neapolitan grain ships, but failed to do so: J d’Appiano to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 9 Apr 1485, MAP, 39, 423. Thanks his cognato for his help: J d’A ppiano to Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de’ Medici, 13 May 1485, MAP, 26, 374. Ricco Ricchi describes A’s condotta as impossible: 18 May 1485, MAP, 26, 387. Lorenzo successfully exhorts A to send men to help Siena regarding the exiles’ plot: 18 May 1485, MAP, 26, 387. Recommends the case of his vassal Martino di Baldo, which Lorenzo is judging: J d’Appiano to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 29 May 1485, MAP, 26, 389. Will meet Lorenzo’s wish that the caravella Biscania be made available for hire by Ferrante: 19 June 1485, MAP, 26, 399. Has a joint condotta with Florence and Siena; asks Lorenzo to keep his promise and persaude Siena to increase his condotta now that they have sacked Giulio Cesare Varano; his cognato Lorenzo is helping in this matter; A’s representative in Florence is Giovanni da Viterbo: J d’Appiani to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 30 June 1485, MAP, 39, 242.
Writes regarding the wrongful purchase in Porto Pisano of vena belonging to his affine Girolamo Spinola by Jacopo Ristori: J d’Appiano to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 July 1485, MAP, 39, 429. Recommends the case of Martino di Baldo: J d’Appiano to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 20 July 1485, MAP, 26, 402. Hired for a year starting 1 July 1485: 8 Aug 1485, Dieci, Delib, 30, 107-8. Agreement between A, Florence and Siena for the treatment of respective friends and enemies: 8 Aug 1485, Dieci, Delib, 30, 111-12. The Otto ask him to allow Tommaso d’Antonio di Piero da Colle to succeed present the officiale of Piombino: 14 Oct 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 71-2. Is in the territory of Cortona and Montepulciano: 5 Dec 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 77-8. Together with Ranuccio Farnese, A has been sent away: Lorenzo de’ Medici to [F Gaddi], 11-12 Dec 1485, Lettere, IX, 62. Sent to join Nicola Orsini: 30 Dec 1485, Dieci, Miss, 6, 4-6. His ambassador in Florence messer Burgundio: 8 Mar 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 131-2. The Otto have paid his chancellor: 13 Apr 1486, Otto, Miss, 4. Reports on the results of the meeting between his emissary Jacopo di Nanni and Lorenzo regarding A’s condotta: J d’Appiano to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 4 May 1486, MAP, 40, 34. Recommends to Lorenzo Medina Castiglirino and Antonio Vaira, captains and shipowners: 11 May 1486, MAP, 40, 184. His ricondotta: 19 June 1486, Dieci, Delib, 30, 126. Ferrante wants him to remain in Orsini territory for the winter: 29 Aug 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 75-6. So does Alfonso d’Aragona: 2 Sept 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 76-7. Florence agrees to A accompanying Alfonso to the Regno: 6 Sept 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 77.
Bibliog: DBI, 3, 629-31.
Appiano, Semiramide d’ 1464-1523
Career: Daughter Jacopo III d’Appiano and Battistina Fregoso; sister of Jacopo IV d’A ppiano; m Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de’ Medici, 1485.
Aquilano, Marco
Refs: Sent by Federico da Montefeltro to Ludovico Sforza: Z Saggi, 18 Aug 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627, 168. Will replace Francesco da Casate as Milanese representative in Bologna: Z Saggi, 19 Aug 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627, 169. Sent to the camp at S Secondo with a mandate for Tommaso da Saluzzo to make an agreement with Guido de’ Rossi, but Tommaso was killed: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 9 Oct 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627, 228-30. Sent to be with and report on Guido de’ Rossi: Cron Lomb, 12 Oct 1482. Among those reporting from S Secondo on the agreement with the Rossi: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 14 Oct 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627, 236-7.
Aragona, Alfonso d’, duke of Calabria 1448-1495
Career: Son of Ferrante/Ferdinando I, king of Naples, and of Isabella di Chiaramonte; m Ippolita Maria (1446-1488), daughter of Francesco Sforza, duke of Milan, in 1465. Father of Ferdinando II/Ferrandino (1467-1496), king of Naples; Isabella (1470-1524), wife of Gian Galeazzo Sforza, duke of Milan; Pietro (1472-1491), prince of Rossano. His illegitimate children Sancia d’Aragona (c 1480-1506) and Alfonso d’Aragona (1481-1500), duke of Bisceglie, were married to Pope Alexander VI’s children Jofré Borgia, prince of Squillace, and Lucrezia Borgia in 1493 and 1498 respectively. Prince of Capua, 1448-58; duke of Calabria, 1458-94; king of Naples, 1494-5; abdicated 23 Jan 1495 and assumed clerical status, his wife having predeceased him. In the 1480s he provided the military backbone of the League side in the War of Ferrara and personified the type of despotic government against which the Neapolitan barons revolted.
Refs: Went towards Viterbo to meet Federico da Montefeltro, who wanted to talk to him before returning to Urbino: F Sacramoro to Bona and G G Sforza, 1 Apr 1480, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 299. Florence has excellent relations with A, who has suggesting a means of securing the restitution of the towns claimed by Siena: F Sacramoro to Bona and G G Sforza, 11 Apr 1480, ASMi, cit. Embassies to Florence from terre prese recognising her as their overlord provided a great illustration of A’s good will: F Sacramoro to Bona and G G Sforza, 15 Apr 1480, ASMi, cit. There is news that A is preparing to ‘ remettere fuorusciti’ [into Siena?]: F Sacramoro to Bona and G G Sforza, 29 Apr 1480, ASMi, cit. Lorenzo has heard that A has paid his troops and is getting them in order to prevent any trouble over the restitution of the towns: F Sacramoro to G G Sforza, 30 Apr 1480, ASMi, cit. A is very disturbed by news of the league between Sixtus and Venice: F Sacramoro to Bona and G G Sforza, 4 May 1480, ASMi, cit. Costanzo Sforza’s emissary, returning from mission to A, reported that A was favourable towards Costanzo, but doubtful of the possibilty of sending him help because of Pesaro’s location: F Sacramoro to Bona and G G Sforza, 10 May 1480, ASMi, cit. A is very pleased that Marino Tomacelli had persuaded Florence not to send Cecco Ordelaffi’s son to him, and said on no account was the son to be sent, as this would anger Sixtus: F Sacramoro to Bona and G G Sforza, 27 May 1480, ASMi, cit. A’s condotta with the League for three years plus one; 50,000 ducats in peace (19,000 each from Milan and Naples, 12,000 from Florence), 80,000 in war; no mention of numbers of troops: 25 July 1480, ASF, Rif, Atti pubbl, 99. Description of his military preparations against the Turks at Otranto: Alfonso d’Aragona to E d’Este, 4 Sept 1480, Foucard, ‘Otranto’, 156-7.
Says he is going to the Abruzzi to put the province in order and reform the tax structure; he is sending an emissary to Milan and Florence to collect his provisione: P F Pandolfini to the Otto, 26 Nov 1481, Otto, Resp, 2, 62-3. News that A has left Naples for the Abruzzi: G F Salarolo to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 1 Dec 1481, MAP, 38, 367. Gian Filippo Salarolo found A at Ponte ad Alano, c 20 miles from l’Aquila, and about to leave for Cività da Penna; Salarolo told him how much the Florentines were depending on him for the restitution of their towns; A said everything hinged on certain differences over the money to be paid: G F Sararolo to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 14 Dec 1481, MAP, 38, 373.
Based at Grottaferrata: May 1482, Infessura, 90. Raising troops before entering the terra di Roma: Alfonso d’Aragona at Lago Fucino to Ippolita Maria Sforza, duchess of Calabria, 13 May 1482, Lettere inedito di G Pontano, 122-3. Has been ordered to attack the Papal States immediately: F Ricci at Alfonso d’Aragona’s camp at Scorcula to G G Sforza, 22 May 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 239. Has begun his campaign: Otto to B Rucellai, 23 May 1482, Min, 12, 264. Describes his movements and plans to his father: Alfonso d’Aragona to Ferrante of Naples, 30 May 1482, Lettere inedite di G Pontano, 123-6. Camped at Marino: 5 June 1482, Pontano, 6; Gherardi, 102. A’s plot to trap Girolamo Riario foiled by Nicola Orsini: 16 June 1482, Pontano, 8-9. From the duchess of Calabria, Branda Castiglioni has learned that A is opposed to Ferrante’s wish for peace with Sixtus: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 20 June 1482, ASMi, cit. Says he will force Ascanio Sforza to do what Ludovico Sforza wants: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 13 July 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Ferrante has sent three galleys to Nettuno to bring A to Naples after his defeat at Campomorto: B Castiglioni, P Capponi and B Bendedei, ambassadors of the League, 23 Aug 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Returned to Naples; blames his lack of infantry for his recent defeat; as spirited as ever: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 24 Aug 1482, ASMi, cit. The ambassadors praise A, saying that the greatest captains have all been defeated at some point: B Castiglioni, P Capponi, F Gaddi and B Bendedei, ambassadors of the League, 25 Aug 1482, ASMi, cit. Lorenzo Zane has been sent an envoy to negotiate with Costanzo Sforza, but withdrew him when news arrived of A’s defeat at Campomorto: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 25 Aug 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Is very sore about that defeat and determined on revenge against Sixtus and Girolamo Riario: [F Gaddi] to the Otto, 27 Aug 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 138. Has gone to Terracina; expected back tomorrow; it is said by reliable sources that, before Campomorto, Roberto Malatesta sent to A to say that he should withdraw, because he could not sustain an assault: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, ?27 Aug 1482, ASMi, cit. A is determined to inflict a worse defeat on the enemy and recover his reputation: G F Cagnola to G G Sforza, 31 Aug 1482, ASMi, cit. Will go to the camp in about five days’ time; says will have thirty-four or thirty-five squadrons: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 10 Sept 1482, ASMi, cit. Has twenty-seven squadrons in order and five others very nearly ready: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 14 Sept 1482, ASMi, cit. As A is safe, the enemy will not have cause to rejoice for long; Fortune struck every famous captain: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni and G F Cagnola, 14 Sept 1482, ASMi, cit. A is still in Naples: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 20 Sept 1482, ASMi, cit. Left Naples, on his way to join Federico d’Aragona at S Germano: [F Gaddi] to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 25 Sept 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 156-8. Is said to be 28 miles from Naples with twenty-eight squadrons and 2,000 infantry: M Sacramoro to G G Sforza, 7 Oct 1482, ASMi, SPE, 305. Has been waiting for bombards that should now have reached him at S Germano; is still saying he expects to accomplish some major blow against Sixtus: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 18 Oct 1482, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 305. At Aquino; sent infantry to Rocca Priora and other Colonna places: L Lanti in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 23 Oct 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 26.
A seems to be displeased that Anello Arcamone has gone to Rome: [F Gaddi] at S Lorenzo to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 13 Nov 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 178-9. Is leaving to Ferrante decisions about peace negotiations; Francesco Gaddi finds A ‘molto schietto e chiaro in ogni sua resolutione e prudentissimo nel governo suo’: F Gaddi at S Lorenzo in Campania to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 15 Nov 1482, MAP, 38, 523. Has been told by Bruno Conti that peace been concluded in Rome; is very inclined to go to the forthcoming diet: G F Cagnola to G G Sforza, 18 Nov 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. It is said that A has been forced to put men in billets because of shortage of money and food; he is also said to be desperate: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 19 Nov 1482, ASMi, cit. Plans to send his men into winter quarters in about a week and then go to the diet: [F Gaddi] to the Dieci, 21 Nov 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 181-2. After receiving letters from Lorenzo and the Dieci, A decided to go to Naples to urge on provision for his troops: Alfonso d’Aragona to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 29 Nov 1482, Pontieri, 331. Bartolomeo Scala suggested that A might be asked to renounce part of his pay to help pay for Girolamo Riario: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 4 Dec 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Has replied to Lorenzo’s letter asking him to come to the aid of Ferrara, saying he wanted to come; would begin preparations immediately: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 5 Dec 1482, ASMo, cit. Lorenzo says Florence does not dare ask A to renounce some of his pay: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 5 Dec 1482, ASMo, cit. Is eager to be on his way north; expects to leave on 9 Dec, spending Christmas at Florence en route: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 6 Dec 1482, ASMi, cit. A will bring his troops to Ferrara only if there is a truce allowing them passage through the Papal States: [F Gaddi] to the Dieci, 8 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 186-7. Ferrante says A has been awaiting the conclusion of peace with Sixtus, so he could travel by land; if there is a delay, he will go to Pisa by galley: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 8 Dec 1482, ASMi, cit. Because of the difficulty about Città di Castello delaying the conclusion of peace, Ferrante ordered A to leave for the north: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 9 Dec 1482, ASMi, cit. If the peace with Sixtus is held up by minor hitches, A will go to Ferrara by sea; if he has heard nothing in two days he will embark, his troops following later: [F Gaddi] to the Dieci, 10 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 188. Is not leaving today, as it is astrologically unpropitious; will leave next Sunday: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 10 Dec 1482, ASMi, cit. Says he will board his galley tomorrow without fail, taking with him 1,000 provvisionati, forty men-at-arms and 100 light horse: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 11 Dec 1482, ASMi, cit. Ferrante is trying to hurry A’s departure; his troops will follow afterwards: Dieci to B Gianfigliazzi, 12 Dec 1482, Dieci, LC, 5, 101-2. Boarded his galley today; will take on 1,000 provvisionati at Gaeta, if they are ready; says he has settled the Colonna: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 12 Dec 1482, ASMi, cit. Lorenzo Lanti argues that A should not go to Siena on his way to Ferrara: L Lanti in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 14 Dec 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 80. Left for Gaeta the day before yesterday; summoned the troops to meet him there: F Gaddi in Naples to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 14 Dec 1482, MAP, 38, 535. Is to go with the fleet to Gaeta and there pick up infantry and go on to Pisa: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 20 Dec 1482, ASMo, cit. Anello Arcamone has sent to tell A that Sixtus does not want him to go via Siena: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 22 Dec 1482, ASS, Balia, ASS, Balia, 403, 71-2. The Milanese ambassador in Rome says A wants to pass through Siena, in order to try to persuade Lorenzo to join the League: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 26 Dec 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 94. Broke his northwards journey (by sea) at Rome; discussed Lorenzo’s peace proposals with Francesco Gaddi: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 27 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 190-2. Arrived in Rome today: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 27 Dec 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 97. A’s reputation and virtù are such that the fortunes of the League are bound to change: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni, 27 Dec 1482, ASMi, cit. A is reported to have turned back from Rome initially, because he had heard that he would be asked for Terracina: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 28 Dec 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 97. Is sending a letter to Lorenzo with excuses about peace for which Lorenzo asked: [F Gaddi] to P Capponi, 29 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 194-5. Gaddi tried to enlist A’s support in Lorenzo’s efforts to have Rinaldo Orsini made a cardinal: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 29 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 194. After a private audience with Sixtus and one with the ambassadors of the League, A left Rome: F Gaddi to the Dieci, 30 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 195-6.
When A was in Rome, Sixtus spoke to him concerning matters of great importance: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 6 Jan 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. Has been received in Florence very honourably; plans to leave today: S Bettini to Federico Gonzaga, 8 Jan 1483, ------. A arrived in Florence on 5 Jan and left on 11 Jan: Dieci to P Capponi, 11 Jan 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 197-8. As it is too dangerous for Ludovico Sforza to leave Milan for Ferrara, A agrees to go to Cremona; Milan says A has been misinformed by the Neapolitan ambassador in Ferrara about the strength of Milanese infantry there, and wants the orator removed: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni, 12 Jan 1483, ASMi, cit. Arrived at Ferrara: 14 Jan 1483, Zambotti, 132. A was in Bologna 11-14 Jan and lodged with Giovanni Bentivoglio: Francesco ‘Betius’ in Bologna to the Signoria of Siena, 15 Jan 1483, ASS, Conc, 2054, 37. A wants to go to the Parmigiana to see how affairs are going there: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 15 Jan 1483, ASMa, cit. Has inspected the defences and gone to La Stellata and elsewhere to do likewise; it has been decided that it wold be best to let Costanzo Sforza’s men leave because A’s household can take their place: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 16 Jan 1483, ASMo, cit. The Dieci approve A’s release of Costanzo Sforza’s men: Dieci to B Gianfigliazzi, ?19 Jan 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 107. On his way through Florence, A did much to persuade the Florentines to ratify the peace with Sixtus: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, [22 Jan 1483], ASMa, AG, 1628. A has said that only 300 Florentine infantry are defending Ferrara, but 400+ are elsewhere in the Ferrarese (lists them): Dieci to P Capponi, 22 Jan 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 200. A says Milan has far fewer infantry around Ferrara than she seems to think; Milan wants A to help check on this: G G Sforza to Alfonso d’Aragona, 26 Jan 1483, ASMi, cit. A and Ludovico Sforza have written to Lorenzo telling him it is imperative that he should attend the diet: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 28 Jan 1483, ASMo, cit. Costanzo Sforza’s envoy was well received by A, who will support Costanzo’s requests for money and send a man to see him; he may also send the same man to Faenza: Eleonora d’Aragona to Antonio da Montecatini, 30 Jan 1483, ASMo, cit. Soon after A arrived at Ferrara he had talks with Francesco Michiel, the Venetian provveditore, who rejected A’s argument that the Venetians could not stand alone against the League: ?late Jan 1483, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, I, 331. A is to take charge of Milanese infantry in the Ferrarese: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni, 9 Feb 1483, ASMi, cit. The Venetian ambassador in Rome says that A has promised Florence the restitution of her lands: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 16 Feb 1483, ASS, Balia, 517, 10. A left Ferrara for the diet at Cremona: 20 Feb 1483, Zambotti, 134. Letters from A were very useful in prompting Ferrante to speed up the preparation of men-at-arms: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 23 Feb 1483, ASMi, cit. Ferrante says A is disconcerted because he cannot accomplish anything at Ferrara because of lack of troops; it threatens him with loss of reputation: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 24 Feb 1483, ASMi, cit.
According to Ercole d’Este, A has written to Rome to encourage the Spanish ambassadors to leave for Venice, but Marino [Tomacelli] has let slip that he has heard differently: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 7 Mar 1483, ASMo, cit. Milan wants A to encourage Ercole to agree to the exchange of Castelnuovo to facilitate agreement with Marsilio Torelli: G G Sforza to Alfonso d’Aragona, 7 Mar 1483, ASMi, cit. A returned to Ferrara; he had been to Mantua after the diet to look after the borders and assess what provisions were needed in order to attack the Venetians. A put all his men on the alert when Robert di Sanseverino crossed the Po, but Roberto decided against attack: 11 Mar 1483, Zambotti, 135-6. Shortage of forage will be a problem if the men-at-arms are to stay in force near Ferrara: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 15 Mar 1483, ASMo, cit. A has complained to Ercole d’Este that he will leave if he is not given the support he needs; Ercole replied that if A left, the Venetians would be admitted by the other gate; the Florentines are very worried by this: Dieci to B Rucellai, 24 Mar 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 52-3. Ludovico is urged not to move some captains for whom he has sent: Alfonso d’Aragona at Ferrara to Ludovico Sforza, 27 Mar 1483, Lettere inedite di G Pontano, 127-30. At the diet A agreed to contribute to Galeotto Manfredi’s condotta: P Capponi to the Dieci, 28 Mar 1483, Dieci, Resp, 26, 148. A wants Lorenzo to write to Milan to urge them to send troops to Ferrara; he fears dishonour for lack of men: J Guicciardini at Ferrara to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 28 Mar 1483, MAP, 48, 306. A has decided to concentrate all his infantry at Argenta: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 29 Mar 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 197. Has been sent 10,000 ducats by Ferrante: P Capponi to the Dieci, 31 Mar 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 207-8. A is busy assembling troops; he feels it is essential to have forty squadrons and 300 infantry in the field before the enemy: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 2 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 213-14. A is very irritated by the Florentine plan to withdraw Nicola Orsini and can think of no legitimate reason for them to persist in it: Alfonso d’Aragona to G G Sforza, 2 Apr [or poss June?] 1483, Lettere inedite di G Pontano, 131-2. A does not have enough resources to secure La Stellata and the bastione as he wishes: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 4 Apr 1483, ASMo, cit. A’s reaction to news of Cardinal Zeno’s proposal about Faenza being given to Girolamo Riario and the Polesine to Venice: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 11 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 310. The Dieci command A’s prudence and diligence: Dieci to J Guicciardini, 14 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 251-2. Ferrara is in danger because Milan is not honouring her obligations; 1,000 men-at-arms are needed quickly, but A will not write to Milan because expects to be repulsed: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 16 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 311. Has sent Giovanni Albino to Ferrante to urge that men-at-arms be dispatched: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 16 Apr 1483, ASMi, cit. A wants the 200 men-at-arms ‘de laguardia’, of which he ‘fa grande capitale’ to be ‘ expediti’: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 18 Apr 1483, ASMi, cit. Has obtained a promse from Virginio Orsini that the latter will not leave Ferrara, as he is threatening, before 10 May, to give time for a reply from Naples to arrive: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 19 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 312. A is urging Milan to retain Costanzo Sforza: Dieci to J Guicciardini, 21 Apr 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 218-21. Has sent Andrea di Gennaro to Naples to urge Ferrante to speed up the dispatch of troops; wants peace negotiations with Venice to proceed without the knowledge of Milan or Rome: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 24 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 315. Ferrante is anxious that A should get honour from this impresa; Giovanni Albino blames officials for the delays: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 27 Apr 1483, ASMi, cit.
A is very anxious about the delay in the arrival of Neapolitan troops: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 30 May 1483, MAP, 48, 307. Has asked Jacopo Guicciardini to write to Lorenzo urging that Florence should not attack Sarzana now; promised to come in person if needed; says Lorenzo gave his word that nothing would be done at Sarzana until Ferrara was safe: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 20 June 1483, MAP, 48, 324. Wants Florence to take on troops to replace Costanzo Sforza: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 23 June 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 28-9. Is sending Luigi da Castelnuovo to speak to Ludovico: Alfonso d’A ragona to Ludovico Sforza, 24 June 1483, Lettere inedite di G Pontano, 135. Is sending Giovanni Albino to Florence to urge the immediate return of Nicola Orsini and all Florentine troops: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 27 June 1483, ASMo, cit. A says that the Florentine Sarzana impresa will discourage Milan from attacking in Lombardy and pin him to Ferrara in the absence of Nicola Orsini: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 27 June 1483, MAP, 48, 325. Has sent both a letter and Giovanni Albino to Florence to urge the suspension of the Lunigiana impresa: Dieci to J Guiccaidrini, 28 June 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 336-7. A is trying to patch up the quarrel between Girolamo Riario and Virginio Orsini, proposing a joint condotta for Virginio with Naples and Florence: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 July 1483, MAP, 48, 327. Has asked Florence to send Nicola Orsini to the Ferrarese, so that he can himself leave; up to 30 June he had received no reply: G G Sforza to M Sacramoro, 6 July 1483, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 308. A thinks Lorenzo should not have told Riario about the approaches to Virginio Orsini; is leaving on 21 July for Panaro and Concordia in order to gather his troops and go to the Veronese: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 13 July 1483, MAP, 48, 329. Left Ferrara for the Milanese to help repel an attack by Roberto di Sanseverino: 15 July 1483, Zambotti, 143. Will leave Ferrara tomorrow: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 16 July 1483, MAP, 48, 330. On leaving Ferrara, A asked Florence to send Nicola Orsini immediately: Dieci to G A Vespucci, 19 July 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 411-12. Arrived in Milan today; tomorrow he will go to Monza to review troops and discuss the course of action with Ludovico Sforza: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 22 July 1483, ASMa, AG, 1628. A wants Sixtus and Florence to provide their full quota of troops, as agreed at the diet; he also wants Girolamo Riario to go to Rome, and Florence to send troops from Sarzana to the Milanese: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 24 July 1483, ASMa, cit. Left Monza with his troops today; will cross the Adda tomorrow: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 26 July 1483, ASMa, cit. The campaign is going well: Alfonso d’Aragona at Pontarolo to G G Sforza, 29 July 1483, Lettere inedite di G Pontano, 135-40.
Wants to go straight to the Bresciana; has asked for the troops to be sent to him that were agreed by the League: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 3 Aug 1483, ASMa, cit. Approves of Ercole d’Este’s plan to go on the offensive; has deputed twenty squadrons, including eight Florentine ones, for this impresa: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 2 Sept 1483, ASMo, cit. When he heard of the Venetian attack at La Stellata, A decided to send sixteen extra squadrons to the Ferrarese: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 10 Sept 1483, ASMo, cit. Says that the 1,000 infantry Florence has in the Lunigiana do not count towards the quota of 1,500 that she is supposed to have in Lombardy or the Ferrarese: J Guicciardini from the camp at Asola to the Dieci, 27 Sept 1483, Dieci, Resp, 29, 175. The Florentine response to this charge: Dieci to J Guicciardini, 6 Oct 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 300-2. Ludovico Sforza is referring to A papal protests about the diversion of troops from the Ferrarese to the Bresciana; A has said he will send six squadrons to the Ferrarese: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 7 Oct 1483, ASMa, cit. A wants Ludovico Sforza to come to the camp, so the latter can take charge of siege of Asola if A needs to pursue Roberto di Sanseverino: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 9 Oct 1483, ASMa, cit. Ludovico has left for the camp, as A was urging, but reluctantly, and will stop at Cremona if he can, returning to Milan in twelve days: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 11 Oct 1483, ASMa, cit. Ludovico thinks forty squadrons could be spared by the League for him to use in the Bergomasco, but is willing to let A decide and use all the League’s forces to support Ferrara if he thinks this is best: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 12 Oct 1483, ASMa, cit. Has decided to go to Ferrara with seventy to eighty squadrons and 2,500-3,000 infantry: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 18 Oct 1483, Dieci, Resp, 29, 239. Had a private discussion with Ercole d’Este on what to do now; both lost their temper before agreement was reached: F Secco to F Gonzaga, 28 Oct 1483, Secco d’A ragona, Giornale, 332. With J Guicciardini, Ercole d’Este, Francesco Secco and Giovan Francesco da Tolentino, A agreed on the disposition of League troops until next season: 30 Oct 1483, Lettere varie, 11, 1, 44-5. A refused to attack the bastion of Lagoscuro, annoying Ercole; it has been suggested that A should stay nearby all winter to protect Ferrara; Mirandola would be a good location: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 31 Oct 1483, Dieci, Resp, 29, 273-4. A is sending an envoy to Florence to check if the decima owed to him will be paid: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 6 Nov 1483, Dieci, Resp, 29, 288. Some [Milanese?] men-at-arms have refused to obey A and Milan has asked him to go to the Veronese or send troops: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 6 Nov 1483, ASMo, cit. Asked Ludovico Sforza to go to the Bresciana with his troops to counter the Venetian offensive; Ludovico refused and asked A to go himself: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 17 Nov 1483, ASMa, cit. Florence asked A to go in person to the Bresciana to repel the Venetian counter-attack: Dieci to G A Vespucci, 21 Nov 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 454-5. Ercole d’Este has spoken to A, asking him to arrange for payment of the 5,500 ducats he had promised to have paid to him in Florence; A spoke to Jacopo Guicciardini about it: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 24 Nov 1483, ASMo, cit.
Has been to Lodi to speak to Ludovico Sforza; agrees with Milan that a cardinal legate or other honourable [papal?] representaive is needed at the diet and has written to Anello Arcamone and Girolamo Riario about this; does not think he agreed to delay the diet; there will be delays anyway before all the envoys arrive: Alfonso d’Aragona from the camp at Burdellano to G G Sforza, 3 Dec 1483, Lettere inedite di G Pontano, 176-8. A is angry with Francesco Secco, because he went to Asola against A’s wishes, but on Gonzaga’s orders: F Secco to F Gonzaga, 3 Dec 1483, Secco d’Aragona, Giornale, 334. A has written to say that he is in great difficulties because Florence and Milan have not paid their shares of the expenses for the fleet: Ferrante to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 12 Dec 1483, Pontieri, 331. A wants to burn Calcio, Francesco Secco’s place, because Secco went to Asola; Federico Gonzaga protests to A that this would be a poor reward for Secco’s loyalty: F Gonzaga to Alfonso d’Aragona, 13 Dec 1483. Has sent a man to Milan to ask for money: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 16 Dec 1483, ASMa, cit. Ludovico says he has left to A ‘ tuto il caricho e l’impresa de la guerra’; A has sent for Secco and his four squadrons: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 18 Dec 1483, ASMa, cit. A has ordered Gonzaga to send 400 horse to be billeted in the Milanese; Gonzaga would rather keep them to guard Mantua: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 20 Dec 1483, ASMa, cit. Jacopo Guicciardini is taking money to A: P Nasi to the Dieci, 1 Jan 1484, Dieci, Resp, 27, 1. A and Roberto di Sanseverino have sent all his troops ‘alle stanze’ and gone to Cremona: B Buongirolami in Milan to the Dieci, 3 Jan 1484, Dieci, Resp, 27, 9. A went to meet Ludovico Sforza at Lodi because he had heard that Ludovico and the Florentines were negotiating with Venice; Ludovico convinced him that this was not true: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, ?5 Jan 1484, ASMa, cit. Ludovico hopes that A might agree to the diet being held in Milan: B Buongirolami to the Dieci, 6 Jan 1484, Dieci, Resp, 27, 9. Arrived in Milan: B Buongirolami to the Dieci, 12 Jan 1484, Dieci, Resp, 27, 42.
Has sent away many of his following away from Milan, to save expenses for his hosts, though he apparently wants to stay for Carnival: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 3 Feb 1484, ASMa, cit. A received Francesco Gaddi well and always asks after Lorenzo: F Gaddi in Milan to N Michelozzi, 7 Feb 1484, MAP, 96, 141. A letter from A describing three proposals made by Roberto di Sanseverino has been read to Sixtus: Otto to G A Vespucci, 14 Feb 1484, Otto, LC, 2, 7-8. The Otto want A to lend them Ciro [Cirio Ciri], his engineer, for the Sarzana impresa, and to allow Nicola Orsini and, if possible, his company to come too: Otto to B Buongirolami and L Guicciardini, 18 Feb 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 20-1. A claimed that Florence owed him 7,000 ducats from last year, but the Florentines say they have paid it: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’E ste, 21 Feb 1484, ASMo, cit. A left Milan today, heading for Cremona, because Roberto di Sanseverino has come to the Bresciana: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 23 Feb 1484, ASMa, cit. Proposals for action to counter Roberto: Alfonso d’Aragona to G G Sforza, 1 Mar 1484, Lettere inedite di G Pontano, 184-90. Urgent measures must be taken to protect the Cremonese; they cannot rely on waters and snow to do this: Alfonso d’Aragona to G G Sforza, 2 Mar 1484, Lettere inedite di G Pontano, 190-3. A has written to Florence about postponing the Sarzana impresa; he is anxious to raise troops and get the campaign under way, to forestall the Venetians: Alfonso d’Aragona to G G Sforza, 3 Mar 1484, Lettere inedite di G Pontano, 193-7. Has sent word to Lorenzo that Agostino Fregoso has offered him Sarzana: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 5 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit. Is urgently requesting Milan to send troops for use against Roberto di Sanseverino; has no money: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 9 Mar 1484, ASMa, cit. Has written to Florence asking that Nicola Orsini not be taken from Ferrara for Sarzana; if Orsini leaves, A has ordered his men to leave Ferrara for Lombardy; Lorenzo says he does not believe A means this: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 11 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit. Agostino Fregoso has sent to A to offer the surrender of Sarzana in return for, inter alia, the restoration of his Neapolitan estates: Otto to B Buongirolami, 13 Mar 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 30-2. Ferrante has written to A to say that he is sending his prestanza; he wants him to ensure he has enough men for any impresa and to keep Federico Gonzaga content; A’s treasurer in Florence has asked Florence to pay a contribution for the fleet: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 13 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit. A has replied to the ambassador in Rome concerning negotiations between Venice and Sixtus; he appears to assume that the war will continue: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 15 Mar 1484, ASMa, cit. A has been offered Sarzana by Agostino Fregoso, providing he does not give it to Florence for a year; A is promising to restore it to Florence in three months: Otto to B Buongirolami, 16 Mar 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 33-4. The Dieci are hedging with regard to giving a prestanza to A, while awaiting the outcome of negotiations with Venice; Pier Filippo Pandolfini advises that A should write to Florence: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 22 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit. Ferrante will send A 80,000 ducats soon: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 22 Mar 1484, ASMa. A may well get his year of beneplacito from Florence; the Florentines suspect him of trying to entice away Nicola Orsini: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’E ste, 24 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit. The Florentines have said they do not want to pay their share of A’s condotta anymore: Z Saggi to F G onzaga, 25 Mar 1484, ASMa, cit. Ludovico Sforza has asked A to send an envoy to Federico Gonzaga to persuade him to deposit Asola: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 29 Mar 1484, ASMa, cit. The Florentines say A’s condotta has expired and laws forbid them to pay, even if they could: Otto to B Buongirolami, 30 Mar 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 40. Florence cannot pay A without a new condotta, which they cannot afford: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 31 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit.
Giovanni da Bellinzona will be going to Cremona to see A on his way from Milan to Mantua: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 4 Apr 1484, ASMa, cit. Lorenzo and Pier Filippo Pandolfini laughed at rumours that A was coming to Siena directly after peace was made: T Biringhucci in Florence to the Balia of Siena, 5 Apr 1484, ASS, Balia, 518, 10. A is pressing Florence for a provisione and inferma, saying he asked for a renewal of his condotta at the diet, that the Florentines had made no reply and are therefore obliged to renew the condotta; Ludovico Sforza is backing A: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 6 Apr 1484, ASMa, cit. Take advantage of Francesco Fontana’ s presence in Milan by urging Matthias Corvinus to come to an agreement with the emperor: Alfonso d’Aragona at Cremona to G G Sforza, 6 Apr 1484, Lettere inedite di G Pontano, 255-6. Florence regrets it, but cannot change her decision not to pay A; his condotta is over and Florence has no money: Otto to B Buongirolami, 12 Apr 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 43-4. A has had Milan press Florence to pay his prestanza: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 12 Apr 1484, ASMo, cit. Ferrante has written to his ambassador in Florence to cease pressing for the year’s beneplacito for A: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 19 Apr 1484, ASMo, cit. Florence is sending Bernardo Buongirolami to A to assure him that the fact they cannot continue his condotta does not signify lack of esteem: Otto to B Buongirolami, 23 Apr 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 45-6. A is sending a man to speak to Lorenzo: Alfonso d’Aragona at Cremona to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 29 Apr 1484, MAP, 45, 234. It is said that A wants to go back to Naples; Lorenzo says does not believe Florence will change her mind over the condotta: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’E ste, 29 Aug 1484, ASMo, cit. A went to Milan after he had been told to return to Naples, to take his leave of the duke; Ludovico and the duke persuaded him to return to Cremona and let Milan deal with Florence; the Florentines repeat that they cannot renew his condotta: Otto to B Buongirolami, 30 Apr 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 49-51. The Otto want Buongirolami to talk to A and make him see the Florentine position: Otto to B Buongirolami, 1 May 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 51-2. An envoy from A, on his way to Naples to ask for pay for the Neapolitan troops, asked Lorenzo again about A’s prestanza: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 5 May 1484, ASMo, cit. A and Ludovico Sforza have agreed to bring Milanese troops, including those of Federico Gonzaga, together at Offenego: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 7 May 1484, ASMa, cit. A did not go to the camp at Offenego on 13 May, as agreed; he says the Milanese troops are not there, and has asked for a loan from Milan of 13,000 ducats; Ludovico says he had agreed with A that if the legate was on his way to Venice, A need not go to the camp: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 18 May 1484, ASMa, cit. Ferrante has written formally to Florence asking for the renewal of A’s condotta: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 20 May 1484, ASMo, cit. A has written to Milan saying that he does not think he should go to Offenego before all the troops have arrived; Ferrante is sending him 45,000 ducats; has asked for loan of 4,000 ducats from Milan on the security of this: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 20 May 1484, ASMa, cit. Has sent an envoy to Milan to justify not having left Cremona for Offenego on the day agreed with Ludovico: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 23 May 1484, ASMa, cit. A has crossed the Oglio with his troops, but is waiting for other troops to join him before beginning to lay waste the country around Crema: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 26 May 1484, ASMa, cit. Has asked Florence to pay him money owed to the sons of Roberto di Sanseverino; Florence wants to pay it to the Manfredi for Ludovico, as has been agreed: Otto to B Buongirolami, 29 May 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 64-5. Ludovico sent Guidantonio Arcimboldo to A to tell him what he thought should be done in the north: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 30 May 1484, ASMa, cit.
Some Florentines disapprove of Guidantonio Arcimboldo’s mission to A, as Ferrante was thinking of withdrawing him: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 1 June 1484, ASMo, cit. A sent Giovanni Pontano to Milan to complain that Florentine and papal troops had not arrived and to ask for money, because nothing had arrived from Ferrante; Ludovico was annoyed with A for not doing something with the troops he has: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 2 June 1484, ASMa, cit. Ferrante is threatening to withdraw A unless Milan pays him 25,000 ducats; Florence says Milan must pay to prevent A leaving: Otto to B Buongirolami, 10 June 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 73-5. A has sent to Milan to ask for loan of 10,000 ducats, of which he promises to repay half, so that he can raise infantry; Ludovico has sent 7,000 so far: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 11 June 1484, ASMa, cit. A says the wife of Roberto di Sanseverino should not be exchanged without the liberation of Francesco Secco: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 19 June 1484, ASMa, cit. Has obtained Secco’s liberation: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 21 June 1484, ASMa, cit. A is being sent 10,000 ducats from Naples; a letter of exchange has arrived in Florence; A is trying to strengthen the camp; he cannot do much where it is, yet it would be dangerous to move it: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 22 June 1484, ASMa, cit. Is sending an envoy to Lorenzo: Alfonso d’Aragona from the camp at Longheno to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 13 July 1484, MAP, 45, 236. The Florentines respond to A’s proposals about Sarzana: Otto to N Michelozzi, 13 July 1484, Otto, LC, 4, 44-6. Is sending an envoy to Urbino to explain a disparaging remark made about the late Federico da Montefeltro: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 21 July 1484, ASMo, cit. Is proposing a marriage between Gian Giacomo Trivulzio and Costanzo Sforza’s widow Camilla: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’E ste, 23 July 1484, ASMo, cit. A is not happy about the terms regarding Asola nor the restitution of Neapolitan towns held by Venice: N Michelozzi to the Dieci, 26 July 1484, Dieci, Resp, 31, 478-9. A detests the peace terms, but is very anxious for peace and to return to Naples: N Michelozzi from the camp to the Dieci, 29 July 1484, Dieci, Resp, 31, 394-7.
Is to receive 14,000 ducats on the order of Girolamo Riario once Virginio Orsini has the contadi: 21 June 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 80-1. Nominates for the papacy Cardinals Carafa, Arcimboldi, Nardini, Rangone, Piccolomini and Margarit, but excludes Cibo, Costa and Borgia; Ludovico Sforza does the same: 21 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 292. Declares himself well pleased with new pope, who has received many favours from Ferrante in the past: 1 Sept 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 108. Luca Grimaldi talked to A and to Ludovico Sforza regarding the Sarzana impresa: 1 Sept 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 95-6. Giovanni Lanfredini received a copy of the letter Lorenzo wrote to Bernardo Rucellai in Milan; this pleased Ferrante, Alfonso and their associates: 10 Sept 1485, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 18, 72. A is sending his troops to Vada to attack the Genoese under his bandiera and with his trombetti: 10 Oct 1484, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 307. Will leave Florence around 16 hrs today: 12 Oct 1484, ASMi, cit. Lorenzo’s letter of 10 Oct regarding his meeting with A, when Lorenzo said would always follow Ferrante’s wishes: 15 Oct 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 153. The Otto ask for ‘el Bianchino’ and one other to replace Franceschetto Corso, who has gone to Rome because he is ill; A should also tell Ercole di Nardo to stay on in the Florentine camp: 16 Oct 1484, Otto, Miss, 4, 56-7. Giovanni Lanfredini is instructed by the Signoria to help the Rinieri in their case against A: 4 Nov 1484, Acq e Doni, 352, 145. Lorenzo[?] said nothing to A about a possible sticky end for Girolamo Riario: 6-8 Nov 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 170. Innocent refuses A’s request for the gonfalonierate of the Church, plus Terracina and Benevento: 21 Nov 1484, MAP, 39, 388. Does not like Riario, thinking him too pro-Sforza: 22 Oct 1484, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 96. Giovanni Lanfredini’s very unfavourable view of A’s character: 18 Dec 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 187. Lorenzo has found an ingegnere per architectura for A and will send him to Giuliano Gondi to have cash for travel: 8 Jan 1485, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, V, 15, 199. His rivalry with Antonello Petrucci: 3 Mar 1485, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 216. Baronial distrust of A: 16 Sept 1485, MAP, 26, 441. Lorenzo entrusts Giovanni Albino with a message for A: Lorenzo de’ Medici to Alfonso d’Aragona, 29 Oct 1485, Lettere, IX, 26. A list of messages for A, including the need to be rid of his reputation for cruelty and to keep on good terms with Onorato Caetani and Giovanni Caracciolo: Lorenzo de’ Medici to G Albino, 3 Nov 1485, Lettere, IX, 27-35. Antonello Petrucci is working against A and for Federico d’Aragona, to give the barons greater security: 26 Nov 1485, MAP, 26, 487. Some in the Neapolitan regime think that A should be told about Petrucci so he can do something; has made Virginio Orsini governor of the League troops and given him the royal standards, and is seeking Milanese support for his action: Lorenzo de’ Medici to [F Gaddi], 11/12 Dec 1485, Lettere, IX, 71. Has sent Baccio Ugolini to the Otto, who are now sending him back: 17 Dec 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 80. Lorenzo suggests that if they send a mandatory to Rome to discuss peace he should go and see A and get his view: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini in Milan, 26 Dec 1485, Lettere, IX, 89. Niccolò Michelozzi is being sent to A: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini, 5 Jan 1486, Lettere, IX, 100. Ludovico Sforza wrote to Stefano Taverna to find out from A the provisions and orders of the present enterprise; the Florentine commissioner has received the same commission: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini, 8 Jan 1486, Lettere, IX, 108. Thanks for information regarding A’s arrival in Tuscany; A too has informed him of this: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the Balia of Siena, 17 Jan 1486, Lettere, IX, 131. A’s letter to Lorenzo announcing his impending arrival in Florence: 17 Jan 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 90-1. The Otto tell him not to come to Florence: 17 Jan 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 90-1. Lorenzo thinks A must be sent back; Florence has already sent an emissary who reached him at Montepulciano and told him he must return: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini, 20 Jan 1486, Lettere, IX, 141-2. A’s wish that Lorenzo join him: P Capponi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 23 Jan 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 93-4.
A wants to create diversion at Perugia: 3 Feb 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 98. Filippo degli Oddi told A that the leaders of his party are Cesare degli Arcipreti, Bernardino de’ Ruggieri and Pietro Ciriaco degli Ormanni: 9 Feb 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 310. A is anxious lest Anello Arcamone persuade Ferrante to accept a dishonourable peace; Cristofano Grifoli, a Sienese exile, is offering A two deals, one involving the son of Mariano Savelli, the other to put him into Orvieto: 22 Feb 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 387. Is negotiating with the Perugians regarding a plot to overthrow the existing regime: 27 Feb 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 409. Is negotiating with Filippo degli Oddi with regard to making Perugia rebel, but finds him unreliable: 28 Feb 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 23-4. Is keen on hiring Ranuccio Farnese: 13 Mar 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 523. Is sending Marino Tomacelli to talk to Lorenzo regarding the Orsini request: 3 Apr 1486, MAP, 45, 243. Reports to Lorenzo that Marsilio Torelli and Giovan Francesco di Sanseverino are refusing to ride because they have not been paid; A has also written to Milan regarding this: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini in Milan, 9 Apr 1486, Lettere, IX, 232-3. A sends Lorenzo 30 bovi: 22 Apr 1486, MAP, 45, 228. Is suspicious about the Venetian peace proposal: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini, 25 Apr 1486, Lettere, IX, 259. Lorenzo suggests leaving peace negotiations to A and to the others in the camp: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini, 26 May 1486, Lettere, IX, 313. Congratulations on putting the pratica with Innocent into A’s hands: Lorenzo de’ Medici to Ludovico Sforza, 29 May 1486, Lettere, IX, 316-17. Piero Capponi’s very low opinion of A: 19 June 1486, MAP, 39, 524. Lorenzo’s view that A should return to Naples with his troops: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini in Milan, 26 July 1486, Lettere, IX, 386. Niccolò Bucciardo Cibo, the papal legate who arrived at the League camp on 13 Aug, told A that Innocent wanted both reconciliation and an alliance with the League: S Taverna to G G Sforza, 19 Aug 1486, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 309. Lorenzo is coming to Cortona to meet A tomorrow: 26 Aug 1486, Dieci, Miss, 7, 93. Cardinal Conti is being asked by Pietro de Guevara to persuade Innocent to fix a deal between A and Guevara: 29 Aug 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 75-6. Wants Jacopo d’Appiano to remain on Orsini territory for the winter: 2 Sept 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 76-7. Lorenzo reports to the Dieci on A’s wishes: 6 Sept 1486, Dieci, Miss, 7, 96-7. Florence agrees to A’s request regarding Jacopo d’Appiano and Antonio da Marsciano staying on Orsini lands for the winter; then he asks that the two commanders accompany him to Naples with 600 provvisionati paid by Florence; Florence agrees, especially as Ludovico Sforza urges it; A will leave Citerna to pursue Roberto di Sanseverino: 6 Sept 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 77. In Ferrante’s name A refuses Lorenzo’s request for immediate help regarding Sarzana, offering help next year instead: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini in Milan, 7 Sept 1486, Lettere, IX, 429. A assured Florence she would get a clerical decima: 13 Sept 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 77-80. Recommended Piero Gualandi to Lorenzo for the vacant post of operaio of the cathedral in Pisa: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the canons of Pisa, 21 Sept 1486, Lettere, IX, 433. Offer of military aid to A: Lorenzo de’ Medici to P Capponi, 23 Sept 1486, MAP, 39, 568.
Aragona, Beatrice d’, queen of Hungary 1457-1508
Career: Daughter of Ferrante of Naples and Isabella di Chiaramonte; m (1) Matthias Corvinus, king of Hungary, 1476, (2) Wladislaw II, king of Hungary and Bohemia, 1490, annulled 1500.
Refs: Her letter mentioning Mattias Corvinus’ offer of military assistance to Ferrante: J Guicciardini in Milan to the Dieci, 9 Jan 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 171. Her letter to Diomede Carafa laying down conditions for Hungarian aid to Ferrante: 24 Feb 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 398. The Otto receive copy of her letter to Simonetto Belprat: 17 Apr 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 181.
Bibliog: DBI, 7, 347-9
Aragona, Cesare, d’ d. 1501
Ref: Illegitimate son of Ferrante commanding royal troops: Dieci, Resp., 33, 395, 23 Feb 1486.
Aragona, Eleonora d’, duchess of Ferrara 1450-1493
Career: Daughter of King Ferrante of Naples and Isabella di Chiaramonte; sister of Alfonso, Federico, Giovanni, Beatrice and Francesco d’Aragona; m Ercole d’E ste, duke of Ferrara, 1473; mother of Isabella (1474-1539), Beatrice (1475-1497), Alfonso (1476-1534), Ferrante (1477-1540), Ippolito (1479-1520) and Sigismondo d’Este (1480-1524).
Refs: Among those informed by Lorenzo of the death of Lucrezia Tornabuoni, 25 Mar 1482: Lettere, VI, 285-6. Has been left in charge of the Ferrarese government while Ercole is absent at the diet of Cremona: Dieci to P F Pandolfini, 21 Feb 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 134-5. The Otto request her to let Florentine wool through Ferrarese territory: 22 June 148-, Otto, Miss, 4, 64.
Bibliog: DBI, 42, 404-10
Aragona, Federico d’ 1452-1504
Career: Son of Ferrante I of Naples and Isabella di Chiaramonte; brother of Alfonso, Eleonora, Giovanni, Beatrice and Francesco d’Aragona; m (1) Anne, daughter of Louis, duke of Savoy, 1478, (2) Isabella, daughter of Pirro del Balzo, 1486; had issue by both wives. A possible commander of the League armies after the death of Federico da Montefeltro in 1482. Prince of Squillace from 1483; succeeded his nephew Ferrandino/Ferrante II as king of Naples, 1496-1500, during the turbulent times that followed the French invasion of 1494.
Refs: One of the main points of Camillo Pandone’s embassy was a request for fulfilment of A’s marriage settlement; he was promised an estate worth 12,000 francs a year and given one worth 4,000; Louis XI said he intended A to get what was promised him: F Gaddi at Tours to the Otto, 29 July 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 401. After an absence of at least six months, A has returned to court; Pandone and another Neapolitan ambassador, Giovanni Palombara, are trying to work out a new marriage settlement for him: F Gaddi at Tours to the Otto, 12 Oct 1481, Sig, X, VIII, 75, 57-8. Today A had taken his leave of Louis to return home: F Gaddi to the Otto, 27 Nov 1481, Otto, Resp, 2, 64. Ferrante asked for A to be released to take command of the Neapolitan fleet against the Turks; Louis agreed and offered to pay the marriage portion promised and to hand over Roussillon, as also promised: F Gaddi to the Otto, 13 Dec 1481, Otto, Resp, 2, 107. Will be at Porto Pisano and would like to see Lorenzo in Florence; is no longer banking with the Medici because Lionetto de’ Rossi is an enemy of the house of Aragon; A is having his pension and income from his lands sent to him in Naples: Federico d’Aragon in France to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 15 Dec 1481, MAP, 38, 374. Is leaving France as he feels he is not making progress there: F Gaddi at Tuais in Poitou to the Otto, 11 Jan 1482, MAP, 38, 75. Camillo Pandone, on his way back from France, has confirmed that A is very angry about having to return without knowing ‘o sua stantia o sua conditione’: B Rucellai at Milan to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 25 Apr 1482, MAP, 51, 128. Lorenzo has gone to Pisa to greet A: B Scala to J Ghivizano in Lucca, 14 May 1482, Modena MS, 27. Arrived at Naples to join Bernardo Villamarina’s fleet; they are going to Civitavecchia: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 21 May 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 239. Ferrante ordered A to head for Tagliacozzo: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 20 Aug 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Has gone from Naples to Capua to join his men-at-arms: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, ?27 Aug 1482, ASMi, cit. Is at Poffi: G F Cagnola at S Lorenzo to G G Sforza, 11 Nov 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. As Alfonso d’Aragona is planning to go to the diet at Bologna, Ferrante wants A to go with him: F Gaddi to the Otto, 21 Nov 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 181-2. Has just been made prince of Squillace with an income of 12,000 ducats: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 2 Mar 1482, ASMi, 241. Ercole d’Este would like to ask Milan to approve A as captain, as Lorenzo and the Neapolitan ambassador in Florence requested, but feels he cannot do so now: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 13 Oct 1482, ASMo, cit.
Wants to go by galley to Brindisi next week to gather the fleet together: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 12 Apr 1483, ASMi, cit. Will go to Puglia shortly to prepare the fleet: P Nasi to the Dieci, 9 Feb 1484, Dieci, Resp, 27, 83. Giovanni Lanfredini writes to A asking for help with the money owed to him and Lorenzo: 1 June 1485, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 18, 12. Lorenzo refers to things being said about A that he is sure those responsible cannot know: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 11 Sept 1485, Lettere, VIII, 264-5. As part of the proposed accord, the barons suggest that A [widowed since 1480] marry the daughter of Pietro de Guevara: 2 Oct 1485, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 246. His flight from the barons and arrival in Naples: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini in Milan, 26 Dec 1485, Lettere, IX, 87. Ippolita Sforza d’Aragona’s fears regarding him: 8 June 1486, MAP, 48, 350. Antonello Petrucci is working to increase A’s prestige and decrease that of Alfonso d’Aragona, in order to increase his own security and that of the barons: 26 Nov 1485, MAP, 26, 487. His arrest by Antonello di Sanseverino: 29 Nov 1485, MAP, 26, 489.
Bibliog: DBI, 45, 668-82
Aragona, Ferrandino d’ 1467-1496
Career: Son of Alfonso d’A ragona, duke of Calabria, and Ippolita Maria Sforza; brother of Isabella d’Aragona; m his aunt Giovanna d’Aragona (c 1482-1518), daughter of Ferrante I and Juana of Aragon/Giovanna d’A ragona. Prince of Capua. Briefly king of Naples as Ferdinando/Ferrante II, following his father’s abdication, 1495-6.
Ref: As his father, Alfonso d’Aragona, advances into the Papal States, A will be left at ‘Civita di Chieti’ to assemble all the men-at-arms and follow him: F Ricci to G G Sforza, ?May 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240.
Bibliog: DBI, 46, 189-94
Aragona, Francesco d’ 1461-1486
Career: Son of King Ferrante of Naples and Isabella di Chiaramonte; brother of Alfonso, Eleonora, Federico, Giovanni and Beatrice d’Aragona. Duke of Monte S Angelo and marchese of Bisceglie. Accompanied Beatrice to Hungary, 1476-84. Betrothed to Isabella, daughter of Pirro del Balzo; after A’s death she married his brother (King) Federico.
Refs: Has returned from Hungary: 29 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 91. One of the Neapolitan ambassadors for Rome: 12 Nov 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 397. ‘Married’ to a daughter of Pirro del Balzo, who is disputing with her sister, the wife of Pietro de Guevara, the inheritance of their mother: 31 July 1485, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 245. The request for a county for A suggests that A and his brother Federico took the part of the barons: G Lanfredini to the Dieci, 19 Oct 1485, Pontieri, La politica, 98.
Bibliog: DBI, 3, 694
Aragona, Giovanni d’ 1456-1485
Career: Son of King Ferrante of Naples and Isabella di Chiaramonte; brother of Alfonso, Eleonora, Federico, Beatrice and Francesco d’Aragona. Cardinal 1477; legate to his sister’s kingdom of Hungary, 1479-80 and again in 1483. Administered a number of Neapolitan dioceses and was commendatory abbot of Montecassino and other lucrative benefices.
Refs: Returning from his mission to Hungary, A was met by Bongianni Gianfigliazzi and Luigi Guicciardini and conducted to Florence, where he stayed in the house of Giovanni Tornabuoni: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 16 Aug 1480, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 2. Description of his sight-seeing in Florence, where he was shown the library of S Marco and Lorenzo’s garden there: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 21 Aug 1480, ASMo, cit. Lorenzo had written to solicit A’s support for Rinaldo Orsini in case new cardinals were to be made: Lorenzo de’ Medici to P F Pandolfini in Naples, 3 Dec 1481, Lettere, VI, 119. Returned to Naples yesterday, very pleased to have got out of Rome: G Brognoli in Naples to Federico Gonzaga, 1 May 1482, ASMa, AG, 806. Has gone to Puglia with twelve squadrons and many infantry: L Lanti in Rome to the Signoria di Siena, 30 May 1482, ASS, Conc, 2048, 25. Is at Taranto; assures his father that the Venetian fleet has not returned to Puglia, as had been reported: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 20 Aug 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Has four squadrons of men-at-arms under his command in Puglia: G Brognoli to Federico Gonzaga, 24 Aug 1482, ASMa, AG, 806. Arrived in Naples yesterday; Ferrante is consulting him about the best course of action regarding Djem: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 30 Sept 1482, ASMi, cit. Came to Ferrara on his way to see his sister Queen Beatrice in Hungary: 30 Sept 1483, Zambotti, 146. Should arrive in Milan tomorrow: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 9 Oct 1483, ASMa, AG, 1628. Has arrived in Milan and is lodged at court; will leave after visiting the duke and duchess: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 11 Oct 1483, ASMa, cit.
Cardinal Borgia offers A the vice-chancellorship and his house in return for supporting his candidacy: 18 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 288. Guidantonio Vespucci considers that A and Ascanio Sforza between them can decide who will be pope: 24 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 73. ------ backed A for papacy, having formerly backed Cardinals Borgia and Sforza: 25 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 296. Borgia tried to persuade A to vote for Margarit; then Ascanio persuaded both Borgia and A to vote for Cardinal Cibo: 29 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 93. Seeing Borgia’s candidacy would not work, A and Ascanio aimed to get Borgia on their side, but first reconciled Cardinal Riario-Sansoni with Cardinals Orsini and Giuliano della Rovere; great promises to Riario-Sansoni and Girolamo Riario; A received Cibo’s house; Vespucci’s comment on the part played by A and Ascanio Sforza: ‘ hanno in ogni electione a metter a sacco questa corte, et sono e maggior ribaldi del mondo’: 29 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 302. Ferrante entrusted A with his instruction to Cardinals Nardini, Carafa and Cibo: 31 Aug 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 126. In the conclave, A joined forces with Giuliano della Rovere to prevent a Venetian cardinal winning: 31 Aug 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 128. Is angry with Oliviero Carafa, with whom had verbal fight in the conclave, for Carafa thought that A had betrayed him during the interregnum: 31 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 307. A, Borgia and Ascanio Sforza agreed ‘che per la prima mattina non si facessi il Papa per acessioni di voci’; A agreed with Sforza and Borgia on the election of Cibo as pope: 4 Sept 1484, MAP, 48, 37. Promised the archbishopric of Taranto to Cardinal Hugonet as part of getting Cibo elected; in return for support in the papal election, Innocent promised A Pontecorvo and Terracina, on which Ferrante was so keen: 4 Sept 1484, MAP, 48, 38. A and Ascanio Sforza are given most credit for Cibo’s election: 13 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 325. Supports Ascanio in not wanting Giovanni della Rovere to be Captain of the Church: 2 Nov 1484, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 96. Piero de’ Medici is to visit A and tell him Lorenzo is his servant, refering to the honour done Lorenzo by Ferrante: Lorenzo de’ Medici to Piero de’ Medici, 26 Nov 1484, Lettere, VIII, 74-5. Proposed Giovanni della Rovere as Captain of the Church: 29 Nov 1484, MAP, 39, 394. Guidantonio Vespucci writes to him regarding the Passignano affair: 12 Mar 1485, MAP, 39, 103. Writing to Giovanni Lanfredini on 16 Mar, Lorenzo asked Ferrante to see that the bull for Passignano was not being blocked in consistory by A: 26 Mar 1485, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 224. His death: 24 Oct 1485, MAP, 26, 468.
Bibliog: DBI, 3, 697-8.
Aragona, Ippolita Maria, d’, see Sforza, Ippolita Mara
Aragona, Isabella d’ 1470-1524
Career: Daughter of Alfonso d’Aragona, duke of Calabria, and Ippolita Maria Sforza; sister of Ferrandino/Ferdinand II of Aragon. Destined to marry Gian Galeazzo Sforza from 1472; did so in 1489. Their children were Francesco (1491-1512), Bona (1493-1557) and Ippolita Maria (1494-1501).
Refs: Her mother supported the proposal that A marry Gian Galeazzo Sforza: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 24 July 1480, ASMa, AG, 1627.
Aragona, Lucrezia d’ d. 1549
Ref: An accord proposed by the barons includes a suggested marriage between A, one of Ferrante’s many illegitimate children, and Pirro del Balzo: 24 Sept 1485, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 246.
Aragona, Camilla Sforza d’, see Sforza d’Aragona, Camilla
Aragona, Sforza d’, Giovanni, lord of Pesaro, see Sforza d’Aragona, Giovanni
Arcamone, Anello d. 1510
Career: Neapolitan lawyer and diplomat. President of the Regia Camera della Sommaria, 1466. Member of the Sacro Real Consiglio, 1469. With Pietro Guglielmo Rocca, ambassador to Rome, Mar 1472. Ambassador in Rome 1474-5, 1479-81, 1482-3 (at least). Instrumental in the election of Innocent VIII, Aug 1484. Member of the embassy that presented Ferrante’s homage to the new pope, Dec 1484. Arrested at Rome during the barons’ revolt and his house there burned, 15 Dec 1485. Accused of siding with the barons, arrested 13 Aug 1486, and tried for treachery. The trial reached no conclusion, but he was not released until Feb 1495.
Refs: The Florentines have learned that Ferrante is sending another ambassador to Rome, more impartial than A: A Trivulzio and A Bracelli in Florence to G G Sforza, 26 Apr 1480, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 299. Signed an instrument with Sixtus for the handover of Forlì; held responsible in Florence for the failure to get enough papal concessions for it; was said to be in Girolamo Riario’s pocket: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 1 Aug 1480, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 2. The Venetian Senate is displeased that their orator, Zaccaria Barbaro, talks so much to A; the papal-Venetian alliance binds Venice not to make other alliances without papal consent; A is always trying to elicit information of this sort and twist it to suit his purposes: 28 Oct 1480, ASV, Sen Secr, 29, 147. A was behind anything Sixtus and Riario told Pier Filippo Pandolfini, in this case that Riario would come out against Venice, which Pandolfini did not believe: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 2 Jan 1482, MAP, 51, 7. Antonio da Montefeltro and Giovanni Battista Bentivoglio fear A might reveal something at Rome of the discussions on war plans ‘per migliore sua conditione’: L Guicciardini and P F Pandolfini in Urbino to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 29 Mar 1482, MAP, 51, 101. Apparently A opposed Ferrante’s idea of sending three orators to protest to Sixtus and ask him outright whether he wanted peace or war: B Rucellai in Milan to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 22 Apr 1482, MAP, 51, 127. Has been instructed to leave Rome; the other League ambassadors will do likewise: G Brognoli to Federico Gonzaga, 1 May 1482, ASMa, AG, 806. Arrived in Naples yesterday; thinks he has persuaded Ferrante to take speedy action: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 21 May 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 239. Is with Alfonso d’Aragona at Nettuno; says Alfonso was defeated at Campomorto because of his lack of infantry: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 23 Aug 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Says Sixtus can only be brought to agree to peace by force of arms: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 10 Sept 1482, ASMi, cit. Ferrante is consulting him about Sixtus’s attitude towards peace: [F Gaddi] in Naples to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 11 Sept 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 147-9. Favours peace negotiations: [F Gaddi] to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 23 Sept 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 155-6. Advised against accepting peace terms brought by the envoy of Giordano Orsini [F Gaddi] to the Dieci, 9 Oct 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 164-5. Wants clarification of the peace terms that the League are prepared to accept, so that no further consultation will be necessary when the opportunity arises for serious negotiations: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 18 Oct 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. To be sent to Rome; is determined that any peace negotiations should be conducted by him: [F Gaddi] to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 25 Oct 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 172. Has said that the efficacy of his negotiations in Rome depends on the actions of Alfonso d’Aragona in the field: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 31 Oct 82, ASMi, cit. Described by Milan as ‘pieno de naturale et accidentale prudentia’: G G Sforza to the ambassadors of the League in Naples, 9 Nov 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. Waited some time at Terracina for a safeconduct, but one was not sent; went to Nettuno: [F Gaddi] to P Capponi, 14 Nov 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 179-81. Arrived in Rome secretly on 13 Nov; has galvanised the peace negotiations there: Cardinal Gonzaga to Federico Gonzaga, 18 Nov 1482, ASMa, AG, 846. The Spanish ambassadors say A’s arrival in Rome is known to everyone: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 22 Nov 1482, ASMi, cit. One of the principal peace negotiators: Colombino to F Gonzaga, 4 Dec 1482, ASMa, cit. Has written to Florence about peace terms; the Dieci were not pleased with his letter: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’E ste, 12 Dec 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Has sent a messenger to Naples to announce the conclusion of peace and the new league: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 14 Dec 1482, MAP, 38, 535. Has sent a letter to Marino Tomacelli regarding peace: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 14 Dec 1482, ASMo, cit. Has written praising Sforza Bettini: Antonio da Montecatini, 18 Dec 1482, ASMo, cit. Sixtus says A and Riario are behind idea of Alfonso d’Aragona travelling via Sienese territory; has told A it would better if Alfonso took another route: L Lanti in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 21 Dec 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 88. Has written to Alfonso with Sixtus’s suggestion: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 22 Dec 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 89. A says that the Florentines were consulted fully about the peace terms and should not try to persuade Sixtus to alter them yet: [F Gaddi] to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 27 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 190-2. Is with Girolamo Riario and Lorenzo Giustini; was present at Alfonso d’Aragona’s secret audience with Sixtus: [F Gaddi] to the Dieci, 30 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 195-6. A says that if Pandolfo Malatesta does not get a clear condotta he may go over to Venice: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 30 Dec 1482, ASMo, cit.
Prospero Adorno wrote that with the help of a few galleys and infantry he could easily take Genoa; A is to supervise this: G A Vespucci in Rome to the Dieci, 13 June 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 27. Has been forbidden to talk to Sixtus lest he make him oppose the peace negotiations: 3 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 275. Sixtus has been persuaded that A’s arguments against peace are simply special pleading: 5 Aug 1484, ASMi, SPE, Venezia, 373. Neapolitan ambassador in Rome: 7 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 13. His pro-Riario sentiments: 10 Aug 1484, MAP, 48, 21. Possibly favours Cardinals Rangone and Cibo for the papacy: 12 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 283. Now favours Cardinal Borgia’s candidacy: 18 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 288. Is often with Cardinals Sforza and d’Aragona; Guidantonio Vespucci fears he is being used by Borgia to corrupt them: 24 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 295. Is trying to fix a marriage for Franceschetto Cibo with a daughter of either Ferrante or Alfonso d’Aragona: 5 Oct 1484, MAP, 48, 57. His suocero is happy to make way for a candidate of Cardinal Rangone for the podesteria of Florence: 13 Mar 1485, MAP, 39, 105. Is handling the papal-Neapolitan negotiations: 26 Nov 1485, MAP, 26, 487. Ludovico Sforza’s letter to Lorenzo regarding getting Ferrante to remove A from Rome: 3 Dec 1485, Otto, Miss, 3, 184-6. The matter of his release: 3 Jan 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 89. Lorenzo reports that with regard to A’s release Florence has written to her ambassador in Rome in the same terms as Milan: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini in Milan, 5 Jan 1486, Lettere, IX, 102-3. Is a parente of Antonello Petrucci: 13 Jan 1486, MAP, 26, 314. Alfonso d’Aragona is worried that A is persuading Ferrante to seek a dishonourable peace: 22 Feb 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 387. His arrest: 20 Aug 1486, Dieci, Miss, 7, 90.
Bibliog: DBI, 3, 738-9
Arcimboldi, Giovanni, cardinal c. 1430-1488
Career: Brother of Guidantonio Arcimboldi. Followed their father Niccolò into Sforza service as a councillor and diplomat, including as Milanese ambassador to Rome, 1472. Embarked on a clerical career after the death of his wife. Bishop of Novara, 1467-84; cardinal, 1473; archbishop of Milan, 1484-8.
Refs: Among those to whom Lorenzo wrote proposing Rinaldo Orsini for the abbey of Farfa: 23 Nov 1481, Prot, 172. Sixtus is to send him to the emperor and Matthias Corvinus to try to persuade them to make peace: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 5 Jan 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. Sixtus referred Sienese requests (regarding a league?) to A and Cardinal Piccolomini: Sienese ambassadors in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 2 June 1483, ASS, Balia, 511, 4. Is having a clause drawn up about what Siena is to do if Florence ‘provokes’ Sixtus: Sienese ambassadors in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 1 July 1483, ASS, Balia, 512, 38. One of Ludovico Sforza’s candidates for the papacy: 15 Aug 1484, MAP, 48, 25. According to Lorenzo’s letter to Guidantonio Vespucci on 17 Aug, A was one of the candidates of Alfonso d’Aragona and Ludovico Sforza, but his candidacy will not work as he is too young and has a legitimate son: G A Vespucci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 21 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 292. One of the frontrunners: 25 Aug 1484, MAP, 55, 38. Will receive a castle as part of the pre-election deal: 29 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 302a. Received a few votes in the conclave: 30 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 306. Ascanio Sforza had A’s vote throughout the conclave; his Perugian legation has been confirmed in return for voting for Cardinal Cibo: 4 Sept 1484, MAP, 48, 37. Innocent consults him frequently: 18 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 332. Giovanni Tornabuoni reports a rumour that A is dead: 4 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 52.
Bibliog: DBI, 3, 771-3; Cerioni, I, 130-1
Arcimboldi, Guidantonio d. 1497
Career: Brother of Cardinal Giovanni Arcimboldi. Like his brother, he served the Sforza as a councillor and diplomat before succeeding Giovanni as archbishop of Milan in 1488.
Refs: Appointed to accompany Giovanni Angelo Talenti as orator to Naples: T Ridolfi in Milan to the Otto, 29 Sept 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 469-70. Today Gian Filippo Salarolo went with Alfonso d’Aragona and A to dine with Diomede Carafa in the Castel dell’Ovo: G F Salarolo in Naples to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 20 Jan 1482, MAP, 38, 389. A and Talenti are to leave Naples as soon as it is confirmed that the giudizio on the disputed towns had been given: P F Pandolfini to the Otto, 13 Feb 1482, Otto, Resp, 2, 246. Left Naples yesterday and planned to spend six to eight days in Rome: P F Pandolfini to the Otto, 22 Feb 1482, Otto, Resp, 2, 277. With Talenti, went to Urbino to conclude Federico da Montefeltro’s condotta; it seems they were responsible for delays in this negotiation: L Guicciardini and P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 7 Apr 1482, MAP, 51, 108. Due to leave Urbino for the Romagna: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 15 Apr 1482, MAP, 67, 20. Ludovico Sforza is sending him to Federico da Montefeltro: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 27 Aug 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Milanese ducal ‘consigliere’ trying to persuade Federico da Montefeltro not to leave Ferrara, to bring his troops in the Romagna to the Ferrarese, and to further the impresa proposed by Federico Gonzaga: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 3 Sept 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. One of seven Milanese councillors sent to negotiate with Ascanio Sforza: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 14 Sept 1482, ASMa, cit. With Giovanni Angelo Talenti, is being sent to Ferrara, to congratulate the legate and Alfonso d’Aragona on their arrival: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni, 4 Jan 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. A must find out the measures planned for the defence of Ferrara, G G Sforza to B Castiglioni, 7 Jan 1483, ASMi, cit. Given a letter of credence for Siena on his way to Rome: G G Sforza to the Signoria of Siena, 3 Mar 1483, ASS, Conc, 2054, 84. Has been to Rome on matters concerning the diet, and has orders to go on to Naples on the same business; he is then to stay in Naples to cover while Branda Castiglioni takes some leave: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni, 7 Mar 1483, ASMi, cit. Arrived in Florence yesterday: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 15 Mar 1483, ASMo, cit. Will stay in Naples while negotiating the business he helped to prepare in Milan; then Castiglioni will be sent back to Naples at Christmas: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni, 18 Mar 1483, ASMi, cit. Is in Rome, collecting the ratifications of the diet’s decisions, and is not to leave until he has them all: P F Pandolfini to the Dieci, 5 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 227-8. Is to be sent to Naples with Achille Mariscotti, bishop of Cervia, to urge on Neapolitan preparations: P F Pandolfini to the Dieci, 8 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 237. On his way back to Milan from Naples he spent two hours with Lorenzo in Florence: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 14 May 1484, ASMo, cit. Has been sent by Ludovico Sforza to Alfonso d’Aragona, Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 30 May 1484, ASMa, AG, 1628. Has been appointed to accompany Giovanni Angelo Talenti as orator to Naples: B Buongirolami to the Otto, 2 June 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 67-8. Installed in the castle of Trezzo to replace Vercellino Visconti: 26 Aug 1484, MAP, 48, 33. Milanese ambassador to Rome: 2 Sept 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 76-7.
Bibliog: DBI, 3, 777-9; Cerioni, I, 131-2
Arciprete, Cesare degli
Ref: One of the leaders of Filippo degli Oddi’s party in Perugia: 9 Feb 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 310.
Arigucci, Andrea
Ref: Recommendation of A for the scrutiny: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 2 Sept 1484, MAP, 48, 36.
Aringhieri, Alberto (Aldighieri)
Career: Member of the Sienese Monte del Popolo; Hospitaller.
Refs: One of four members of the Sienese Balia elected to keep an eye on the Riformatori rebels and exiles: 16 June 1482, ASS, Balia, 26, 7. Member of Balia of sixty: 6 Aug 1482, ASS, Balia, 26, 64-5. ‘Frater Jerosolimitanus, capitanio popoli’: Jan 1483, ASS, Conc, 1696, 2. Member of the new Balia of thirty-six: 2 Apr 1483, ASS, Conc, 699, 18. Elected ambassador to Florence in addition to Bartolomeo Sozzini: Balia of Siena to the Sienese ambassadors in Rome, 25-26 May 1483, ASS, Balia, 404, 102-3. Sent as ambassador to Florence to join Sozzini: 30 May 1483, ASS, Conc, 1696, 72. With Sozzini, made procurator of Siena in Florence: 30 May 1483, ASS, Balia, 28, 71. Given letters of credence to the Dieci and Lorenzo: 30 May 1483, ASS, Balia, 404, 105. Arrived in Florence with a large train: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 31 May 1483, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Was honourably received yesterday: A Aringhieri in Florence to the Balia of Siena, 1 June 1483, ASS, Balia, 511, 2. Came to thank the Florentines for their friendly offices: Dieci to G A Vespucci, 2 June 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 390-3. He and another Sienese ambassador were negotiating a league between Siena and Florence: Dieci to B Rucellai, 10 June 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 69-70. Is going to Milan as Sienese envoy, with eight horses and two servants: 30 Sept-1 Oct 1483, ASS, Balia, 30, 53. Milan has found him a very acceptable envoy; he is now returning to Siena: G G Sforza to Signoria of Siena, 19 Oct 1483, ASS, Conc, 2053, 68. Member of the Sienese Balia: 25 Apr 1484, ASS, Conc, 705, 24-5. Sienese ambassador coming to Florence to complain about plundering by League troops: 20 Mar 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 144-5. Related his commission to the Otto this morning: 23 Mar 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 149-50.
Aringhieri, Giovanni, see Aldighieri, Giovanni
Ariosti, Niccolò degli d. 1500
Ref: Ferrarese commissioner for the restoration of Ferrarese fortresses by Venice: 23 Aug 1484, ASV, Sen Secr, 32, 102.
Arlotti, Buonfrancesco 1422-1508
Career: Bishop of Reggio-Emilia, 1477-1508, who originated in that city but served as Ercole d’Este’s ambassador in Rome from 1473 to 1490.
Refs: Given a letter of credence to the Signoria of Siena; Ercole is preparing to send him to Rome: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 20 Dec 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Arrived in Florence yesterday: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 30 Dec 1482, ASMo, cit. Formal reply by the Florentine Signoria, assuring A of their continued firm support for Ercole: 20 Jan 1483, Risp verb di oratori, 2, 82. Girolamo Riario blames A for promoting and encouraging Stefano Taleazzi’s peace pratica: Antonio da Montecatini, 17 Nov 1483, ASMo, cit.
Bibliog: DBI, 4, 215-16
Armagnac, Jean d’ 1440-1493
Career: Son of Bernard d’A rmagnac, comte de Pardiac, and Éléonore de Bourbon; brother of Jacques d’Armagnac, comte de Castres. Bishop of Castres, 1460-93.
Ref: Lorenzo’s support requested for A’s translation to another diocese: Louis XI to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 31 Jan 1483, MAP, 45, 65. A French noble who was put in charge of the papal palace guard: 24 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 69.
Armonio, Prino
Ref: Turkish ambassador of Greek nationality coming to offer Ferrante a fleet and army in return for land: 2 Mar 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 455.
Ref: A composer whom Lorenzo wants to come to Bagno a Morbo from Florence: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 7 May 1486, Lettere, IX, 279.
Arrivabene, Alessandro
Career: Mantuan ambassador in Rome, 1481-2, while Giovanni Pietro Arrivabene was secretary to Cardinal Gonzaga.
Ref: Sent on a mission to Florence: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 31 Aug 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627.
Ars, Jean d’seigneur de Saint-Loup
Ref: With Jean de Chassaignes and Raymond Perrault, one of the French ambassadors sent to Rome 1480-1: Lettere, V, 166-7.
Ascoli, duke of, see Orsini, Orso
Asini, Luigi di Niccolò degli
Ref: Recommendation of A: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the priors and gonfalonier of Arezzo: Lettere VII, 113-4.
Atri, duke of, see Acquaviva d’Aragona, Giulio Antonio
Attendolo, Pier Antonio di Michele
Career: Son of the famous condottiere Michele Attendolo. m Lucrezia, daughter of Spinetta Fregoso, doge of Genoa. As a condottiere he served his Sforza kinsmen in the 1460s and Florence during the Pazzi War.
Ref: ‘Voi non m’avete dato altro della faccienda di messer Pier Antonio Attendoli’: Lorenzo de’ Medici to T Ridolfi in Milan, 26 Feb 1481, Lettere V, 170-2.
Atto, ser
Refs: Is in the Florentine camp: MAP, 51, 298, 11 Mar 1486. The Otto approve Piero Capponi’s dispatch of A with 250 provvisionati to S Fiore: Otto, Miss, 4, 157-9, 4 Apr 1486.
Aubusson, Guichard d’ d. 1497
Career: Brother of Cardinal Pierre d’Aubusson. Bishop of Couseans, 1461-76; bishop of Carcassonne, 1476-97
Ref: Cardinal Balue’s attempt to get him on the French embassy to Italy: MAP, 39, 398, 8 Dec 1484.
Bibliog: DBF, IV, 305-6
Austria, archduke of, see Habsburg, Sigismund von
Avalos. Iñigo d’d 1484
Career: Son of Rodrigo Lopez d’A valos, constable of Sicily; m Antonella d’Aquino, marchioness of Pescara; had seven children, including Beatrice, wife of Gian Giacomo Trivulzio. Count of Monteoderisio. Loyal servant of Alfonso the Magnanimous and Ferrante, especially as gran camerlengo of the kingdom of Naples, 1449-84.
Refs: Signatory to the league between Sixtus, Naples, Milan and Florence, 13 March 1480: Lettere, V, 289. At Monte S Giovanni with part of Alfonso d’Aragona’s forces: G F Cagnola to G G Sforza, 11 Nov 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. His man, Giovanni di Torpia, is in Florence with a quantity of grain: Lorenzo de’ Medici to F Cambini in Pisa, 30 May 1484, Lettere, VII, 409.
Bibliog: DBI, 4, 635-6
Avogadri, Giovanni
Ref: Arrived in Ferrara yesterday as the new Milanese envoy: J Guicciardini at Ferrara to the Dieci, 1 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 308-9.
Avvocati, Pier Francesco Fatinelli degli
Career: A leading podestà, including in Siena, Dec 1486-May 1487, Sept 1491-Apr 1492.
Refs: Lorenzo recommends him for post of podestàof Siena: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the Signoria of Siena, 14 Dec 1484, Lettere, VIII, 85-6. They cannot give him the post as it is already full: Signoria of Siena to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 3 Jan 1485, ASS, Conc, 1697. The recommendation is repeated: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the Signoria of Siena, 15 Jan 1485, Lettere, VIII, 124. Jacopo da Ghivizzano, A’s uncle or grandfather, wrote to Lorenzo, asking him to recommend A for the post of podestà in Siena; forwarded by Piero Corsini: P Corsini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 15 Sept 1485, MAP, 26, 436.
Azzarolo, Jacopo
Ref: Mantuan ambassador to Florence reporting on a conversation with Lorenzo de’ Medici: J Azzarolo to Francesco Gonzaga, 6 Jan 1485, ASMa, AG, 1102.