Nacci, Francesco di Filippo
Career: Director of the Medici bank in Naples.
Refs: Has sent Francesco Sassetti a long report on the state of the Medici bank in Naples: F Nacci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 14 Nov 1481, MAP, 49, 18. Ippolita d’Aragona, duchess of Calabria, has sent N some perfumes to pass on to Lorenzo; has had a long talk with Pier Filippo Pandolfini, who has just arrived as ambassador, to put him in the picture; he believes the Florentine and Milanese ambassadors ‘troveranno le cose ben disposte’: F Nacci in Naples to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 22 Nov 1481, MAP, 38, 362. A Serragli had ‘ fatto concessione a Francesco Nacci di tutti i debitori si truva in buona forma’: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 19 Dec 1481, MAP, 51, 69. Bank affairs: F Nacci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 24 Dec 1481, MAP, 38, 350. Replies to Lorenzo’s letter of 20 Dec about Bertoldo Carafa’s galley, which is not available, and on bank affairs: F Nacci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 27 Dec 1481, MAP, 38, 379. Among those imformed by Lorenzo about the death of Lucrezia Tornabuoni: Prot, 187-8. The ‘assegnamento’ for the 14,000 ducats sent was intended to be debited in part to the money owed to Alfonso d’Aragona and in part to the ‘entrate’ of the Abruzzi: F Nacci in Naples to Lorenzo, 10 May 1482, MAP, 38, 447. Is helping Francesco Gaddi to look after Lorenzo’s affairs in Naples: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 20 Sept 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 152-3. Has suggested a method of obtaining a settlement of Ippolita d’Aragona’s debt to Lorenzo: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 8 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 187-8. Reporting on the fulfilment of Lorenzo’s instructions regarding the bank; owed 560 ducats on the current account: F Nacci in Naples to Lorenzo de Medici, 21 Jan 1483, MAP, 38, 392. Involved in repayment of the Neapolitan Crown’s debt to Lorenzo: 12 July 1485, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, VI, 18, 31.
Naldi, Naldo di Jacopo b. 1435
Career: Poet described by Marsilio Ficino as his oldest friend; also a close friend of Niccolò Michelozzi. Dedicated his Elegie to Lorenzo. In Forlì, 1476-7, and Venice, 1478-9. Taught briefly in Prato. Taught poetry and oratory at the Florentine Studio from 1483.
Ref: Recommended to be the schoolmaster at Prato: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the Otto Difensori del Popolo and gonfalonier of Prato, 27 Apr 1480, Lettere, V 17-20.
Bibliog: W L Grant, ‘The life of Naldo Naldi’, Studies in philosophy, 60 (1963), 606-17
Nani, Girolamo
Refs: Sienese envoy to Florence, where he arrived on 3 May: G Nani to the Balia of Siena, 5 May 1484, ASS, Balia, 518, 38. Appointed Sienese proctor for an agreement with Florence over Jacopo d’Appiano’s condotta: 8-9 May 1484, ASS, Balia, 32, 4.
Nanni dal Borgo [San Sepolcro]
Ref: Has received one and a half paghe for his infantry: Otto, Miss, 4, 154-6.
Nanni da Firenzuola
Ref: An archer owed back pay by the sons of Antonio da Marciano: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 18 Apr 1485, Lettere, VIII, 166.
Nanni da Prato
Ref: The Otto request Alfonso d’/ Aragona to give N safe escort on his way to Rome: 15 Dec 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 80.
Refs: Ambassador of Galeotto Manfredi to Florence: 7 June 148-, Otto, Miss, 4, 64-5. Manfredi’s envoy in Florence and his chancellor: 13 Nov 1484, Dieci, Miss, I, 22, 2. Chancellor of Galeotto Manfredi and his ambassador to Florence: 15 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 160.
Nardini, Stefano, cardinal d. 1484
Career: Archbishop of Milan, 1461-84; cardinal, 1473.
Refs: Antonio Ridolfi, the Florentine ambassador in Rome, is particularly close to N: Lettere, V, 72. The Otto rebut certain accusations about vacant benefices made to Antonio Ridolfi by Cardinal Arcimboldi on behalf of N, saying that it was on Sixtus’s orders: Otto to A Ridolfi at Rome, 12/14 Sept 1480, Sig, Miss, 1a Canc, 48, 150-2. Papino, Lucrezia Tornabuoni’s chancellor, advises Lorenzo to write to Cardinals N and Costa, ‘pregandoli a dar fine e expeditione a questa santa impresa’, since both are very well inclined; however, he does not say what this impresa is: Papino da Artimino in Rome to Lucrezia Tornabuoni, 4 Oct 1480, MAP, 80, 96(?). Lorenzo lobbied N, among others, in his bid to get the abbey of Farfa for Rinaldo Orsini: Prot, 172; Lettere, VI, 95. Bernardo Rucellai spoke to Ludovico Sforza about the benefices of Antonio Trivulzio and the possibility of Rinaldo Orsini receiving them; Ludovico says this must wait until N dies, because they may feel these benefices should not go to a Guelf: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 9 Apr 1482, MAP, 51, 112. Roberto Malatesta died in N’s house: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 11 Sept 1482, ASS, Balia, 505, 70. Has sent Giovanni Battista Capranica, bishop of Fermo, to Milan to open talks regarding peace: G G Sforza to S Taverna, 26 Oct 1482, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 91. Has gone to Rome (from the papal camp?): Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 15 Nov 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Among those to whom Lorenzo sent letters of credence for Sforza Bettini, 8 Jan 1483: Prot, 220. One of the nominees of Alfonso d’Aragona and Ludovico Sforza for the papacy: 21 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 292. One of the frontrunners in the conclave: 25 Aug 1484, MAP, 55, 38. Appointed to the Avignon legation as part of the pre-election deal: 29 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 302a. He is getting the Avignon legation, or rather Cardinal Hugonet is, plus the archpresbyterate of S Giovanni in Laterano;received no votes in the conclave: 30 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 306. Ferrante entrusts him with the instruction of his son Cardinal Giovanni d’Aragona: 31 Aug 1484, LC, II, V, 15, 126. Ascanio Sforza received his vote throughout the conclave;was promised the Avignon legation in return for voting for Cardinal Cibo: 4 Sept 1484, MAP, 48, 37. Protector of the Vallombrosan Order: 9 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 320. Guidantonio Vespucci writes to him regarding the Passignano affair: G A Vespucci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 12 Mar 1485, MAP, 39, 103.
Nardo, Cola Giovanni, da Napoli
Ref: The Dieci hire him with infantry: 24 Nov 1484, Dieci, Delib, 27, 77.
Nasi, Alessandro
Ref: Youth commissioned to escort Federico Gonzaga during his visit to Florence: 26 Sept 1485, ASMa, AG 1102.
Nasi, Lorenzo di Lutozzo
Refs: In the consulta, agreed with Antonio Pucci and Roberto Leoni; suggested advantages to those who pay taxes quickly: 29 May 1482, Min, 11, 365-7. Commissario in Castrocaro: P Nasi in Naples to the Dieci, 5 July 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 125. Florentine commissioner: n d, Dieci, Miss, 23, 109. Elected captain of Pietrasanta: 4 Dec 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 73. Request for the dozen cups that Lorenzo lent him: Lorenzo de’ Medici to L Nasi in Pietrasanta, 6 Mar 1485, Lettere, VIII, 127-8.
Nasi, Piero di Lutozzo c. 1421-1491
Career: Patron of a Barbary galley due to leave, Mar 1461. Patron of one of the galleys to England and Flanders in 1463. Captain of two galleys voyaging to Sicily and Catalonia, June-Sept 1466. Asked to be released from the captaincy of the second voyage to Sicily,Dec 1466. Captain of Pisa, Sept 1468-Mar 1469. Gonfalonier of Justice, Nov/Dec 1469, the time of Piero de’ Medici’s death. Described as a friend of the state, but not a rabid Medicean. Orator in Urbino, Dec 1469-Feb 1470. Accoppiatore, 1470. Mission to Montepulciano, 1470. General member of the Balia for S Spirito, 1471. With Piero Minerbetti on mission to S Gimignano and Colle, July 1473. Missions to Borgo S Sepolcro and Montepulciano, 1474. Sea consul of Pisa, Mar-Sept 1475. Captain of the Flanders galleys due to sail in Sept 1476. In Marseille on his way back, Jan 1478. In and around Sarzana, Feb-Apr 1479. Member of the Dieci di Balia, 1479-83(?). Member of the second half of the Council of 70, 1480. Orator in Naples with Agostino Biliotti, May-Nov 1480. In Foggia, Mar/Apr 1481, then back to Naples. Member of Otto di Pratica, Apr 1482-. Commissary in Faenza, Apr 1484. Captain of Pisa, Mar-Sept 1488. Again ambassador in Naples, 1490. 1480 Catasto: joint return his his brother Lorenzo, although they did not live together; sostanze of both brothers 1,265 fl.
Refs: Reporting N’s election as joint ambassador to Rome and Naples with Antonio Ridolfi, Filippo Sacramoro describes him as ‘homo da bene e de bona casa e de bona gratia in questo popolo infino adesso’; has been Gonfalonier of Justice and commissary several times, but never before an ambassador; ‘Non ha lettere ma de experientia e pratica pure tale’: F Sacramoro to Bona and G G Sforza, 5 Apr 1480, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 299. Left Florence 28 Apr and arrived Rome 7 May 1480. Mentioned in the text of the League between Naples, Milan, Florence and Ferrara, 25 July 1480: Lettere, V, 293. Neither N nor Marco Trotti enjoyed much reputation in Naples, ‘which will not displease you’: F Baroni at Foggia to N Michelozzi, 10 Mar 1481, BNF, GC, 101, 5-6. Appealed to Florence for financial assistance to enable him to ‘ carry out his office more honourably’: B Scala to P Nasi, 10 Mar 1481, Min, 11, 138. While in Naples, N requested more money; although Lorenzo – and most of the Otto in public – agreed to this request, it was a different matter when they came to voting on it; Bartolomeo Scala suggested to N that he write to Antonio Pucci and again to the Otto: B Scala to P Nasi, 7 Apr 1481, Min, 11, 301-2. Once he heard that Ferrante had restored the Florentine towns, N requested permission to return to Florence on the grounds that his mission was therefore complete and that he had been away for a year with no-one to look after his affairs: P Nasi at Altamura to the Otto, 15 Apr 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 151. The Otto know that N wants to be repatriated but ask him to be patient for a while longer; Bartolomeo Scala adds a note that the Otto have agreed to make a grant to N; he owes this to Lorenzo and should thank him accordingly: Otto to P Nasi, 27 Apr 1481, Min, 11, 315-16. Again asks to be replaced: P Nasi to the Otto, 2 May 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 193. Complains about his latest tax assessment in Florence: P Nasi at Matera to the Otto, 5 May 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 200. The Otto grant N permission to return to deal with his personal affairs: Otto to P Nasi, 14 June 1481, Min, 11, 341-2. Did not have to wait for his replacement, for Antonio de’ Medici was elected on 28 June. Left Barletta 29 June and arrived Naples 3 July. Asked by Lorenzo to pass his silver on to Antonio de’ Medici: Prot, 154. Held up at Naples because of a delay in Ferrante’s signing the ratification of the agreement on the towns; Ferrante had promised to send it to him at Naples: P Nasi to the Otto, 5 July 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 367, a letter which was held up by the forgetfulness or stupidity of the Milanese ambassador’s son: F Baroni at Naples to the Otto, 10 July 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 371. Left Naples on 9 July, after being told that Ferrante intended to send a doctor to Florence.
Sent to the camp with money for the Feltreschi: Dieci to B Rucellai, 10 Oct 1482, Dieci, LC, 5, 8-10; Dieci to B Gianfigliazzi, 11 Oct 1482, Dieci, Miss, 14, 68-9. Sent to Costanzo Sforza with letters urging him to move: C Sforza to the Dieci, 21 Nov 1482, Dieci, Resp, 26, 248. Left Florence with only one servant, ostensibly for his villa; there is a rumour that he is going to Faenza, but Montecatini has also heard ‘del certo’ that he is going to Sarzana to negotiate with Agostino Fregoso: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 5 Mar 1483, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Has been replaced on the Dieci by Bongianni Gianfigliazzi: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 11 Mar 1483, ASMo, cit. Went to Faenza and returned yesterday: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 12 Mar 1483, ASMo, cit. Nominated as ambassador to Naples, 8 Apr 1483. Mandate to go to Naples, via Rome, and see Sixtus on the way; left Florence: 1 May 1483, Sig, LC, 21, 48-9. Arrived in Naples: P Nasi to the Dieci, 17 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 347. It is time for the Dieci to think of his replacement, who is due to enter office on 1 Dec: P Nasi in Naples to the Dieci, 4 Nov 1483, Dieci, Resp, 29, 282. Is coming to replace Antonio Pucci as commissioner in the camp: 31 Oct 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 369. The regime is trying to find out if he can come and Pier Filippo Pandolfini is waiting to hear who Lorenzo wants sent in his place: MAP, 124, 4, 1 Nov 1484. Elected commissioner-general: 23 Mar 1485, Dieci, Delib, 24, 97. Commissioner-general of Pisa: Otto, Miss, 3, 127-8, 12 Apr 1485.
Natta, Giorgio
Refs: Pier Filippo Pandolfini recommends N, the orator of Monferrato at Milan, who is sending someone to collect part of the salary he is still owed from when he was teaching at Pisa; he wants Lorenzo’s help with the Ufficiali dello Studio; Pandolfini promised that Lorenzo would help get a definitive decision, even if the money was not immediately available: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 10 Apr 1480, Sig, X, VIII, 10, 176-9.
Navarra, Vergaro
Ref: Military engineer who deserted Genoa for Florence: 24 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 261.
Navelero, Giovanni
Ref: Emissary to Lorenzo from Ferrante: 18 Sept 1486, MAP, 45, 113.
Negrone, Marchio
Ref: Genoese ambassador to Rome: -- May 1485, Dieci, Miss, 23, 109.
Negroni da Ello, Bernardino (Bernardino Massaglia)
Ref: Agent used by Francesco Gonzaga in Spain: Lettere, IX, 44.
Nerli, Tanai di Francesco de’
Career: His mother was a Tornabuoni, giving him a Medicean connection. General member of the Balia for S Spirito, 1471. Gonfalonier of Justice, July 1472. Monte official, Mar 1480-Mar 1481. One of the 12 Procuratori in Oct 1482, which suggests that he had also been a member of the Council of 70; again a Procuratore in Apr 1484. Among the emissaries to Charles VIII in Pisa, Nov 1494. One of the twenty accoppiatori, 1494. Gonfalonier of Justice, Mar/Apr 1495. One of the judges of Bernardo del Nero in 1497. An enemy of Savonarola, who made the friars of S Marco surrender to the Franciscans of S Salvatore al Monte the bell they had tolled to summon the people to their prior’s defence. It tolled for N’s funeral. 1480 Catasto: sostanze 9,301 fl, the highest in his gonfalone (Nicchio). Patron of Filippino Lippi: Madonna and saints (c 1488) in S Spirito has donor portraits of N and his wife.
Ref: In the consulta he agreed with Maso degli Albizzi that Florence should look to her allies for extra men and money: 29 May 1482, Min, 11, 365-7.
Nerone, Claudio
Ref: A potential danger to the League’s troops: 17 Apr 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 177-80.
Nerone, Filippo (Filippo di Nerone)
Refs: Married to a nipote of Pope Innocent: 29 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 302a. Innocent wants him to be able to return to Florence: 30 Dec 1484, MAP, 39, 416. His marriage into the Cibo family was with Lorenzo’s knowledge and consent: 30 Dec 1484, MAP, 39, 418. Innocent is patient about the delay in his case: 21 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 234.
Nesi, Giovanni
Ref: Writes to Antonio Tornabuoni regarding the Sienese exiles: 10 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 279.
Nibia, Martino Paolo de
Ref: Orator of Monferrato in Naples; signed league between Sixtus, Naples, Milan and Florence, 13 Mar 1480: Lettere, V, 289.
Niccolacci, Giovanni
Ref: A man of Marciano who organised the flight of Giovanni Pico, c Jan 1487: Lettere, IX, 283.
Niccolini, Agnolo di Otto di Lapo 1444-1499
Career: Son of a leading member of the Medicean regime in Cosimo’s time; brother of Archbishop Giovanni Niccolini. m (1) Luisa di Piero de’ Pazzi; (2) Tommasa di Francesco Cambini. Doctor of laws. Member of the Balia, 1480. Commissary in Pisa, Feb 1486. Gonfalonier of Justice, 1489. Accoppiatore, 1490, 1493. 1494: in Naples to congratulate Alfonso on his succession; member of the embassy that met Charles VIII; fell with the Medici. Regarded as a loyal friend of Lorenzo de’ Medici.
Refs: With Piero Minerbetti, appointed as orator to meet Cardinals Giuliano della Rovere and Balue, who were travelling from France to Rome via Pisa and Florence: 9 Jan 1482, LC, 21, 37. One of six ambassadors to Rome who left Florence on 27 Nov 1484: Lettere, VIII, 66. Mentioned by Lorenzo: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Micholozzi in Florence, 14 Sept 1485, Lettere, VIII, 275-6. Acting as intermediary between the Dieci and his brother: 20 Sept 1485, Dieci, Miss, 26, 63. Lorenzo recommends that N give the Dieci’s reply to Archbishop Niccolini: 22 Sept 1485, MAP, 26, 445. Lorenzo considers N suitable for the Rome embassy: Lorenzo de’ Medici to P F Pandolfini, 23 Sept 1485, Lettere, VIII, 297-8. The Orsini condotta was discussed by the inner circle at N’s house; ineligible for the embassy to Rome: P F Pandolfini, 27 Sept 1485, MAP, 26, 451. Ineligible because of the Pazzi affair: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 29 Sept 1485, MAP, 26, 452.
Bibliog: Martines, Lawyers, 494
Niccolini, Giovanni di Otto di Lapo
Career: Canon of Florence, 1467; bishop of Amalfi, 1475-82; archbishop of Athens, 1482-; Julius II’s governor at Viterbo, where he died.
Refs: Legal dispute in Rome regarding his benefices: 5 July 1484, Otto, Miss, 2, 46. N’s pratica: B Ugolini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 10 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 57. Is coming to dine with Lorenzo: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi in Florence, 5 Sept 1485, Lettere, VIII, 251. Innocent’s emissary to Florence: 9 Sept 1485, MAP, 26, 435. Information withheld from N: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi in Florence, 12 Sept 1485, Lettere, VIII, 269. The circumstances in which Florence constructed its reply to N: Lettere, VIII, 274-5. Reflections on the talks with N: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi in Florence, 16 Sept 1485, Lettere, VIII, 277-9. Returning to Rome with Florence’s decision: 17 Sept 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 64. His proposal to Florence regarding a deal with Genoa: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the Dieci di Balia, 18 Sept 1485, Lettere, VIII, 283-4. His instructions from the Dieci di Balia in response to what Innocent and Giuliano della Rovere had said to the Dieci via him: 21 Sept 1485, Sig, X, VIII, 77, 208. Response to N from the Dieci: n d, Sig, X, VIII, 77, 211. To quell Milanese suspicions over the Florentine-Genoese peace initiative, Francesco Gaddi presents N as an ambitious client of the ardently Genoese Giuliano della Rovere: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 29 Oct 1485, MAP, 26, 472. Intermediary trying to settle the conflict between Florence and Genoa: A Guidoni to E d’Este, 27 Nov 1485, Cappelli, 274.
Niccolini, Lapo di Lorenzo b. c. 1440
Career: Member of the second half of the Council of 70, 1480. One of the 12 Procuratori, Oct 1480-Apr 1481, Apr-Oct 1484. Monte offical, Mar 1481-Mar 1484. 1480 Catasto: sostanze 1,007 fl.
Niccolò da Correggio 1450-1508
Career: Ferrarese condottiere, whose maternal grandfather was Niccolò III d’E ste; m Cassandra di Bartolomeo Colleoni. Generally fought for Milan, though took part in the defence of Ferrara in 1482 and was captured at Argenta in Oct that year. Imprisoned by the Venetians until Sept 1483. Fought for the Church against Naples in 1486. Also a notable poet.
Refs: Ferrarese condottiere in the service of E d’Este, May 1482: Caleffini, 21. Captured at the rout of Argenta, 6 Nov 1482: Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, I, 301. Unsuccessful talks regarding the exchange of prisoners and hostages, including N, 28 Jan 1483: Caleffini, 60. Exchanged for Venetian prisoners, Aug/Sept? 1483: Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, II, 391. Arrived in Ferrara after his release from imprisonment in Venice, 12 Sept 1483: Zambotti, 146. Nominated as an adherent by both Milan and Venice; has Milanese fiefs: ASMi, SPE, Venezia, 373, 17 Nov 1484. Venice suggests that Ludovico and Gian Galeazzo Sforza accept N as an adherent of Venice for lands he does not hold of them and without prejudice to the feudal rights they have in his regard: 24 Nov 1484, ASMi, cit.
Bibliog: A Arata, Niccolò da Correggio nella vita letteratia e politico del suo tempo (1450-1508), Bologna, 1934; B Beffa, Antonio Vinciguerra, cronico segretario della Serenissima e leterato, Bern, 1975; A Luzio and R Rènier, ‘Niccolò da Correggio’, Giornale stor lett Ital XXI, 1893.
Niccolò da Gambara d. c. 1521
Career: Condottiere who sided with the French in Italy from 1509.
Refs: Can be seduced away from Roberto di Sanseverino with at least 125 men-at-arms and hired by the League: 21 Mar 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 146-8. This news came in a report from Gian Giacomo Trivulzio: Dieci to J Guicciardini in Milan, 22 Mar, Dieci, LC, 6, 35. Hired by Alfonso d’Aragona: 24 Mar 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 151-2. Still officially in Roberto’s service: Lettere, IX, 231-2. Has joined the League with his men-at-arms: 3 May 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 49-50. Lorenzo stresses the need to get money from N for the infantry: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 13 May 1486, Lettere, IX, 288.
Niccolò da Pesaro
Refs: Venetian provveditore at the Bagnolo negotiations: 7 Aug 1484, ASV, Sen Secr, 32, 76. Venetian provveditore: 9 Aug 1484, MAP, 48, 19.
Niccolò di ser Agostino
Ref: A man of Pietrasanta mentioned in the capitoli of 27 Nov 1484: Lettere, VIII, 320
Niccolò di Gherardo di maestro Angelo
Ref: Tutor to the son of Leonardo d’Alfonso: 17 Nov 1487, Not Antecos, 2079, 230.
Niccoloso dalla Spezia
Ref: Adorno representative in Naples: G Lanfredini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 25 Oct 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 163.
Nicola da Procida
Ref: Count of Aversa; majordomo to Ferrante; signed the league between Sixtus, Naples, Milan and Florence, 13 Mar 1480: Lettere, V, 289-90.
Nobili, Antonio di Leonardo di Antonio de’
Career: Castellan of S Agnese of Pisa, 1447; castellan of the Palazotti of Pisa, Sept 1463. Captain of the Catalonia galleys, 1464/5(?). Accoppiatore, 1470. Replaced Francesco Dini as consul, July 1470-May 1471. Original deputy for S Maria Novella in the Balia, 1471. Sea consul of Pisa, May 1471, Sept 1474-Mar 1475, Mar 1479-Mar 1480. Member of the Dieci di Balia, 1479-86(?). Member of the second half of the Council of 70, 1480. One of 12 Procuratori, Apr-Oct 1480, Oct 1482-Apr 1483, Oct 1483-Apr 1484. Member of the Otto di Pratica, Oct 1480-Apr 1481, Oct 1481-Apr 1482. Florentine legate to Colle, Apr 1481.
Refs: In the consulta, urged collaboration with Federico da Montefeltro as the key to success in war: 29 May 1482, Min, 11, 365-7. Elected commissioner to settle disputes at Colle: 27 Oct 1486, Dieci, Delib, 24, 195.
Nobili, Ermanno de’
Refs: Ferrarese ambassador who arrived in Venice Mar 1482: Lettere, VI, 360. Ordered to leave Venice: E de’ Nobili to E d’Este, 19 Apr 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Venezia, 3.
Nofri, Piero, count, da Montedoglio
Refs: As a commander in 1484: Lettere, VIII, 363. Florentine raccomandato whose town, S Sofia, was sacked on the orders of Gian Giacomo Trivulzio: 13 Sept 1486, Dieci, Miss., 6, 77-80.
Non [Nori?], Zanino da
Ref: Chancellor of Roberto di Sanseverino arrested in Milan in connection with the Sanseverino plot: 25 July 1485, Sen. Secr, 32, 159.
Nori, Francesco
Refs: Costanzo Sforza stayed at N’s palace in Florence, Oct 1481: Lettere, VI, 47. Creditor of the libro secreto of the Medici bank: MAP, 39, 557.
Nori, Simone
Ref: Writes to Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de’ Medici from Pisa regarding merchandise: 28 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 118.
Novellino, Giovanni
Ref: Lorenzo’s views regarding him: 13 May 1485, MAP, 26, 373.
Numai, Alessandro d. 1485
Career: Brother of Luffo; bishop of Forlì, 1470-85.
Refs: Arrived in Venice as imperial ambassador, 2 Mar 1483: Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, I, 341. In Venice as ‘ Hungarian’ ambassador, to tell the Venetians that the emperor has come to terms with Matthias Corvinus and to encourage Venice to make peace with Ferrara: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 5 Mar 1483, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. In Venice as imperial ambassador; hints he may be able to open peace negotiations there: J Guicciardini in Ferrara to the Dieci, 29 Mar 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 197. Conducting negotiations between the emperor and Venice: G A Vespucci to the Dieci, 10 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 330. Papal agent in Naples for clerical taxation: P Nasi to the Dieci, 12 Jan 1484, Dieci, Resp, 27, 40-1.
Numai, Luffo
Career: Brother of Alessandro; agent of Girolamo Riario.
Refs: Is in Venice; a letter to him from Girolamo Riario has been intercepted: Z Saggi in Milan to Federico Gonzaga, 7 June 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Is in Milan, where Zaccaria Saggi befriended him and is sure that Federico Gonzaga will like him: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 24 Aug 1483, ASMa, AG, 1628. It is said N has been sent to Venice by Riario; in Forlì it is said he has gone to Rome; Galeotto Manfredi is sure he has gone to Venice to intrigue against him: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 3 Apr 1484, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Has gone to Rome, not Venice: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 6 Apr 1484, ASMo, cit. Riario’s chancellor at the peace talks; has been instructed to further Florentine interests in Sarzana: Otto to G A Vespucci, 7 Apr 1484, Otto, LC, 2, 25-6. Denies he has received instructions from Riario to support Florence over Sarzana, as Riario claimed to have instructed him: Otto to N Michelozzi, 26 Apr 1484, Otto, LC, 4, 24-5. Emissary of Riario to Naples: 18 Dec 1484, LC, II, V, 15, 187. Giovan Francesco da Tolentino plans to send him to Venice: 15 Aug 1484, MAP, 48, 25.
Nutini, Francesco
Ref: A man from Barga who reveals that his cousin Marchio da Coreglio is recruiting provvisionati for Pietrasanta: 16 Sept 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 174.
Oddi, Filippo degli
Ref: Galeazzo Maria Sforza imprisoned this Perugian because of his crimes; therefore Ludovico Sforza does not trust him: 8 Feb 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 304. He tells Alfonso d’Aragona that the leaders of his party are Cesare degli Arcipreti, Bernardino de’ Ruggieri and Pietro Ciriaco degli Ormanni: 9 Feb 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 310. Alfonso d’Aragona negotiates with him with regard to making Perugia rebel, but finds him unreliable: 28 Feb 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 23-4.
Oddi, Pompeo degli
Ref: Military commander for Florence, who is being used against the Sienese exiles: 9 May 1485, Dieci, Miss, 24, 103.
Oddi, Simone delgi
Ref: Correspondent of Lorenzo in 1483: Prot, 252; Lettere VII, 295
Oliva, Giovan Francesco
Career: Milanese ducal chancellor; chancellor of the Consiglio segreto, 1483; sent to Rome, 1485, to tell Innocent of Milan’s intention to side with Naples in the Barons’ War. Undertook further missions to Naples (1486 and 1487), Rome and Hungary (1487).
Refs: Instructions for his appointment as Milanese ambassador in Rome in place of Giovanni Angelo Talenti: 26 Sept 1484, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 96. Ascanio Sforza’s suspicion of him: 18 Oct 1484, ASMi, cit. Milanese envoy to Forlì: 21 Nov 1484, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 308. Ducal letter of credence to the Dieci for O: 25 Nov 1485, Dieci, Resp, 35, 194. Milanese commissioner currently at Pitigliano: G F Oliva to G G Sforza, 8 Dec 1485, ASMi, cit. ‘Hoggi hanno indugiato due dì più per la combustione della luna, come intenderete per lettere di Giovan Francesco Oliva’: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini in Milan, 8 Jan 1486, Lettere, IX, 110. Lorenzo has read O’s correspondence with Milan: Lorenzo de’ Medici to G G Sforza, 8 Jan 1486, Lettere, IX, 112. Stefano Taverna and O are at Bracciano: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini in Milan, 16 Jan 1486, Lettere, IX, 128. Letters from Stefano Taverna, O and Guidantonio Vespucci were read in the Milanese ducal council, 20 Jan 1486: Lettere, IX, 129. Ludovico Sforza had received letters from Virginio Orsini and from O, dated 15 and 18 Jan: J Guicciardini in Milan to the Dieci, 29 Jan 1486, Lettere, IX, 144. Milanese emissary to the condottieri in the Patrimony: G G Sforza to G G Trivulzio, 17 Feb 1486, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 309. Is still stationed with the Orsini: Lettere, IX, 210. A letter of his from Bracciano to Milan: 21 Apr 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 185-6. Linked to talk of the Sarzana campaign: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini in Milan, 7 Sept 1486, Lettere, IX, 429-30. ASMi, SPE, Venezia, 373 is full of material relating to the war in Lombardy, particularly O’s dispatches as ducal emissary with Alfonso d’Aragona’s army.
Olivi, Carlo degli, see Carlo da Pian di Meleto
Orciuoli, Marino degli
Ref: A prominent Forlivese: Lettere, V, 31-2.
Ordelaffi, Anton Maria degli
Career: Son of Cecco. With his brother, Francesco, exiled from Forlì by their uncle Pino. Pino’s death in 1480 led to the minority of his son Sinibaldo, Girolamo Riario’s conquest of the state and the exiled brothers’ attempts to return.
Refs: Girolamo Riario sought to have O assassinated during his visit to Forlì: A d’Appiano in Faenza to G G Sforza, 4 Aug 1481, ASMi, SPE, Ferrara, 326. Plots against O: G G Sforza to E d’Este, 10 Aug 1481, ASMi, cit. On behalf of Ercole d’Este, Gaspare Bascapè had tried to persuade O to move from Modena: A d’Appiano at Faenza to G G Sforza, 13 Aug 1481, ASMi, SPE, Romagna, 192. News had reached Florence of a plot to take the rocca in Forlì and recall O: F Sacramoro to G G Sforza, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 303. O has written from Bagnacavallo to Galeotto Manfredi that the Forlivesi (in arms against Girolamo Riario’s regime) have invited him to return; if the League does not help him, he will turn to Venice: T Ridolfi at Milan to the Otto, 2 Nov 1481, Otto, Resp, 2, 36. Girolamo Riario complained about Ercole d’Este’s hostility in keeping his enemy, O, at Bagnacavallo: Milanese orators at Rome to G G Sforza, 5 Nov 1481, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 90. Milan discouraged O and Galeotto Manfredi: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 4 Nov 1481, Otto, Resp, 2, 38-9. Ludovico Sforza wants to try to restore the Ordelaffi to Forlì: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 13 June 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Ludovico thinks that if Forlì and Imola were recaptured, he would like them for himself, but Lorenzo disapproves of this scheme: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 26 June 1482, ASMa, cit. Campaign to restore O to Forlì: 2 Aug 1482, Caleffini, 8-9. Florence has written to Milan in O’s favour: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 27 Sept 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Has fled from Milan to Venice, where he has been given a condotta of 200 cavalry and sent to guard Ravenna: 25 Jan 1483, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, I, 333. Has been given a condotta of 150 horse and twenty-five provvisionati by Venice: 8 Mar 1483, Malipiero, 279. A plot to open Forlimpopoli failed: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’E ste, 13 Apr 1483, ASMo, cit. Is negotiating with the League: J Guicciardini in Ferrara to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 6 May 1483, MAP, 48, 317. Is thought that he might want to follow Roberto di Sanseverino’ s sons and join the League: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 25 May 1483, MAP, 48, 303. Has a condotta of fifty lances and twenty-five provvisionati from Venice; has received 500 ducats as part of his prestanza; is now to be sent to the Ravennate: 13 June 1483, ASV, Sen Terra, 9 12. Has been sent towards Padua: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 3 Apr 1484, ASMo, cit. Galeotto Manfredi has heard that the Venetians are saying O is going to retire to Crete (‘Candia’) on a pension: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 11 June 1484, ASMo, cit. His visit to Rome has been put off completely: 21 Nov 1484, MAP, 39, 388. Ludovico Sforza is surprised to learn of his arrival in Florence: 19 Mar 1485, MAP, 48, 296. Ludovico has long been trying to persuade the Otto to get the Manfredi to expel O from Faenza as an enemy of Girolamo Riario: 4 May 1485, Otto, Miss, 3, 132-3. Plots against the life of Riario: 5 May 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 66-7. Is being harboured by Galeotto Manfredi as an opponent of Riario: 7 June 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 64-5. Jacopo Guicciardini thinks it would be good if he came to Milan: 8 June 1486, MAP, 48, 350.
Orefice, Riccardo
Ref: Rendatario of Ferrante ordered to pay back 9,000 ducats the king owed Lorenzo: 12 July 1485, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 245.
Orlandini, Bartolomeo
Ref: Podestà of Castelfiorentino, to whom Lorenzo wrote in Nov 1482: Prot, 214.
Orlandini, Giovanni di Simone b. c. 1421
Career: General member for S Croce in the Balia, 1471. Captain of Pisa, Sept 1475-Mar 1476. In Sarzana, July 1478, corresponding with Lorenzo. Sea consul, Mar 1479-Mar 1480. Member of the second half of the Council of 70, 1480. One of the 12 Procuratori, Apr-Oct 1480, Oct 1481-Apr 1482, Oct 1482-Apr 1483. At Poppi, Feb 1489.
Orlandini, Giuliano
Career: Gonfalonier, Sept-Oct 1496, Jan-Feb 1502.
Ref: Captain of Sarzanello: 12 Apr 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 42-3.
Ref: A congiunto of Battista Fregoso trying to have a part in the impresa against Genoa: 14 Feb 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 336.
Orléans, Louis d’, duke of 1462-1515
Career: Son of Charles, duke of Orléans, whom he succeeded in 1465, and Marie de Clèves. m (1) Jeanne de Valois, 1476, (2) Anne, duchess of Britanny and widow of Charles VIII, 1499, (3) Mary Tudor, 1514. In the 1480s he was the first prince of the royal blood and sided against the Beaujeu regency in the Guerre Folle, 1485-8. King Louis XII of France, 1498-1515.
Refs: One of the possible motives for Ludovico Sforza’s keenness to make peace was Cardinal Balue’s inciting of O to attack Milan: G A Talenti in Rome to G G Sforza, 8 July 1484, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 96. Is being urged by Balue, the papal legate, to attack Milan: B Ugolini to Ludovico, received by Lorenzo de’ Medici 30 July 1484, MAP, 39, 272. Sixtus thought of calling in either the Swiss or O: G A Vespucci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 31 July 1484, MAP, 39, 245. Balue has won him over by entering Paris in favour of the duke of Brittany: 11 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 280. Innocent claims that Genoa was urging O to attack Milan: 18 Nov 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 181. Refuses to come to the French court despite the request of the king and others: 18 Nov 1484, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 307[?]. Very well regarded at court: 8 Dec 1484, MAP, 39, 398. On his way to Normandy in a rage with the current government of France: 1 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 51. His opposition to the Beaujeu regency: 30 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 73. Tried to persuade an emissary of Cardinal Savelli to get the latter to persuade Innocent to allow war to be made on the duchy of Milan; suspected plot by the Bourbon lords against the duke of Milan in aid of O: 5 Feb 1485, MAP, 39, 77. Is at court; French political affairs are currently stable: 31 Mar 1485, MAP, 26, 383. His dealings with Cardinal Fregoso: 5 Sept 1485, Otto, Miss, 3, 164-5. Is conspiring with the duke of Bourbon and other lords to overthrow the present government of France: 12 Oct 1485, MAP, 26, 460. Made an accord with the Crown: 22 Oct 1485, MAP, 26, 466. Giuliano della Rovere went to France to persuade O and René d’Anjou to enter the Barons’ War on the side of Innocent, Apr 1486: Lettere, IX, 238.
Bibliog: F J Baumgartner, Loiuis XII, Stroud, 1994
Orléans, François d’ 1447-1491
Career: Son of Jean, count of Dunois and Longueville, bastard of Orléans, whom he succeeded in 1468. m Agnes of Savoy, making him a brother-in-law to Queen Charlotte of France and Duchess Bona of Savoy.
Refs: ‘Dunai’: 30 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 73. Confined to Asti for two years because he revealed himself to be against the present regime in France and in favour of the duke of Orléans: 22 Oct 1485, MAP, 26, 466.
Ormanni, Giulio Cesare degli
Ref: Alfonso d’Aragona is to speak with him about the prospects of subverting Perugia: 27 Feb 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 409.
Ormanni, Pietro Ciriaco degli
Refs: One of the leaders of Filippo degli Oddi’s party in Perugia: 9 Feb 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 310. Brother of Giulio Cesare: 27 Feb 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 409.
Orsetti, Niccolò
Refs: Recommended to the Dieci by the Signoria of Lucca: 28 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 296.
Orsini, Alfonsina di Roberto, di Pacentro 1472-1520
Career: m Piero di Lorenzo de’ Medici, 1487; mother of of Lorenzo (1492-1519), duke of Urbino, Clarice (1493-1528) and Cosimo de’ Medici (d in infancy).
Refs: Francesco Gaddi has a commission from Lorenzo to negotiate with Virginio Orsini and, if necessary, with Ferrante regarding O’s marriage to Piero de’ Medici: 12 June 1486, F Gaddi, Ricordi, BLF, Acq e Doni, 213, 92.
Orsini, Aurante di Giacomo, di Monterotondo
Career: Sister of Archbishop Rinaldo, Orso and Clarice Orsini; sister-in-law of Lorenzo de’ Medici. m (1) Gian Ludovico Pio da Carpi, (2) Leonardo Malaspina.
Ref: Among the recipients of letters from Lorenzo conveying news of the death of Lucrezia Tornabuoni: Prot, 187-8.
Orsini, Cencio
Career: Prior of the Hospitallers in Rome.
Ref: According to Nicolai Rubinstein, he was the recipient of a letter from Lorenzo requesting a Hospitaller preceptory for Luigi di Filippo Tornabuoni: 28 Oct 1480, Lettere, V, 75-7.
Orsini, Clarice di Giacomo, di Monterotondo
Career: Sister of Aurante, Orso and Archbishop Rinaldo Orsini; m Lorenzo de’ Medici, 1469; mother of Lucrezia (1470-1550), Piero (1472-1503), Maddalena (1473-1528), Giovanni (1475-1520), Luisa (1477-1488), Contessina (1478-1515), and Giuliano de’ Medici (1479-1516). Did not share her husband’s taste for politics.
Refs: Secured an Aretine canonry for Bernardino da Castigloni Fibochi, but the other canons refuse execution of the bulls: C Orsini/de’ Medici to the canons of Arezzo cathedral, 10 Dec 1485, Lettere, IX, 58-9.
Orsini, Cosimo, cardinal d. 1481
Career: Son of Gentile Migliorati and Elena Orsini; related to Pope Innocent VII. Abbot of Farfa, 1477-80; archbishop of Trani, 1478-81; cardinal, 1480.
Refs: O’s death is expected, thereby freeing the prestigious abbey of Farfa, possibly for Rinaldo Orsini: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 5 Nov 1481, Lettere, VI, 62-3. O’s death sparked renewed interest in the fate of Farfa: Lorenzo de’ Medici to P F Pandolfini in Naples, 23 Nov 1481, Lettere, VI, 94-6.
Orsini, Elena, see Conti, Elena di Giovanni
Orsini, Giordano di Lorenzo, di Monterotondo d. 1484
Career: Brother of Giulio, Bishop Orso and Cardinal Giovanni Battista Orsini. In the Neapolitan army, 1478; wounded at the siege of Colle. In 1482 he served in the papal/Venetian army at Campomorto. Sent to Lombardy in 1482/3 with 60 elmetti (supposedly to help the Venetians, but recalled on the signing of peace). Became ill when passing through Florence and died in the Medici palace. His monument in S Maria di Monterotondo was erected by his brother, Cardinal Giovanni Battista.
Refs: Is with Girolamo Riario in Forlì: A d’Appiano in Faenza to G G Sforza, 11 Aug 1481, ASMi, SPE, Romagna, 192. Today O arrived in Bologna with Paolo Orsini; they were made very welcome because of their connection with Lorenzo: G F Salarolo in Bologna to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 19 Aug 1481, MAP, 38, 295. O has gone to the Marche [in connection with papal mobilisation]: G Tornabuoni in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 Mar 1482, MAP, 38, 164. Is in Girolamo Riario’s camp in Rome: 5/6 June 1482, Infessura, 92; 6 June 1482, Pontano, 7. Departed with a few squadrons to guard the Neapolitan frontier: Cardinal Gonzaga in Rome to F Gonzaga, 3 Oct 1482, ASMa, AG, 846. Has sent to Ferrante to say that he wants to come over to Naples: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 4 Oct 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Sent an envoy to Naples with proposals from Sixtus regarding peace terms, which were rejected; is stationed south of Rome: [F Gaddi?] to the Dieci, 9 Oct 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 164-5. If Sixtus will not agree to peace on the terms specified, O and other Orsini will go over to Naples: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 9 Oct 1482, ASMi, cit. Ferrante’s response to O’s terms is favourable: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 16 Oct 1482, ASMi, cit. The ambassadors in Naples judge his peace proposals to be of little advantage to the League: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 17 Oct 1482, ASMi, cit. Lorenzo Giustini says O reported details to Sixtus different from those Ferrante said he stipulated: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 31 Oct 1482, cit. Lorenzo Giustini says O’s peace negotiations are his own initiative; Guardiano says Lorenzo wants to disrupt these peace negotiations by his proposals: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 13 Nov 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 178-9. O came openly to Alfonso d’Aragona’s camp; said he would go to Rome and, if Sixtus and Girolamo Riario were unreasonable, he would come over to Naples and the League, as would other Orsini: G F Cagnola to G G Sforza, 14 Nov 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. Francesco Diedo in Rome says he has heard that Sixtus gave O leave to speak to Alfonso d’A ragona, though the pope denies it: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 17 Nov 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 48. Anello Arcamone says O had no mandate from Sixtus for his peace proposals and that he has received little honour for it: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 22 Nov 1482, ASMi, cit. Wants Giovanni Battista rather than Rinaldo Orsini to be the Orsini cardinal: F Gaddi in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 28 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 192-3. Will leave Rome shortly: F Gaddi to N Michelozzi, 26 Apr 1483, MAP, 96, 134. Has sixty men-at-arms ready to go to Lombardy: list of papal troops, 22 July 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 300. Alfonso d’Aragona has ordered him to go to Bordolano: Alfonso d’Aragona at Cremona to Ludovico Sforza, 26 Feb 1484, Pontano, 182-3. Has arrived in Florence, sick with fever; is in Lorenzo’s house: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 5 Mar 1484, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Is dying: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 6 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit. Died on 12 Mar; has been given a grand official funeral: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’E ste, 13 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit.
Orsini, Giordano di Virginio, di Bracciano
Refs: Will be used by Antonello Petrucci in the marriage negotiations with Nicola Orsini: 3 Mar 1485, LC, II, V, 15, 216. Married Maria d’Aragona, an illegitimate daughter of Ferrante: 19 Feb 1486, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 99.
Orsini, Giovanni Battista di Lorenzo, di Monterotondo, cardinal d. 1503
Career: Brother of Giordano, Giulio and Bishop Orso Orsini. Cardinal, 1483; archbishop of Taranto, 1491-8. Died in Castel S Angelo.
Refs: Girolamo Riario and the Orsini family want O, rather than Rinaldo, to be the Orsini cardinal: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 28 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 192-3. Francesco Diedo in Rome says that Sixtus has already agreed to make O a cardinal: L Lanti to the Signoria of Siena, 23 Jan 1483, ASS, Conc, 2054, 53. Asks Lorenzo for an office: 7 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 246. Giuliano della Rovere aimed to get an accord between O and Cardinal Riario-Sansoni, on one hand, and the Colonna, on the other, to favour Cardinal Cibo; this was helped by the fact that Cibo, like the Orsini, is a Guelf: 29 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 93. This deal was arranged by Cardinals Sforza and d’Aragona: 29 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 302a. Received the Marche legation: 30 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 306. The only cardinal valued by Cardinal Riario-Sansoni: 31 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 307. Guidantonio Vespucci did not give him Lorenzo’s letter as knew that he ‘ andavabene di sua natura’: 31 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 307. Supported Ascanio Sforza’s plan to get Cibo elected pope: 4 Sept 1484, MAP, 48, 37. Asked Ascanio to settle the Orsini-Colonna dispute: 9 Sept 1484, MAP, 48, 43. Acted as intermediary between Innocent and Lorenzo regarding the former’s offer to arbitrate in the Sarzana dispute: 12 Sept 1484, MAP, 88, 192. Played an important part in Cibo’s election: 13 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 325. Accompanied Cardinal Riario-Sansoni when the latter protested to Innocent about the removal of his powers as camerlengo: 25 Sept 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 213. Backed Ascanio’s attempt to prevent Giovanni della Rovere being made Captain of the Church: 2 Nov 1484, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 96. Does not think that Innocent wants to back the Sienese exiles’ attempt against Siena: 22 Apr 1485, Dieci, Resp, 34, 53. Complained about Virginio Orsini’s attitude towards the Sienese exiles’ attempt, but ordered Giulio Orsini to return home: 3 May 1485, Dieci, Resp, 34, 82. Pressed Innocent to make Girolamo Riario Captain of the Church: 17/18 Nov 1484, MAP, 39, 384. His involvement in Sienese exiles’ plot: 10 May 1485, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 18, 3. His house was sacked by Cardinals Giuliano della Rovere, Savelli and Colonna: 1 Dec 1485, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 99. His deal with Innocent is mentioned by the Otto: 19 Jan 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 91-2. Giuliano della Rovere hired assassins to kill him and Giulio Orsini; the Orsini lords are ill-disposed towards him: 9 Mar 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 491. A plot against him by Cardinals Colonna and Giuliano della Rovere: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini, 16 Mar 1486, Lettere, IX, 197-205. Piero Capponi is to do all he can to keep O loyal: Dieci to P Capponi, 21 July 1486, Dieci, Miss, 7, 74.
Orsini, Giovan Paolo
Refs: At O’s request and that of Lorenzo, the Sienese Balia release Francesco Longo: ASS, Balia, 33, 91, 4-7 June 1485. Hired with other Orsini by Florence and Milan: Dieci, Delib, 30, 113-18, 2 Nov 1485.
Orsini, Girolamo di Lorenzo, di Monterotondo d. 1484
Career: Brother of Bishop Orso and Cardinal Giovanni Battista Orsini. Condottiere who fought for Naples against Florence in the Pazzi War, and for the Church in the War of Ferrara.
Refs: Alfonso d’Aragona has given O a condotta for twenty men-at-arms with 400 ducats as his personal provisione: F Ricci to G G Sforza, May 1482?, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Reported to have been killed at the battle of Campomorto: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 23 Aug 1482, ASMi, cit. Nipote of Vicino Orsini, with whom he came this morning to complain to Branda Castiglioni that Ferrante was not giving them any money; Castiglioni asked Ferrante to do the same thing ‘essendo homini di reputatione et valuta come sono’: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 24 Feb 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. Has had his condotta with Naples renewed: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 2 Mar 1483, ASMi, cit.
Orsini, Giulio di Lorenzo, di Monterotondo
Career: Brother of Giordano, Bishop Orso and Cardinal Giovanni Battista Orsini; m (1) Margherita Conti, (2) Laura Farnese.
Refs: Quartered at Fano, with Nicola Orsini: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 2 Nov 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Has left the Feltreschi: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 11 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 310. Ottaviano Ubaldini does not think he will be able to persuade O to stay with the Feltreschi: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 17 Apr 1483, ASMo, cit. Has arrived in Ferrara with Neapolitan troops: J Guicciardini in Ferrara to the Dieci, 13 July 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 201-2. Left the League camp in haste for Rome at the request of his brother Cardinal Giovanni Battista Orsini: 19 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 47. The Sienese exiles approached him via Cardinal Riario-Sansoni regarding their return to Siena; he reported this to Virginio Orsini, who reported it to the Neapolitans; O told the Sienese that he would not do it unless Innocent consented: 22 Apr 1485, Dieci, Resp, 34, 52, 54. Received 6,000 ducats to help the Sienese exiles’ attempt, and then asked Virginio Orsini to supply the troops; Virginio refused and criticised O for his involvement: 3 May 1485, Dieci, Resp, 34, 82. Ordered by Cardinal Orsini to return to Rome: 3 May 1485, Dieci, Resp, 34, 82. Accepted cash to return the Sienese exiles to Siena: 6 May 1485, Otto, Miss, 3, 135-6. He and Virginio Orsini visited Lorenzo yesterday to discuss Innocent’s offer to them: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 28 Sept 1485, Lettere, VIII, 303-7. His and Virginio’s conditions for their condotta: Lorenzo de’ Medici to [F Gaddi?], [14 Oct 1485?], Lettere, IX, 12-17. The Otto hire him with Paolo, Vicino and Virginio Orsini: 2 Nov 1485, Otto, Miss, 3, 173; Dieci, Delib, 30, 113-18. The Otto ask his view regarding the deal between Innocent and the Orsini: 19 Jan 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 91-2. Giuliano della Rovere hires assassins to kill him and Cardinal Orsini: 9 Mar 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 491. His chancellor Lancilotto comes to Florence to apologise on his behalf: 15 Mar 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 138.
Orsini, Nicola, di Pitigliano 1442-1510
Career: Son of Aldobrandino and Bartolomea Orsini; m Elena Conti, 1467; father of Lella, Bartolomea and Ludovico. Count of Pitigliano. A much respected condottiere whose early experience was with and against the Angevins in Naples. Fought for Florence against the Church and Naples in the Pazzi War, 1478-80. In the War of Ferrara he fought first as governor-general of the Church against Naples, and later, from Jan 1483, for Florence against Venice and the Rossi, with the title of captain-general. In the Barons’ War he fought for Florence against the Church, but later transferred his allegiance to Innocent. After 1492, he received employment successively with the Church (until 1494), and for Naples and Venice against the French invaders. He was the Venetian captain-general at Agnadello (1509).
Refs: News of his disillusionment with Florence and the possibility of his seeking a condotta with Siena; this seems to be contradicted: L Giustini in Urbino to Siena, 12 Oct 1481, ASS, Conc, 2044, 88. Asks Lorenzo to act as procuratore for his ricondotta, as O would rather serve Florence than anyone else: N Orsini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 19 Oct 1481, MAP, 38, 348. Costanzo Sforza has heard that O will not accept his condotta if it means he has to obey Costanzo, who hopes that Florence will not accept anything contrary to his dignity: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 27 Oct 1481, Otto, Resp, 2, 30. Is surprised that there should be any doubt of his continued desire to serve Florence: N Orsini at Pitigliano to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 10 Nov 1481, MAP, 38, 359. News in Florence of O signing with Sixtus: F Sacramoro to G G Sforza, 23 Nov 1481, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 303. The Milanese orators in Rome had heard rumours of O’s negotiation with Sixtus but did not believe them; now it is settled that he will receive 8,000 ducats p a from the Church: the Milanese orators in Rome to G G Sforza, 26 Nov 1481, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 90. O’s chancellor has been to tell Lorenzo of his condotta with Sixtus and to complain about the land deal behind O’s back; Naples blames Lorenzo: F Sacramoro to G G Sforza, 29 Nov 1481, ASMi, cit. The Sienese ambassadors in Naples hope for a renewal of O’s pratica (implying that Milan and Florence have rejected the idea): L Lanti and J Tolomei to the Signoria of Siena, 29 Nov 1481, ASS, Conc, 2045, 14. Giovanni Bentivoglio heard that O has almost concluded with Sixtus: G Bentivoglio in Bologna to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 1 Dec 1481, MAP, 38, 365. Sixtus has given O a condotta of 8,000 ducats a year: G F Salarolo at Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 2 Dec 1481, MAP, 38, 367. O has been to Rome and had an audience with Sixtus; he has been well received by Girolamo Riario and will receive two paghe soon and the full prestanza in Mar: G Tornabuoni in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 Jan 1482, MAP, 38, 69. Confirmation that O was well received in Rome: T Ridolfi in Milan to the Otto, 15 Jan 1481, Otto, Resp, 2, 184-5. Rinaldo Orsini will let Guidantonio Vespucci know the right moment to approach O, but thinks ‘you’ can have him whenever you want: G A Vespucci in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 21 Feb 1482, MAP, 38, 97. Rumours that six or seven squadrons of papal cavalry are joining O at Pitigliano: G A Vespucci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 1 Mar 1482, MAP, 38, 105. O’s position: G A Vespucci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 Mar 1482, MAP, 38, 107. O arrived in Rome four days ago and wants his credit in Florence paid: G A Vespucci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 30 Mar 1482, ------. O is said to be very discontented because he has not been given what he was promised: G A Vespucci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 6 Apr 1482, MAP, 38, 428.
Anello Arcamone reports that O is angry with Girolamo Riario: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 21 May 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 239. Is in Riario’s camp at Rome: 5-6 June 1482, Infessura, 92; 7 June 1482, Pontano, 7. Foiled a plot by Alfonso d’A ragona to trap Riario: 16 June 1482, Pontani, 8-9. Is rumoured to have been captured: Otto to T Ridolfi, 22 July 1482, Min, 12, 420. Has been captured: Otto to P Capponi, 27 July 1482, Min, 12, 432-4. A letter from Alfonso d’Aragona says that O was nearly captured: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 2 Aug 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. With Virginio Orsini, sent a message to Alfonso d’Aragona protesting loyalty to him and Ferrante, saying that he only left their service because the Colonna were shown more favour; urged Alfonso to put his forces to rights, because Riario has his sights on Faenza, not Naples: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 2 Sept 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Is ready to go over to the League?: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 3 Sept 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 142-5. One of the commanders of the papal/Venetian troops when Roberto Malatesta was gravely ill: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 9 Sept 1482, ASS, Conc, 2049, 64. With papal troops, is going to relieve Citerna: Cardinal Gonzaga in Rome to Federico Gonzaga, 3 Oct 1482, ASMa, AG, 846. Wants the estates of Orso Orsini, duke of Ascoli, claiming that the duke’s sons are not really his: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 4 Oct 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 159-60. Has gone north with Riario to relieve Citerna: F Gaddi to the Dieci, 9 Oct 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 164-5. It is proposed that O will receive Castro as security for the money owed to him by Sixtus; Siena does not like idea; the proposal came to nothing: Balia of Siena to the Sienese ambassador in Rome, ?12 Oct 1482, ASS, Balia, 403, 47-8. Quartered at Fano: Antonio da Montecatini to Ercole d’Este, 2 Nov 1482, ASMo, ASE, Firenze, 3. Returned towards Rome to quarter troops on his estates: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 15 Nov 1482, ASMa, cit. Is to be sent to Ferrara with fifty men-at-arms: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 20 Dec 1482, ASMo, cit. Is being sent with 200 men-at-arms to help Ferrara: F Gaddi to the Dieci, 29 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 193-4. Has been hired again by Florence, at a rate of 12,000 ducats in peace and 20,000 in war (although he is said to be getting 15,000 and 25,000): S Bettini in Florence to F Gonzaga, 8 Jan 1483. With Alfonso d’Aragona to Ferrara: 14 Jan 1483, Zambotti, 132. Girolamo Riario is displeased by O’s condotta with Florence, complaining of ‘la sua poca fede’: L Lanti to the Signoria of Siena, 19 Jan 1483, ASS, Conc, 2054, 45. Anello Arcamone has reported a rumour in the curia that O has been given a condotta by Florence; Riario says he does not mind, although O did not ask leave of Sixtus: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 22 Jan 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. It is said that O did not have leave from Sixtus to take a condotta with Florence, and that the pope is not pleased with him: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 1 Feb 1483, ASS, Balia, 516, 79. With Virginio Orsini, O left to keep eye on Ferrara while Alfonso d’Aragona and other leaders went to Cremona for the diet: Dieci to P F Pandolfini, 21 Feb 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 133-4. Sent to counter the Venetian initiative near Massafiscaglia; surprised some Venetian troops, of whom over sixty were captured and over eighty killed: 11 Mar 1483, Zambotti, 135-6. News that O has won a victory at ‘Massa’ and the bastion of Burriaco, taking 350 prisoners: Dieci to P F Pandolfini and P Capponi, 13 Mar 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 139.
Florence has a licence to give O a condotta: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 2 Apr 1483, ASMo, cit. Is to be given 100 Florentine provvisionati as part of his condotta: Dieci to J Guicciardini, 9 Apr 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 213-15. Wants his prestanza: J Guicciardini in Ferrara to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 11 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 310. Lorenzo says that O should begin to receive his prestanza within three days: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 17 Apr 1483, ASMo, cit. Wants to accompany Virginio Orsini if he leaves Ferrara; has asked for the postponement of his prestanza from Florence, but has been told this is unlikely: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 19 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 312. Has been given 150 ducats by Jacopo Guicciardini: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 22 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 284-5. If Virginio Orsini’s affairs are settled, O will have no excuse to leave Ferrara: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 28 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 297. The Dieci think O does not want to continue with his condotta, though O has said that he is sending another chancellor: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 29 Apr 1483, ASMo, cit. Is trying to persuade Giovanni Savelli to come over to the League: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 1 May 1483, MAP, 48. Is ready to accept his prestanza: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 6 May 1483, MAP, 48, 298. Has been disenchanted since the return of ser Filippo because (1) Virginio Orsini wants to keep him unsettled until his affairs with Ferrante are concluded, (2) he wants to be captain of Florence because he has heard that Costanzo Sforza is leaving, and thinks he can do this better before he accepts the prestanza; if he hears Costanzo is staying with Florence, he will probably accept the prestanza: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 6 May 1483, MAP, 48, 317. Is sending for the prestanza: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 13 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 334. Has been recalled by Florence: Dieci to J Guicciardini, 23 May 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 226. Is happy to come to Florence, but Jacopo Guicciardini thinks his departure will cause ill feeling at Ferrara: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 25 May 1483, MAP, 48, 303. Met Lucio Malvezzi in a boat to receive news from the Venetian camp; says he will leave on Monday: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, MAP, 48, 307; J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 30 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 376-7.
Will be prevented from leaving Ferrara if he tries to go before a reply to protests about his departure has been received from the Dieci; wanted a licence from the legate, Alfonso d’Aragona and Ercole d’Este because he knew they were upset: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 1 June 1483, MAP, 48, 320. Left Ferrara yesterday: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 4 June 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 12-13. Left for the Lunigiana yesterday: Dieci to B Rucellai, 10 June 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 69-70. It is said in Milan that O has gone to Città di Castello to protect it from papal troops: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 29 June 1483, ASMa, AG, 1628. Alfonso d’Aragona and Sixtus are asking for O to be sent to Ferrara; the Dieci are ready to agree: T Biringhucci to the Balia of Siena, 30 June 1483, ASS, Balia, 512, 32. Alfonso had asked for O to be sent to the Ferrarese, so that he could leave himself: G G Sforza to M Sacramoro, 6 July 1483, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 308. Will be sent back to Ferrara: Dieci to G A Vespucci, 16 July 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 410. Has been ordered to leave Sarzana and go immediately to the Milanese: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 22 July 1483, ASMa, cit. Left for Lombardy yesterday: Dieci to G A Vespucci, 26 July 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 413-14. Has said that he wants to come to Florence before he goes to Lombardy; apparently wants to be appointed captain: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 29 July 1483, ASMo, cit. Has been recalled by Florence for the attack on Sarzana when he was already on his way to Lombardy: E d’Este to Montecatini, 4 Aug 1483, ASMo, cit. The Dieci have sent O to Lombardy: B Sozzini and T Biringhucci in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 6 Aug 1483, ASS, Balia, 513, 20. Has arrived in Piacentino with six squadrons: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 10 Aug 1483, ASMa, cit. Wants some pay: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 27 Sept 1483, Dieci, Resp, 29, 175. Has been paid 1,200 ducats, which should keep him quiet: Dieci to J Guicciardini, 5 Oct 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 300. Took the bastion at Castelnuovo: 28 Oct 1483, Zambotti 148. Worried about O’s loyalty, Ludovico Sforza asks Florence to keep him happy, but the Dieci say that, at present, he is actually overpaid: Dieci to B Buongirolami, 12 Dec 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 273-5. Wants to be Florentine captain-general; Florence will think of other ways to keep him sweet: Dieci to B Buongirolami, 20 Dec 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 275-6.
Rinaldo Orsini says that O intends to enter Venetian service as soon as his ferma is finished; he has been offered 3,500 ducats p a and benefices for his son: G A Vespucci to the Dieci, 8 Jan 1484, Dieci, Resp, 27, 25. After Lorenzo wrote to him, O sent to excuse himself for not entering the Polesine di Ficarolo, claiming he had no support: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 14 Jan 1484, ASMo, cit. O wants the baton; has got Anton Maria Pico to speak to the Florentines about it, but it will not do him any good: Antonio da Monteactini to E d’Este, 18 Jan 1484, ASMo, cit. The Florentines very much want to have O for the Sarzana impresa: Otto to B Buongirolami and J Guicciardini, 18 Feb 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 20-1. The Otto say they need O not just because of his reputation and skill, but because he started to besiege Sarzana last year, so is the best person to continue: Otto to B Buongirolami, 21 Feb 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 22-3. Florence orders O to prepare his company for the Sarzana impresa: Otto to N Orsini, 23 Feb 1484, Otto, LC, 4, 7. Zaccaria Saggi has been given a letter for O by the Florentine ambassador in Milan; it orders O to obey Alfonso d’Aragona in going to lodge on the Po, near Rovere: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 23 Feb 1484, ASMa, cit. The Florentines still want O if the impresa goes ahead: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 5 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit. A courier has been sent to tell O that Giordano Orsini is dying and to ask him to come to Florence at once: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 6 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit. Federico Gonzaga has written to Milan complaining of the Florentine decision to recall O: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 13 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit. Lorenzo told Antonio da Montecatini privately that O would not be withdrawn; has not yet been given his prestanza, because his man is not in Florence to accept it, but he can have it when he sends for it: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 16 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit. The Florentines want to hang on to O and will give him the baton: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 24 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit. Negotiations are proceeding with O; the Florentines are anxious not to lose him; O has sent some proposals: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 6 Apr 1484, ASMo, cit. Lorenzo has suggested that O should be paid his prestanza now, at the old rate, and any difference be made up when his new condotta is agreed: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 9 Apr 1484, ASMo, cit. Has not yet received his prestanza: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 24 Apr 1484, ASMo, cit. Has begun to receive the prestanza: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 1 May 1484, ASMo, cit. Has been given the prestanza and a paga, 10,000 ducats: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 3 May 1484, ASMo, cit. O’s chancellor says that he is still owed 2,000 ducats for the prestanza and a paga, which would not be 10,000 ducats when he had it all: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 5 May 1484, ASMo, cit. O’s chancellor has received all of his prestanza: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 8 May 1484, ASMo, cit. Giovan Francesco Oliva reported to Milan that Federico Gonzaga is refusing to let O go; Saggi had countered this: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 18 May 1484, ASMa, cit. Has twice asked Gonzaga for a licenza, but has not been given it: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 20 May 1484, ASMa, cit. O’s mounted archers are to be taken from Sarzana; his chancellor is to be given money for provvisionati: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 5 June 1484, ASMo, cit. Has had a fever and stayed behind at Quinzano: N Michelozzi from the camp at Galbiano to the Dieci, 5 July 1484, Dieci, Resp, 31, 409-10. Says Alfonso d’Aragona has offered him a condotta with Naples, but feels that Florentine offers are more secure: N Micheolozzi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 July 1484, ------. Has been given a paga by Florence: Otto to N Michelozzi, 24 July 1484, Otto, LC, 4, 48. The Otto request his view on what is necessary for the Sarzana expedition: Otto to P F Pandolfini, 9 Aug 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 85-6.
As a commander, judged ‘animoso et gagliardo’: 16 Aug 1484, MAP, 48, 27. Commands Alfonso d’Aragona’s provvisionati and the bombardieri: 24 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 71. One of the condottieri in the camp outside Pietrasanta to whom Sforza Bettini was sent; he is ill: 6 Oct 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 61. His illness is one of the reasons why the Dieci ask Gian Galeazzo Sforza for Gian Giacomo Trivulzio: 10 Oct 1484, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 307. Is to be used in the Portovenere campaign: 11 Dec 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 81. One of the army commanders guarding Livorno: 30 Dec 1484, ASMi, cit. Alfonso d’ Aragona says that Venice esteems O above all other soldiers of the League: 8 Jan 1485, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 199. Is better disposed than when he was in the camp and anxious to please Lorenzo: 19 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 66. His terms for his ricondotta: 19 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 197. Is still being refractory: 20 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 184. Is happy to useLorenzo as an arbiter regarding the conditions of his ricondotta: 24 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 261. Is using Virginio Orsini to make a settlement with Ferrante: 25 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 71. On Virginio’s orders he is coming to see Lorenzo: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 17 Apr 1485, Lettere, VIII, 162. Lorenzo is thinking of sending some of O’s archers to help the Sienese; they have been at Bagno a Morbo with Lorenzo: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the Balia of Siena, 10 May 1485, Lettere, VIII, 197. Rehired by Florence: 31 May 1485, Dieci, Delib, 30, 100-6. Lorenzo is not to talk to O regarding a possible marriage with Antonello Petrucci’s son until Giovanni Lanfredini gives him the word: 28 Aug 1485, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 18, 56. The Otto request him to persuade his friend Giovanni Savelli to restore property to Florentines: 12 Oct 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 71. The Otto request his presence in Florence: 14 Oct 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 71. His condotta in wartime is for 200 men-at-arms and forty mounted archers: Lorenzo de’ Medici to [F Gaddi], [14 Oct 1485?], Lettere, IX, 13-14. Procurator for the hiring of other Orsini: 2 Nov 1485, Dieci, Delib, 30, 113. Lorenzo’s letter to O urging haste: 2 Dec 1485, MAP, 26, 490. Asks for the contado of Nola from Ferrante: 8 Dec 1485, MAP, 26, 495. Jacopo d’Appiano and Ranuccio da Marsciano are keeping an eye on the Sanseverino troops sent to the Perugia area, and will then join O: 9 Dec 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 78. Stefano Taverna complains that Virginio Orsini could have entered Rome but Lorenzo held him back until ducal troops arrived under O; these troops have not moved: S Taverna to G G Sforza, 11 Dec 1485, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 99. The Otto tell him that Jacopo d’Appiano and Ranuccio da Marsciano must by now have left to join him; once they arrive they must all go to Rome to join up with the Orsini and Alfonso d’Aragona: 14 Dec 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 79. His mandato informs the Otto that he is finding it very difficult to move into the Rome area; given his present and potential resources the Otto are upset: 22 Dec 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 80-2. His continuing reluctance to march towards Rome and join up with the other Orsini: 26 Dec 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 1484-5. Agrees to Virginio Orsini receiving the title of governor: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini in Milan, 5 Jan 1486, Lettere, IX, 103-5. Left on 8 Jan: 11 Jan 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 7-8. Should have arrived at Bracciano on the evening of 10 Jan: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini, 11 Jan 1486, Lettere, IX, 119. Is staying loyal despite the defection to Innocent of Cardinal Giovanni Battista and some other Orsini: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini, 20 Jan 1486, Lettere, IX, 139. Sancti da Curcumello, a mandatory of O and of Virginio Orsini, reports to the Otto on their determination to continue the war effort: 8 Feb 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 100-1. O instructs his wife to consign the citadels of Pitigliano and Sorana to whomever she is instructed to do so by Lorenzo: 28 Feb 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 415. The Dieci do not want him to go to Naples: 12 Aug 1486, Dieci, Miss, 7, 1485-7.
Bibliog: Sigismondo de’ Conti, Storie
Orsini, Orlando d. 1503
Career: Bishop of Nola, 1475-1503.
Ref: Has chosen to accompany Girolamo Riario: 25 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 555.
Orsini, Orso di Lorenzo, di Monterotondo c. 1450-1495
Career: Brother of Giordano, Giulio and Cardinal Giovanni Battista Orsini. Bishop of Teano, 1474-95.
Ref: On the death of Cardinal d’ Aragona, Innocent gave him the abbey of S Lorenzo di Aversa, which had been promised to Giovanni de’ Medici: 5 Nov 1485, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 18, 112. Reports to the League camp about events in Rome: 23 Nov 1485, BNF, GC, 29/18, 23. Innocent gave him the monastery of S Lorenzo di Aversa; he seeks a deal with Lorenzo, who had been promised it by Ferrante: 29 Apr 1486, MAP, 39, 473.
Orsini, Orso (Organtino) di Giacomo, di Monterotondo d. c. 1510
Career: Brother of Aurante, Archbishop Rinaldo and Clarice Orsini; brother-in-law of Lorenzo de’ Medici. m (1) Costanza Savelli, (2) Giacoma Colonna. Condottiere who served Naples, Florence and the Church.
Refs: One of the Neapolitan commanders in the Ferrarese: P Nasi to the Dieci, 10 July 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 168. Part of the Orsini condotta; Virginio Orsini wants him kept on, as does Lorenzo: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini in Milan, 19 June 1486, Lettere, IX, 337.
Orsini, Otto
Ref: Mentioned in the peace treaty between Sixtus and the League, 12 Dec 1482, Lettere, VII, 490.
Orsini, Paola
Ref: Sister of Orso Orsini, arrested on 26 May: 28 May 1485, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 18, 9.
Orsini, Paolo di Latino, di Lamentana d. 1503
Career: Son of Cardinal Latino Orsini; m (1) Francesca della Valle, (2) Giulia di Paolo Santa Croce. Condottiere who served the Church, Naples and Florence.
Refs: Accompanied Girolamo Riario to the Romagna in 1481: Lettere, V, 262. Today Giordano Orsini arrived in Bologna with O; they were made very welcome because of their connection with Lorenzo: G F Salarolo in Bologna to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 19 Aug 1481, MAP, 38, 295. Is in Riario’s camp at Rome, 7 June 1482: Pontano, 7. Virginio Orsini has asked Jacopo Guicciardini to ask Lorenzo if O can have a condotta with Florence for 6,000 ducats; at the moment he receives 3,000 from the Church: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 16 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 311. His forty men-at-arms will remain in the Romagna: list of papal troops, 22 July 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 300. Has been sent with eighty men-at-arms to Città di Castello: G A Vespucci to the Dieci, 7 Nov 1483, Dieci, Resp, 29, 295-6. Received the guard of the papal palace: 30 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 306. Seized the bridges over the Tiber during Innocent’s illness: 16 Mar 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 489. O and Jérôme d’E stouteville took control of the bridges over the Tiber north of Rome: G A Vespucci to the Dieci, 30 Nov 1485, Dieci, Resp, 35, 223. Accepted cash to return the Sienese exiles to Siena: 6 May 1485, Otto, Miss, 3, 135-6. The Otto hire him with Virginio, Giulio and Vicino Orsini: 2 Nov 1485, Otto, Miss, 3, 173. The Otto ask his view regarding the papal-Orsini deal: 19 Jan 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 91-92. O and Nicola Orsini took possession of Monterotondo, Cardinal Orsini’s stronghold, on 1 July: A Guidoni to E d’Este, 7 July 1486, Cappelli, ed, 283-4.
Orsini, Raimondo di Giacomo d. 1488
Career: Duke of Gravina; m Giustiniana di Lorenzo Orsini di Monterotondo, making him a brother-in-law of Cardinal Giovanni Battista Orsini.
Ref: The Colonna plan to enter Rome and seize the eastern half of city would need O’s co-operation because he controls much of it: Alfonso d’Aragona at Grottaferrata to Ferrante, 6 June 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 239. Loyal to Ferrante at the beginning of the barons’ uprising: 16 Sept 1485, MAP, 26, 441.
Orsini, Rinaldo di Giacomo, di Monterotondo
Career: Brother of Aurante, Orso and Clarice Orsini; brother-in-law of Lorenzo de’ Medici. Archbishop of Florence, 1474-1507.
Refs: Filippo Sacramoro reports that Lorenzo has heard that Sixtus received O willingly at the ratification of the peace and spoke of Lorenzo in a more conciliatory manner; Lorenzo put some trust in this report, but is waiting for O to write more fully: F Sacramoro to G G Sforza, [18-23] Apr 1480, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 299. The twelve Florentine ambassadors are instructed to visit O as soon as they arrive in Rome, to tell him of their commission, and invite him to accompany them to their first papal audience: 15 Nov 1480, Sig, LC, 21, 23-25. Lorenzo’s attempt to secure the abbey of Farfa for O, now that Cardinal Cosimo Orsini’s life is in danger: Lorenzo de’ Medici to P F Pandolfini in Naples, 23 Nov 1481, Lettere, VI, 94-6. This campaign continued, including a bid for a cardinal’s hat for O: Lorenzo de’ Medici to P F Pandolfini, 3 Dec 1481, Lettere, VI, 119-21. Virginio Orsini and Lorenzo are pressing for O’s advancement; Ferrante wrote from Naples in support: G Tornabuoni in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 20 Dec 1481, MAP, 38, 378. Lorenzo successfully sought French backing for some provision for his brother-in-law: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 Feb 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 75, 62-5; F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 22 Feb 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 75, 65-6. O will let Guidantonio Vespucci know the right moment to approach Nicola Orsini, but thinks ‘you’ can have him whenever you want: G A Vespucci in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 21 Feb 1482, MAP, 38, 97. Among those informed by Lorenzo about the death of Lucrezia Tornabuoni in Mar 1482: Prot, 187-8. Lorenzo was also trying to get the benefices of Antonio Trivulzio for O, but without immediate success: B Rucellai in Milan to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 9 Apr 1482, MAP, 51, 112. There are rumours in Rome that Sixtus is thinking of making O a cardinal: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 20 June 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Francesco Gaddi will try and have the nomination of new cardinals delayed in order to favour O: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 27 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 190-2. The Orsini family want Giovanni Battista rather than O as the Orsini cardinal: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 28 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 192-3. One of the clerics in charge of the care and protection of cardinals during the conclave: 25 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 555. Reports to Lorenzo on Innocent’s positive disposition towards him: 30 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 305. Recommends to Lorenzo that he discuss important matters with Giuliano della Rovere: 7 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 313. One of three people with rights to the church of S Stefano, whichLorenzo wants for his son Giovanni: 9 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 319. Lorenzo instructs Piero de’ Medici to show O Lorenzo’s instructions to him: Lorenzo de’ Medici to Piero de’ Medici, 26 Nov 1484, Lettere, VIII, 76-8. Giovanni Tornabuoni consults O in all matters concerning Piero de’ Medici: 4 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 52. Savelli supporters are considered by O to be hostile to the Medici: 10 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 58. Antonello Petrucci is to use him as an intermediary in the marriage negotiations with Nicola Orsini: 3 Mar 1485, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 216. His house was sacked by Cardinals Giuliano della Rovere, Savelli and Colonna: 1 Dec 1485, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 99.
Orsini, Vicario
Refs: Money is being sent to him so that he can join Roberto di Sanseverino: 16 June 1486, MAP, 39, 465. Is negotiating with Innocent: 26 Nov 1485, MAP, 26, 487.
Orsini, Vicino di Pierangelo, di Mugnano d. 1504
Career: Condottiere who served the Church in the 1470s, Naples in 1482-3, Florence and Milan in 1485, and France and Naples in the 1490s.
Refs: Was with Alfonso d’A ragona at Campomorto: G Pontano at Gaeta to Ferrante, 23 Aug 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Possibly accompanied Alfonso d’Aragona to Ferrara, 14 Jan 1483: Zambotti, 132. With his nipote Girolamo, came to Branda Castiglioni to complain that Ferrante was not giving them any money for troops; Castiglioni asked Ferrante to do something for them ‘essendo homini de reputatione et valuta come sono’: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 24 Feb 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. Has had his condotta with Ferrante renewed for sixty-five men-at-arms and a personal provisione of 750 ducats: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 2 Mar 1483, cit. Says he should have all his money from Naples today: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 18 Apr 1483, ASMi, cit. Is expected in Ferrara: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 27 June 1483, MAP, 48, 325. His flight from the kingdom of Naples with his troops: 17 Sept 1485, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 98. Joined papal service but, as he has not been paid, he has not, as requested, made some Abruzzi towns rebel: 7 Nov 1485, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 99. The Otto hire him together with Virginio, Paolo and Giulio Orsini: 2 May 1485, Otto, Miss, 3, 173. Hired with other Orsini: 2 Nov 1485, Dieci, Delib, 30, 113-18. Has gone to Rome; he governs Civita Duchata, a town very handy for the Aquilans: 5 Dec 1485, MAP, 26,492. His soldo and his defection: Lorenzo de’ Medici to [F Gaddi?], 11/12 Dec 1485, Lettere, IX, 69.
Orsini, Virginio di Napoleone, di Bracciano c. 1445-1497
Career: Son of Napoleone, whom he succeeded as signore of Bracciano in 1480, and of Francesca Orsini di Monterotondo. m (1) Trifalda di Roberto Orsini, (2) Isabella Orsini, daughter of Raimondo, prince of Salerno. A vastly experienced condottiere who served the Church during the pontificate of Sixtus IV and the ascendancy of his ally Girolamo Riario, but was hostile to Pope Innocent, during whose pontificate he fought for Naples, where he became grand constable. Saw much action after 1492 and was declared a rebel by Alexander VI.
Refs: Congratulates Lorenzo on the betrothal of his daughter Lucrezia to Jacopo Salviati: V Orsini at Bracciano to Lorenzo, 24 Sept 1481, MAP, 45, 346. Is not pleased that both Jacopo Conti and Nicola Orsini are senior to him: G Tornabuoni in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 Jan 1482, MAP, 38, 69. Is very put out because his condotta is 2,000 ducats less than that of Nicola Orsini: T Ridolfi at Milan to the Otto, 15 Jan 1482, Otto, Resp, 2, 184-5. Alfonso d’Aragona has sent to try and win him over with an offer of the county of Tagliacozzo and one of Ferrante’s daughters for his son: G F Salarolo in Naples to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 20 Jan 1482, MAP, 38, 389. Rinaldo Orsini does not feel the moment is right to approach O ‘perche lui è mal creditato et non si farebbe fructo essendo inebriato dal Papa come è’: G A Vespucci in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 21 Feb 1482, MAP, 38, 97. Neapolitan efforts to hire O: G A Vespucci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 Mar 1482, MAP, 38, 107. Left the service of Ferrante for that of Sixtus, May 1482: Infessura, 90. Is at Vicovaro; his troops skirmished with those of Alfonso d’Aragona: F Ricci at Celle to G G Sforza, 28 May 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 239. With Girolamo Riario in the camp, 6 June 1482: Infessura, 92; 7 June, Pontano, 7. Said to want to attack Tagliacozzo and the Colonna lands, while Riario is anxious to sent part of the army to the Romagna: F Gaddi in Naples to the Otto, 29 Aug 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 140-1. Together with Nicola Orsini, sent a message to Alfonso d’Aragona protesting loyalty to him and to Ferrante, saying that they only left their service because the Colonna were shown more favour, and urging Alfonso to put their forces to rights, because Riario has his sights on Faenza, not Naples: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 2 Sept 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Is reported to have said that if he were offered Tagliacozzo and Albi, he would be prepared to go over to the League: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 3 Sept 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 142-5. Has proposed secret negotiations with Naples; Naples agreed: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 Sept 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 146-7. Ferrante sent a secret envoy to O and Jacopo Conti, at their request: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 9 Sept 1482, ASMi, cit. One of the commanders of the papal/Venetian army when Roberto Malatesta was gravely ill: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 9 Sept 1482, ASS, Conc, 2049, 64. Ferrante’s envoy returned to report that O wants to serve the king as before, providing the counties of Albi and Tagliacozzo are restored to him and the king also makes peace with Sixtus and Riario: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 10 Sept 1482, ASMi, cit. An envoy Alfonso d’Aragona sent to O has reported that O has three conditions for peace (to which, he says, Sixtus and Riario are very much inclined): to give Faenza to Riario, to restore papal territory, to restore Tagliacozzo and Albi; since Ferrante and the League ambassadors say they cannot promise Faenza to Riario, they should try to win over Virginio and other Orsini; then Sixtus will be forced to make peace; Ferrante says O’s son wil marry one of his daughters: League ambassadors at Naples, 14 Sept 1482, ASMi, cit. Ferrante has been encouraged to report a quarrel between Riario and the Venetian ambassador to take up negotiations with O, despite disapproval of this pratica by many: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 1 Oct 1482, ASMi, cit. With papal troops going north to Citerna, O has been negotiating with Alfonso d’A ragona: Cardinal Gonzaga in Rome to Federico Gonzaga, 3 Oct 1482, ASMa, AG, 846. Has gone north to Citerna with Riario: [F Gaddi?] to the Dieci, 9 Oct 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 164-5. Returned to Rome to quarter troops on his estates: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 15 Nov 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Milan agrees with Ferrante that O must receive Albi and Tagliacozzo: G G Sforza to the ambassadors of the League at Rome, 25 Nov 1482, ASMi, 91. One of the principal negotiators of peace: Colombino at Rome to F Gonzaga, 4 Dec 1482, ASMa, AG, 846. Is to be sent to Ferrara with fifty men-at-arms and thirty mounted archers: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 20 Dec 1482, ASMo, ARE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Wants Giovanni Battista rather than Rinaldo to be the Orsini cardinal: [F Gaddi?] to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 28 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 192-3. Is being sent to help Ferrara: [F Gaddi?] to the Dieci, 29 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 193-4.
With Alfonso d’Aragona to Ferrara, 14 Jan 1483: Zambotti, 132. With Nicola Orsini, left to keep an eye on Ferrara while Alfonso and others went to the diet at Cremona: Dieci to P F Pandolfini, 21 Feb 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 134-5. Ferrante says that O believes, wrongly, that it is the king’s fault that the Colonna are refusing to surrender county of Albi to him: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 15 Mar 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. Ferrante has sent an envoy to the Colonna to try to persuade them to surrender a castello to O: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 13 Apr 1483, ASMi, cit. Has asked Jacopo Guicciardini to ask Lorenzo if Paolo Orsini can have a condotta with Florence for 6,000 ducats: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 16 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 311. Is threatening to leave Ferrara; Alfonso d’Aragona has persuaded him to stay until 10 May to await a reply from Naples: J Guicciardini in Ferrara to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 19 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 312. Is annoyed because promises made to him about Albi have not been observed: Dieci to J Guicciardini, 21 Apr 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 218-21. Would like to do as Lorenzo desires, but says he cannot do so: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 23 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 314. Insists he cannot do as Lorenzo asks, because of a prior obligation: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 24 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 315. Spoke to two Venetian condottieri, Anton Maria [Ordelaffi?] and Galeazzo [di Sanseverino?] about their coming over to the League; is trying to keep Nicola Orsini unsettled until his own business with king concluded: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 6 May 1483, MAP, 48, 317. Giovan Francesco di Sanseverino sent an emissary to him concerning negotiations with the League: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 24 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 362-3. It is rumoured that Girolamo Riario wants O in the Romagna: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 30 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 376-7. Is discontented with the progress of his affairs; Nicola Orsini says Riario wants O in the Romagna: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 30 May 1483, MAP, 48, 307. Has been to see Riario in Forlì, where they quarreled badly; Alfonso d’Aragona is trying to mend matters, thinking well of O and not wanting to lose him; Alfonso would like to give him a condotta, jointly with Florence: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 July 1483, MAP, 48, 327. Giovanni Pontano says O has settled his affairs with the papacy: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 9 July 1483, MAP, 48, 328. Jacopo Guicciardini thinks there is no chance of O taking a condotta with Florence because he believes the quarrel with Riario is over: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 13 July 1483, MAP, 48, 329. Has 100 men-at-arms ready to go to Lombardy: list of papal troops, 22 July 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 300. Will leave Ferrara in two days’ time: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 8 Aug 1483, ASMo, cit.
Girolamo Riario says O has refused the prestanza, saying he wants to go to serve Venice because Ferrante has not yet had Tagliacozzo and Albi returned to him: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 27 Mar 1484, ASMo, cit. The Florentines are alarmed at reports that O is to resort to arms over the disputed counties: Otto to G A Vespucci, 31 May 1484, Otto, LC, 2, 36. Once O has the contadi, 14,000 ducats are to be sent to Alfonso d’Aragona on the order of Girolamo Riario: 21 June 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 80-1. O is furious at the execution of Oddone Colonna: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 4 July 1484, ASMo, cit. Agrees with the candidacy of Cardinal Piccolomini for the papacy: 20 Aug 1484, MAP, 48, 28. Will follow Ferrante regarding the papal election: 24 Aug 1484, MAP, 48, 31. Still with Riario: 25 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 555. Piero de’ Medici is to visit him at Bracciano: 10 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 58. Hosts and honours Piero de’ Medici: 13 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 61. Nicola Orsini is using him to make a settlement with Ferrante: 25 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 71. Orders Nicola Orsini to go and see Lorenzo: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 17 Apr 1485, Lettere, VIII, 162-3. Is gathering troops together because the Orsini are tired of Innocent and those who rule him: 17 Apr 1485, Dieci, Resp, 34, 30. Informs the Neapolitans of the Sienese exiles’ approach to Giulio Orsini to return them to Siena: 22 Apr 1485, Dieci, Resp, 34, 52. Does not think that Innocent wants to support the Sienese exiles’ plot against Siena: 22 Apr 1485, Dieci, Resp, 34, 53. The plan to marry his sister (the widow of Giovanni di Stefano Colonna) to Franceschetto Cibo is to reconcile O with Innocent, for he has recently refused a papal condotta, as he does not want to be under the captaincy of Giovanni della Rovere: 23 Apr 1485, MAP, 48, 6. Giulio Orsini received 6,000 ducats to help the Sienese exiles, and then asked O to supply the troops; O refused and criticised Giulio for his involvement: 3 May 1485, Dieci, Resp, 34, 82. Ordered the Sienese exiles to return to Rome and recover the money that they had paid to Giulio: 3 May 1485, Dieci, Resp, 34, 82. His enmity with Giuliano della Rovere will make it difficult for Lorenzo to retain friendship with both men: 14 May 1485, MAP, 26, 376. O’s man Francesco Lungo has been arrested by the Sienese, Lorenzorequests his release: Lorezo de’ Medici to the Balia of Siena, 5 June 1485, Lettere, VIII, 213-14. His quarrel with Agostino Fregoso: 22 June 1485, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 18, 23. Zanobi d’Amelia, O’s chancellor, came to see Lorenzo with a commission from his master: Lorenzo de’ Medici to V Orsini, 29 July 1485, Lettere, VIII, 233. O and Giulio Orsini visitedLorenzo to discuss Innocent’s offer to them: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 28 Sept 1485, Lettere, VIII, 303-7. His and Giulio’s conditions for a condotta: Lorenzo de’ Medici to [F Gaddi?], 14 Oct 1485, Lettere, IX, 13. His condotta with Florence: 2 Nov 1485, Dieci, Delib, 30, 113-18. The Otto hired O and other Orsini yesterday; he has a mandatario in Florence: 3 Nov 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 72-3. O’ s desire to go and see Ferrante is not approved by Lorenzo: 11 Nov 1485, MAP, 26, 479. O has been promised a stato in the Regno by Ferrante: 18 Nov 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 73-4. O wants at least thirty-seven squadre: B Ugolini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 29 Nov 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 77. Ferrante wants to give the contado of Nola to O’s son, who is the king’s son-in-law: 8 Dec 1485, MAP, 26, 495. Stefano Taverna complains that O could have entered Rome but Lorenzo held him back until ducal troops arrived under Nicola Orsini; these troops have not moved: S Taverna to G G Sforza, 11 Dec 1485, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 99. Alfonso d’Aragona gave him the royal standards and the title of governor of the League troops: Lorenzo de’ Medici to [F Gaddi?], 11/12 Dec 1485, Lettere, IX, 71. Captures the bishop of ‘Fregia’, castellan of Viterbo, together with Archbishop Niccolini and a large group of Florentines: 12 Dec 1485, MAP, 39, 431. The Otto request from O an escort for Nanni da Prato on his way to see Alessandro Pucci in Rome: 15 Dec 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 80. The Otto request from O safe passage for don Floriano, abbot of the Florentine Badia: 23 Dec 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 83-4.
Protests his continuing loyalty to Florence despite the defection of other Orsini: 18 Jan 1486, Lettere varie, 11, parte 2, 600. The Otto ask his view regarding the papal-Orsini accord: 19 Jan 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 91-2. Is staying loyal despite this accord: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini in Milan, 20 Jan 1486, Lettere, IX, 136-42. Ludovico Sforza had received letters from O and from Giovan Francesco Oliva, dated 15 and 18 Jan: J Guicciardini in Milan to the Dieci, 29 Jan 1486, Lettere, IX, 144. Sancti da Curcumello, mandatory of Virginio and Nicola Orsini, reports to the Otto on their decision to keep up the war effort: 8 Feb 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 100-1. O’s son Giordano married Maria d’Aragona, an illegitimate daughter of Ferrante: 19 Feb 1486, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 99. Mariano Savelli is one of those sacked by O, who did not trust the Savelli: 22 Feb 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 387. Francesco Gaddi’s commission from Lorenzoto negotiate with O and, if necessary, with Ferrante the marriage between Alfonsina Orsini and Piero de’ Medici: 12 June 1486, Acq e Doni, 213, 92.
Bibliog: Sigismondo de’ Conti, Storie
Orso di Cristoforo da Ripafretta
Ref: Letter in favour of this associate of Alfonso di Giovanni Spagnuolo: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the Signoria of Lucca, 29 June 1481, Lettere, V, 241-2.
Orso, Paolo di Giovanni
Ref: Request for leniency towards him: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the Balia of Siena, 27 Sept 1483, Lettere, VII, 307-8.
Ottavanti, Domenico
Ref: Guidantonio Vespucci urges Lorenzo to see that O’s case is settled satisfactorily, for this will please both O and Innocent: 26 Nov 1484, MAP, 39, 412.
Ottaviano, Giacomo (Giacomo d’Arezzo) d. 1483
Career: A familiar of Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga.
Ref: Mentioned in an appeal on behalf of his nipote, Gregorio Ottaviano: Lorenzo de’ Medici to Federico Gonzaga, 18 Mar 1484, Lettere, VII, 370-1
Bibliog: D S Chambers, A Renaissance cardinal, 13
Ottieri, Sinolfo d. 1503
Career: Sienese ambassador in Rome; Sixtus IV’s treasurer; bishop of Chiusi, 1497-1503.
Refs: Papal cubicularius sent as Sixtus’s orator to Siena to congratulate the new regime, 13 July 1480: Gherardi, 19-20. Instructions for this mission: AV, Politicorum varia 56, 363. Sienese orator in Rome who defended Siena’s position in a meeting with Sixtus against accusations by Florence; is apparently prepared to guarantee that Siena would not attack Florence in future: G A Vespucci to the Otto, 25 May 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 265-6. Still Sienese orator in Rome: G A Vespucci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 3 Mar 1482, MAP, 38, 106.