Raffaele da Prato
Refs: Has been sent as papal nuncio to raise a tax on the Florentine clergy to pay for the Neapolitan fleet, but the tax is already being collected, so the Otto say he is not needed: Otto to G A Vespucci, 24 Jan 1484, Otto, LC, 2, 5. The Dieci hear R is being told to stay on; they still think it a waste: Otto to G A Vespucci, 31 Jan 1484, Otto, LC, 2, 6.
Ref: Engaged in financial transactions involving the Medici in Rome: 9 Mar 1486, MAP, 51, 296.
Ref: Chancellor of Battista Fregoso: 1 Oct 1484, MAP, 39, 341.
Raimondo da Rimini
Ref: Is bringing four squadre of Pandolfo Malatesta to Bagnolo: 12 Aug 1484, MAP, 48, 23.
Rangoni, Gabriele, cardinal d. 1486
Career: Observant Franciscan who accompanied his master Giovanni Capistrano (d 1456) to Hungary and stayed there as a valued adviser of Matthias Corvinus. Bishop of Erlau/Eger, 1475-87; cardinal, 1477.
Refs: As legate to Naples at the time of the Ottoman capture of Otranto in 1480: Lettere, V, 51. Among those to whom Ferrante wrote in support of Rinaldo Orsini’s candidature for the cardinalate: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 16 Dec 1481, MAP, 51, 66. A candidate for the papacy, possibly favoured by Anello Arcamone: 12 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 283. One of the nominees of Alfonso d’Aragona and Ludovico Sforza for the papacy: 21 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 292. On the papal commission dealing with preparations to be made against the Turk: 2 Feb 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 316. Recommends the brother of one of his secretaries to be podestà of Florence; Guidantonio Vespucci says he is man of weight and backs his recommendation: 13 Feb 1485, MAP, 39, 85. Recommends to Lorenzo de’ Medici Niccolò de Bonzanni da Reggio, to whom he says the podesteria of Florence had been promised: 13 Mar 1485, MAP, 39, 105. Involved in Obietto Fieschi’s affairs: 18 Feb 1485, MAP, 39, 87. Girolamo da Novara, a client of Gian Giacomo Trivulzio, lodges in his house when he is in Rome and reports to the League on Roman affairs: 17 Feb 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 345.
Rangoni, Guido
Ref: The Otto want Ercole d’E ste to restrain R, who has been raising infantry in Modena with the intention of molesting Fivizzano: Otto to E d’Este, 21 Jan 1481, Min, 11, 118.
Rangoni, Niccolò 1455-1500
Career: Modenese condottiere who almost invariably served Bologna, including against Venice in the War of Ferrara.
Refs: On 15 Sept Bianca di Giovanni Bentivoglio will go to Modena to be married, and Ercole d’Este will go to do honour to N: G Salarolo in Bologna to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 19 Aug 1481, MAP, 38, 295. Giovanni Bentivoglio is soon to ‘fare le feste del maritaggio … del Conte Niccolò Ronchoni’: T Ridolfi in Milan to the Otto, 5 Sept 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 439. Has written to Manotto del Monte to say that he is willing to accept a condotta from Venice; Venice is ready to agree, hoping to use R to draw his father-in-law Giovanni Bentivoglio: 10 Sept 1482, ASV, Dieci, Misti, 20, 199. Sent by Bologna to help raise the siege of S Paolo di Reggiana by Guido Torelli: 2 Dec 1482, Caleffini, 37. Defeated by Torelli: 26 Dec 1482, Caleffini 47.
Raniero, Girolamo Ranuzi (de Ranuce)
Refs: Bolognese ambassador to Rome who travelled south with Cardinal Gonzaga; left to return to Bologna: Milanese ambassadors in Rome to G G Sforza, 24 Jan 1481, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 88. Passed through Florence on his way to Bologna from Rome, and told Lorenzo of Girolamo Riario’s firm hostility towards Florence and of his determination to take Faenza: G F Salarolo to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 7 Feb 1481, MAP, 26, 297; Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 4 Feb 1481, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 2.
Ranuccio di Antonio da Marsciano (Ranuccio Bulgarelli) d. 1501
Career: Count of Marsciano; employed as a Venetian condottiere at the beginning of the War of Ferrara, but defected to the Florentines.
Refs: Is trying to convince Florence that the way to free Ercole d’Este’s lands from the Venetians is to attack Valezo, near Peschiera: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 3 Mar 1483[??], ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Was governing his father’s troops with his brother, while his father was in captivity; when his father entered Florentine service, R and his brother fled to Florence: 7 Aug 1483, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, II, 391. In charge of Feltreschi troops: 2 June 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 67-8. Captured by Venetians while raiding in the Bresciana: July 1484, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, II, 447. Like his brother Lamberto, has one year’s condotta with Florence: 19 Dec 1484, Dieci, Delib, 27, 123-6. One of three commanders defending Livorno during a Genoese naval attack: 30 Dec 1484, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 307. Is meant to be leaving Pisa today: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the Balia of Siena, 10 May 1485, Lettere, VIII, 197. Sent to protect Siena against the exiles’ attempt on it: 13 May 1485, Otto, Miss, 3, 137-8. Is with Jacopo d’Appiano and their troops in the territory of Cortona and Montepulciano: 5 Dec 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 77-8. Jacopo d’Appiano and R are keeping an eye on the Sanseverino troops sent to the Perugia area, and will then join Nicola Orsini: 9 Dec 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 78. The Otto tell Nicola Orsini that Jacopo d’Appiano and R must have left to join him by now; once they arrive they must all go to Rome to join up with the Orsini and Alfonso d’Aragona: 14 Dec 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 79. Is leaving Florence today: 18 Feb 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 111-12. The Otto have paid R’s chancellor: 13 Apr 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 175-6. His condotta with Siena: 12 May 1486, MAP, 39, 493. Ferrante wants R to remain in Orsini territory for the winter: 29 Aug 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 75-6. Alfonso d’Aragona also wants R to remain in Orsini territory during that time: 2 Sept 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 76-7. Florence agrees that R will accompany Alfonso to the Regno: 6 Sept 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 77.
Bibliog: F Ughelli, Albero et istoria della famiglia de’ conti di Marsciano, ed M G Nico Ottaviani, Marsciano, 2003
Rapoli, Luigi de’
Refs: Secretary of Simonetto Belprat negotiating with Gian Luigi Fieschi to get him to back the impresa against Genoa: 24 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 253. Has been negotiating with Prospero Adorno: 4 Feb 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 326. Chancellor of Belprat to whom the Dieci gave a safeconduct: 29 Aug 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 75-6.
Ravaschiero, Agostino
Refs: An infantry commander on the Genoese side in the Pietrasanta war: 28 Sept 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 226. A hostage for the Genoese side at the surrender of Pietrasanta: 7 Nov 2484, Misc Rep, II, 54. Confesses that Pietrasanta fell to Florence through treachery: 21 Dec 1484, Dieci, Resp, 33, 69.
Ravaschiero, Paolo di Tommassino
Career: Count of Lavagna; cousin and secretary of Doge Battista Fregoso.
Refs: Went to Lucca in an attempt to recover the dowry of his mother Pippa Guinigi: Apr 1480, Registri Anziani, V, 85-6. Is in Milan on behalf of the doge to discuss the disputes in Genoa: G G Sforza to B Fregoso, 12 May 1481, ASMi, SPE, Genova, 992. A request for R’s recall to Genoa as he has been intercepting Milanese correspondence: G G Sforza to B Fregoso, 24 May 1481, ASMi, cit. Bernardo Rucellai felt that the doge requested such extreme terms (for an alliance with Milan) because he was waiting for R to return from Rome: B Rucellai in Milan to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 2 Apr 1482, MAP, 51, 104. Genoese envoy in Rome, captured by Luca da Laia on his way back to Genoa: Otto to B Gianfigliazzi, 23 Aug 1482, Min, 12, 487-8. Genoa is sending a man to negotiate his release: Doge, councillors and Balia of Genoa to the Signoria of Florence, 26 Aug 1482, ASG, Arch Seg, 1805, 98. Genoa complains about his treatment; he is now back in Genoa: Doge and Balia of Genoa to the Signoria of Florence, 19 Nov 1482, ASG, Arch Seg, 1805, 126-7. Genoese envoy in Rome: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 12 Mar 1483, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Has arrived in Rome with news from Genoa: P F Pandolfini to the Dieci, 16 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 257-8. Has been sent to Genoa by Sixtus: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 30 Jan 1484, ASMo, cit. Has passed through Florence on his way to Rome; the Florentines want to know why he is going there: Otto to G A Vespucci, 27 Feb 1484, Otto, LC, 2, 13. Has arrived in Rome, sent by Cardinal Paolo Fregoso: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 9 Mar 1484, ASMa, AG, 1628. Is to be sent to Genoa to clarify the cardinal’s intentions: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 28 Mar 1484, ASMa, cit. Has arrived in Rome, reporting on negotiations between Genoa and the League: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 6 July 1484, ASMo, cit. The doge of Genoa’s ambassador in Rome: 9 July 1484, Otto, Miss, 2, 46-7. In Sixtus’s time R wrote letters regarding the handing over of Genoa to papal government, because of the inadequacy of the cardinal-doge: 22 Sept 1484, MAP, 48, 51. To Rome as a representative of Paolo Fregoso: 20 Dec 1484, MAP, 39, 407. A friend of Battista Fregoso: 22 Dec 1484, MAP, 39, 410. The Otto have intercepted his letter about conditions in Genoa: 29 Dec 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 109-10. Has been in hiding in Milan: 28 Jan 1485, MAP, 48, 281. The Otto order Bernardo Rucellai to discover what pratiche he is engaged in: 18 June 1485, Otto, Miss, 3, 144-5.
Recuperati, Andrea de’, da Brisighella (or da Faenza)
Refs: Sent by Galeotto Manfredi to Florence to negotiate his condotta: F Sacramoro to Bona and G G Sforza, 29 and 30 May 1480, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 299. R addressed the Otto on Manfredi’s behalf: F Sacramoro to Bona and G G Sforza, 23 May 1481, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 302. Returned to Florence with Manfredi’s request for a dowry of 12,000 ducats and a guarantee that Naples would pay arrears: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 17 June 1481, ASMo, ASE, Firenze, 2. A witness to Manfredi’s marriage: Lettere, V, 249. Recommendation of R ‘ da Faenza’, a judge of the Mercanzia in Florence, for a vacant position: Lorenzo de’ Medici to E d’Este, 7 Nov 1485, Lettere, IX, 36. Judge of appeals in Florence in 1493: C Strozz, III, 4, 171.
Redditi, Antonio de’
Ref: Elected provveditore of Pietrasanta: 11 Apr 1486, Dieci, Delib, 24, 167.
Redditi, Bartolomeo de’
Refs: Recommended by Filippo de’ Redditi for the scrutiny: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 14 Sept 1484, MAP, 48, 46. Sent as commissioner to Giovanni Bentivoglio: 30 Sept 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 59. Sent to Bologna to raise troops: 1 Oct 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 239. The 600 provvigionati raised by R in Bologna were in Brescia by 11 Oct: Lettere, VIII, 363.
Redditi, Filippo d’Andrea de’
Refs: Witness to the peace of Bagnolo, 7 Aug 1484: Lettere, VII, 515. Assistant to Pier Filippo Pandolfini in Milan: 26 Aug 1484, MAP, 48, 33. Recommends Bartolomeo de’ Redditi to Lorenzo for the scrutiny: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 14 Sept 1484, MAP, 48, 46. Chancellor of the Dieci: 8 Nov 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 393. To be sent, if necessary, to the Sienese Balia with a letter of credence from the Dieci to request the seizure of Volterran suspects: 4 Dec 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 70. Visits Roberto di Sanseverino in Padua on behalf of the Dieci: 8 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 33. Coadjutor with responsibility for letters, 1485-6: Dieci, Delib, 30, 300-2.
Redditi, Giovanni de’ d. 1485
Ref: Provveditore of Pietrasanta; has just died: 3 Dec 1485, Dieci, Delib, 24, 148.
Refrigerio, Giovanni Battista
Refs: In 1482, as secretary to Roberto di Sanseverino, R accompanied Piero Salerno to Venice to receive the banners for Roberto: Beffa, 110. Chancellor of Roberto di Sanseverino; has arrived in Florence: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini, 11 Aug 1486, Lettere, IX, 402.
Bibliog: L Frati, ‘Notizie biografiche de G B Refrigerio’, Giorn stor lett ital XII, 1888.
Regiansino, Giovanni di Domenico
Ref: Lorenzo secures his release by Lotto Lotti in Arezzo: 23 July 1485, MAP, 26, 404.
René II d’Anjou, duke of Lorraine 1451-1508
Career: Son of Frederick VI of Lorraine, and Yolande, daughter of René I d’Anjou; m (1) Jeanne d’H arcourt, (2) Philippa de Guelders. Succeeded to the duchy of Lorraine following the death of Charles II d’Anjou in Dec 1481.
Refs: There is talk in Rome of R becoming captain of papal forces, but it would be very expensive and one could not make terms with him about Naples without offending the king of France: L Lanti in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 17 Sept 1482, ASS, Balia, 505, 77. If war continues Sixtus will make terms with R, agreeing to give him Naples; an agreement is near conclusion: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 20 Oct 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 23. The Venetian ambassador in Rome says R coming to Italy: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 17 Nov 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 48. A Milanese merchant reports that as soon as Venice heard Sixtus had made peace with the League, they sent an envoy to R to stir p war against Sixtus and Ferrante: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 7 Jan 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. R received the Venetian envoy, Antonio Vinciguerra, well; he sent an ambassador to Venice to say he would be coming soon: ?late Jan 1483, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, I, 335. News reached Naples that the Venetians were making preparations for R at Verona and in the Veronese: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 14 Feb 1483, ASMi, cit. More news from Venice; R has arrived with 6,000 cavalry: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 7 Mar 1483, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Ferrante has been warned by reports that R is expected at Venice: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 22 Mar 1483, ASMi, cit. Now the word in Naples was that earlier reports of R’s arrival were not true: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 28 Mar 1483, ASMi, cit. No news yet of R’ s arrival at Venice: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 7 Apr 1483, ASMo, cit. Arrived in Venice with 1,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry: 13 Apr 1483, Malipiero, 279. Sixtus has suggested sending an envoy to Switzerland to stir up trouble against R: ambassadors of the League to the Dieci, 6 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 321-4. It is said in Rome that R has come to Italy with the consent of Louis XI, but this is clearly untrue: F Gaddi in Rome to N Michelozzi, 10 May 1483, MAP, 96, 145. Has received 30,000 ducats; is due to go to Ravenna, with 4,000 Swiss and 200 lances: J Guicciardini in Ferrara to the Dieci, 16 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 342. Is waiting at Ravenna; four boats with all his artillery have arrived: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 19 May 1483, ASMo, cit; Dieci to J Guicciardini, 19 May 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 226. Is dissatisfied with his money?: Dieci to B Rucellai, 19 May 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 65-6. Is expected in the camp at Ferrara: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 28 May 1483, ASMo, cit. Is at Padua, hiring as many troops as he can; it will be about a week before he comes to Ferrara: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 30 May 1483, MAP, 48, 307. Ordered to go to Lagoscuro: June 1483, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi II, 360. Is still at Padua, but expected to take the field in two days: J Guicciardini to the Otto, 4 June 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 12-18. A French embassy on its way to Venice has been instructed to threaten R with confiscation of his lands if he does not return: Z Saggi in Milan to F Gonzaga, 14 June 1483, ASMa, AG, 1628. ‘Sino a qui la fa più all’italiana che alla francese’: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 25 June 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 61. The standard and baton have been sent to R as governor-general of Venetian forces; Sigismund of Austria denied passage through his territory for R’s troops; Paolo Pisani went to the archduke and negotiated passage but, by then, R’s troops had turned back: 7 July 1483, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, II, 369. Took his leave from Venice after the death of Louis XI and returned to France: 2 Sept 1483, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, II, 392. Sent a soldier from France, who was given troops by Venice: Oct 1483, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, II, 398. Has gone back to France with two senior Venetians: G A Vespucci in Rome to the Dieci, 3 Nov 1483, Dieci, Resp, 29, 277-8.
Left the French court because his mother is dying; has had long talks with the Venetian ambassador: B Ugolini at Tours to the Dieci, 28/29 Feb 1484, Dieci, Resp, 27, 112-23. Innocent claims that the Genoese are urging R to attack Naples: 18 Sept 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 181. His high authority at court because of the discord between the Bourbons and the ruling regime: 8 Dec 1484, MAP, 39, 398. Influential in the Beaujeu regime: 1 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 51. A key figure in that regime: 30 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 73. Genoa is sending two emissaries to R to ask him to attack the Regno: 2 Feb 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 319. His high position in government makes him much envied by the other lords of France; this is a major cause of the civil unrest there: 1 Oct 1485, MAP, 26, 455. R has no time to think about the Neapolitan enterprise given that civil unrest, and because he lacks the military and financial resources: 12 Oct 1485, MAP, 26, 460. His great authority with the king: 14 Apr 1486, MAP, 39, 461. Sends to Rome to persuade Innocent to give him the title of king of Naples: 30 Apr 1486, MAP, 39, 474. A report that Maximilian von Habsburg is moving against him: 2 May 1486, Dieci, Miss, 7, 11-12. Two of his ambassadors arrive in Florence together with three ambassadors of the king of France: 12 May 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 51-2. If possible, Niccolò Michelozzi is to prevent R’s ambassador visiting Lorenzo: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 13 May 1486, Lettere, IX, 286. His mandatory Giovanni Tosinghi says that R’s arrival is certain and that he has 100,000 scudi from the king of France, and would get another 100,000 scudi from Lorraine; he has an agreement with Maximilian; the Venetian ambassador to France promises help, as does Anne de Beaujeu: 8 June 1486, MAP, 48, 350. Innocent sends R’s ambassador to Roberto di Sanseverino to stop him making a deal with the league: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini in Milan, 8 June 1486, Lettere, IX, 326. The Dieci report that R’s descent is less likely as Maximilian has declared war on France: 26 June 1486, Dieci, Miss, 7, 61. Asks the duke of Savoy to let him through his territory with 10,000 men: 8 July 1486, Dieci, Miss, 7, 68. The Capponi bank at the French court negotiates to lend him 25,000 scudi: 11 July 1486, MAP, 39, 532. Lorenzo considers R’s descent into Italy increasingly likely: Lorenzo de’ Medici to J Guicciardini, 21 July 1486, Lettere, IX, 376-7. The Dieci tell Piero Capponi that his descent is considered likely: 27 July 1486, Otto, Miss, 5, 23-4. Has sent cash to Genoa and is preparing to come: 31 July 1486, Dieci, Miss, 7, 78-80. His descent is considered unlikely: 7 Aug 1486, Dieci, Miss, 7, 82-3. Urged by Roberto di Sanseverino to enter Italy despite the peace: 29 Aug 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 75-6. Has turned back from Italy: 6 Sept 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 77. When he arrived in Lyon he had more than 300,000 ducats and lots of men: 7 Oct 1486, MAP, 39, 574.
Requesens, Galceran de 1439-1505[?]
Career: Catalan corsair; created count of Palamós, 1484; governor-general of Catalonia, 1485.
Refs: One of the Neapolitan captains of the fleet leaving for Tuscany and Genoa: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 Sept 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 146-7. Captain of the Neapolitan fleet: G G Sforza to ‘D Gazerano de Caserenzio’ and S Belprat, ?Oct 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Is in Naples, taking part in discussions about what should be done regarding Genoa: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 26 Nov 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. Captain of the Neapolitan galleys; ordered, after taking Alfonso d’Aragona’s infantry to Porto Pisano, to proceed to Spain on a mission to the king and queen: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 5 Jan 1483, ASMi, cit. His galleys returned to Naples; he has gone to Barcelona but will be in Naples soon: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 15 Mar 1483, ASMi, cit. Probably referred to as ‘messer Nichesense’: Lorenzo de’ Medici to F Cambini in Pisa, 2 May 1484, Lettere, VII, 398-9. Giovanni Lanfredini is trying to persaude him to come with galleys for Florence: 15 Oct 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 154. Ferrante has agreed to let him come with the Neapolitan galleys; Bernardo Villamarina’s immense respect for R: 18 Oct 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 157. Villamarina is persuading R to serve with the Neapolitan galleys coming to help Florence: 19 Oct 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 158. He and Villamarina make a deal with Giovanni Lanfredini: 20 Oct 1484, Misc Rep, III, 106. Lorenzo informs the Dieci of the conclusion reached with R regarding his galleys and those of Villamarina: 10 Nov 1484, Dieci, Miss, 21, 129. The Dieci instruct Francesco Cambini to take all the salnitri arriving ‘per conto de’ Medici’ on R’ s galleys, and to start to make gunpowder: 10 Nov 1484, Dieci, Miss, 21, 129. His condotta with Florence; the men of Savona are to be treated by R and Villamarina as though they were Florentine citizens: 10 Nov 1484, Dieci, Delib, 27, 126-30. His condotta with Florence: 21 Nov 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 407. Captain of the Florentine fleet: 1 Dec 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 107. Cannot be hired by Florence as he has to go and serve Ferrante: 19 Mar 1485, Dieci, Resp, 33, 557. Has Ferrante’s permission to serve Florence but the conditions are tough: he will not serve for less than one month, wants immunity from tolls, a safeconduct, and booty for himself: 8 Apr 1485, Dieci, Resp, 34, 13.
Res, Jean de
Ref: With Jean de Chassaignes, French ambassador in Rome and Venice; tried to persuade the Senate to join an anti-Ottoman league: 1 June 1481, ASV, Sen Secr, 30, 28; Lettere, V, 214-15.
Riario, Caterina, see Sforza, Caterina
Riario, Girolamo 1443-1488
Career: Son of Paolo Riario of Savona and Bianca della Rovere, sister of Francesco della Rovere/Sixtus IV; uncle of Cardinal Raffaele Riario-Sansoni; m Caterina Sforza (1462-1509), illegitimate daughter of Galeazzo Maria Sforza, duke of Milan, in 1477. Father of Bianca (m (1) Astorre III Manfredi, signore of Faenza, 1494, (2) Troilo Rossi, marchese of S Secondo, 1503), Ottaviano (bishop of Viterbo and Volterra, signore of Forlì and Imola), Cesare (archbishop of Pisa, bishop of Malaga and patriarch of Alessandria), Giovanni Livio, Francesco Sforzino (bishop of Lucca) and Galeazzo Riario (m Maria Giovanna della Rovere, daughter of Francesco Maria I, duke of Urbino). Made Count Palatine and invested by Sixtus with the city of Imola, 1473. Grand constable of Naples for life from 1478. Invested by Sixtus with Forlì, 1480. General of the Church. Venetian patrician. The death of Sixtus in Aug 1484 marked the end of his period of dominance in Italian inter-state relations. Assassinated at Forlì, 14 Apr 1488.
Refs: His role in the league signed between Sixtus, Naples, Milan and Florence, 13 Mar 1480: Lettere, V, 282-3. Today ‘we’ invested R with the land of Bosco di Alessandrina: Bona and G G Sforza to F Sacramoro, 12 Apr 1480, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 299. This was in order to win Sixtus’s friendship: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 13 Apr 1480, Sig, X, VIII, 10, 179-80; cf F Sacramoro to Bona and G G Sforza, 15 Apr 1480, ASMi, cit. It is rumoured that R’s designs on several states in the Romagna – Cesena, Forlì and Pesaro – provided the motive behind the papal/Venetian league: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 28 Apr 1480, Sig, X, VIII, 10, 192-3. Federico da Montefeltro feels that if Sixtus joins the league, he will lose his position with him, so has put R up to the Pesaro idea: Pietro da Gallerate and G A Talenti in Naples to Bona and G G Sforza, 2 May 1480, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 230. R received protections and a condotta by the terms of the papal/Venetian league: L Guicciardini to the Otto, 6 May 1480, Otto, Resp, 1, 5. R has designs on several states in the Romagana, including Faenza: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 10 May 1480, Sig, X, VIII, 10, 202-3. The League’s orators to Rome were well received by R in Apr-May: A Ridolfi and P Nasi to the Otto, 13 May 1480, Otto, Resp, 1, 7. The Venetian Senate agree to a condotta from the moment that R’s contract with Naples ends; he is to have 120 men-at-arms and 20,000 ducats p a: 25 May 1480, ASV, Sen Secr, 29, 104-5. Ferrante renewed R’s condotta, even while warning him off the Pesaro impresa: A Ridolfi to the Otto, 15 June 1480, Otto, Resp, 1, 21. Milan is very disturbed by this: P F Pandolfini to the Otto, 20 June 1480, Sig, X, VIII, 10, 244-5. Milan suspects that Federico da Montefeltro is trying to bring Ferrante and R together and that he is succeeding: P F Pandolfini to the Otto, 30 June 1480, Sig, X, VIII, 10, 251. Ferrante suggested that the League contribute to R’s condotta: Antonio da Montecatini to N Sadoleto in Naples, 15 July 1480, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 2. During the coup at Forlì, R sent money to those holding out in the rocca: A Ridolfi in Rome to the Otto, 21 July 1480, Otto, Resp, 1, 33. When the twelve Florentine ambassadors were sent to Rome, they were given letters of credence to R as well as to Sixtus and the College of Cardinals: 15 Nov 1480, Sig, Miss 1a Canc, 11, 104.
Guidantonio Vespucci’s mandate for his embassy to Rome instructed him to try to gain R’s favour: 21 Jan 1481, Sig, LC, 21, 21-2. R was apparently very helpful in achieving the settlement between Florence and Sixtus during Vespucci’s embassy to Rome; Vespucci is to persist in his efforts to have the tax reduced and the penance of the fifteen galleys lifted, and to make full use of the assistance offered by R; the Otto have heard R’ s wishes concerning the archbishopric of Pisa and would like to satisfy him, though they prefer to postpone a decision on this important matter: Otto to G A Vespucci, 10 Feb 1481, Min, 11, 123-5. The first report from Milan of the proposed visit by R to the Romagna: G G Sforza to F Sacramoro, 11 Feb 1481, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 302. The Otto thank R for all his efforts on Florence’s behalf; they agree that the archbishopric of Pisa should be granted to someone suitable: Otto to G A Vespucci, 13 Feb 1481, Min, 11, 126-7. Announcing the news that the towns in Ferrante’s hands are finally to be handed over, the Otto say that Florence owes a great deal to Sixtus and R for this, and Vespucci is therefore to thank them: Otto to G A Vespucci, 10 Mar 1481, Min, 11, 136-7. The contract between Cardinal Riario-Sansoni and Florence over the archbishopric of Pisa was 'facto pel Conte Hieronymo’: G A Vespucci to the Otto, 20 Mar 1481, Otto, Resp, 2, 295. Francesco da Noceto, who is bringing papal bulls and briefs to Florence and who is to negotiate the date for handing over the galleys, is an envoy of Sixtus and R; Sixtus and R had forgotten the rancour they felt towards Lorenzo, and R said that he hoped Lorenzo had also forgotten past enmities: G A Vespucci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 20 Mar 1481, MAP, 36, 12. R has been rehired by Naples and will sign the condotta tomorrow: G A Vespucci in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 26 Mar 1481, MAP, 38, 104. Sixtus and R have sought to outlaw Filippo degli Oddi for having killed one of Cecco Ordelaffi’s sons, but the Perugians and Federico da Montefeltro have refused to accept the ban, and Federico says it is a device to shift guilt from R himself: G A Vespucci to the Otto, 26 Mar 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 98.
R is said to be very dissatisfied with his Neapolitan condotta and planning to resign it: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 6 Apr 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 118-19. R did, apparently, accept his year of beneplacito with Naples: G A Vespucci to the Otto, 7 Apr 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 123. Sixtus and R have asked Venice to pardon Lorenzo Zane: Council of Ten to Z Barbaro, 7 Apr 1481, ASV, Dieci, Misti, 20, 96. R remained very anxious for the release of the Pazzi: G Riario to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 7 Apr 1481, MAP, 38, 130. Regarding clerical taxation, the Otto instructed Guidantonio Vespucci to speak first to R, because if he agreed it would be easy: Otto to G A Vespucci, 16 Apr 1481, Min, 11, 306-7. Knowing the sort of man R to be, Vespucci did not think it suitable to visit him in the morning (after R had excused himself because of a headache the night before): G A Vespucci to the Otto, 20 Apr 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 163. Vespucci had not been able to see R because he was engaged in ‘sue piaceri’, which the doctors had advised him to do because of his recent slight illness: G A Vespucci to the Otto, [12/13?] May 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 254-5. R would leave shortly for the Romagna: G A Vespucci in Rome to the Otto, 14 May 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 226. R is due to leave Rome to visit his lands and then S Antonio at Padua; it is thought he will go to Venice (where the French orators are going); Milan has warned Galeotto Manfredi to watch out for R’s arrival: T Ridolfi in Milan to the Otto, 15 May 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 227. Since Easter, and especially since Anton Maria Pico’s visit, R has gone into seclusion; locked doors make it impossible to get to him; perhaps he fears a plot or wishes to appear more grand, or is just tired of everyone; Giovanni Altoviti told ‘me’ that there is a plot afoot to kill ‘that’ Frescobaldi who was in Constantinople when ‘Bandini’ was taken, and that R has agreed to it: G A Vespucci in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 16 May 1481, MAP, 38, 183. News of R’s journey in Ferrara: Antonio d’Appiano to E d’Este, 18 May 1481, ASMi, SPE, Ferrara, 326. The Otto think R’s departure from Rome is very significant; more should be found out about it, especially whether he is to take troops with him; all ‘our’ friends in the Romagna should be alerted: Otto to T Ridolfi, 19 May 1481, Min, 11, 324-5. Vespucci complains of not being able to speak to either Sixtus or R: G A Vespucci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 26 May 1481, MAP, 38, 191.
There is no need to worry about R’s trip, as he is probably only going in order to show himself to his subjects; it is unlikely that he has any designs on Faenza: G A Vespucci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 2 June 1481, MAP, 38, 216. R was terrified that Sixtus might agree to Guidantonio Vespucci’s request to repay Lorenzo the money taken from him during the war, as all income now goes to him; R would not let Sixtus say anything, in fact, and made sure the request was firmly refused: G A Vespucci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 June 1481, MAP, 38, 204. Cardinal Hugonet is a friend of R: F Gaddi to Lorenzo, 9 June 1481, MAP 38, 209. R has received a new life condotta (16,000 ducats p a for eighty men-at-arms and 100 infantry); Zaccaria Barbaro intends to leave with R; there is no news yet on the purpose of the trip: Milanese orators in Rome to G G Sforza, 12 June 1481, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 89. It is thought in Florence that the point of R’s journey is to assure himself of Venice’s friendship in the event of Sixtus’s death; he has doubled his private bodyguard: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 15 June 1481, ASMo, cit. Galeotto Manfredi asked Milan for 150-200 infantry to defend his frontiers against Venice; Milan was sending him 100 and Nicodemo Tranchedini to advise him; Louis XI threatens to work through R rather than through Giuliano della Rovere: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 20 June 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 352-3. In reply to Ridolfi’s letters of 13 and 15 June, the Otto applaud the duke of Milan’s plan to send Tranchedini with 100 infantry to Faenza, to reassure Manfredi in the light of R’s trip to the Romagna; but they again warn Milan not to stir up things in that area: Otto to T Ridolfi, 22 June 1481, Sig, Miss 1a Canc, 48, 219-20. News that papal troops have been moved from the Romagna to the Campagna under the pretext of relieving the Cesenati and others of taxes; or was there another reason?: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 23 June 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 357. R will leave at the end of the month without fail: G A Vespucci to the Otto, 25 June 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 395. The duke of Milan thinks that R’s troops at Panicherola have just gone to escort R; if there is any plan to attack Naples, the Milanese army will quickly be on the move: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 30 June 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 365. R left Rome; is travelling via Orvieto, Perugia, Urbino and Forlì: Milanese orators in Rome to G G Sforza, 30 June 1481, ASMi, cit.
Francesco Casate has written from Bologna that the movement of papal troops to the Campagna had been at the request of Cardinal Riario-Sansoni, who wanted, when legate of the Marche, to gain the favour of the inhabitants by removing from them the burden of these troops: T Ridolfi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 4 July 1481, Sig, X, VIII, 4, III, 19-20; T Ridolfi to the Otto, 4 July 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 366. News of R’s departure from Rome: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 9 July 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 370. R has confirmed to Federico da Montefeltro that his trip is only to see his own lands and is no threat to Galeotto Manfredi’s state: Federico da Montefeltro to Galeotto Manfredi, 11 July 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 372-3. Federico also suggested that Manfredi sell Faenza, which Manfredi firmly refused, saying he relied on the League’s defence against R, Rimini and Venice: Galeotto Manfredi to Federico da Montefeltro, 13 July 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 373. R has left Rome and gone to Urbino: T Ridolfi to F Gaddi, 13 July 1481, Sig, X, VIII, 4, 58-9. R was due to leave Urbino on 13July and be in Rimini on the evening of that day; he planned to be in Cesena on 14 July and enter Forlì on Sunday 15th; Manfredi was prepared to allow R to pass through his lands, though not to write a personal letter to that effect; the Milanese agent, Antonio d’Appiano, advised him to grant passage: Antonio d’Appiano at Faenza to G G Sforza, 13 July 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 372. Details of R’s entry into Forlì: Antonio d’Appiano at Faenza to G G Sforza, 15 July 1481, ASMi, SPE, Romagna, 192. Report on R’s visit to Forlì: Antonio d’Appiano at Faenza to G G Sforza, 19 July 1481, ASMi, cit. Milan has sent an agreement allowing R passo: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 20 July 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 378. Manfredi has heard that R is paying his troops in Forlì: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 2 Aug 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 410. Sixtus’s opposition to R’s visit to Venice has been withdrawn, despite the opposition of Federico da Montefeltro: one of the Milanese orators in Rome to G G Sforza, 7 Aug 1481, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 89. Arrival of Antonio Boldù in Forlì, where there was a joust and preparations for R to move to Imola: Antonio d’Appiano in Faenza to G G Sforza, 11 Aug 1481, ASMi, SPE, Romagna, 192. Details of the move from Forlì to Imola: Antonio d’Appiano in Faenza to G G Sforza, 13 Aug 1481, ASMi, cit. Sixtus apparently opposed to R’s trip to Venice but finally agreed because of the argument that R had to go to Padua for a vow, and therefore could not avoid visiting Venice: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 16 Aug 1481, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 2. Niccolò Michelozzi’s mission to R: F Sacramoro to G G Sforza, 16 Aug 1481, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 303. R is making a great show of wealth and power and never moves without the Venetian ambassador; he seems to have placed all his hope in Venice: B Scala to Antonio de’ Medici at Barletta, 21 Aug 1481, Min, 11, 224-5. News from Rome that R is fitting out his suite and plans to go to Venice, although Sixtus has told him to go no further than Padua; the Venetian ambassador is with him at Imola: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 22 Aug 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 425-6. Cardinal Savelli might be able to stop the visit to Venice: T Ridolfi in Milan to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 22 Aug 1481, MAP, 48, 89. News that R’s purpose in going to Venice is solely to negotiate a league against Naples and to obtain Faenza; if they agree, there will also be a plan to stage a coup in Florence as a diversion: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 27 Aug 1481, ASMo, cit. Details of R’s move to Ravenna: Antonio d’Appiano at Faenza to G G Sforza, 30 and 31 Aug 1481, ASMi, SPE, Romagna, 192. Federico da Montefeltro is said to be angry over R’s visit to Venice: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 31 Aug 1481, ASMo, cit.
After talking to R, Matteo da Forlì reassures Lorenzo that R has been forced to go to Venice and it is probable that nothing will happen which need disturb his friends: Matteo da Forlì to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 2 Sept 1481, MAP, 38, 319. R and his family left Imola yesterday for Chioggia; he will be back in fifteen days: G F Salarolo to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 Sept 1481, MAP, 38, 314. News from Faenza that R is preparing to go ‘al suo voto’ and then on to Venice with a splendid following: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 5 Sept 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 439. R left Ravenna yesterday for Venice; details of his entourage; the rumour that he plans to exchange Forlì for a Venetian estate: Antonio d’Appiano at Faenza to G G Sforza, 7 Sept 1481, ASMi, SPE, Romagna, 192. R’s reception in Venice: Sept 1481, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, I, 190. R is expected back in Ravenna tomorrow: Antonio d’Appiano to G G Sforza, 19 Sept 1481, ASMi, cit. R returned from Venice yesterday; everyone says he was given a great welcome; he has been made a Venetian patrician and participated in a meeting of the Great Council; Matteo da Forlì (who accompanied R to Venice) is sure that R’s trip has not produced anything that would displease Lorenzo or any other ‘amici nostri’: Matteo da Forlì at Forlì to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 23 Sept 1481, MAP, 38, 330. R insists that Bologna respect the new fortresses decided in Rome, which give him an extra two miles: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 29 Sept 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 469-70. R was due at Forlì on Thursday last; he will go to Rimini to consult with its signore and the Venetian provveditore: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 7 Oct 1481, Otto, Resp, --, 9-10. R is due to leave Imola tomorrow: G F Salarolo at Bologna to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 10 Oct 1481, MAP, 38, 340. There is still a lot of civil disturbance in Rome and R’s friends have advised him to return lest he lose his place at court: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 12 Oct 1481, Otto, Resp, 2, 16-17. News that Roberto Malatesta has brought fourteen squadrons to S Giustina and plans to escort R through Galeotto Manfredi’s territory; R is still at Imola, but his troops have been moving to Forlì and there is a rumour that he has called out the militia: Galeotto Manfredi at Faenza to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 13 Oct 1481, MAP, 38, 344. Today R passed the frontier between Faenza and Ferrara with a large number of soldiers; Antonello da Forlì met him, also accompanied by troops; R’s wife asked Galeotto Manfredi for permission for R to pass through his lands and Manfredi replied that, when given more notice, he would come out and do him the proper honours: Galeotto Manfredi at Faenza to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 14 Oct 1481, MAP, 38, 178. R has sent part of his household to Rome to prepare his accommodation, but there is no sign of him leaving Forlì yet; passing by ‘Orvieto’, R was so impressed by the strength of the castle that he asked Sixtus for it as a fief; this has alarmed Bartolomeo della Rovere, bishop of Ferrara, who has sent reinforcements of provvisionati there: T Ridolfi in Milan to the Otto, 18 Oct 1481, Otto, Resp, 2, 23-4. Ottaviano Ubaldini summoned 400 Feltreschi men-at-arms to counter R: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 25 Oct 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. After describing the plot against him at Forlì and complaining about Ferrara maintaining his enemy Anton Maria Ordelaffi at Bagnacavallo, R said that it was because of these threats that he had gone to Venice to seek security: Milanese orators in Rome to G G Sforza, 5 Nov 1481, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 90. The breach between Federico da Montefeltro and R should be healed in a few days: S Ottieri in Rome to the Signoria of Siena, 3 Dec 1481, ASS, Conc, 2045, 17. R is busy with the condotta and obviously wants to be captain, but Sixtus claims he does not want war and regrets Venetian activities; R apparently promised Giovanni Tornabuoni help in settling Lorenzo’s financial affairs in Rome and in re-establishing the Medici bank there: G Tornabuoni to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 17 Dec 1481, MAP, 38, 376. When Lorenzo Giustini left Naples, he carried a letter of credit on the Spannocchi bank in Rome for c 2,500 ducats of R’s salary: P F Pandolfini to the Otto, 19 Dec 1481, Otto, Resp, 2, 116-17. The Venetians claim R is encouraging them against Ferrara in the hope that he can grab Faenza in the resulting confusion: Ferrante to A Arcamone, 27 Dec 1481, Otto, Resp, 2, 137-8. Giovanni Bentivoglio’s chancellor has reported what Lorenzo said about R’s interest in an impresa against Faenza: G Bentivolgio to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 28 Dec 1481, MAP, 38, 380. Regarding R’s offer of help to Giovanni Tornabuoni: G Riario in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 29 Dec 1481, MAP, 38, 331.
R showed considerable regard for Nicola Orsini and Jacopo Conti: G Tornabuoni in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 Jan 1482, MAP, 38, 69. Sixtus is very much looking forward to seeing Giuliano della Rovere in Rome; it is said that Giuliano may well take over somewhat from R, which would be good for Florence: G Tornabuoni to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 29 Jan 1482, MAP, 38, 83. Anello Arcamone reports that Giuliano della Rovere and R are on progressively worse terms: G F Salarolo at Naples to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 11 Feb 1482, MAP, 38, 396. R ‘la fa al usato cholla choda grande’ and the Venetian ambassador never leaves him: G Tornabuoni to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 18 Feb 1482, MAP, 38, 94. R is constantly showing himself to be more ‘marchesco’: orators in Ferrara to the Otto, 21 Feb 1482, Otto, Resp, 2, 274-5. R’s eldest son, aged four, has been betrothed to the eldest daughter of Giovanni della Rovere, aged three, with a dowry from Sixtus of 10,000 ducats; ‘Non è percio commune opinione habino a essere d’a ltro animo sieno stati infinahora’: G A Vespucci in Rome to the Otto, 21 Feb 1482, Otto, Resp, 2, 272. Reports from Rome suggest that there is a power struggle going on between R and Giuliano della Rovere: B Rucellai in Milan to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 23 Feb 1482, MAP, 26, 295. R says he is totally opposed to war, as he has a fine state and income and does not want either disturbed; war would provide an opportunity for the exiles from Imola and Forlì, and he would be in a difficult position if Sixtus should die during the fighting; he said Ferrara was heading for trouble: G A Vespucci to the Otto, 23 Feb 1482, Otto, Resp, 2, 278. Federico da Montefeltro suggests the orators in Rome point out to R all the benefits he has received from the League and threaten (1) to withdraw all concessions made to him by Naples and Milan, and (2) to negotiate in future only with Giuliano della Rovere; Ferrante enthusiastically approves and wants his allies to agree to this: P F Pandolfini to the Otto, 25 Feb 1482, Otto, Resp, 2, 286-7. Apparently one of these concessions was R’s condotta with Naples: Otto to G A Vespucci, 5 Mar 1482, Min, 12, 144-6. The approach to R had been Lorenzo’s choice; Lorenzo still agreed with it, as did Ludovico Sforza: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 8 Mar 1482, MAP, 51, 85.
Carlo Martelli reported from R’s court regarding secret plans[?]: P Collenuccio in Florence to Costanzo Sforza, 3 May 1482, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 305. R says that Giovanni della Rovere is indifferent about a Sienese condotta being discussed; Sixtus might give it to another: S Ottieri and L Lanti in Rome to the Signoria of Siena, 10 May 1482, ASS, Conc, 2047, 83. R’s condottieri are angry at the lack of money to pay their troops: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 21 May 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 239. R left Rome yesterday for the camp: S Ottieri to the Signoria of Siena, 25 May 1482, ASS, Conc, 2048, 19. Left for the camp; is to stay at Ponte Molle; says he will have 1,070 men-at-arms and c 200 infantry: L Lanti in Rome to the Signoria of Siena, 25 May 1482, ASS, Conc, 2048, 20. Will move camp tomorrow; to be nearer the enemy?: S Ottieri and L Lanti in Rome to the Signoria of Siena, 29 May 1482, ASS, Conc, 2048, 24. Is still at the camp at Ponte Molle; R says Siena should not be suspicious, but freely enter into a league with Sixtus: L Lanti to the Signoria of Siena, 30 May 1482, ASS, Conc, 2048, 25. Federico da Montefeltro advises Alfonso d’Aragona to go cautiously and not to bank on R: Federico da Montefeltro to Ferrante, 31 May 1482, R Cessi, ‘Per la storia della Guerra di Ferrara, 1482-3’, Archivio veneto, ser V, 44-5, 57-77. In Venice, Leonardo Loredan and Luca Zeno proposed offering Lugo and Bagnacavallo to R to avoid the pressure for Roberto Malatesta to go south: 1 June 1482, ASV, Sen Secr 30, 89-90. With twenty squadrons and many infantry R camped near S Giovanni: 6 June 1482, Infessura, 92. A letter from R to Luffo Numai has been intercepted in Venice: Z Saggi in Milan to Federico Gonzaga, 7 June 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. R has written to the Venetians urging them to send Roberto Malatesta to keep Sixtus firm and asking for 4,000 ducats of his pay: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 7 June 1482, ASMa, cit. A plot by Alfonso d’Aragona to trap R was foiled by Nicola Orsini: 16 June 1482, Pontano, 8-9. R is pinning his hopes on arrival of Roberto Malatesta; R is unpopular in Rome because his men are not protecting the city: F Ricci from the camp of Alfonso d’Aragona at Grottaferrara to G G Sforza, 18 June 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 239. R is trying to persuade Alfonso d’Aragona’s janissaries to desert: F Ricci to G G Sforza, 25 June 1482, ASMi, cit. Together with Sixtus and Giuliano della Rovere, R was pleased by news of Cardinal Todeschini-Piccolomini’s arbitration in Sienese affairs: S Ottieri and L Lanti in Rome to the Signoria of Siena, 30 June 1482, ASS, Conc, 2048, 98. Complained to Lorenzo Lanti that Siena’s captain, Antonio da Montefeltro, was in the camp at Città di Castello: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 3 July 1482, ASS, Balia, 504, 42. R and Sixtus are negotiating via Giulio Cesare da Varano; Alfonso d’Aragona says that, if Sixtus is sincere, he must give R’s wife and children as hostages: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 8 July 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Milan says that a requirement for peace negotiations must be hostages from R and that he has tried to suborn Ascanio Sforza: G G Sforza to Alfonso d’Aragona, 8 July 1482, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 91. Ercole d’Este does not trust negotiations via R: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 12 July 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. R says that Florence will soon be too preoccupied near Imola and Sarzana to contemplate an attack on Siena, as she is reported to be doing: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 16 July 1482, ASS, Balia, 504, 64. In the peace negotiations, it has been said that R and Federico Gonzaga are negotiating a parentado: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 19 July 1482, ASMa, cit. Ludovico Sforza and the League ambassadors in Milan have been taken aback by a report of marriage negotiations between Gonzaga and R: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 20 July 1482, ASMa, cit. Milan says she is sure that Federico Gonzaga and Alfonso d’A ragona will act in the best interests of the League about the proposed Riario match; Ludovico accuses R of suborning Ascanio Sforza and insists R must give his wife and children as hostages to demonstrate his good faith: G G Sforza to Alfonso d’Aragona, 20 July 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240.
R gave Lorenzo Lanti two intercepted letters from Alfonso d’Aragona, one to the Balia and one to Lanti: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 1 Aug 1482, ASS, Balia, 505, 1. It is reported that R and the Venetian ambassador moved to stop negotiations between Sixtus and Ferrante at the request of the cardinals: Guarino Jacobi at Città di Castello to the Signoria of Siena, 3 Aug 1482, ASS, Conc, 2049, 38. Sixtus is said to have reproached R for trusting too much in Venetian promises: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 20 Aug 1482, ASMi, cit. R is said to be anxious to send part of his army to the Romagna: [F Gaddi] to the Otto, 29 Aug 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 140-1. R has quarrelled with Roberto Malatesta: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 1 Sept 1482, ASMi, cit. R is said to have his eyes on Faenza: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 2 Sept 1482, ASMi, cit; [F Gaddi] to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 3 Sept 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 142-5. R told captured Neapolitan troops they would be released if they promised not to fight until next season, or if they stayed in Rome: [F Gaddi] to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 4 Sept 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 145-6. R has sent a message to Ferrante saying that he was never so mad as to aspire to the throne of Naples; rather, he is concerned with extending his lands in the Romagna; he asks Ferrante to send a man to Rome covertly, to continue the negotiations he had with Alfonso d’Aragona in the camp: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 5 Sept 1482, ASMi, cit. It is reported that R and Roberto Malatesta have quarrelled because R wants Malatesta to leave for the Romagna; it is said that Malatesta’ s illness might be feigned: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 9 Sept 1482, ASMi, cit. R, who was formerly opposed to peace, is now said to be favourable, because the Venetians will not help Forlì: L Lanti in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 14 Sept 1482, ASS, Balia, 505, 73. A major obstacle to Sixtus agreeing to peace with Ferrante is that R would lose Venetian protection and have to trust that of Lorenzo and the League: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 17 Sept 1482, ASS, Balia, 505, 77. Lorenzo seeks to suppress a Milanese proposal to offer Rimini to R; hard words about R’s ambition: M Sacramoro to G G Sforza, 29 Sept 1482, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 305.
Zaccaria Saggi had been told of a pratica with R; Sixtus trying to reconcile him to the League; R is to have Faenza or Rimini: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, ?2 Oct 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Giordano Orsini says the Orsini have persuaded R to drop his demand for Faenza: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 9 Oct 1482, ASMi, cit. News that R, with eighteen squadrons and large numbers of infantry, is moving towards Perugia: Dieci to B Rucellai, 10 Oct 1482, Dieci, LC, 5, 8-10. As Citerna has been lost, Sixtus is thinking of sending R, via Perugia, to attack Florentine territory: L Lanti in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 12 Oct 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 14. R was clearly behind a conspiracy in Rimini: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni, ?12 Oct 1482, ASMi, cit. News arrived in Milan from Florence that R arrived in Perugia with eighteen squadrons: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 14 Oct 1482, ASMa, cit. Ercole d’Este thinks R brought troops to the Romagna to tie down Florentine forces while Venice attacks Argenta: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 14 Oct 1482, ASMo, cit. Rumours in Naples regarding R: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 15 Oct 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 167. Moved towards Perugia with twenty-four squadrons: S Bettini to F Gonzaga, 15 Oct 1482, ASMa, AG, 1102. R is heading for the Romagna: S Bettini to F Gonzaga, 21 Oct 1482, ASMa, cit. Has gone towards Pesaro: L Lanti in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 23 Oct 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 26. Lorenzo is astonished that R left Rome so ill-provided; it is said in Naples that R cares far more about Imola and Forlì than the rest of the Papal States: [F Gaddi] to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 26 Oct 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 173-4. News that R has left the army and is probably on his way back to Rome: M Sacramoro to G G Sforza, 28 Oct 1482, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 305. Federico Gonzaga has heard from Rome that R has been promised Faenza or Rimini by the League: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 29 Oct 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Is taking his army to Fano: L Lanti in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 30 Oct 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 30. Is expected back in Rome any time: Cardinal Gonzaga to F Gonzaga, 30 Oct 1482, ASMa, AG, 846. Alfonso d’Aragona must act to make Sixtus withdraw R and incline him to make peace with the League: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 31 Oct 1482, ASMi, cit.
R deliberately contrived that Ferrante should see a copy of his letter to Lorenzo Giustini after the interception of letters from Francesco Gaddi and Branda Castiglioni; is lingering near Ancona and Loreto, awaiting the outcome of talks: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 3 Nov 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. R ordered Lorenzo Giustini to leave Naples immediately, in case Venice heard about the negotiations; he says if these negotiations break down, he will commit himself entirely to Venice: [F Gaddi] to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 3 Nov 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 177-8. Has returned to Rome, joining the six cardinals deputed to discuss peace: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 9 Nov 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 37. Has arrived in Rome, according to letters of 8 and 9 Nov: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 14 Nov 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. A huge joint condotta is envisaged for R as captain-general of the Church: Cardinal Gonzaga to Federico Gonzaga, 18 Nov 1482, ASMa, AG, 846. Has sent Matteo da Forlì to Florence and on to Lombardy: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 19 Nov 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 52. R is said to be annoyed at the destruction of fortresses at Città di Castello and is therefore obstructing the conclusion of peace: F Gaddi to the Dieci, 21 Nov 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 181-2. Anello Arcamone says that R is urging that peace be concluded: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 22 Nov 1482, ASMi, cit. Giordano Ordini’s envoy told Francesco Gaddi that the real hold-up was the size of R’ s condotta; R is not bothered about Città di Castello: [F Gaddi] to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 22 Nov 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 183-6. Ercole d’Este has written to R ‘opportunament’; Florence approves: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 25 Nov 1482, ASMo, cit. R is asking the League for a condotta of 55,000 ducats p a: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 25 Nov 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Milan cannot afford her proposed share of a condotta of 55,000 ducats for R, only of 40,000; Milan approves Ferrante’s decision to return R’s county in Naples, but wants securities for him; R should not make a big deal out of the cardinal’s hat for Ascanio Sforza as he is, after all, related to the Sforza: G G Sforza to the ambassadors of the League in Rome, 25 Nov 1482, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 91. Milan is grateful to R for allotting to her only 10,000 ducats of his condotta; Milan wants to keep to this, though says in public letters that she is willing to pay a share of 40,000 ducats; will be delighted to receive R’s wife and children; Milan promises to make sure Florence contributes to his condotta, however unwillingly; R is not to hesitate in the peace negotiations because of Florentine objections: G G Sforza to G A Sangiorgio, 26 Nov 1482, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 91. R is quite content with the 20,000 ducats he receives from Venice; the League is prepared to offer him 30,000: Cardinal Gonzaga in Rome to F Gonzaga, 29 Nov 1482, ASMa, AG, 846.
R says he is ready to send troops to defend Ferrara as soon as peace is concluded; he wants Ercole d’E ste to raise the papal standard and ask for help: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 2 Dec 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambascaitori, Firenze, 3. R threatened to break off negotiations over the Florentine demands about Piancaldoli, Città di Castello etc: A Arcamone to B Calco, 2 Dec 1482, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 92. R wants a provisione of 55,000 ducats: J Colombini in Rome to F Gonzaga, 4 Dec 1482, ASMa, AG, 846. Concerning the proposal to send Caterina Sforza to Naples as a guarantee of peace, she does not want to go, but her eldest son will be sent to Milan; Sixtus is determined that a condotta for R should be part of the peace terms; a daughter of Ercole d’Este is to be betrothed to R’s eldest son: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 8 Dec 1482, ASMo, cit. R took much persuading to agree to refer Città di Castello to the Spanish ambassadors, Anello Arcamone reported on 3Dec; R did not want to send his child as a hostage unless a parentado was arranged: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 8 Dec 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. R is to have a provisione of 40,000 ducats from Naples, Milan and Florence and 20,000 from the Church: Cardinal Todeschini-Piccolomini to the Balia of Siena 8 Dec 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 69. R is now demanding Cotrone in Calabria: [F Gaddi] to the Dieci, 10 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 188. Has ordered Matteo da Forlì to go to Milan: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 12 Dec 1482, ASMo, cit. Describes the peace being as for defence, particularly that of Ferrara: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 14 Dec 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 80. Sixtus says R and Anello Arcamone are behind the idea that Alfonso d’Aragona should go north via Siena: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 21 Dec 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 88. Cardinal Gonzaga says R is negotiating with Lorenzo: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 24 Dec 1482, ASMo, cit. Francesco Gaddi was well received by R: [F Gaddi] in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 27 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 190-2. Gaddi gave Lorenzo’s letter to R; R showed outward signs of favour towards Lorenzo; Gaddi is to approach him regarding Lorenzo’s desire to have Rinaldo Orsini made a cardinal, though R is possibly too committed already to Giovanni Battista Orsini because of the support of Virginio and Giordano Orsini: [F Gaddi] to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 28 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 192-3. Giuliano della Rovere has reproached R for not recovering Terracina in the peace terms with Naples; he said he had got it back when Alfonso d’Aragona came to Rome: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 28 Dec 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 97. R wants to be a friend of Lorenzo in future, and hopes the matter of Piancaldoli can be settled; he says that when Florence wants to recover the towns, Sixtus will look the other way; R is also well-disposed towards Ercole d’Este: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 29 Dec 1482, ASMo, cit. R wants a guarantee from the League that R’s condotta would be paid if Sixtus dies before its term is completed and the next pope refuses to pay: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni, 30 Dec 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. Luffo Numai, R’s man in Venice, left secretly just before the Venetian ambassador was told to leave Rome: late Dec 1482, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, I, 328.
When told why Milan was not confiding in Matteo da Forlì, R promised to send another envoy in his place: G A Sangiorgio to G G Sforza, 7 Jan 1483, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 91. Lorenzo Giustini said that, even if the papal league with Venice had persisted, R intended to leave his stato and family under Milanese protection after his death: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 9 Jan 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. Sixtus has given two benefices in Faenza to R’s man, an enemy of Galeotto Manfredi, who is suspicious of R’s intentions: S della Stufa, captain of Castrocaro, to the Dieci, 17 Jan 1483, Dieci, Resp, 26, 49. R says he is displeased by Nicola Orsini’s condotta with Florence, but if Sixtus was asked to agree, he could not refuse: L Lanti to the Signoria of Siena, 19 Jan 1483, ASS, Conc, 2054, 45. Says he does not mind that Nicola Orsini has taken a condotta with Florence, as rumours in the Roman curia assert: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 22 Jan 1483, ASMi, cit. Is sending Lorenzo Giustini to Florence to see Lorenzo de’ Medici: S Bettini to F Gonzaga, 24 Jan 1483, ASMa, AG, 846. Is to recover Bosco (in the Milanese) as part of the terms of the peace and league: 28 Jan 1483, Caleffini, 60. Pier Filippo Pandolfini is instructed to speak to R before his audience with Sixtus: mandate, 2 Feb 1483, Sig, LC, 21, 44-6. R plans to be at Imola by mid-Mar with his squadrons: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 4 Feb 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. Milan wants R to see that the Venetian ambassador leaves Rome; Lorenzo Giustini brought R 7,500 ducats from Naples: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni and F Tranchedini, 5 Feb 1483, ASMi, cit. R does not seem very concerned by the threat to Siena from Florence; the Venetian ambassador said R would put Siena at the discretion of the Florentines to obtain reconciliation with Lorenzo: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 10 Feb 1483, ASS, Balia, 516, 99. R is bent on ingratiating himself with the League and especially with Lorenzo: R Ricchi to the Balia of Siena, 12 Feb 1483, ASS, Balia, 508, 5. R has offered publication of a crusade against Venice: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni, 15 Feb 1483, ASMi, cit. R said that if Genoa and Siena do not make suitable agreements, they will be attacked: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 16 Feb 1483, ASS, Balia, 517, 10. R wants to be reconciled with Florence and says Siena must restore lands before she can settle affairs with Florence and R; ‘puo tanto qui che quando lui delibera altri li va al verso’: L Lanti to the Balia of Siena, 17 Feb 1483, ASS, Balia, 517, 10. R has received the ambassadors of the League well and has ordered the Venetian ambassadors to leave Rome; wants to please Alfonso d’Aragona: B Castiglioni and A Trivulzio to G G Sforza, 17 Feb 1483, ASMi, SPE, 92. R has warned the Venetian ambassador that he should leave Rome: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 19 Feb 1483, ASMi, cit. Milan is querying whether Naples has paid enough towards R’s condotta; Antonello Petrucci says R himself is satisfied: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 25 Feb 1483, ASMi, cit. When Pier Filippo Pandolfini broached the subject of the towns with R, he replied that Florence must first help Lorenzo Giustini towards the recovery of Città di Castello: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 18 Feb 1483, ASMo, cit.
R has indicated that Florence should retain Costanzo Sforza; she will do so to please him: Dieci to P F Pandolfini, 1 Mar 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 136-7. Has ordered Niccolò da Castello to draft a bull against Venice: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 3 Mar 1483, ASMo, cit. R wants 100,000 ducats of extraordinary revenue (raised by the creation of offices, decime etc) to be given to him, so that he does not have to ask Rome for money once he has left: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 5 Mar 1483, ASMo, cit. The Spanish ambassador has delayed leaving for Venice after R learned his instructions did not include anything regarding the restitution of lands (the ambassador had shown his instructions to a friend, a papal secretary, who had told R): Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 10 Mar 1483, ASMo, cit. Sixtus has already raised 100,000 ducats for R, who should soon be on his way to the Romagna with the money; they hope to have another 40,000 from Spanish decime: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 13 Mar 1483, ASMa, AG, 1628. Has asked the Spanish ambassador to pronounce on Città di Castello: P F Pandolfini to the Dieci, 25 Mar 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 184. Is persuading Sixtus to agree to let Florence raise money from the clergy to pay their contribution to the fleet: P F Pandolfini to the Dieci, 26 Mar 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 186-7. Following a conversation between Sixtus and Cardinal Zeno, Venice again offered Faenza to R in the hope of persuading the pope to consent to Venice keeping the Polesine: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 29 Mar 1483, MAP, 51, 221.
R says that, in eight or nine days, he will be giving prestanze to twenty-three squadrons: P F Pandolfini in Rome to the Dieci, 2 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 219. The Dieci are glad to hear that R is prepared to give up S Liberata in Castrocaro: Dieci to P F Pandolfini, 2 Apr 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 143-6. R says he will accept the nomination of Galeotto Manfredi and try to have settled disputes regarding benefices in Faenza: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 2 Apr 1483, ASMo, cit. R is still set on Faenza: F Gaddi in Rome to N Michelozzi, 5 Apr 1483, MAP, 96, 448. R berated the ambassadors for the slowness of the League’s preparations: P F Pandolfini to the Dieci, 7 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 232-3. R is sending Matteo da Forlì to organise a tax on the clergy to pay for the fleet: P F Pandolfini to the Dieci, 8 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 239-40. Florence has given R a safeconduct to transport grain from Pisa to Ferrara: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 8 Apr 1483, ASMo, cit. Has received an offer from Venice: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 11 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 310. Florentine suspicions that Giovan Francesco da Tolentino, who has taken Medola, may have done so for R: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 13 Apr 1483, ASMo, cit. Alfonso d’Aragona is suspicious of R: J Guicciardini in Ferrara to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 16 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 311. R is angry with Milan over reluctance to pay for the fleet and determination to strike deal with Sixtus over the decima on the clergy: P F Pandolfini in Rome to the Dieci, 18 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 266-7. The Neapolitan share of R’s condotta has been ‘expedito’: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 18 Apr 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. Has said he will leave Rome on 8 May; his men-at-arms have begun to go: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 19 Apr 1483, ASMo, cit. Is furious at Milan’s cavilling at contributing to the fleet: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 20 Apr 1483, ASMi, cit. Has charged Milan to attack Venice, even before Neapolitan troops arrive at Ferrara: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 23 Apr 1483, ASMi, cit. R does not think Giovanni Lanfredini should go to Venice; he does not want any peace negotiations and says that colleagues might be suspicious if Florentines were sent to Venice; Lorenzo is offended by this: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 24 Apr 1483, ASMo, cit. Asked Francesco Gaddi about his real purpose in Rome; was friendly and said he did not suspect Gaddi, but there were those who were trying to make him do so: F Gaddi to N Michelozzi, 26 Apr 1483, MAP, 96, 134. R is putting pressure on Milan to agree to contribute to the fleet for six months, and pay for three months now: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 27 Apr 1483, ASMi, cit. Sixtus denies a report that Venice offered R a free hand in Faenza in return for the Polesine di Rovigo, saying that Venice regards R as an enemy: ambassadors in Rome to the Dieci, 27 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 294-5. Does not like the idea of Giovanni Lanfredini talking to the Venetians and Alfonso d’Aragona; Ercole d’Este therefore thinks that Landfredini should not go; Jacopo Guicciardini thinks they are too afraid of displeasing R: J Guicciardini in Ferrara to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 28 Apr 1483, MAP, 48, 297. R wants Milan to launch an attack on Venice: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni, 28 Apr 1483, ASMi, cit. Criticised the present regime in Siena, particularly Bartolomeo Sozzini: P F Pandolfini to the Dieci, 29 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 300-1. It has been confirmed that R is backing the Sienese exiles, who are on the move; he may have designs on Città di Castello too: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 29 Apr 1483, ASMo, cit. R says Sixtus cannot make a particular league with Siena and it is too late for Siena to enter a general one: L Lanti in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 29 Apr 1483, ASS, Balia, 509, 95. R says Sixtus does not like the present regime in Siena but has no intention of stirring up the exiles, who are rich and strong anyway; promised to write to Florence to say that when Città di Castello is settled, he would try to persuade Sixtus to use his influence with Siena: P F Pandolfini to the Dieci, 30 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 302.
Guidantonio Vespucci is instructed to take advice from R: mandate to G A Vespucci, 1 May 1483, Sig, LC, 21, 47-8. The Dieci have refused R’s request to Lorenzo for artillery for Todi, because they are opposed to any new impresa: Dieci to P F Pandolfini, 1 May 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 154. R gives assurance to the troops concentrating at Todi not to support the Sienese exiles; he is surprised that Florence has not yet given the prestanza; wants to know if Florence knows anything about the intentions of Niccolò Vitelli: P F Pandolfini in Rome to the Dieci, c 3 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 312. R is pretending not to believe rumours that Niccolò Vitelli has Florentine support, but is uneasy: P F Pandolfini to the Dieci, 5 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 315-16. His interest in Faenza can best be satisfied by Venice; he is to leave Rome at the end of May: F Gaddi in Rome to N Michelozzi, 10 May 1483, MAP, 96, 145. R had an informal meeting with the ambassadors of the League and berated them for their failure to pay the Malatesta condotta: G A Vespucci in Rome to the Dieci, 10 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 330. R protests his loyalty to the League; he blames the late Federico da Montefeltro for the former league between Sixtus and Venice, saying that the duke tried his best to keep Italy disunited: G A Vespucci to the Dieci, 12 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 332-3. R and Sixtus are urging the Sienese not to think of the restitution of the Florentine towns at the moment: G A Vespucci to the Dieci, 15 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 338-9. R insists the question of the towns is a secondary issue; he told the Sienese ambassador he is not willing to become involved in their affairs and urged Siena to join a general league; does not like the idea of Siena having a separate league with Florence: Sienese ambassadors in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 16 May 1483, ASS, Balia, 510, 49. The Sienese Balia has heard that R promised the Nove he would help them to return: Balia of Siena to the Sienese ambassadors in Rome and Florence, 16 May 1483, ASS, Balia, 404, 95-6 and 97-9. R has been told by Achille Mariscotti that the fleet is not as big as it should have been and that Neapolitan troops were not moving; has suggested to the Milanese ambassadors that Sixtus and Milan should abandon Naples: G A Vespucci to the Dieci, 22 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 355. Will leave Rome tomorrow morning: G A Vespucci to the Dieci, 28 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 371-2. R has left Rome in great state with plenty of money; in his absence Sixtus is referring the ambassadors to Cardinal Riario-Sansoni: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 31 May 1483, ASMo, cit. R and his wife left for Forlì on Tuesday; he will go on to join his men-at-arms: Sienese ambassadors in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 31 May 1483, ASS, Balia, 510, 97.
The Dieci are sending Sforza Bettini to speak to R: Dieci to G A Vespucci, 2 June 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 390-3. Has sent Antonio Baldracane to Ferrara and then on to Ludovico Sforza; R was at Forlì last Friday: J Guicciardini at Ferrara to the Dieci, 9 June 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 17-18. He is pleased to hear of the league between Siena and Florence: G Riario to the Signoria of Siena, 23 June 1483, ASS, Conc, 2052, 65. Has sent Giovan Francesco da Tolentino to confer about troop distribution and gather support for an appeal to Florence to support the Sarzana impresa: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 25 June 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 61. Has suggested that Florence takes Giulio Cesare da Varano in place of Costanzo Sforza; the Dieci have replied that they are not yet sure Costanzo has deserted: Dieci to G A Vespucci, 27 June 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 402. Has revealed to Galeotto Manfredi a plot against him: 28 June 1483, Caleffini, 108. R’s man is the only one to be paid in Milan: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 29 June 1483, ASMa, AG, 1628. The legate and Alfonso d’Aragona are trying to persuade R to go to Rome to be with Sixtus; they fear he will do more harm than good at Ferrara and think Giuliano della Rovere has an understanding with the Venetian cardinals: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 5 July 1483, MAP, 48, 327. Satisfied by the Florentine response, R has ordered his troops to leave Città di Castello and advance: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 9 July 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 141. His quarrel with Virginio Orsini is apparently healing; Cardinal Gonzaga says Sixtus does not want R to go to the camp and that he will probably return to Rome: J Guicciardini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 13 July 1483, MAP, 48, 329. His chancellor in Lombardy is in peace negotiations with Venice, but Bernardo Rucellai thinks the Venetians are not serious: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 16 July 1483, ASMa, cit. The Dieci suggest R should move some of his Romagna troops to protect Pesaro after the death of Costanzo Sforza: Dieci to J Guicciardini, 21 July 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 241. Has 120 men-at-arms ready to go to Lombardy: list of papal troops, 22 July 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 300. Has gone to Pesaro: T Biringhucci in Florence to the Balia of Siena, 22 July 1483, ASS, Balia, 512, 74. Alfonso d’Aragona wants R to go to Rome to be near Sixtus and see to necessary provisions: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 24 July 1483, ASMa, cit. Sforza Bettini says R has written to Corella Sforza but is waiting for a response from Sixtus about Pesaro: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 29 July 1483, ASMo, cit. Assures Lorenzo that he is not going to keep Sienese exiles: T Biringhucci in Florence to the Balia of Siena, 30 July 1483, ASS, Balia, 512, 94. Sixtus has instructed R not to leave the Romagna and to keep whatever troops he feels necessary, sending what he can to Lombardy: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 1 Aug 1483, ASMa, cit. R’s troops are hanging back in the Romagna instead of going to Lombardy: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 4 Aug 1483, ASMo, cit. His envoy in Milan, Luffo Numai, is going to see Federico Gonzaga?: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 24 Aug 1483, ASMa, cit. Milan has asked R to become involved in the settlement of Pesaro?: Alfonso d’A ragona to G G Sforza, 27 Aug 1483, Lettere inedite di G Pontano, 168-71. Alfonso d’Aragona has asked R to send three squadrons to help Ercole d’Este in the offensive: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 2 Sept 1483, ASMo, cit. R says he can only send two squadrons to the Ferrarese: E d’Este to Antonio da Montecatini, 10 Sept 1483, ASMo, cit.
It is said that Luffo Numai has been sent to Venice by R: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 3 Apr 1484, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Numai is R’s chancellor at the peace talks and has been instructed to further Florentine interests in Sarzana: Otto to G A Vespucci, 7 Apr 1484, Otto, LC, 2, 25-26. Numai denies he has received instructions from R to support Florence over Sarzana, as R claims he has instructed him: Otto to N Michelozzi, 26 Apr 1484, Otto, LC, 4, 24-25. Rome may divert forces from the war effort against Venice; the Otto are angry that Sixtus and R have got involved in a private affair at this point: 7 June 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 70-2. Vascillates regarding S Maria Impruneta remaining free for Manente Buondelmonti: 16 June 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 77-8. Has ordered 14,000 ducats to be sent to Alfonso d’Aragona once Virginio Orsini has the contadi: 21 June 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 80-1. Acquired Marino and Rocca di Papa from the Colonna: 29 June 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 82-3.
R has designs on Faenza: 10 Aug 1484, MAP, 48, 21. Lorenzo’s letter of 9 Aug to Pier Filippo Pandolfini reported on R’s designs on Faenza: 12 Aug 1484, MAP, 48,23. Strongly recommended by his nephew Cardinal Riario-Sansoni: 14 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 32. The College of Cardinals ordered R to move his campo from Paliano to fields towards Ponte Molle, two miles out from Rome; he went there and his wife went into Castel S Angelo: 15 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 36. Is in a strong position in Rome as he has an army, Castel S Angelo and the Orsini party on his side, as are some cardinals including Rodrigo Borgia: 15 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 286. Venice is trying to hire him: 17 Aug 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 115. Ferrante’s hatred for R: 17 Aug 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 117. Declares that he does not want Cardinals Barbo, Savelli, Costa or Cibo for pope and will use force to prevent their election if necessary; his alliance with the Orsini; Guidantonio Vespucci has been making him offers in Lorenzo’s name: 18 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 288. Will back Cardinal Todeschini-Piccolomini for the papacy if Sforza agrees: 20 Aug 1484, MAP, 48, 28. R came to Rome at the invitation of the College of Cardinals and has always obeyed the decisions of the majority: 21 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 292. He has an assignment on ‘certi sali’ for the 43,000 ducats that he is owed: 22 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 293. Did not get on well with Innocent when the latter was a cardinal: 29 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 302a. His house in Rome is being given to Ascanio Sforza: 29 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 93. Florentine discontent at his holding of Piancaldoli; the danger of him joining the Venetians: 1 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 316. Giuliano della Rovere’s plot to kill R: 2/3 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 322. Discontent in the city and contado of Forlì when he returns: 5 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 315. Has consigned Spoleto and Todi to the Church, but his castellan will not surrender Todi; asked Giovan Francesco da Tolentino to ask Innocent to make him captain of the Church: 25 Sept 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 213. Giuliano della Rovere says Innocent would be delighted if R were ejected from his signoria: 25 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 333. Nominated as a collegato and aderente of Milan: 4 Oct 1484, Libri commemoriali, V, 289. Alfonso d’Aragona dislikes R because he is too sforzesco: 22 Oct 1484, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 96. His castello of S Mauro in the Romagna seized by Innocent: 3 Nov 1484, ASMi, cit. His plot with Roberto di Sanseverino to take over Faenza: 4 Nov 1484, MAP, 39, 371. Hired by Milan: 5 Nov 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 169. His lordship in Naples; Lorenzo[?] said nothing to Alfonso d’A ragona about a possible sticky end for R: 6-8 Nov 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 170. Ascanio Sforza tries to get him made Captain of the Church: 12 Nov 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 173. Ascanio is pushing Innocent to make R Captain of the Church or at least to give him a small condotta: 15 Nov 1484, MAP, 39, 382. Lorenzo’s commission to Guidantonio Vespucci regarding R: 17/18 Nov 1484, MAP, 39, 384. Ludovico Sforza is pushing for R to be made Captain of the Church; Innocent refuses on the grounds that he would not come to Rome and had on other occasions made attempts on Innocent’s life: 18 Nov 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 405. Lorenzo sends the Florentine ambassador to Giuliano della Rovere to learn Innocent’s mind regarding R, and to learn how he should behave towards the exiles of Forlì and Imola: 24 Nov 1484, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 96. Lorenzo’s letter of 20 Nov tries to confirm Innocent in his resolution not to give R anything: 29 Nov 1484, MAP, 39, 394. Lorenzo does not want R to increase his reputation: 5 Dec 1484, MAP, 39, 396. As part of a secret deal made after the peace of Bagnolo, R was assigned Faenza: -- Dec 1484, MAP, 48, 267. Lorenzo’s letter of 25 Nov to Bernardo Rucellai urging the Sforza to give up R: 1 Dec 1484, MAP, 48, 268. ‘ Savello’ is coming to see Lorenzo regarding an attempt to overthrow R: 14 Dec 1484, MAP, 39, 403. Luffo Numai is R’s emissary to Naples: 18 Dec 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 187. His possession of Piancaldoli is a major Florentine grievance: 30 Dec 1484, MAP, 48, 278.
Ludovico Sforza keen not to give R a stipendio, just protection, lest Lorenzo start being perturbed by R’s greatness: 1 Jan 1485, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 245. Lorenzo’s view that the Sforza line on R is caused by Ludovico Sforza’s desire to be able to use both R and Florence to his best advantage: 3 Jan 1485, MAP, 48, 279. Lorenzo thinks it a good idea to offer R’s lordship to Gian Giacomo Trivulzio: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi at Cafaggiolo, 3 Jan 1485, Lettere, VIII, 122. Lorenzo’ letter of 8 Jan to Guidantonio Vespucci expressed ignorance of R’s affairs and desire for news of Rome: 12 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 60. Will be hired by Milan according to the terms of a deal between Milan and Naples: 19 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 194. The retaking of Piancaldoli from R: 21 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 234. Hired by Milan for three years with the possibility of a fourth and the title of governor at 20,000 ducats for first year and 25,000 ducats in the other years in peacetime, with more in war; his contingent of 180 men-at-arms: 4 Feb 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 322. Lorenzo’s dislike of the close relationship between Ludovico Sforza and Venice, as well as between Ludovico and R; Lorenzo says Ludovico did not help him in 1479, but is determined to try for good relations between Florence and Milan: 12 Feb 1485, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 4. R’s stato of Carriata in Naples is being confiscated by Ferrante: 9 Mar 1485, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 218. The Otto ask Ludovico Sforza to persuade R to stop his subjects attacking Florentine subjects at Palazzuolo: 24 Mar 1485, Otto, Miss, 3, 126. Ludovico’s plan for an exchange between R’s possession of Forlì and Roberto di Sanseverino’s lands in Lombardy: 14 Apr 1485, ASMo, cit. Meets with Gaspare di Sanseverino, and Lucio and Marcantonio Malvezzi; some think that he is going to exchange Forlì for Roberto di Sanseverino’s properties in Lombardy; Innocent says he would forbid such an exchange: -- Apr 1485, Dieci, Resp, 34, 48-9. Ludovico Sforza and Venice give R protection and a condotta; both are moves against Giuliano della Rovere: 20 Apr 1485, MAP, 51, 300. Denounces a plot against him by Anton Maria degli Ordelaffi; harbours rebels against Galeotto Manfredi: 5 May 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 66-7. Objects to Galeotto Manfredi harbouring Anton Maria degli Ordelaffi; harbours Faentine sbanditi: 7 June 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 64-5. His Neapolitan estates have been taken from him by Ferrante: 23 July 1485, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 18, 33. Offers Innocent ten squadre for the Naples impresa: 17 Sept 1485, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 98. Plots to return Ottaviano di Carlo Manfredi to Faenza; offers him a daughter: ----- to Galeotto Manfredi, Feb 1486[?], Dieci, Resp, 33, 400. Complains that large number of Florentine troops are assembling to attack him and his stato: 19 Apr 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 45-6.
Riario-Sansoni, Raffaele, cardinal 1460-1521
Career: Son of Antonio Sansoni and Violante Riario, who was the sister of Girolamo Riario and a niece of Sixtus IV. Cardinal, 1477; legate to the Marche, 1478-80; legate to Perugia, 1480-1. Held numerous bishoprics in administration, including the archbishop of Pisa, 1479-99. Imprisoned by Lorenzo de’ Medici under suspicion of involvement in the Pazzi conspiracy of Easter 1478. Lorenzo’s son Leo X briefly deprived him of the cardinalate and of his numerous benefices in 1517 because of his alleged involvement in the Petrucci conspiracy, fuelling accusations of a Medici vendetta.
Refs: Florence’s contract with R over the archbishopric of Pisa: G A Vespucci in Rome to the Otto, 20 Mar 1481, Otto, Resp, 2, 295. R has ordered his procurator to pay the 500 ducats he owes the Medici bank: G Tornabuoni in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 20 Dec 1481, MAP, 38, 378. One of seven cardinals appointed to discuss peace terms with the Spanish ambassadors: Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga to Federico Gonzaga, 30 Oct 1482, ASMa, AG, 846. Will go to the Marche: Cardinal Todeschini-Piccolomini to the Balia of Siena, 8 Dec 1482, ASS, Balia, 506, 69. Has been made camerlengo; is well disposed towards Siena, though there is a problem about a benefice at Porterole[?]: L Lanti in Rome to the Signoria of Siena, 25 Jan 1483, ASS, Conc, 2054, 95. Pier Filippo Pandolfini is instructed to use R as an intermediary in trying to get a subsidy for the university of Pisa: mandate, 2 Feb 1483, Sig, LC, 21, 44-6. Has protested to Florence regarding a benefice in Castrocaro that had been taken by the brother of the captain there; the Dieci wrote to the captain telling his brother relinquish the benefice, but the people of Castrocaro say R neglected it badly; Pandolfini is instructed to persuade R to give it up: Dieci to P F Pandolfini, 13 Mar 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 139. Gave a good welcome to Francesco Gaddi: F Gaddi to N Michelozzi, 26 Apr 1483, MAP, 96, 134. Since Girolamo Riario left Rome, Sixtus has been referring ambassadors to R: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 31 May 1483, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Told the Sienese ambassadors in Rome that Florence was withdrawing troops from the Ferrarese because of her suspicion of Siena: Sienese ambassadors in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 31 May 1483, ASS, Balia, 510, 97. Reported to Sixtus that the Venetians ordered all clerics holding benefices in the Veneto to return and take up residence: G A Vespucci to the Dieci, 16 June 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 36-7. Now in charge of negotiations with Siena; is consulting the ambassadors about the capitoli: G A Vespucci to the Dieci, 6 July 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 131. The Dieci do not believe R is genuinely friendly towards Siena: T Biringhucci to the Balia of Siena, 20 Aug 1483, ASS, Balia, 514, 2. Asks Siena to give the bishop-elect of Massa possession of his benefice: R Riario-Sansoni to the Signoria of Siena, 25 Sept 1483, ASS, Conc, 2053, 47. Says Girolamo Conti has already sold his office, so cannot relinquish the bishopric of Massa; Guidantonio Vespucci warns that R is not friendly towards the Sienese reggimento and that it would be dangerous to cross him: G A Vespucci in Rome to the Signoria of Siena, 27 Sept 1483, ASS, Conc, 2053, 48. Has complained about the way that the tax on the Florentine clergy has been imposed: Dieci to G A Vespucci, 7 Oct 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 438-41. Thanks the Sienese Signoria for giving up the bishopric of Massa to Girolamo Conti: R Riario-Sansoni to the Signoria of Siena, 17 Nov 1483, ASS, Conc, 2053, 85. The Sienese have been very upset by something he said: Otto to G A Vespucci, 24 Mar 1484, Otto, LC, 2, 19. Is a great friend of Guidantonio Vespucci; the Otto urge Vespucci to use R to persuade Sixtus to renew the tax for the Pisan Studio: 21 July 1484, Otto, Miss, 2, 51. Florence agrees to R having immunity for his benefices from the tax for the univiersity of Pisa, as long as he persuades Sixtus to give Florence the prorogation: Dieci to G A Vespucci, 31 July 1484, Lettere varie, 11, 1, 48. Helps Vespucci to get the renewal of the assegnamento for the Studio: 7 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 278. Strongly recommends Girolamo Riario to Vespucci: 14 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 32. His representative, messer Catelano, went to Castel S Angelo to speak to Caterina Sforza; she permitted him to bring only one companion: 18 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 289. Francesco Mascardi, bishop of Todi and castellan of Castel S Angelo, is R’s maestro di casa: 21 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 59. Complains that he has been forced to pay the clerical decima in Florentine territory despite the Dieci’s promise to the contrary: 22 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 60. In the conclave Cardinals d’Aragona and Sforza fixed a deal between R and Cardinal Orsini on one side and Giuliano della Rovere on the other; he was given promises for his security: 29 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 302. Giuliano della Rovere worked to make an accord between Cardinal Orsini and R on one side and Cardinal Colonna on the other to favour Cardinal Cibo, who is relative of R: 29 Aug 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 93. Guidantonio Vespucci complains that R’s benefices in Florentine territory have been taxed; Ascanio Sforza complained that R ‘non si lascio mai intender’ and showed he esteemed other cardinals very little, save for Orsini: 31 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 307. Is in Innocent’s good books: 4 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 310. Gave the church of S Stefano to the brother of Francesco da Noceto: 9 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 319. Complains about being taxed in Pisa: 17 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 330. The bill of Reginald d’Angline[?], bishop of Frejus, depriving R of the administration and authority of camerlengo: 25 Sept 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 213. His desire to fix a deal between Girolamo Riario and Lorenzo de’ Medici; Giovanni Tornabuoni’s client relationship to him: 24 Oct 1484, C Strozz, 1a ser, III, 111.
Ricasoli, Bettino d’Antonio b. c. 1434
Career: In 1496 he succeeded Piero Canigiani as captian of the Florentine troops defending Livorno at time of the siege by Maximilian von Habsburg. 1480 Catasto: sostanze 2368 fl.
Refs: Sent as Florentine legate to Monte S Savino for one month on 14 Apr 1481: Min, 11, 161. R’s commission as commissary at Monte S Savino was extended for further two-month periods in July, Nov and Dec 1481. His arrest of Conte di ser Alo da Rapolano: B Ricasoli to the Dieci, 18 July 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 249. Florentine commissioner in Val di Chiana; has arrested Conte di ser Alo da Rapolano: T Biringhucci in Florence to the Balia of Siena, 20 July 1483, ASS, Balia, 512, 70. Is being sent as commissioner to Città di Castello to try to find fodder and keep the Feltreschi in the field: Dieci to G A Vespucci, 15 Dec 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 335. Has been sent to Foiano concerning the boundary dispute with Siena; will be away six days: R Ricchi in Florence to the Balia of Siena, 15 Jan 1484, ASS, Balia, 516, 49. Sent to move the first column of the Feltreschi to Lombardy: Otto to B Buongirolami, 15 May 1484, Otto, LC, 3, 57. Sent as commissioner to take 100 Feltreschi to Lombardy via the Romagna: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 23 May 1484, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Florentine official in Castrocaro: 2 June 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 67-8. Sent by the Dieci to attend to the provisioning of the torre di mare of Livorno: 29 Dec 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 85. Sent by Piero Capponi to hire galleys in Piombino: 20 Mar 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 519.
Ricasoli, Lorenzo d’Andrea
Career: Presumably a merchant with alum interests in 1471. Monte official, Mar 1480-Mar 1481.
Ricasoli, Pier Giovanni d. 1510
Career: m Alessandra di Ugolino Martelli, 1465. For his ultimately unsuccessful defence of Cacchiano against the Neapolitans in 1478, his family was restored to the communal rights they had lost in 1434. Commissary-general in Chianti, 1482. In 1483 sent with troops to drive off the Sienese exiles who were threatening the regime of Siena, of which Florence was an ally. Prior, 1493 and 1500. Member of the Dieci di Libertà e Pace, 1495. Commissary-general in the camp against the Pisans and captured several castles, 1496. Podestà of Prato, 1497. Captain of Volterra and commissary on the eastern front against the Venetians, 1498. Entrusted with defence of Chianti against Cesare Borgia, 1502. 1480 Catasto: sostanze 6,904 fl.
Refs: The Sienese had gathered fruit and grain from the Florentine possessions near Castellina: F Sacramoro to G G Sforza, 25 June 1481, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 302. R sent news of another affront by the Sienese against Florence: Otto to P Nasi, 25 June 1481, Sig, Miss 1a Canc, 48, 221-2; T Ridolfi to the Otto, 30 June 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 365. R’s commission as commissary in the Chianti and Val di Greve was extended for further two-month periods on 10 July, 5 Nov and 10 Dec 1481, and 24 Feb 1482. On 16 May 1482 it was extended for six months and again for six months on 10 Apr and 4 Oct 1483. The Council of 70 elected him commissary in Chianti and Val di Greve for four months: 15 Oct 1481, Min, 12, 19. R had sent news of further Sienese provocations in a letter of 31 Oct, which Antonio da Montecatini copied to Ercole d’Este: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 2 Nov 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Siena is ready to restore the disputed towns if Florence provides help to deal with the Sienese exiles: P G Ricasoli at Vertine to the Dieci, 2 Feb 1483, Dieci, Resp, 26, 73. R is fulfilling the Dieci’s orders with regard to the Sienese exiles: P G Ricasoli to the Dieci, 17 Feb 1483, Dieci, Resp, 26, 89. Elected commissioner in the podesteria of Radda, starting from the day that his commission in the podesteria of Val di Greve and Radda finishes: 20 May 1485, Dieci, Delib, 24, 112-13. Giovanni Malavolti complains about R working some Malavolti lands in the Florentine contado: 17 Sept 1485, MAP, 26, 414.
Ricasoli, Piero [as above?]
Ref: The Dieci are sending him to the Papal States to collect saltpetre: Dieci to G A Vespucci, 13 Oct 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 442-3.
Ricchi, Ricco di Piero
Refs: Among those recalled to Siena from exile after the popular rising: Signoria of Siena to the Sienese ambassadors in Rome, 7 June 1482, ASS, Conc, 1695, 102. Member of the Monte del Popolo, appointed to new the Balia on 6 June, following the popular unreast: 7 Aug 1482, ASS, Balia, 403, 21-2. One of four commissioners sent to examine Placido Placidi and other Sienese exiles: 16 Oct 1482, ASS, Balia, 403, 49. One of the interrogators of several citizens, including Placido Placidi, concerning why certain members of the Monti del Popolo and Riformatori had been expelled under the previous regime and why they brought troops to Poggio Imperiale: Malavolti, Historia, 83b. Returning from Siena to Rome; given instructions regarding the condotta of Giovanni della Rovere and the disputed towns: Balia to R Ricchi, 13 Nov 1483, ASS, Balia, 403, 58. Appointed Sienese ambassador to Rome when Lorenzo Lanti became Senator of Rome: 11 Apr 1483, ASS, Balia, 28, 13. Gratified by this appointment, but too much of his time is taken up by other business for him to be suitable: R Ricchi to the Balia of Siena, 16 Apr 1483, ASS, Balia, 509, 38. ‘Messer Ricco de Siena’ [possibly R], an avvocato concistoriale, spoke to Sixtus, asking for advice on how Siena could improve relations with Florence; he then spoke of this conversation to Pier Filippo Pandolfini, asking him to keep his identity confidential: P F Pandolfini to the Dieci, 29 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 300-1.
Sienese commissioner for boundaries in ‘ Vallis Clanarum’ (Val di Chiana): 3-4 Nov 1483, ASS, Balia, 31, 3. R is to lecture in Siena for four years: 10 Nov 1483, ASS, Balia, 31, 6. Has been appointed to go to Val di Chiana and then to Florence to try to get the border disputes finally settled: Balia of Siena to the Dieci, 3 Dec 1483, ASS, Balia, 404, 242. Is leaving Florence immediately now the border dispute has been settled: R Ricchi in Florence to the Balia of Siena, 2 Feb 1484, ASS, Balia, 516, 80. A member of the new Sienese Balia: 25 Apr 1484, ASS, Conc, 705, 24-5; 23 July 1484, ASS, Conc, 707, 13-14. Asks Lorenzo’s view as to whether, during the papal interregnum, the Sienese regime should settle scores with some opponents in the city who cannot be won over by benefits: 16 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 287. Appointed Sienese ambassador to Venice; will visit Lorenzo on his way there: 11 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 321. A member of the Sienese Balia: 23 Sept 1484, Libri commemoriali, V, 290. Sienese ambassador to Venice: 27 Sept 1484, ASS, Conc, 2417, 57. With Orlando Saracini, visited Lorenzo on their way to Venice and discussed the Montepulciano-Chianciano affair: 29 Sept 1484, ASS, Balia, 520, ins 27. Recommends Francesco da Montefalco, podestà of Siena, to be podestà of Florence: 30 Sept 1484, MAP, 39, 340. Writes to Lorenzo regarding affairs in Venice, where he is ambassador: 14 Oct 1484, MAP, 39, 348. Writes to Lorenzo regarding a condottiere for Siena for the new year; also regarding Lorenzo’s recommendation of a man accused of murder: 7 Feb 1485, MAP, 39, 78. Sienese emissary in Rome: 28 Mar 1485, MAP, 26, 343. Writes to Lorenzo regarding the aftermath of the failed plot by Sienese exiles: 18 May 1485, MAP, 26, 387. Sent a letter to the Otto via Piero Capponi; this pleases them: 20 Mar 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 144-5.
Ricci, el
Ref: Mandato of Roberto di Sanseverino to Innocent: 16 Aug 1485, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 18, 45.
Ricci, Domenico (Riccio)
Career: Of Savona; cognato of Girolamo Riario. Governor of Spoleto, 1481.
Ricci, Francesco (Riccio) d. 1482
Refs: Milanese orator with Alfonso d’Aragona; has written to Alfonso at Lake Celano: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 30 May 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Federico da Montefeltro suggests R might approach Jacopo Conti on behalf of the League: G G Sforza to G A Cotta, 1 June 1482, ASMi, SPE, Ferrara, 328. Milanese envoy, representing Florence at the camp of Alfonso d’ Aragona until Francesco Gaddi arrives: Otto to F Ricci, 27 July 1482, Min, 12, 440-1; Otto to P Capponi, 27 July 1482, Min, 12, 432-4. Has died: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, -- Aug 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. News of his death: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 19 Aug 1482, ASMa, cit. Francesco Gaddi acknowkedges letters asking him to see to R’s property, but he was not there when R died and his efficient chancellor took care of it: F Gaddi in Naples to G G Sforza, 12 Sept 1482, ASMi, cit. Milan is anxious to recover R’s property in case any damaging documents fall into the wrong hands: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni, 14 Sept 1482, ASMi, cit.
Riccialbani, Antonio
Ref: Captain of Cortona proceeding against Pietro Paolo da Cernia: 21 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 215.
Riccialbano, Gismondo
Ref: Accompanied Antonio de’ Medici to Naples in 1481: Lettere, VI, 6-9.
Ridolfi, Antonio di Bernardo b. c. 1459
Career: 1480 Catasto: sostanze 1,524 fl.
Ridolfi, Antonio di Jacopo b. c. 1457
Career: 1480 Catasto: sostanze 2,151 fl.
Ridolfi, Antonio di Lorenzo c. 1408-1486
Career: Provveditore of the consuls of Pisa, Sept 1445-Sept 1486. Prior, July/Aug 1445. Captain of Livorno, Apr-Oct 1458. Gonfalonier of Justice, Nov/Dec 1463, Nov/Dec 1473. Podestà of Pisa, Feb 1464-Jan 1465. Renounced his galley captaincy in 1466. Mission to Colle, Dec 1470. Original deputy in the Balia for S Spirito, 1471. Special investigator dispatched in Oct 1473 when news arrived in Florence of the wreck of a Venetian galley off Pisa. Sea consul and provveditore of Pisa, July-Sept 1474. Sea consul of Pisa, Sept 1474-Jan 1475. Mission to Naples with Bongianni Gianfigliazzi, Nov 1475. In the Lunigiana, Apr 1477. Accoppiatore, 1478 and 1484. In Sept 1478 sent to give the baton to Ercole d’Este. Member of the Dieci di Balia, Dec 1479-early 1480, again 1482. Member of the first half of the Council of 70, 1480. Ambassador to Rome, May 1480. Captain of Pisa, Mar-Sept 1481. Member of the Otto di Pratica, Oct 1481-Apr 1482. 1480 Catasto: sostanze 1,973 fl.
Refs: Wanted to be sent to Rome: F Sacramoro to Bona and G G Sforza, 29 Mar 1480, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 299. Helped to decide own commission as ambassador to Rome: F Sacramoro to Bona and G G Sforza, 18 Apr 1480, ASMi, cit. Instructions for R and Piero Nasi as ambassadors to Rome: 27 Apr 1480, Sig, Miss 1a Canc, 48, 4-8 and Sig, LC, 21, 2-6. Left for Rome and Naples with Piero Nasi, 28 Apr 1480. Arrived Rome, 7 May 1480. The Signoria, after ordering Nasi to Naples, tell R to continue to carry out his commission in Rome ‘usando la prudentia et diligentia vostra consueta’; besides the affairs he is handling being in themselves extremely important, an embassy to Rome is important since the city is ‘il primo luogo dei christiani et dove bisogna avere più pratica et experientia et maggior notitia delle cose occorrenti, et della natura delli homini’; R is the ideal man to be there because he gets on well with Sixtus: Signoria to A Ridolfi and P Nasi, 16 May 1480, Sig, LC, 21, 13-14. The Otto reprove R for having discussed the interdict with Sixtus, especially since his instructions specifically offered no mention of this subject, which was covered by the third clause of the peace: Otto to A Ridolfi, 3 June 1480, Sig, Miss, 1a Canc, 48, 63-4 and Otto, LC, 1, 22. No particular news from R; the Florentines are not pleased with him because they feel he is sulking because he was not sent to Naples: F Sacramoro to Bona and G G Sforza, 30 July 1480, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 300. Berated for not having followed the example of the Milanese ambassador an absented himself from the publication ceremony of the controversial bull of unity: Otto to A Ridolfi, 23 Sept 1480, Sig, Miss 1a Canc, 48, 160. ‘Messer Antonio Ridolfi oratore di questa Repubblica si porta in modo che tutto cotesto populo gli à da restare alegato, et non cessa mai né dì é nocte di sollecitare’ [does this refer to Luigi Tornabuoni’s candidacy for the priory of S Jacopo in Campo Corbolini?]: Papino da Artimino, Lucrezia’s chancellor, from Rome, to Lucrezia Tornabuoni, 4 Oct 1480, MAP, 80, 96(?). R is in the best position to judge what needs to be done over the coup taking place in Milan; the Otto have complete faith in his judgement: Otto to A Ridolfi, 19 Oct 1480, Sig, Miss 1a Conc, 48, 176-7. In the consulta, backed Lorenzo de’ Medici’s suggestion to raise infantry; urged the Otto to raise what troops are needed and impose heavier taxes on those who can afford them: 29 May 1482, Min, 11, 365-7. Helped to obtain the reappointment of Andrea dei Corradi as podestà of Milan: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 6 Sept 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. With Jacopo Guicciardini, is to meet Alfonso d’Aragona at the frontier: commission, 30 Dec 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 77, 165. This they did at Castiglione Fiorentino: A Ridolfi and J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 3 Jan 1483, Dieci, Resp, 26, 15. Together with Bernardo Buongirolami and Jacopo Guicciardini, R was one of the Dieci who spoke privately to Bertolomao Sozzini about Monteriggioni: B Sozzini to the Balia of Siena, 15 Feb 1483, ASS, Balia, 508, 16. A member of the commission of the Dieci to discuss with Sienese ambassadors a league between Florence and Siena: A Aringhieri and B Sozzini in Florence to the Balia of Siena, 2 June 1483, ASS, Balia, 511, 5. As Gonfalonier of Justice, R replied on behalf of the Signoria to the Spanish ambassador Bartolomeo de Verino: 24 July 1483, risp verb de oratori, 2, 85. Disagreed with his colleagues on the Dieci about accepting the Venetian suggestion that Sixtus should pronounce an arbitration on the disputed lands before negotiations proper could begin: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 3 May 1484, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Member of the Dieci with responsibility for handling matters in Barga: 24 Feb 1486, Dieci, Delib, 24, 157. At his death his place on the Dieci was taken by Niccolò di Luigi di Lorenzo Ridolfi: 1 Mar 1486, Dieci, Delib, 24, 159.
Ridolfi, Bernardo d’Inghilese b. c. 1444
Career: Captain of Pisa, Sept 1484-Mar 1485. 1480 Catasto: sostanze 1,662 fl.
Ref: Captain of Pisa: 11 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 118.
Ridolfi, Francesco
Ref: Lorenzo’s old friend, R, carries this letter: Lorenzo de’ Medici to F Cambini in Pisa, 10 July 1485, Lettere, VIII, 230.
Ridolfi, Giovan Battista di Luigi 1448-1514
Career: In his early years a factor in the Medici bank in Venice; was acting branch manager for a year after the recall of Giovanni Lanfredini in 1480. War commissary in the Romagna and at Pistoia, 14-----. Undertook a secret mission to Venice in 1483. Captain of Castrocaro, 1486. Ambassador to Venice, 1494. In 1497 he became one of the Dieci di Balia and was put in charge of military operations against Pisa. In 1500 he played a large part in gaining the help of the French army against Pisa and in the next year secured French condemnation of the threats made by Cesare Borgia. One of the most energetic partisans of Savonarola, he did not hesitate to take up arms in the friar’s defence in 1498. Fined 800 fl for his actions. Gonfalonier of Justice, Nov/Dec 1499. In 1512 he took a large part in the revolution that brought the Medici back to Florence and succeeded Piero Soderini as Gonfalonier of Justice. 1480 Catasto: in Venice in Medici service; sostanze 1,102 fl.
Refs: In Milan on behalf of Lorenzo; recalled: 16 Aug 1480, Prot, 118. Has arrived in Naples: [F Gaddi] to Lorenzo e’ Medici, 20 Sept 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 63, 152-3. Captain of Castrocaro; commissioner in the zone of his captaincy: 14 Oct 1485, Dieci, Delib, 24, 128. Captain of Castracaro: 19 Apr 1486, Dieci, Miss, 6, 45-6.
Ridolfi, Niccolò di Luigi di Lorenzo d. 1497
Career: Matriculated in the Calimala guild. Master of the Zecca, Mar-Sept 1483. Accoppiatore, 1490 and 1493. Executed for plotting the return of the Medici.
Refs: Replaces Antonio Ridolfi as a member of the Dieci: 1 Mar 1486, Dieci, Delib, 24, 159.
Ridolfi, Ridolfo di Pagnozzo b. c. 1429
Career: Gonfalonier of Justice, July/Aug 1498. 1480 Catasto: sostanze 1,531 fl.
Refs: Podestà of Pistoia: 24 Nov 1484, Dieci, Miss, 22, 22. As podestà of Pistoia recommends Luca Chiavacci and Filippo di Biagio: 12 Mar 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 456. Reminds Lorenzo that he wants to be a member of the Council of 70: 12 Sept 1486, MAP, 41, 311.
Ridolfi, Simone di Jacopo
Ref: The Dieci send R to escort the troops of Jacopo d’Appiano from Piombino to Cortona: 12 Sept 1485, Dieci, Delib, 24, 122.
Ridolfi, Tommaso di Luigi di Lorenzo b. c. 1430
Career: Prior, Jan/Feb 1461. Castellan of S Marco in Pisa, from Mar 1463. General member of the Balia for S Spirito, 1471. Together with Lorenzo de’ Medici, was one of five officials charged with setting uo the Studio in Pisa in 1471. Accoppiatore, 1472. Gonfalonier of Justice, July/Aug 1476. Member of the first half of the Council of 70, 1480. One of the 12 Procuratori, Apr-Oct 1480. Ambassador in Milan, where he lived in the Medici palace, Aug 1480-Jan 1482. Member of the Otto di Pratica, from Apr 1482 until the Dieci di Balia took over. In the camp; commissary with Federico da Montefeltro, July 1482; apart from his Milanese mission, this was only time that Lorenzo corresponded with him. 1480 Catasto: house in via Maggio; farm with house at S Niccolò a ‘Marignosia’ bought from Cosimo de’ Medici c 1456; the sons of messer Lorenzo all obliged themselves to contribute to the building of a chapel in S Spirito, and R still has something to pay; sostanze 2,252 fl.
Refs: R’s nomination for the Milanese embassy approved by the Signoria and Council of 70: 27 June 1480, Miss, 1a Canc, 48, 93; Sig, LC, 21, 16. On his election as orator in Milan, Antonio da Montecatini wrote that ‘non lo conosci mai animo di V Ex [Ercole d’Este] ni homo apto a questo exercitio’: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 29 June 1480, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 2. R’s mandate for Milan: 31 July 1480, Miss, 1a Canc, 48, 112-14; Sig, LC, 21, 18-19. R arrived in Milan today: Bona and G G Sforza to F Sacramoro, 13 Aug 1480, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 300. Had his son with him in his embassy to Milan; the son visited Mantua in Oct: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 5 Oct 1480, ASMa, AG, 1627. Would like to return home from his embassy to Milan: T Ridolfi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 21 May 1481, Sig, X, VIII, 4, 38-9 and MAP, 48, 77. Asks if he may be allowed to return after his year away: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 24 July 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 385-6. The Otto have arranged for R to be replaced by Bernardo Rucellai, but because of illness Rucellai did not leave Florence until 7 Feb 1482: Otto to T Ridolfi, 18 Dec 1481, Min, 12, 89-90 and 91-3. R took his leave of the duke of Milan today, planning to leave for Florence shortly: T Ridolfi to Otto, 23 Feb 1482, Otto, Resp, 2, 281. R left Milan yesterday: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 26 Feb 1482, MAP, 51, 80. Returned to Florence and reported: Otto to B Rucellai, 8 Mar 1482, Min, 12, 151. R is apparently seeking certain benefices also desired by Guidantonio Vespucci; Sixtus turned down R’s petition because of Vespucci’s; Vespucci refers to R as Lorenzo’s and his own friend: G A Vespucci in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 23 Mar 1482, MAP, 38, 416. Elected commissary in Flaminia (i e commissary general for the Romagna) for a month, but replaced on 16 June and sent as commissary to the camp of Federico da Montefeltro: Sig, LC, 21, 41; Otto to B Gianfigliazzi, 11 May 1482, Min, 12 258-9; Otto to B Rucellai, 11 May 1482, Min, 12, 260-1. R’s commission from the Dieci to go to Federico da Montefeltro and stay with him: 29 May 1482, Min, 12 281-2. Has returned to Florence from Castrocaro; will leave immediately to join Federico da Montefeltro and see Ercole d’Este on the way: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 7 June 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. Left for the camp, 9 June. Commission for R to pass through Bologna and Ferrara on his way to Federico da Montefeltro’s camp: 30 June 1482, Min, 12, 366-8. Should be leaving today: Otto to B Rucellai, 1 July 1482, Min, 12, 370-1. Arrrived in Ferrara, where he was honourably received: E d’E ste to Antonio da Montecatini, 5 July 1482, ASMo, cit. His commission was extended indefinitely on 28 July. Is ill: Otto to B Gianfigliazzi, 7/8 Aug 1482, Min, 12, 460-1. Is recovering: Otto to B Gianfigliazzi, 18 Aug 1482, Min, 12, 475-6. Has been given permission to return to Florence: Otto to B Gianfigliazzi, 21 Aug 1482, Min, 12, 480-2.
Ridolfi, Vincenzo di Giuliano
Ref: Lorenzo’s view is sought regarding the proposed marriage between R and the sister of ‘ser Grifo’: 3 Nov 1484, MAP, 39, 369.
Ridolfo, messer
Ref: Informant in Venice of Francesco Secco, who was in Mantua: 9 Mar 1485, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 218.
Ridolfo da Sommaia
Ref: Podestà of Montepulciano, 1485: Lettere, VIII, 241.
Rigino, Cristoforo
Ref: A Venetian doctor of law chosen to investigate the disputed confini of the Polesine: 21 Sept 1484, ASV, Sen Secr, 32, 93.
Rinaldesco, Antonio
Ref: Carrier of letters from the Otto and Lorenzo to the Grand Master of the Hospitallers on Rhodes: Sig, Miss 1a Canc, 48, 198.
Rinaldi, Borgo di Matteo
Refs: The Signoria and the Dieci rehire R as an infantry constable: 24 Nov 1484, Dieci, Delib, 27, 69. Hired for the guard of the citadel of Sarzanello: 1484-6, Dieci, Delib, 30, 29. A constable elected captain of the citadel of Arezzo, where he wants to install his brother Diamante instead; Lorenzo recommends his case: Lorenzo de’ Medici at Pisa to P Dovizi and Giovanni Antonio d’Arezzo, 27 Oct 1486, Lettere, IX, 437
Rinaldi, Francesco de’
Ref: A Florentine monk of Camaldoli whose release the Otto seek from the Sienese Balia, as he is being held by the Sienese pretore: 9 June 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 66.
Rinieri, Alessandro
Refs: Has a safeconduct to bring merchandise and stay in Florentine territory: 25 Oct 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 64. The Florentine Signoria wants Ferrante to favour R’s desire that the Hospitaller prior of Rome give him the preceptory of Ricciano di Nola: 17 Dec 1484, Acq e Doni, 352, 163. Giovanni Biolchi, a Florentine merchant deprived of some silks by the Genoese, seeks to recover them from R: 12 Mar 1485, Otto, Miss, 3, 121-2. Seeks confirmation that the disputed silks belong to the Genoese, not to Biolchi: Otto, Miss, 3, 138-9, 20 May 1485.
Rinieri, Grassellino
Ref: Delivers letters to Lorenzo from Florence, Naples and Rome: Lorenzo de’ Medici to P Dovizi and Giovanni Antonio d’Arezzo, 29 Oct 1486, Lettere, IX, 439.
Ristori, Jacopo
Refs: Resident in Pisa; illegally purchased a quantity of vena in Porto Pisano belonging to Jacopo d’Appiano’s affine Girolamo Spinola: 5 July 1485, MAP, 39, 429. Piero Capponi’s provveditore, who was wounded in the face by Leonardo di Alfonso: T Franceschi to the Dieci, 7 Mar 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 415. Piero Capponi extols his merits as a provveditore: 9 Mar 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 433.
Robert (‘Ruberti’)
Ref: Master of the Trinitarians and a French royal councillor on way to Rome with other French envoys: 14 May 1486, Dieci, Delib, 173.
Roberti, Niccolò de’
Refs: Defends himself against the charge of having stayed too long as Ferrarese ambassador in France and of not wanting to return home; says he has frequently asked for permission to return and has never received it; says he came to France very ill ‘cum li varoli’ and with the greatest difficulty, at the age of forty-seven; ‘Poi, sono venuto fra zente barbara, che per uno bichero di acqua me lascariano morire’; he has been made so ill that he just wants to stay in bed for a long time: N de’ Roberti in Paris to P A Trotti, 13 July 1480, Perinelle, 472-6. Mandated as special Ferrarese envoy to Milan to help conciliate Bona Sforza with the ducal council: 9 Oct 1480, Dallari, 43. Arrived in Parma yesterday evening to try to reconcile the Rossi with the government of Milan: G Zucchi to G G Sforza, 15 Sept 1482, ASMi, SPE, 843.
Rocca, Pietro Guglielmo d. 1482
Career: Archbishop of Salerno, 1471-82.
Refs: Involved in the organisation of the causa regarding the towns disputed between Florence and Siena: S Ottieri and L Lanti in Rome to the Signoria of Siena, 10 May 1482, ASS, Conc, 2047, 83. Sixtus says R and the Sienese ambassadors should go to the Camera Apostolica to find out why the Camera issued a brief against Sienese citizens: L Lanti to the Signoria of Siena, 25 May 1482, ASS, Conc, 2048, 20. Has spoken to the Sienese ambassadors about the disputed towns; his ‘autorita maxime per la commissione li fa el Pontefice in nostra presentia è tale che si li puo credere quanto a sua B’; he then spoke to Sixtus about the matter: S Ottieri and L Lanti to the Signoria of Siena, 29 May 1482, ASS, Conc, 2048, 24.
Rochefort, Guillaume de d. 1492
Ref: The chancellor of France supports Guglielmo Bacci who is suing the Medici bank: 11 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 280.
Rogas, Francesco de
Ref: Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain tell R, their ambassador in Rome, what to say to Innocent: Dieci, Resp, 33, 451.
Roggio, see Ruggi, Benedetto
Romanelli, Piero del (‘lo Smilza’)
Ref: The Otto are sending him to Porto Ercole with a small fishing vessel to collect cash from an emissary of Piero Capponi for the Florentine infantry at Bracciano: 12 Apr 1486, Otto, Miss, 4, 171-2.
Romano, il
Ref: Capo di squadra of a Florentine captain; has a quarrel before the Dieci with some of his men who he claims have not served: 11 July 1486, Dieci, Miss, 7, 69-70.
Romoli, Francesco di Andrea di Nofri Rumoli
Career: A minor guildsman. Member of Dieci di Balia, 1479-83 (at least).
Ref: Cavallaro of the Otto: 19 Aug 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 92-3.
Rondinelli, Giovanni di Alessandro b. c. 1455
Career: 1480 Catasto: sostanze 1,486 fl.
Refs: Involved on the Florentine side in the Pietrasanta impresa: 5 Nov 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 382. Scrivano with the provveditore of the Dieci, 1485-6: Dieci, Delib, 30, 300-2.
Rondinelli, Nicoluccio de’
Ref: Ercole d’Este’s representative at Cesena: N Michelozzi at Cesena to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 10 Apr 1484, MAP, 39, 136.
Roselli, Giovanni da Arezzo
Refs: An ‘ecellentissimo doctore’ sent to Venice by Ercole d’Este to remonstrate over the Venetians’ treatment of the Ferrarese orator and his servants, and to ask whether the Venetians intended to prevent any Este representative remaining there: B Gianfigliazzi to the Otto, 28 Jan 1482, Otto, Resp, 2, 208. Received a fairly favourable reception at Venice: B Gianfigliazzi to the Otto, 4 Feb 1482, Otto, Resp, 2, 223. Received an ambiguous reply as to whether or not Venice wanted a Ferrarese orator there: orators in Ferrara to the Otto, 6 Feb 1482, Otto, Resp, 2, 229-30.
Rossetto da Capua (Pietro Rosso da Capua) 1420-1485
Career: Condottiere who almost invariably fought for Naples. Imprisoned after the battle of Campomorto in 1482, but Sixtus’s defection soon led to his release.
Refs: Alfonso d’Aragona has recently sent him to Marino: F Ricci to G G Sforza, -- May 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Was captured by papal/Venetian forces at the battle of Campomorto and taken to Castel S Angelo: G Riario to Sixtus IV, 22 Aug 1482, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 91. Is being held in the papal palace: L Lanti in Rome to the Balia of Siena, 9 Sept 1482, ASS, Conc, 2049, 64. Under torture he said there was a plot to gather infantry in the palace of Cardinal Savelli, and an attack was planned on Girolamo Riario: S Ottieri in Rome to the Balia of Siena 30 Sept 1482, ASS, Balia, 505, 99. One of the Neapolitan commanders in the Ferrarese: P Nasi in Naples to the Dieci, 10 July 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 168. One of the commanders of Alfonso d’A ragona’s troops sent to Vada: 10 Oct 1484, ASMi, SPE, Firenze, 307.
Rossi, Andrea di Francesco de’
Ref: Recommendation of R for the post of governor of the hospital: Lorenzo de’ Medici to the Societatis Cippi of Pistoia, 3 July 1485, Lettere, VIII, 229.
Rossi, Beltrame de’
Refs: Illegitimate son of Pier Maria de’ Rossi; is very hostile towards his half-brother Guido de’ Rossi; occupied Berceto and Rocca Predamalcia: 1 Sept 1482, Cron Lomb, 114. Pier Maria de’ Rossi died yesterday; R offers his services: B de’ Rossi to Sforza Secondo, 3 Sept 1482, ASMi, SPE, 843. Has written to Sforza Secondo, saying that his late father left him some territories, which Guido de’ Rossi was trying to take from him; wants help from the Sforza and offers to create a loyal subject state: Z Saggi in Milan to Federico Gonzaga, 4 Sept 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Reached an agreement with Milan: N Michelozzi in Milan to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 6 Sept 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 11, 10. Brought Obietto Fieschi, a long-standing enemy of the Rossi, into Guido’s lands: 29 Sept 1482, Cron Lomb, 115-16.
Rossi, Bernardo di Guido de’
Refs: Sent to Venice by his father Guido; given a condotta of 200 horse, although aged only fourteen: 18 Dec 1482, Cron Lomb, 119. A young man, he made way in disguise to Venice; given an annual pension and went to live at Ravenna: 25 Dec 1482, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, I, 327.
Rossi, Carlo di Pier Maria de’
Refs: A protonotary; given the abbey of S Zeno in Verona, after Guido Torelli went back to the Milanese side and the Venetians took the abbey from him: ?late Jan 1483, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, I, 333-4. Is going to Venice to receive the abbey of S Zeno: 22 May 1483, ASV, Sen Terra, 9, 4. Complains of not receiving income from S Zeno: 26 May 1483, ASV, Sen, Terra, 9, 5.
Rossi, Filippo Maria di Guido de’ d. 1529
Career: His experience as a hostage in Milan in 1482 was the prelude to a long military career.
Refs: Eldest son of Guido; to be sent to Milan after the fall of S Secondo: 12 Oct 1482, Cron Lomb, 116. Arrived in Milan today: Z Saggi to Federico Gonzaga, 19 Oct 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Begged pardon of the duke and Ludovico Sforza on behalf of his father; this was granted: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 21 Oct 1482, ASMa, cit. Described as ‘di eta adolescente, ma di statura virile’; begged pardon for his father; will stay in Milan as a hostage: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni in Naples, 22 Oct 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Fled from Milan, where he had been lodged in the house of his maternal uncle Giovanni Borromei; it is thought he may have gone to Venetian territory: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 18 Dec 1482, ASMa, cit. Was captured the next day and is now held in the castello; says his father did not know of his flight: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 21 Dec 1482, ASMa, cit. Says his flight was his own idea: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni, 21 Dec 1482, ASMi, cit. Has been taken by Ludovico Sforza to the siege of Felino; it is said that Ludovico intends to kill him within sight of his mother: B Rucellai in Milan to the Dieci, 10 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 329.
Rossi, Giacomo di Pier Maria de’ d. c. 1495
Career: Brother of Giovanni and Guido de’ Rossi; cousin of Amoratto and Guido Torelli. Fought for Milan against Venice in the early 1450s. In spite of differences with Guido, they fought together in the Rossi rebellion against Milan in 1482. Had a condotta with Venice from Aug that year.
Refs: Disinherited, but returned to favour; has taken command of Amoratto Torelli’s troops for Guido de’ Rossi: 3 Sept 1482, Cron Lomb, 115. Readmitted to his father’s graces before Pier Maria died; has seized his brother Giovanni at Torchiara: Z Saggi in Milan to Federico Gonzaga, 8 Sept 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Refused to join Guido de’ Rossi in peace terms with Milan, so banished: 12 Oct 1482, Cron Lomb, 116. Money is being sent from Venice for the condotte of R and Guido de’ Rossi: 12 Nov 1482, ASV, Sen Secr, 30, 137. With Guido Torelli, has taken Basilicanova: Giovanni de’ Zucchi to G G Sforza, 25 Nov 1482, ASMi, SPE, 844. With Guido Torelli, has taken Montecchio, Guvriaco, belonging to Ercole d’E ste, and S Andrea, an estate of Guido de’ Rossi lost in the war: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 5 Dec 1482, ASMa, cit.
Rossi, Giovanni di Pier Maria de’
Career: Brother of Giacomo and Guido de’ Rossi.
Refs: Has been disinherited by his father Pier Maria; came to Felino from Reggio; held there, but fled after one night: 1 Sept 1482, Cron Lomb, 114. Has been seized by his brother Giacomo at Torchiara: Z Saggi in Milan to Federico Gonzaga, 8 Sept 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627.
Rossi, Guido di Pier Maria de’ d. 1490
Career: Son-in-law of Roberto di Sanseverino; father of Bernardo and Filippo Maria de’ Rossi; cousin of Amoratto and Guido Torelli. After serving Milan throughout the 1470s, he obtained a condotta with Venice in 1482, and thereafter consistently fought for the republic, ending his days as an exile there.
Refs: Some months ago Pier Filippo Pandolfini wrote to Lorenzo that R wanted to join Florentine service; he has now approached Pandolfini again, saying he has no ties with Milan, that his father is aged about seventy, and that he wants to live under Florentine protection and marry his daughters in that direction: P F Pandolfini to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 18 Apr 1480, Sig, X, VIII, 10, 184. Following the apparent Rossi murder plot, R came to Milan; Tommaso Ridolfi does not know what this means: T Ridolfi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 22 Aug 1481, MAP, 48, 89. At Felino: 30 May 1482, Cron Lomb, 108. It is clear from Andrea Bragadin’s papers that the Rossi were being encouraged by Venice to cause insurrection in Milan and overthrow the Sforza: S Sacramoro to G G Sforza, 5 June 1482, ASMi, SPE, Ferrara, 327. Francesco Gaddi believes R may be willing to negotiate because his affairs are not going well: F Gaddi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 8 June 1482, MAP, 38, 456. Is trying to take lands left to his half-brother Beltrame: Z Saggi in Milan to Federico Gonzaga, 4 Sept 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Ludovico Sforza is not prepared to make approaches to him: N Michelozzi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 6 Sept 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 11, 10. R has already recaptured some of places surrendered by Beltrame de’ Rossi: N Michelozzi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 7 Sept 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 11, 9. Ludovico is anxious for an agreement with R: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 8 Sept 1482, ASMa, cit. Has told Giovanni Borromei that he will continue to follow his father’s policy, even in death: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 13 Sept 1482, ASMa, cit. Has written to Borromei indicating a possible willingness to come to terms: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 24 Sept 1482, ASMa, cit.
R offered to submit to arbitration; Ludovico Sforza does not want to agree: R is simply trying to gain time: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 2 Oct 1482, ASMa, cit. R again offered arbitration; Ludovico wants a free surrender: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 5 Oct 1482, ASMa, cit. R is being forced to accept terms: Dieci to B Gianfigliazzi, 5 Oct 1482, Dieci, LC, 5, 77-80. R asked for a mandate to be given to Tommaso da Saluzzo; this was done, but Tommaso was killed; now the pratica is via Federico Gonzaga: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 9 Oct 1482, ASMa, cit. Has been captured and taken to Milan: Dieci to B Gianfigliazzi, 11 Oct 1482, Dieci, LC, 5, 80-2. Wanted to keep faith with Venice, but S Secondo was unable to hold out any longer: 12 Oct 1482, Cron Lomb, 116. Milan is ready to make terms with R if his requests are reasonable: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni, 12 Oct 1482, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 240. Has come to terms with Milan; submitted freely; Ludovico is very pleased and so is the city of Milan: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 14 Oct 1482, ASMa, cit. R has not come to Milan; his son is expected to come to seek pardon on R’s behalf: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 17 Oct 1482, ASMa, cit. R’s man in Venice, Girolamo de’ Colli, assures the Senate of his master’s determination to fight on: 24 Oct 1482, ASV, Sen Secr, 30, 132-3. Money is being sent from Venice for the condotte of R and Giacomo de’ Rossi: 12 Nov 1482, ASV, Sen Secr, 30, 137. News reached Florence that R has renewed his agreement with Venice, because Milan had not fulfilled her promises to him: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 14 Nov 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. When R heard the Venetians had crossed the Po he re-entered Venetian service, although his son was a hostage in Milan: Dec 1482, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, I, 312. Marino Bonzi elected Venetian provveditore to R: 14 Dec 1482, ASV, Sen Secr, 30, 150. Because Milan had not kept many of the terms of their agreement, R sent his son Bernardo to Venice, where he was given a condotta; R and his followers were declared rebels by Milan: 18 Dec 1482, Cron Lomb, 119. R protests about Milanese followers molesting men of Marsilio Torelli; describes himself as Milan’s faithful servant: G de’ Rossi at S Secondo to G G Sforza, 19 Dec 1482, ASMi, SPE, 844.
Money from Venice reached the Rossi to increase their forces: 5 Jan 1483, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, I, 327. R has now openly rebelled against Milan: G G Sforza to B Castiglioni, 13 Jan 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. R’s wife tried to take a castle from her brother, Giovanni Borromei, by a trick: ?late Jan 1483, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, I, 333. A Venetian provveditore and four constables have come to reinforce the Rossi: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 24 Mar 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. Francesco Secco is negotiating with R: J Guicciardini in Ferrara to the Dieci, 2 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 213-14. A plot by the Rossi, Torelli and Fregosi has been discovered in Florentine territory near Fivizzano, and in Ercole d’E ste’s territories: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 3 Apr 1483, ASMo, cit.
Federico Gonzaga is trying to work out an agreement with the Rossi: Dieci to B Rucellai, 8 Apr 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 57-8. Zaccaria Saggi has heard that R will abandon his lands, leaving them in Venetian hands: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 12 Apr 1483, ASMa, AG, 1628. News from the Lunigiana that many infantry are making their way in small groups to aid the Rossi: Antonio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 13 Apr 1483, ASMo, cit. Bernardo Rucellai has been trying to reconcile the Rossi, but they have admitted 200 Venetians into S Secondo: B Rucellai to the Dieci, 14 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 254-5. Roberto di Sanseverino wants to bring a force to the Cremonese to support the Rossi: J Guicciardini in Ferrara to the Dieci, 16 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 245-6. Ferrante is sure that, if Genoa comes over to the League, R will have to return to Milanese obedience: B Castiglioni to G G Sforza, 21 Apr 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. R has so far only threatened to hand over his fortresses to Venice, so there is still hope of a settlement: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 24 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 290-1. R has moved towards Genoa; he is planning to join Agostino Fregoso and attack Tortona?: B Rucellai to the Dieci, 2 May 1483, MAP, 48, 194. With the Venetian provveditore and the Scotti family, R has made an incursion into the Piacentino: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 6 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 319-20. Is said to be at La Spezia with Agostino Fregoso; R’s wife is in the castle of Felino, besieged by Ludovico Sforza: B Rucellai in Milan to the Dieci, 10 May 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 329. With troops and Agostino Fregoso, R has come from Parma to the Lunigiana: Dieci to B Rucellai, 19 May 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 65-6. His fortress of Felino fell to Milanese troops: 19 May 1483, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, II, 358-9. R’s castle at Felino surrendered to Ludovico Sforza’s troops: 20 May 1483, Zambotti. Agostino Fregoso and R are about to besiege Carrara and Moneta; they want to recover some castles from Ercole d’Este: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 23 May 1483, ASMa, cit. Renato Trivulzio has been sent to the Lunigiana against R: J Guicciardini to the Dieci, 2 June 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 4-5. Ludovico Sforza now has all R’s lands in the mountains and hopes to have Torchiara soon: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 3 June 1483, ASMa, cit. The Milanese took Torchiara from the Rossi: 5 June 1483, Zambotti, 141. With Agostino Fregoso, R left Massa to protect Sarzana against possible Florentine attack: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 12 June 1483, ASMa, cit. Had left Massa for fear of Nicola Orsini and camped at Carrara: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 29 June 1483, ASMa, cit. Is settling his wife and household in Venice: 28 July 1483, ASV, Sen, Terra, 9, 17. Has left the Lunigiana: Dieci to B Rucellai, 29 Aug 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 478. Came to Venice; was given a magnificent reception and a condotta of 400 horse; his brother Giacomo was also given a condotta; later appointed podestà and captain in Capodistria: ?Sept 1483, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, II, 413. A Milanese rebel, whose daughter is projected to marry the son of Gabriele Malaspina: 8 June 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 65-6.
Rossi, Lionetto di Benedetto de’ 1435-post 1495
Career: m Maria, an illegitimate daughter of Piero di Cosimo de’ Medici, making him a cognato of Lorenzo. Served the Medici bank in Geneva, 1453-7, and Lyon thereafter, becoming manager of Lyon branch, 1470-85. Lorenzo’s correspondence with him in 1480 suggests that the former had great faith in him at that stage, so much so that he acted as a second Medici agent in France, Francesco Gaddi not being trusted. His managership proved a disaster and, after a series of enquiries and false balance sheets, he was finally lured to Florence and arrested for debt. 1480 Catasto: sostanze 1,391 fl.
Refs: Although Federico d’A ragona would normally use the Medici bank, he is not, because R, who is in charge at Lyon, is a great enemy of Federico’s father and of all his house: Federico d’Aragona in France to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 15 Dec 1481, MAP, 38, 374. After being repulsed by Louis XI after the collapse of the Milanese banking house of ‘Beaqui’, Ludovico Sforza wants Lorenzo to have R present his case to the king: B Rucellai in Milan to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 16 Apr 1482, MAP, 51, 123. R’s suspicions of Folco and Tommaso Portinari: 11 Aug 1484, MAP, 39, 280. Lorenzo’s instructions to R: 8 Dec 1484, MAP, 39, 398. Recommends his uncle Carlo Cavalcanti for the Otto: 2 Jan 1485, MAP, 39, 51. Lorenzo Spinelli’s visit to R in Lyon: L Spinelli to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 11 Feb 1485, MAP, 39, 83. Sends Cosimo Sassetti to Lorenzo; then Lorenzo orders him to come to Florence and he declines: 21 Mar 1485, MAP, 39, 291. Lorenzo thinks R should be persuaded that they believe him, so that he will come to Florence: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 31 Mar 1485, Lettere, VIII, 149-50 and 153. Lorenzo’s letter to R has the desired effect: 4 Apr 1485, MAP, 39, 422. His desire to come to Florence: 28 Apr 1485, MAP, 39, 430. Had a furious row with Lorenzo Spinelli: 19 May 1485, MAP, 26, 378. Agostino Biliotti sent to Lyon to clear up after him: Sig, Miss 1a Canc, 49, 144, 11 July 1485. The duke of Savoy asks Lorenzo to get R released: 21 July 1485, MAP, 45, 305.
Bibliog: De Roover, Rise and decline
Rossi, Ludovico de’
Refs: Request for Lorenzo to visit Lionetto de’ Rossi: Ludovico de’ Rossi in Lyon to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 23 July 1485, MAP, 26, 405. Writes to Lorenzo from prison: Ludovico de’ Rossi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 17 Sept 1485, MAP, 26, 443.
Rossi, Pier Maria de’ 1413-1482
Career: Son of Pietro de’ Rossi and Giovanna Cavalcabò; m Antonia di Orsino Torelli in 1428; father of Giacomo, Giovanni and Guido de’ Rossi. His main castles were Berceto, Felino, Noceto, S Secondo, Torchiara and Roccabianca. Fought in Filippo Maria Visconti’s wars against Venice. Chief Milanese ambassador to congratulate Sixtus IV in 1471. Chosen by Bona Sforza as one of the three regents in Milan in 1477. Was one of the main targets of the conspiracy of Roberto di Sanseverino and the Sforza brothers against Bona and Cicco Simonetta. Soon after the fall of Bona, R began to arm against the regime in Milan. Costanzo Sforza gave up the Milanese command rather fight against his old friend. Feuds in Parma between Rossi partisans and those of the Pallavicini and S Vitali contributed to the conflict between the Rossi and Milan. S Secondo and other Rossi castles saw action. R refused all invitations to negotiate and died in the course of the rebellion.
Refs: In the spring of 1481 R was ordered to restore Noceto to Giovanni Quirico di S Vitale, but he refused and began to fortify it instead: Lettere, VI, 300. Although the affair seemed settled, R has now refused to send his son to negotiate and the gate guards at Parma are being changed, which looks like the beginning of a confrontation: T Ridolfi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 27 July 1481, Sig, X, VIII, 4, 62-3. A report on the long-term boundary dispute between R and the Pallavicini, in which R has been behaving in a reckless manner; he has now agreed to send his son, Guido, to Ludovico Sforza, with a safeconduct, to explain the affair; it seems he has sent someone to murder Ludovico, Roberto di Sanseverino and the Pallavicini; the orators heard this from the would-be assassin in prison; they advised that his arrest be kept very secret until they hear what Guido de’ Rossi has to say when he arrives: T Ridolfi in Milan to the Otto, 19 Aug 1481, Otto, Resp, 1, 423-4. The Otto agreed with Ludovico’s view that this boat must not be rocked: Otto to T Ridolfi, ?23 Aug 1481, Sig, Miss 1a Canc, 48, 236-8.
R has attacked the Pallavicini, but is protesting his loyalty to Milan: Z Saggi in Milan to Federico Gonzaga, 30 Jan 1482, ASMa, AG, 1627. Relazione of a visit to R by Giovanni Andrea da Landriano and Antonio Farina ordered by Sforza Secondo: 31 Jan 1482, ASMi, SPE, Parma, 842. The Rossi affair may be settled by negotiation, to which end Tommaso Ridolfi is encouraging Ludovico Sforza: T Ridolfi in Milan to the Otto, 3 Feb 1482, Otto, Resp, 2, 220-1. Ludovico sees little hope of a reconciliation with R, who has refused to come to Milan; however, he is confident that he can crush R easily, if necessary; the council does not appear to be so confident: B Rucellai in Milan to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 20 Feb 1482, MAP, 20, 100. Costanzo Sforza is besieging R in S Secondo: T Ridolfi and B Rucellai to the Otto, 23 Feb 1482, Otto, Resp, 2, 282. The impresa against the Rossi is going forward, although noone seems particularly enthusiastic about it except the Pallavicini: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 25 Feb 1482, MAP, 51, 79. Ludovico is determined that R should obey and come to Milan, but R does not trust him; Ludovico has recalled Costanzo Sforza to Milan to have his advice and will put someone else in charge of the impresa: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 26 Feb 1482, MAP, 51, 80. Ludovico is doing all he can to placate R, but without success: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 6 Mar 1482, MAP, 51, 137. Rucellai feels Ludovico was originally willing to come to terms with R but, when the latter proved stubborn, the impresa was started; Costanzo Sforza was recalled when he advised against the campaign, but has sent the advice of all the senior condottieri in the camp, who all agree with him: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 11 Mar 1482, MAP, 51, 86. Milan has decided to raise 800 infantry, with sixty men-at-arms, to post in castles near the Rossi enclave, to do all the harm possible until they can take the field in full force; Gian Giacomo Trivulzio and Gian Pietro Bergamino will command these troops; Costanzo Sforza has returned to Milan for the time being; there is news that R is negotiating with the Venetians and already has money from them: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 13 Mar 1482, MAP, 51, 87. Trivulzio and Bergamino will leave tomorrow, with Giovan Francesco Pallavicini and possibly more men-at-arms; the affair is getting more difficult; R would probably have accepted the terms Milan is offering now, if she had offered them earlier, but now he is committed to Venice: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 16 Mar 1482, MAP, 51, 89. Pier Francesco Visconti has also gone towards the Parmigiana and more troops have been sent to the impresa; they plan to have 700 men-at-arms in the camp by mid-Sept: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 19 Mar 1482, MAP, 51, 92. Although reluctant to express any opinions about R, Ludovico was glad to hear that of Lorenzo; R has moved from S Secondo to a stronger castle up in the mountains: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 24 Mar 1482, MAP, 51, 50. Ferrante is very displeased about the controversy between Milan and R, and wants Ludovico to try and recover Rossi goodwill; Bernardo Rucellai is to support this advice: Otto to B Rucellai, 28 Mar 1482, Min, 12, 184.
Ludovico Sforza is very pleased that Lorenzo has written to R, but is not hopeful of the outcome; he would not mind if Florence sent someone to R ‘più tosto apta che di molto conto per non li dare riputazione’; Ludovico does not understand the aim of Ferrante’s ‘mosse’ and suspects it is more ‘a nutrire el male che a sanarlo’; R has taken Calistoro, a castle seven miles from Parma beloging to Piero da Landriano; the council is discussing sending troops against him: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 2 Apr 1482, MAP, 51, 104. News that R has received 3,000 ducats from Venice: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 4 Apr 1482, MAP, 51, 106. Everything should be done to reconcile R: Otto to B Rucellai, 6 Apr 1482, Min, 12, 193-4. Ludovico is pleased that Sforza Bettini is coming to Milan before going to R, especially as Ferrando dalla Cava is in Milan for the same reason; however, it is probably too late, as R has almost certainly received 6,000 ducats from Venice and 3,000 from Sixtus; Luigi Terzago and Gian Giacomo Trivulzio are ravaging the Rossi lands, but quibbling about taking orders from Sforza [Secondo?]: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 9 Apr 1482, MAP, 51, 112. Ferrando dalla Cava offered Ferrante’s aid in settling the Rossi affair; Ludovico replied that he welcomed this, as long as it did not appear to give R ‘riputazione’: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 12 Apr 1482, MAP, 51, 118. R must either be reconciled or dealt with in some way in order to prevent him joining the enemies of the League: Otto to B Rucellai, 13 Apr 1482, Min, 12, 204-8. The Otto are delaying Guidantonio Vespucci’s mandate to join Ferrando dalla Cava in negotiating with R, as they have heard he has taken money from others and is completely alienated from Milan; if, as Ludovico suspects, Venice warns them not to attack R because he is now Venice’s man, the reply should be that Venice had no right to make offers to him and that he will be welcomed back whenever he wishes to come: Otto to B Rucellai, 18 Apr 1482, Min, 12, 215-16. Some resistance in Venice to over-hasty support for the Rossi: 19 Apr 1482, ASV, Sen Secr, 30, 71. Bombards have been brought against R’s castle of Noceto: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 25 Apr 1482, MAP, 51, 128. A joint condotta for R with Venice and Sixtus agreed in late Apr; Venice is to pay the pope’s share in return for Sixtus paying a share of Giulio Cesare da Varano’s condotta: ASV, Sen Secr, 30, 83-4.
A messenger from R had been to Gaspare and Gian Francesco di Sanseverino in Siena, negotiating a parentado: Anronio da Montecatini to E d’Este, 2 May 1482, ASMo, ASE, ambasciatori, Firenze, 3. The Otto are pleased by successes against the Rossi and that Milanese troops are assembling in the Cremonese: Otto to B Rucellai, 8 May 1482, Min, 12, 251-2. Parma sent infantry to besiege Rossi castles: 11 May 1482, Cron Lomb, 106. Venice sent Andrea Bragadin to R to persuade him to stay faithful; on 20 May R, his sons and legitimate heirs were created Venetian patricians; R was raiding territory of Parma: May 1482, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, I, 247. At S Secondo: 24 May 1482, Cron Lomb, 107. A familiar of the Florentine ambassador [Bernardo Rucellai?] been robbed by the Rossi: Jacopo Antonio di S Vitale to G G Sforza, 29 May 1482, ASMi, SPE, 843. Yesterday the Rossi and Torelli suffered a defeat by Milanese forces at Filino: G G Sforza to G P Bergamino, 30 May 1482, ASMi, SPE, 843. Florence has a vague hope R might change sides: Otto to F Gaddi, 30 May 1482, Min, 12, 301-2. It is clear from Andrea Bragadin’s papers that the Rossi were being encouraged by Venice to cause insurrection in Milan and overthrow the Sforza: S Sacramoro to G G Sforza, 5 June 1482, ASMi, SPE, Ferrara, 327. Milan is pleased at the agreement with Obietto Fieschi, especially because it prevents aid reaching R: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 5 June 1482, ASMa, cit. Francesco Gaddi believes R may be willing to negotiate because his affairs are not going well: F Gaddi at Reggio to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 8 June 1482, MAP, 38, 456. Venice hesitates to support a Rossi proposal to stir up the Valtelline: 28 June 1482, ASV, Sen Secr, 30, 96-7. R received money from Venice via Genoese bankers: July 1482, Sanudo, Vite dei dogi, I, 274-5. A report of his death has reached Florence; another reached Milan yesterday: Otto to B Rucellai and P Capponi (identical letters), 31 July 1482, Min, 12, 446-7; Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 31 July 1482, ASMa, cit. The Milanese camp is now going to S Secondo; there are high hopes that the campaign will finish quickly now R is thought to be dead: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 1 Aug 1482, ASMa, cit. Bonifacio Paleologo sent a chancellor to R to negotiate peace; R said he did not want to break with Venice, or submit to the Pallavicini: 2 Aug 1482, Cron Lomb, 113. Is not dead, but is ill: Otto to T Ridolfi, 5 Aug 1482, Min, 12, 453-4. 12,000 ducats are being sent to R: Otto to B Rucellai, 14 Aug 1482, Min, 12, 472-4. Rumoured to be dead: Otto to B Rucellai, 1 Sept 1482, ------. Died; ‘erat enim septuagenarius et adhuc robustissimus, sagax et prudens’: Otto to P Capponi, 1 Sept 1482, Min, 12, 518-19. Died on Monday: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 4 Sept 1482, ASMa, cit. News of his death confirmed: N Michelozzi to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 6 Sept 1482, Sig, X, VIII, 11, 10.
Bibliog: N Pelicelli, P M Rossi e i suoi castelli, Parma, 1911
Roverella, Florio di Giovanni
Career: Brother of Cardinal Bartolomeo Roverella. Doctor of medicine; Hospitaller. Governor of Benevento at the time of Pius II’s support of Ferrante against the Angevins, 1461. Remained in the Regno in a judicial capacity and in 1473 was elected a councillor of the Tribunal of S Chiara. In 1474 accompanied Eleonora d’Aragona to his native Ferrara for her marriage to Ercole d’Este. Neapolitan ambassador in Hungary to arrange the marriage of Beatrice d’Aragona to Matthias Corvinus, 1476.
Refs: Debt of the Naples branch of the Medici bank to R, for which he blamed Agostino Biliotti: G Tornabuoni in Rome to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 10 Dec 1481, MAP, 38, 171. The debt to R: Lorenzo de’ Medici to P F Pandolfini in Naples, 17 Dec 1481, Lettere, VI, 152; same to same, 29 Dec 1481, Lettere, VI, 188; same to same, 19 Jan 1482, Lettere, VI, 225-6. Giovanni Tornabuoni had taken steps to satisfy R: G Tornabuoni to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 22 Dec 1481, MAP, 73, 383. Francesco Nacci has received the letters of Lorenzo and Tornabuoni about the debt to R and has taken steps to stall him until at least the end of Jan: F Nacci at Naples to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 24 Dec 1481, MAP, 38, 350. R has demanded his 2,900 ducats by 24 Jan; Tornabuoni forsees trouble, as he has no way of paying it by then: G Tornabuoni to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 10 Jan 1482, MAP, 38, 172.
Bibliog: Litta, V, 62
Rucellai, Angelo di Donato
Ref: Elected castellan and guardian of the Pisan citadel of Sta in Pacis in place of Carlo Rucellai: 3 Dec 1485, Dieci, Delib, 24, 147.
Rucellai, Antonio di Vanni
Refs: Has arrived in Parma to collect the sum of money which Ludovico Sforza was obliged to contribute to the war effort: 14 Nov 1485, MAP, 26, 480. Mandatory of Giorgio da S Croce: 18 Nov 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 73-4.
Rucellai, Bernardo di Giovanni 1448-1514
Career: Brother of Pandolfo; m Nannina de’ Medici, sister of Lorenzo, in 1466. An opportunistic patrician and merchant who fulfilled numerous diplomatic missions. Gonfalonier of Justice, 1480. Orator in Milan, 1482, 1484-5. Wrote frequent, long and full letters to Lorenzo, rather than referring him to the letters of the Otto. Monte official, c 1484-8. Ambassador in Naples, Nov 1486-Mar 1487. Accoppiatore, 1490 and 1494. Declared against the Medici in 1494 and joined Savonarola in reforming the government of Florence. Gonfalonier of Justice, Nov/Dec 1498. Suffered considerable loss of prestige at Savonarola’s fall in 1498. Contested the gonfaloniership with Piero Soderini in 1502; on his defeat he went into retirement until the return of the Medici, but was trusted by neither republic nor prince. Better known for his literary contributions than for his political work. Author of several Latin works in the style of Sallust. His famous Orti Oricellari became a meeting place for men of letters. It was in this garden that Machiavelli delivered his discourses on the first decade of Livy.
Refs: A ser Giovanni was tutor to R’s children in Aug 1480; Lorenzo asked the commune of Poggio to give this man a benefice: Prot, 116. Elected as ambassador to Milan, 10 Dec 1481: Sig, LC, 21, 34. R is to replace Tommaso Ridolfi at Milan: Otto to T Ridolfi, 18 Dec 1481, Min, 12, 89-90 and 91-3. R’s departure for Milan postponed by illness. His mandate, which directed him principally to consult with Ridolfi, was dated 3 Feb 1482. Left Florence 7 Feb 1482. Travelled via Bologna, where he visited the city’s governors and Giovanni Bentivoglio, and Parma: B Rucellai at Parma to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 14 Feb 1482, MAP, 38, 91. Met Costanzo Sforza at Firenzuola: B Rucellai at Firenzuola to the Otto, 14 Feb 1482, Otto, Resp, 2, 255. Arrived Milan 17 Feb and was well received: T Ridolfi to the Otto, 18 Feb 1482, Otto, Resp, 2, 263-4. Had an audience with the duke and a meeting with Ludovico Sforza: B Rucellai at Milan to the Otto, 19 Feb 1482, Otto, Resp, 2, 268. A detailed account of his interview with Ludovico, in which R seems to have acted chiefly as Lorenzo’s mouthpiece: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 20 Feb 1482, MAP, 20, 100. Asks whether his letters to Lorenzo are too long or inadequate in any way, so that he can correct any shortcoming: B Rucellai to N Michelozzi, 6 Mar 1482, MAP, 51, 84. As Lorenzo requests, R will move to the Medici house in Milan ‘ tomorrow’: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 8 Mar 1482, MAP, 51, 85. Describes himself as ‘cognato e domestico’ to Lorenzo; asks Lorenzo’s opinion on what he should do if a certain situation arises, because while he is at Milan ‘non sono per fare se non quello che tu vuoi e che ti torni bene’: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 11 Mar 1482, MAP, 51, 86. Lorenzo informed R of Lucrezia Tornabuoni’s illness on 14 Mar: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 19 Mar 1482, MAP, 51, 92. Among those Lorenzo informed of her death on 25 Mar: Prot, 187-8. Appeals to Lorenzo to reduce his taxes: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 10 Apr 1482, MAP, 51, 113.
Nominated by Lorenzo as his procurator for the baptism of the son of Luigi Terzago in Milan: 7 June 1482, Not Antecos, 8, 43. Lorenzo helped settle some business for R: B Rucellai to D Pucci, 14 Aug 1482, Dieci, Resp, 26, 165. Has asked to be recalled but the Dieci want him to stay a little longer: Dieci to B Rucellai, 12 Feb 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 50-1. Lorenzo asked R to join him at the Cremonese diet; the Dieci agreed to this: Dieci to B Rucellai, 21 Feb 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 51. The Dieci say there is no need to write separately to R, while he is with Lorenzo; Lorenzo can pass on what he thinks necessary: Dieci to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 28 Feb 1483, ------. Instructed to follow Ludovico Sforza, rather than stay in Milan: Dieci to B Rucellai, 22 May 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 66-7. Has now joined Ludovico near S Secondo: B Rucellai at Fontanella to the Dieci, 11 June 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 23. Should return to Milan with Ludovico: Dieci to B Rucellai, 25 June 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 460-1. Has returned to Milan with Ludovico: B Rucellai to the Dieci, 28 June 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 73. Moved to Chiaravalle, outside Milan, to escape the plague: B Rucellai to the Dieci, 7 July 1483, Dieci, Resp, 28, 137. Has asked to be relieved of his office: Dieci to B Rucellai, (early?) Sept 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 479-80. Has said he wants to go to Mantua to pay his respects to Federico Gonzaga before returning to Florence: Z Saggi to F Gonzaga, 24 Sept 1483, ASMa, AG, 1628. Asked to stay in Milan a few more days to await a courier with some commission for him: Dieci to B Rucellai and the other Florentine ambassadors, 25 Sept 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 483-4. In fact, there were no extra commissions for him; he can return home, having seen Ludovico: Dieci to B Rucellai, 29 Sept 1483, Dieci, LC, 5, 484-5.
Recommends the prior of Lupeta: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 19 Aug 1484, MAP, 48, 257. R would like to be one of ambassadors to Rome but he has not got the cash to spend: 19 Aug 1484, MAP, 48, 258. Is delighted with what Lorenzo has done regarding the priorate of Lupeta, but gathers that Lorenzo is annoyed at what R is doing regarding the fossa of Saressa: 3 Sept 1484, MAP, 48, 262. Is sorry that he cannot reply absolutely regarding Lorenzo’s wishes about the Rome embassy, and would not want to contrafare Piero Vespucci: 19 Sept 1484, MAP, 48, 263. Asks Lorenzo for Cosimo Bartoli’s place: 23 Sept 1484, MAP, 48, 264. Discussing a loan from Filippo Strozzi in case R is elected one of the Monte officials: 1 Oct 1484, C Strozz, III, 247, 250. Elected as a Monte official, 1484: ASF, Tratte, 904, 100. Elected ambassador to Milan: 21 Oct 1484, Dieci, Delib, 24, 63. Asks Guglielmo de’ Pazzi for a canonry in Pisa and offers to help him return to Florence: Lorenzo de’ Medici to Piero de’ Medici, 26 Nov 1484, Lettere, VIII, 78-9. R complains to Ludovico Sforza regarding the failure of the Torelli to give satisfaction to Florentine merchants: 30 Dec 1484, MAP, 48, 278. Lorenzo agrees with R’s view that Gian Giacomo Trivulzio should be offerred a condotta and Girolamo Riario’s lordship: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, [3] Jan 1485, Lettere, VIII, 112-14. Lorenzo’s postscript to R is not to be shown to anyone else: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 29 Apr 1485, Lettere, VIII, 175. R offers to send a good alto tenor from Milan if Lorenzo wants one: B Rucellai to Lorenzo de’ Medici, 25 May 1485, MAP, 51, 312. Lorenzo thinks R should be granted his wish to return to Florence: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 16 Sept 1485, Lettere, VIII, 277-8. His recall from Milan: 10 Oct 1485, Otto, Miss, 4, 69. News of his election as ambassador to Venice: Dieci to J Giucciardini, 3 Jan 1486, Dieci, LC, 6, 6. Reports that Antonio da Cascina is coming to see Lorenzo regarding the canonry of Pisa that he has obtained in Rome: 7 Mar 1486, MAP, 51, 291. Lorenzo keeps R and Pier Filippo Pandolfini in touch, so has little to say to Niccolò Michelozzi: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 15 May 1486, Lettere, IX, 291. Is responsible for keeping Lorenzo in touch with daily affairs: 17 May 1486, MAP, 39, 483. Michelozzi is to let R and Pandolfini know all the news Lorenzo has had from the camp and from Bracciano: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 17 May 1486, Lettere, IX, 293. Persuades Antonio Fagiuolo to come to Lorenzo from Lombardy: Lorenzo de’ Medici to N Michelozzi, 18 May 1486, Lettere, IX, 297.
Rucellai, Bernardo di Piero di Cardinale
Career: Florentine merchant with some experience of public office. Sea consul, June 1465-June 1466. General member of the Balia for S Maria Novella, 1471. Accoppiatore, 1478. In Oct 1481 he became one of the 12 Procuratori, which suggests that he was already a member of the Council of 70. Sea consul, Mar 1481-Mar? 1482. In the consulta, wanted any new taxes to be equitably distributed: 29 May 1482, Min, 11, 365-7.
Rucellai, Carlo di Filippo
Ref: Former castellan of the Pisan citadel of Sta in Pacis: 3 Dec 1485, Dieci, Delib, 24, 147.
Rucellai, Lorenzo di Giovanni di Cardinale
Ref: Worked for the Medici bank for a number of years: Lettere, VI, 8.
Rucellai, Nannina, see Medici, Nannina de’
Rucellai, Ridolfo
Ref: Cousin of Bernardo Rucellai recommended by him for imbursation as Gonfalonier of Justice: 3 June 1485, MAP, 51, 314.
Rucellai, Vanni
Ref: The Otto ask Francesco Gaddi to hand over cash to R’s son: 9 Nov 1485, Otto, Miss, 3, 175.
Rucellai, Vannozzo di Filippo di Pancrazio
Ref: Commissioner in the old citadel at Pisa: 20 Oct 1485, Dieci, Delib, 24, 129.
Ruffaldo, Roberto
Refs: Guido Mannelli and Francesco Baroni have broken off negotiations with him: 19 Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 198. Hired by Florence with forty men-at-arms and forty mounted crossbowmen; related to the Spinola: G Mannelli[?] and F Baroni[?] to B Rucellai[?] in Milan, -- Jan 1485, Dieci, Resp, 30, 288.
Ruggi, BenedettoRoggio
Career: Abbot of ------. Neapolitan ambassador in Urbino (1481), Milan (1481-4), and Venice (1484). Sent on an embassy to Innocent VIII in 1485.
Refs: Is in Urbino to persuade Federico da Montefeltro to agree a condotta with the League: Lorenzo de’ Medici to P F Pandolfini, 19 Nov 1481, Lettere, VI, 92. Regarding the mission of Stefano Taverna and R to Urbino: Lorenzo de’ Medici to P F Pandolfini, 3 Dec 1481, Lettere, VI, 116. Arrived today from Ferrara; it is said he is going to stay here in place of Antonio Gazzo: T Ridolfi at Milan to the Otto, 30 Dec 1481, Otto, Resp, 2, 143. Among those to whom Lorenzo sent letters of credence for Niccolò Michelozzi, Aug 1482: Prot, 203. R accused Branda Castiglioni of misunderstanding Ferrante’s comments on Milan; in turn Castiglioni accused R of lying to Ludovico Sforza about what he has reported to Naples; ‘habia due faze, che non conviene ad tanto hano’: B Castiglioni in Naples to G G Sforza, 19 Feb 1483, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 241. Has written to Ferrara that Guido de’ Rossi has not yet handed over his castles to Venice: J Guicciardini in Ferrara to the Dieci, 24 Apr 1483, Dieci, Resp, 27, 290-1. Ferrante will send him as ambassador to Venice: 26 Sept 1484, G Lanfredini, Copialettere, BNF, II, V, 15, 145. Ferrante’s ambassador to Venice: 26 Sept 1484, Dieci, Resp, 32, 220; 3 Oct 1484, Otto, Miss, 3, 99-100. Arrives in Rome with Gabriele Maccafani to negotiate an accord with Innocent: 7 Nov 1485, ASMi, SPE, Napoli, 246.
Bibliog: R. Guariglia, ‘Un ambasciatore salernitano del sec xv: l’abate Ruggi’, Rassegna storica salernitana, IV (1943), 27-56
Ruggieri, Bernardino de’
Ref: One of the leaders of Filippo degli Oddi’s party in Perugia: 9 Feb 1486, Dieci, Resp, 33, 310.
Ruinaldi, Giovanni Maria
Ref: Judge elected by Ercole d’E ste regarding differences with Venice over the boundaries of the Polesine: 29 Nov 1484, Sen Secr, 32, 110.
Russi, Bartolomeo
Ref: Informs Galeotto Manfredi of Girolamo Riario’s plot to take over Faenza: 4 Nov 1484, MAP, 39, 371.
Rustici, Gherardo
Refs: Curialist who witnessed the league signed between Sixtus, Naples, Milan and Florence, 13 Mar 1480: Lettere, V, 289-90. ‘Causarum Sacri Palatii Apostolici notario’ who signed the league between Naples, Milan, Florence and Ferrara, 25 July 1480: Lettere, V, 299. An attempt to prolong his stay in Milan: G G Sforza to the Milanese orators in Rome, 8 Feb 1481, ASMi, SPE, Roma, 88. Signed the peace treaty between Sixtus and the League, 12 Dec 1482: Lettere, VII, 497-8.
Ruverio, C-----
Ref: Correspondent of Lorenzo in the Romagna in 1481: Lettere, V, 262.