Vernacular Aristotelianism in Renaissance Italy, c. 1400-c. 1650
Forthcoming Events
21-22 June 2013, Colloquium in London (The Warburg Institute)
Past Events
The first results of researches undertaken by members of the project were presented at several international conferences and seminars:
27–28 September 2012, Colloquium in Pisa (Italy)
5-6 July 2012: MEMSA Conference, Durham University
Eugenio REFINI - "Shifting Identities from Manuscript to Print: the Case of Jacopo Campora's De immortalitate anime"
1 May 2012: Database Launch (University of Warwick)
22–24 March 2012, The 58th Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference (Washington, DC)
The project sponsored a series of panels on "Vernacular Aristotelianism in the Renaissance" at the 2012 Renaissance Society of America meeting.
Vernacular Aristotelianism in the Renaissance I - 23 March 2012, 8.45am-10.15am, Grand Hyatt, Conference Suite 8
Chair: Ingrid A. R. DE SMET (University of Warwick)
"Vernacular Readings of Aristotle in the Quattrocento: Lazzaro Gallineta's Commentary on the pseudo-aristotelian De virtute" - Eugenio REFINI (University of Warwick)
"Giovan Battista Gelli and Benedetto Varchi as Readers of Dante and Aristotle" - Simon GILSON (University of Warwick)
"Francesco Piccolomini's Moral Philosophy between Latin and the Vernacular" - David A. LINES (University of Warwick)
Vernacular Aristotelianism in the Renaissance II - 23 March 2012, 10.30am-12.00am, Grand Hyatt, Conference Suite 8
Chair: Simon GILSON (University of Warwick)
"The Plato-Aristotle Controversy in 16th Century Vernacular Philosophy: Francesco de' Vieri at the University of Pisa" - Maude VANHAELEN (University of Warwick)
"Translating Aristotelian Logic into English: Ralph Lever's Witcraft and English Vernacular Renaissance Aristotelianism" - Marco SGARBI (Università di Verona)
"French Natural Philosophy: the Case of Scipion Dupleix" - Violaine GIACOMOTTO-CHARRA (Université Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux 3)
9 December 2011, EMPHASIS Seminar, University of London
Italian Renaissance philosophy in the vernacular: Alessandro Piccolomini
Letizia PANIZZA (Royal Holloway, University of London): 'Alessandro Piccolomini: Aristotle's natural philosophy for the layman and woman in sixteenth-century Italy'
Eugenio REFINI (University of Warwick): 'Logic, Rhetoric and Poetics as rational faculties in Alessandro Piccolomini's map of knowledge'
27-30 October 2011, The Sixteenth-Century Society and Conference, Fort Worth (TX)
6-9 July 2011, The 2011 Society of Italian Studies Biennial Conference, University of St Andrews
Eugenio REFINI, "Vernacular Aristotelianism: Building a Database of Works" (accompanied by a demonstration of the database project)
David A. LINES, "Vernacular Aristotelianism: The Case of Bernardo Segni"
15-17 June 2011, "Filosofare in Lingua Volgare", Rome, Istituto Svizzero
Luca BIANCHI - "Volgarizzare Aristotele: per chi?"
7-10 April 2011, 42nd Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Eugenio REFINI - "Vernacular Aristotle between Humanism and Renaissance"