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Conference - November 2013. Discovering the Italian Trecento in the C19th Century

A two day conference on 15 and 16 November at the Warwick teaching and research centre in Venice held in partnership with our Venice partners, Ca' Foscari through the Scuola dottorale interateneo in Storia delle Arti.

This is the final event bourne out of a joint research initiative between the History of Art department at the University of Warwick (Dr Louise Bourdua), IESA (Adriana Turpin), the National Gallery, London (Dr Susanna Avery-Quash) and the University of Swansea (Dr John Law). This initiative brings together Warwick's strengths in Trecento art, British art and the history of collecting, and provides a platform for the dissemination of new research including that of our own postgraduate students. The programme features sessions on Trecento Literature's Heroes, Documentation and Restoration, Sculptural and Architectural responses of the Nineteenth Century to Trecento Art, Connoiseurship and the Growth of Trecento Studies and Rediscovering Italian History.

Previous events included a conference at the National Gallery and the Wallace Collection (1 March; 2 March), a bridging lecture by Professor Rosemary Sweet (Leicester) at the Italian Cultural Institute (15 May). Carly Collier, a final-year candidate gave a paper at the March conference entitled: "...a monument of the spirit of the early artists...": the first monograph on Giotto’s Arena Chapel. A selection of papers will be published in the Italian journal Predella.

Project website.