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Postdoctoral Research Fellows

These research fellows are currently undertaking postdoctoral research in the History of Art Department or the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance. Follow the links for further details.

Dr Josefine Baark • ProfileResearch

Seventeenth and eighteenth-century art and visual culture; Global art, particularly in China; Automata and mechanization; Portrait sculpture; Miniaturization and scale.

Dr Claudia Daniotti • ProfileResearch

Late medieval and Renaissance art, especially Italian, Classical tradition; Iconography and iconology; Posthumous life of Alexander the Great; Transmission of ancient texts and their interplay with visual arts; The macabre and representation of Death in medieval and Early Modern Europe; Reception of antiquity at the court of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta in Rimini; Aby Warburg and his legacy.

Dr Livia Lupi • ProfileResearch Publications

Late medieval and early modern painting and architecture, especially in Italy; Representations of architecture in the arts of Europe and Asia; Exchanges between Italy and the late Byzantine world; History of rhetoric and its interplay with the visual arts; Architectural drawings; Painter-architect figures; Exchanges between Europe and early modern India.

Dr Tom Young • ProfileResearch

Art in India, Empire, Lithography, Mass media technology, Rise of the Counterculture, Nineteenth Century art and printmaking, Artistic technology as a driver for historical change.

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