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Professor Julian Gardner

MA (Oxford), PhD (London), FSA





‘"Magister Bertucius Aurifex" et les Portes en Bronze de Saint-Marc, un Programme pour l'Année Jubilaire’, Revue de l'Art 134, 9-26.

‘"Sepulchrum...permagnificum et sumptuosum inter omnia sepulcra vicina": A Note on Cardinal Guillaume de Bray and His Tomb in Orvieto by Arnolfo di Cambio’, in Opere e giorni: studi su mille anni di arte europea: dedicati a Max Seidel, ed. K. Bergdolt, Venice, 85-90.

‘The Family Chapel: Artistic Patronage and Architectural Transformation in Italy circa 1275-1325’, in Art, Cérémonial et Liturgie au Moyen Age: Actes du Colloque de 3e Cycle Romand de Lettres, Lausanne-Fribourg, 24-25 mars, 14-15 avril, 12-13 mai 2000, ed. N. Bock, Rome, Études Lausannoises d’Histoire de l’Art 1, 545-64.


‘Giotto in America (and Elsewhere)’, in Italian Panel Painting of the Duecento and Trecento, ed. V. M Schmidt, Studies in the History of Art 61, 160-81.

‘Torriti's Birds’, in Medioevo: Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Parma, 26-29 settembre 2001, ed. A. Carlo Quintavalle, Milan, I convegni di Parma 2, 605-14.

‘”Sancta Dei Genetricis imago…reverenter compacta et sanctorum reliquiis cavato loco insignita”: The Altarpiece in Santa Maria Maggiore’, in L’”imagine antica” La Madonna col Bambino di Santa Maria Maggiore, ed. M. Ciatti and C. Frosinini, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence, 57-62.


‘Likeness and/or Representation in English and French Royal Portraits c.1250 - c.1300’, in Das Porträt vor der Erfindung des Porträts, ed. M. Büchsel and P Schmidt, Mainz am Rhein, 141-51.

‘Innocent III and His Influence on Roman Art of the Thirteenth Century’, in Innocenzo III: Urbs et Orbis: Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Roma, 9-15 September, 1998, ed. A. Sommerlechner, Rome, Miscellanea della Società Romana di Storia Patria 44, 1245-60.

‘Some Aspects of the History of the Italian Altar, ca.1250-ca.1350: Placement and Decoration’, in Objects, Images and the Word, ed. C. Hourihane, Princeton, Occasional Papers, Princeton University, Index of Christian Art 6, 138-60.

Obituary: ‘Ernst Kitzinger’, in: The Independent, 8th February.

Obituary: ‘John Shearman’, in: The Independent, 22nd August.


‘The Artistic Patronage of Boniface VIII: the Perugian Inventory of the Papal Treasure of 1311’, Römisches Jahrbuch der Bibliotheca Hertziana 34, [2001/2002], 69-86.

‘The Painted City: Legal Domain or Visualized Utopia?’, in La Bellezza della Città: Stadtrecht und Stadtgestaltung im Italien des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, ed. M. Stolleis and R. Wolff, Reihe der Villa Vigoni 16, 343-71.

‘Conclusion: Santa Maria Donna Regina in its European Context’, in The Church of Santa Maria Donna Regina: Art, Iconography and Patronage in Fourteenth Century Naples, ed. J. Elliott and C. Warr, Aldershot, 195-201.


‘Arnolfo di Cambio: Perugia and Orvieto’, The Burlington Magazine 147, 845-7.

‘A Minor Episode of Public Disorder in Assisi: Francis Renounces his Inheritance’, Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 68, 275-85.

‘Introduction’, Il Monumento Funebre ai Genitori del Cardinal Partino di Montefiore dell'Aso, ed. M. Bonanni, Ascoli Piceno.

‘Prophet Dedications in Medieval and Renaissance Venice’, in Der unbestechliche Blick, ed. M. Gaier, Trier, 31-9.

‘Epilogue: "From Hence Your Memory Death Cannot Take"’, in Care for the Here and the Hereafter, ed. T. van Bueren, Turnhout, 291-6.

‘Arnolfo di Cambio e l’Europa’, Arnolfo alle Origini del Rinascimento Fiorentino, ed. E. Neri Lusanna, Florence, 55-67.


‘The Influence of Ugo Procacci as a Scholar Outside Italy’, in Ugo Procacci a Cento Anni dalla Nascita (1905-2005), ed. M. Ciatti, Storia e Teoria del Restauro: Studi 4, Florence, 231-42.