Professor Julian Gardner
MA (Oxford), PhD (London), FSA
‘"Magister Bertucius Aurifex" et les Portes en Bronze de Saint-Marc, un Programme pour l'Année Jubilaire’, Revue de l'Art 134, 9-26.
‘"Sepulchrum...permagnificum et sumptuosum inter omnia sepulcra vicina": A Note on Cardinal Guillaume de Bray and His Tomb in Orvieto by Arnolfo di Cambio’, in Opere e giorni: studi su mille anni di arte europea: dedicati a Max Seidel, ed. K. Bergdolt, Venice, 85-90.
‘The Family Chapel: Artistic Patronage and Architectural Transformation in Italy circa 1275-1325’, in Art, Cérémonial et Liturgie au Moyen Age: Actes du Colloque de 3e Cycle Romand de Lettres, Lausanne-Fribourg, 24-25 mars, 14-15 avril, 12-13 mai 2000, ed. N. Bock, Rome, Études Lausannoises d’Histoire de l’Art 1, 545-64.
‘Giotto in America (and Elsewhere)’, in Italian Panel Painting of the Duecento and Trecento, ed. V. M Schmidt, Studies in the History of Art 61, 160-81.
‘Torriti's Birds’, in Medioevo: Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Parma, 26-29 settembre 2001, ed. A. Carlo Quintavalle, Milan, I convegni di Parma 2, 605-14.‘”Sancta Dei Genetricis imago…reverenter compacta et sanctorum reliquiis cavato loco insignita”: The Altarpiece in Santa Maria Maggiore’, in L’”imagine antica” La Madonna col Bambino di Santa Maria Maggiore, ed. M. Ciatti and C. Frosinini, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence, 57-62.
‘Likeness and/or Representation in English and French Royal Portraits c.1250 - c.1300’, in Das Porträt vor der Erfindung des Porträts, ed. M. Büchsel and P Schmidt, Mainz am Rhein, 141-51.
‘Innocent III and His Influence on Roman Art of the Thirteenth Century’, in Innocenzo III: Urbs et Orbis: Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Roma, 9-15 September, 1998, ed. A. Sommerlechner, Rome, Miscellanea della Società Romana di Storia Patria 44, 1245-60.
‘Some Aspects of the History of the Italian Altar, ca.1250-ca.1350: Placement and Decoration’, in Objects, Images and the Word, ed. C. Hourihane, Princeton, Occasional Papers, Princeton University, Index of Christian Art 6, 138-60.
Obituary: ‘Ernst Kitzinger’, in: The Independent, 8th February.
Obituary: ‘John Shearman’, in: The Independent, 22nd August.
‘The Artistic Patronage of Boniface VIII: the Perugian Inventory of the Papal Treasure of 1311’, Römisches Jahrbuch der Bibliotheca Hertziana 34, [2001/2002], 69-86.
‘The Painted City: Legal Domain or Visualized Utopia?’, in La Bellezza della Città: Stadtrecht und Stadtgestaltung im Italien des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, ed. M. Stolleis and R. Wolff, Reihe der Villa Vigoni 16, 343-71.
‘Conclusion: Santa Maria Donna Regina in its European Context’, in The Church of Santa Maria Donna Regina: Art, Iconography and Patronage in Fourteenth Century Naples, ed. J. Elliott and C. Warr, Aldershot, 195-201.
‘Arnolfo di Cambio: Perugia and Orvieto’, The Burlington Magazine 147, 845-7.
‘A Minor Episode of Public Disorder in Assisi: Francis Renounces his Inheritance’, Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 68, 275-85.
‘Introduction’, Il Monumento Funebre ai Genitori del Cardinal Partino di Montefiore dell'Aso, ed. M. Bonanni, Ascoli Piceno.‘Prophet Dedications in Medieval and Renaissance Venice’, in Der unbestechliche Blick, ed. M. Gaier, Trier, 31-9.
‘Epilogue: "From Hence Your Memory Death Cannot Take"’, in Care for the Here and the Hereafter, ed. T. van Bueren, Turnhout, 291-6.
‘Arnolfo di Cambio e l’Europa’, Arnolfo alle Origini del Rinascimento Fiorentino, ed. E. Neri Lusanna, Florence, 55-67.
‘The Influence of Ugo Procacci as a Scholar Outside Italy’, in Ugo Procacci a Cento Anni dalla Nascita (1905-2005), ed. M. Ciatti, Storia e Teoria del Restauro: Studi 4, Florence, 231-42.