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Summer Examinations: 2001/2002


Time allowed: 3 hours.

Candidates must attempt ALL questions.

Each question carries the same weight and candidates are advised to spread their time evenly between the questions.

Refer to each image by the number and letter on the back.

Read carefully the instructions on the answer book and make sure that the particulars required are entered on each answer book.

Photographs and photocopies MUST NOT be defaced or removed from the examinations room.

1. Identify, date and compare A with B.

2. Identify, date and compare A with B.

3. Identify, date and compare A with B.

4. Identify, date and compare A with B.

5. Identify, date and compare A with B.

6. Identify, date and compare A with B.




                      UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK

                      Summer Examinations: 2001/2002

                      ART IN NORTHERN ITALY 1100-1600 - II

                      1. A Giusto di Menabuoni, Annunciation: Fresco from Baptistery at Padua c1365

                      B Lorenzo Veneziano, Annunciation: Centre of the Lion Polyptych 1357, Accademia, Venice

                      2. A Tomb of Doge Jacopo Tiepolo (d. 1249) and Doge Lorenzo Tiepolo (d. 1275), Venice SS. Giovanni e Paolo

                      B Tomb of Doge Michele Morisini (d. 1382) Location?

                      3. A Apse, S. Niccolo, Treviso. C1330

                      B Apse, Ss Giovanni e Paolo, Venice.c1340

                      4. A Titian, Miracle of the Newborn Child, 1511, Scuola del Santo, Padua

                      B Antonio Lombardo, Miracle of the Newborn Child, 1500-4, Capella dell'Arca, Santo, Padua

                      5. A Giovanni Bellini: Madonna and Child with Doge Agostino Barbarigo, 1488, Murano, San Pietro Martire

                      B Titian, Pesaro Madonna, 1519-26, Frari, Venice

                      6. A Giovanni Bellini: Madonna of the Meadow, 1505, National Gallery, London

                      B Giovanni Bellini, St. Francis in Ecstasy, 1470s, Frick Collection, New York