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Cultural and Media Policy Studies News and Events


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CMPS Research Seminar: Creative Control

On Wednesday the 19th May at 6pm the Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies (in association with the Productivity and Futures of Work GRP) will be hosting Michael Siciliano, discussing his new book, Creative Control: The Ambivalence of Work in the Culture Industries (Columbia University Press, 2021).

The seminar will be hosted via Teams and you can join at this link (sign-in with your Warwick credentials to access the chat!)

Fri 23 Apr 2021, 18:25 | Tags: Research Seminars Research news Faculty of Arts

CMPS researchers lead a City of Culture 'Case Study for Change'

A team of Centre researchers is contributing to the City of Culture's Monitoring and Evaluation Team's series of Case Studies for Change.

Led by Dr. Vishalakshi Roy, the project examines how the City of Culture's transformational vision for Coventry is enacted, lived with and experienced by residents in key positions in the City's civic, cultural and business communities.

You can read about the project here.

Wed 21 Apr 2021, 18:20

Brand new Accelerator & Incubator @1millstreet Leamington Spa for Warwick's creative and digital graduates

Creative Futures is a gateway between the University and the region's creative industries.

We inspire, educate & incubate on campus and at 1 Mill Street offering space, business support, mentoring and networking to support the growth of creative ideas, enterprises and innovation.

Do you have a creative business idea?

Our incubator will help graduate businesses become part of the UK’s largest creative cluster outside Greater London. Creative Futures provides an exciting opportunity for business teams to develop their entrepreneurial skills, test, launch and pitch their business ideas and get 6 months of free space and support to develop their creative enterprises in Leamington Spa.

Applications will open on 3rd August although we are collect Expressions of Interest now. This allows people to get further details and be notified as soon as applications launch;

Tue 14 Jul 2020, 19:10 | Tags: Alumni, Students, Industry, Education

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