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Cultural and Media Policy Studies News and Events


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Innovation Insight - Warwick in London, Tuesday 11th July 2017

On 11th July 2017 Chris Bilton will co-present a workshop on innovation and leadership at Warwick in London’s venue in the old Google building near King’s Cross Station. Chris will be running the workshop alongside Linda Green, of Leading Creative Talent, formerly head of the BBC Leadership programme. Aimed at emerging leaders in medium-sized organisations, this one-day workshop will show you how to recognise and direct innovative ideas, how to lead innovation in others, and how to build a capacity to innovate at both individual and organisational level. Each participant will leave with an action plan to put these ideas into action in their workplace. Details of the event are available here.


Wed 05 Apr 2017, 15:40 | Tags: Alumni, Events, Impact, Research news

Catalyst Partnerships with Brazil: Media and Memory

brazilbook cover

It was great to see the partnerships with Brazil harvesting fruit and being recognised by the Funding Agency of the State of Sao Paulo and the British Council this week. Two projects were mentioned involving Joanne Garde-Hansen of the Centre for Cultural Policy Studies, firstly the British Council Researcher Links Workshop Beyond the Digital with Prof Gilson Schwartz (USP) and secondly, the career development of Dr Danilo Rothberg (UNESP) who is now a co-researcher with Joanne on the Narratives of Water Project, (a FAPESP-SPRINT-Warwick project). We will be launching the blog for this soon.

Both projects have explored the creative currencies flowing from and between 'memory projects' in the UK and Brazil, and in particular the communication and media strategies employed in the representation, perception and governance of water in Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte and the United Kingdom. In the context of adaptation to increased occurrences to flooding, drought, water security and scarcity, the time is right for more transnational communication on this issue. After all, water circulates globally, and media are also flowing in new directions. Some of this research appears in the newly published Social Memory Technology: Theory, Practice, Action (Routledge), a co-authored book between Joanne and Karen Worcman (Director of the Museu da Pessoa, Sao Paulo). Karen Worcman joined Gilson Schwartz as a visiting researcher in 2014, and the Museu da Pessoa continues to be one of the most important digital museums in Brazil. For more on the UK-Brazil collaborative initiatives see the British Council's Report (in Portuguese) and the news item (in English).

What have performance poetry and art installations got to do with supply chains?

Two specially commissioned artworks have just been unveiled as part of the MyChainReaction project, an ESRC Impact Accelerator funded research project conducted Professor Janet Godsell, Professor of Supply Chain Strategy and Management at WMG and Ruth Leary, Centre for Cultural Policy Studies.

Mon 16 Nov 2015, 13:59 | Tags: News Impact Research news Faculty of Arts

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