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Cultural and Media Policy Studies News and Events


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CCMPS researcher Heidi Ashton invited to be part of the global research fellows network at the creative industries Policy Evidence Centre (PEC)

The creative industries Policy Evidence Centre (PEC) have created a global network of research fellows. The network consists of "leading experts from diverse backgrounds, areas of specialism and parts of the globe. They facilitate knowledge exchange at Creative PEC through seminars, blogs and discussion papers and smaller thematic research networks." Dr Heidi Ashton from the Centre for Culture and Media Policy Studies was invited to join this prestigious group and is looking forward to working and learning with and from them: bringing that learning back to the centre and integrating it into her work with colleagues and students.

Waterproofing Data Project: Shortlisted 2022 THE Awards

The Centre is delighted to see that the Waterproofing Data project involving Prof Joanne Garde-Hansen as a co-investigator on flood memories in Brazil has been shortlisted for the 2022 THE Awards 'Project of the Year' in the category of Research Project of the Year: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Wed 07 Sept 2022, 15:33 | Tags: Events, International, Publications, Research news

'Reset' & 'Red Creative': Two presentations from Justin O'Connor

We're delighted to be joined this month by Justin O'Connor, Professor of Cultural Economy at the University of South Australia, for two in-person research events.

On Thursday February 22nd at 4pm in FAB 2.43, Professor O'Connor will present 'Reset: Art and Culture in the Interregum' based on work that has emerged from the Adelaide-based Reset Arts and Culture collaboration, reflecting on the cultural sector's post-pandemic life.

On Friday February 23rd at 3pm in FAB 5.01, Professor O'Connor will present 'Red Creative: China's Cultural Reforms'.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Mon 14 Feb 2022, 14:09 | Tags: Events, International, News, Research news, Research Seminars, Students

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