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Cultural and Media Policy Studies News and Events


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Amphibious Screens - Seminar Series 2022

The Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies has secured research development funding to create and host four interntional research seminars to build a transnational network of research seminars of collaboration between researchers from the UK, USA, Finland, Iceland and Italy. Researchers of film, television and screen cultures and environmental sciences will discuss with industry professionals and regional environmental sectors the subject of sustainable screen production in water-based locations.

Wed 26 Jan 2022, 14:02 | Tags: Research Seminars, Events, International, Research news, Industry, Online

Seminar - Joint Sociology/Centre for Cultural & Media Policy Studies

The rise of the ‘neo-precariat’? The emerging precarious challenges for and responses of formal creative labour in advertising and public relations industries

Dr. Tommy Tse, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, The University of Hong Kong

Wednesday 7th November, IAS, Millburn House, 13:00-14:30.

In view of the changing state of the creative workforce, this presentation reworks the traditional concept of precarity as a habituated (rather than contingent) state, to explore the diversity of precarisation processes in the creative sector. In doing so it critiques Standing’s (2016) theorisation of the ‘precariat’ as a ‘class-in-the-making’, based on an increasingly temporary employment status and lacking seven forms of labour-related security. The term ‘neo-precarity’ is coined to describe the emerging, normalising perceptions of insecurity among full-time creative labourers. Theoretically, this study identifies the drivers and patterns of three new forms of neo-precarious experience and their derived anxieties and dissatisfactions. Empirically, it demonstrates how technologisation, intergenerational conflicts and the disempowerment of creativity constitute various forms of perceived insecurity among creative workers, including professional status and job status insecurity. The findings illustrate how interactions of Hong Kong public relations and advertising workers with the environmental context, institutional and organisational factors, and multiple actors are reshaping their definitions of career, career success and self-actualisation. Rather than a unique hallmark for non-standard workers, I argue that precarity should be reconceptualised as inherent to—in different degrees—all labour-capital relationships.

Research Seminar - Professor Caroline Pauwels (Vrije Universiteit Brussels) Conceptualising Media Policy after Brexit – Questions on Values and Policies - Wednesday 17th October 2018

Professor Caroline Pauwels (Vrije Universiteit Brussels)

Professor Pauwels is a leading international expert on European and national media policy and the economy of the media sector. She is currently Rector at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and has received the Francqui Chair at Ghent University as well as held the Jean Monnet Chair. In 2017 she was selected as the ‘Brussels Leader of the Year’. In 2015, she organized the first World Difference Day ( discussing freedom of speech and media.

Professor Pauwels has published extensively on media policy and economics including The Palgrave Handbook of European Media Policy (2014) and Private Television in Western Europe: Content, Markets, Policies (2013).

17th October, 13:00-14:30

IAS, Millburn House

Please email Paula Watkins ( to RSVP.


Thu 11 Oct 2018, 13:11 | Tags: Research Seminars News International Faculty of Arts

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