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Research Design

The module will equip you with a broad understanding of relevant research methods from which to select an appropriate approach for your own project. It will introduce you to ethical dimensions of research. It will equip you to write an effective proposal (including research questions, rationale, explanation, and justification of research methods, identifying relevant literature and data sources). By the end of the module you should be ready to submit your proposal and equipped with a broad understanding of research methods in the cultural, creative and media industries field.

The module is a core module for all the MA programmes within the Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies. It will combine an exploration of the philosophical underpinnings of specific research traditions in cultural and media policy studies with a practical introduction to the key skills required for designing and conducting research in these fields. Drawing on inter-disciplinary approaches to empirical research from the social sciences, cultural and media studies, as well as approaches to analysis that emerge from the arts and humanities, the module will help students develop the practical and analytical skills to produce and critique the kinds of research evidence that predominate in the fields of cultural and media research. It also aims to give students the confidence to embark on and produce high quality research of their own, through practical sessions on designing research. While this is a standalone module with its own learning outcomes and assessment, the module dovetails with the Major Project module. Successful completion of Research Design will ensure you are well prepared to embark on your Major Project in a timely fashion.

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