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Festival personnel

Bonetti, Luca

  • Role: Printer
  • Festivals: Carnival in Siena in 1585
  • Festival Books: Trionfi della pazzia, et della disperatione, rappresentati in Siena nelle feste del carnouale. (published Siena [1585])

Printer, Carnival

Borcht, Pieter van der

  • 1545-1608
  • Role: Engraver
  • Festivals: Entry of Ernst, Archduke of Austria into Antwerp, 14th June 1594
  • Festival Books: Descriptio publicae gratulationis, spectaculorum et ludorum, in adventu Sereniss[imi] Principis Ernesti Archiducis Austriae, Ducis Burgundiae, Comitis Habsp[urgi] aurei vellleris equitis, Belgicis provinciiis a regia Ma[gesta]te Cathol[ici] praefecti, An[no] M.D.XCIII. XVIII. Kal[endris] Iulias, aliisque diebus Antwerpiae editorum. Cui est praefixa, De Belgii Principatu a Romano in ea Prouincia Imperio ad nostra usq[ue] tempora breuis narratio. (published Antwerp, 1595)
  • Flemish Northern Renaissance Painter.
  • Born Malines (Mechelen).
  • First artwork, woodcut illustrations 1552, printed by Jacob van Liesvelt in Das Vyants net der booser wercken.
  • Father Jacques van der Borcht also an artist.
  • 1564 working for Christopher Plantin's press in Antwerp.
  • Illustrator for Plantin's botannical books.
  • Fleed to Antwerp in 1572 following massacre at Malines to live with Plantin.
  • Work in Plantin archives at Plantin-Moretus Museum in Antwerp.
Royal Entry, Engraver

Borghini, Vincenzo

  • 1515-1580
  • Role: Architect
  • Festivals: Entry of Francesco de'Medici and Joanna of Austria into Florence for their wedding, Florence 1565
  • Festival Books: Descrizione della entrata delle serenissima regina Giovanna d'Austria et dell'apparato, fatto in Firenze nella venuta, [et] per le felicissime nozze di sua altezza et dell' illustrissimo ... don Francesco de Medici ... (published Florence, 1566)
  • ET I (p.230) Benedictine philologist and historian at the Medici court.
  • Regularly in service of the Grand Duke.
  • Ordained priest in 1541 at abbey at Arezzo.
  • Monastery in Florence.
  • Commissioned at Accademi de Disegu.
  • His potrait by Ferderico Zuccaro 1570-4 at British Museum.
Royal Entry, Wedding, Architect

Borgo, Antonio

  • Role: Printer
  • Festivals: Entry of Philip II into Milan, 19th December 1458
  • Festival Books: La triomphale entrata del serenissimo prence dispagna nell'inclita citta di Melano. Il di. xix. di decembre. M.D.XLVIII.
Printer, Royal Entry

Bosse the younger, Abraham

  • 1602-1676
  • Role: Illustrator
  • Festivals: Entry into Paris of Louis XIII and victory celebrations after the taking of La Rochelle, Paris 1628
  • Festival Books: Eloges et discours sur la triomphante reception du roy en sa ville de Paris apres la reduction de la Rochelle ... .(published Paris, 1629)
  • ET II (pgs. 135-6) Engraver in Paris from 1621.
  • Mannerist style of female figures.
  • French artist, printmaker in etchings but also in watercolour, on topics such as daily life, religion, literature, history, fashion, technology and science.
  • 1648 Bosse founding member of Académie Royale de peinture et de sculpture yet publicising Desargues technical methods in 1661 forced to withdraw when Charles le Brunt followers believed genius should be guide in creating art.  Established own school as alternative.
Royal Entry, Celebration, Illustrator

Bouquet, Simon

  • Role: Author
  • Festivals: 1571 entries of Charles IX and his wife Elisabeth, Archduchess of Austria, into Paris for her coronation, Paris, March 1571
  • Festival Books: Bref et sommaire recueil de ce qui a esté faict, [et] de l'ordre tenüe à la ioyeuse [et] triumphante entree de tres-puissant ... prince Charles IX. de ce nom ... en sa bonne ville [et] cité de Paris .... Avec le couronnement de ... princesse Madame Elizabet d'Austriche son espouse .... (published Paris, 1572)
  • Was an alderman (see Frances Amelia Yates, Astraea p.128.)
Author, Coronation, Royal Entry

Bourne, William

  • Role: Orator
  • Festivals: Entries of James I and VI, Queen Anna and Prince Henry Frederick into London, 15th March 1603
  • Festival Books: The Magnificent Entertainment: Giuen to King Iames, Queene Anne his wife, and Henry Frederick the Prince, vpon the day of his Maiesties Triumphant Passage (from the Tower) through his Honourable Citie (and Chamber) of London being the 15. of March. 1603. (published London, 1604)
  • William Bourne of Manchester College.
Royal Entry, Orator

Bramereau, Jean

  • Role: Printer
  • Festivals: Entry of Louis XIII into Arles, 29th October 1622
  • Entry of Louis XIII into Avignon, 1622
  • Festival Books: Entree de Loys XIII. Roy de France et de Navarre, dans sa ville d'Arles, le vingt-neufiesme octobre mil six cens vingt-deux. (published Avignon, 1623)
  • La voye de laict, ou Le chemin des heros au palais de la gloire. Ouuert a l'entré e triomphante de Louys XIII. roy de France [et] de Nauarre en la cité d'Auignon le 16. de nouembre 1622. (published Avignon, 1623)
  • Printed works by Lucas Materot (1608).
Printer, Royal Entry

Briere, Annet

  • Role: Printer
  • Festivals: 1558 wedding of Francis, the French Dauphin (and future Francis II), and Mary, Queen of Scots, Paris, April-May 1558
  • Festival Books: Discours du grand et magnifique triumphe faict au mariage du tresnoble [et] magnifique prince Francois de Valois ... [et] de treshaulte [et] vertueuse princesse madame Marie d'Estruart roine d'Escosse. (published Paris, 1558)
Printer, Wedding

Brochmand, Jasper Rasmusen

  • 1585-1652
  • Role: Author
  • Festivals: Coronation in Copenhagen of Fredrick III as King of Denmark, Copenhagen 1648
  • Festival Books: Den Stormechtige Høybaarne Førstis oc Herris Her Friderich dent Tredies Danmarckis Norgis Wendis oc Gottis Konnings ... (published Copenhagen, 1650)
  • 1639 Jesper Rasmussen Brochmand, Bishop of Zealand.
  • 1617 appointed teacher to Prince Christian, son of Christian IV.
  • Controversy with Rome on subject of public lectures.
  • Professor at University of Copenhagen.
  • Publications: 1626-8 Controversiae Sacrae
Author, Coronation

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