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Festival personnel

Broeck, Crispin van den

  • 1523-1591
  • Role: Illustrator
  • Festivals: Entry into Antwerp of Francois, duc d'Alencon et Anjou, Antwerp 1582
  • Festival Books: La ioyeuse [et] magnifique entrée de monseigneur Francoys, fils de France, et frere unicque du roy, par la grace de dieu, duc de Brabant, d'Anjou, Alencon, Berri, [et]c. en sa tres-renomée ville d'Anvers. (published Antwerp 1582)
  • Flemish painter.
  • Enlisted as master in Guild of St. Luke of Antwerp 1555-6.
  • Collaborator of Frans Floris.
  • Painting: Two Young Men ca.1590, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.
Royal Entry, Illustrator

Bruining, Engelbert

  • Role: Publisher
  • Festivals: Coronation of Charles V as Holy Roman Emperor at Bologna, 1529
  • Festival Books: Gratae et laboribus aequae posteritati Caesareas sanctique patris longo ordine et urmas aspice et artifice mter venerare manum tradere quae potuit rigido mansura metallo nomina magnorum tot generosa virum pictor Hogenbergus quod per tua (published The Hague, [1532?])
Coronation, Publisher

Bruyn, Adam de

  • Role: Illustrator
  • Festivals: Entry into Antwerp of Francois, duc d'Alencon et Anjou, Antwerp 1582
  • Festival Books: La ioyeuse [et] magnifique entrée de monseigneur Francoys, fils de France, et frere unicque du roy, par la grace de dieu, duc de Brabant, d'Anjou, Alencon, Berri, [et]c. en sa tres-renomée ville d'Anvers. (published Antwerp, 1582)
Royal Entry, Illustrator

Bry, Theodor de

  • aka Johann Theodore de Bry
  • 1561-1623
  • Role: Printer
  • Festivals: Election and coronation in Frankfurt-am-Main of Matthias I (Matthias II King of Hungary) as Holy Roman Emperor and of his wife, Anne, Archduchess of Austria, Frankfurt-am-Main 1612
  • Festival Books: Electio et coronatio sereniss. potentiss. et invictiss. principis ... Matthiae I. electi rom. imperat. semper augusti etc. eiusq. sereniss. coniugis Annae Austriacae etc. (published Frankfurt-am-Main, 1612)
  • ET II (pgs. 9-11) printer of Robert Fludd.
  • Worked first in Frankfurt, then in the Palatinate at Oppenheim.
  • Printer to the Heidelberg court.
  • Thirty years was destroyed printing house at Oppenheim.
  • nb. Separate Theodor de Bry (1528-1598).
Coronation, Printer, Election

Budge, John

  • Role: Publisher, Bookseller
  • Festivals: Investiture of Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales, London 1610
  • Visit of Anna of Denmark to Cawson House and the wedding of Friedrich, Elector Palatine to Elizabeth, Princess of England, London 1613
  • Festival Books: The order and solemnitie of the creation of the high and mightie Prince Henrie, eldest sonne to our sacred soueraigne, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornewall, Earl of Chester &c. As it was celebrated in the Parliament House, on Munday the fourth of Iunne last past. ... Whereunto is annexed the Royall Maske, presented by the Queene and her Ladies, on Wednesday at night following. (published London, 1610)
  • A Relation of the Late Royall Entertainment Given by the Right Honourable the Lord Knowles, at Cawsome House neere Redding: to our most Gracious Queene, Queene Anne, in her progresse toward the Bathe (published London, 1613)
Royal Visit, Publisher, Wedding, Bookseller, Investiture

Buonarotti the younger, Michelangelo

  • Role: Author
  • Festivals: Proxy wedding in Florence of Maria de'Medici and Henri IV, Florence 1600
  • Festival Books: Descrizione delle felicissime nozze della cristianissima maestà di madama Maria Medici regina di Francia e di Nauarra. (published Florence, 1600)
Author, Wedding

Buona, Tomaso

  • Role: Painter
  • Festivals: Entry into Brescia of Cardinal Giovanni Francesco Morosini, Bishop of Brescia, 1591
  • Festival Books: Il sontuoso apparato, fatto dalla magnifica citta di Brescia nel felice ritorno dell' ill[ustrissimo] ... vescovo suo il cardinale Morosini. (published Brescia, 1591)
Royal Entry, Painter

Buontalenti, Bernardo

  • c.1536-1608
  • Role: Architect
  • Festivals: Wedding in Florence of Cesare d'Este and Virginia de'Medici (natural daughter of Cosimo de'Medici) Florence 1585
  • Funeral in Florence of Francesco de'Medici, Florence 1587
  • Wedding in Florence of Ferdinando de'Medici and Christine of Lorraine, Florence 1589
  • Festival Books: Descrizione del magnificentiss[imo] apparato. e de' maravigliosi intermedi fatti per la commedia rappresentata in Firenze nelle felicissime nozze degl'illustrissimi ... signori il signor don Cesare d'Este, e la signora donna Virginia Medici. (published Florence, 1585)
  • Essequie del serenissimo don Francesco Medici gran duca di Toscana II. (published Florence, 1587)
  • Descrizione dell'apparato, e degl'intermedi. Fatti per la commedia rappresentata in Firenze nelle nozze de'serenissimi don Ferdinanco Medici, e madama Cristina di Loreno ... . (published Florence, 1589)
  • Europa Triumphans: Court and Civic Festivals in Early Modern Europe, 2 Vols, eds J.R. Mulryne, Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly and Margaret Shewring, Vol I (pgs. 59, 61, 64, 66, 68, 87)  Italian architect and pageant designer.
Funeral, Designer, Wedding, Architect

Burnacinius, Johannes

  • Role: Architect
  • Festivals: Celebrations in Vienna for the birth of Margherita Teresa, Spanish Infanta, Vienna 1652
  • Festival Books: La Gara opera dramatica rappresentata in musica, per introduttione di torneo fatto in Vienna per la nascita della serenissima infanta di Spagna, donna Margarita Maria d'Austria ... .(published Vienna, 1652)
Birth, Architect

Busby, John

  • Role: Bookseller
  • Festivals: Procession preceding the coronation of Elizabeth I, Queen of England, London 1558
  • Festival Books: The Royall Passage of her Maiesty from the Tower of London, to her Palace of White-hall, with al the Speaches and Deuices, both of the Pageants and otherwise, together with her Maiesties seuerall Answers, and most pleasing Speaches to them all. (published London, 1604)
Coronation, Bookseller

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