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Thank you for agreeing to be a part of this research study. You will find detailed information about the project and an important consent form which you must fill out at the end of this first survey. Please fill this questionnaire out as soon as possible, certainly BEFORE you see the production. The second survey will be sent to you the morning after you've seen the show, and the third survey two months later. (These will be links sent to you by email.)
Is it a matinee or evening performance? (required)

AUDIENCE MEMBER INFORMATION (In the questions that follow, you can choose to not answer any particular question without withdrawing from the study.)
Your gender:
Please indicate your age group:
What is your highest qualification?
Do you have a disability which is relevant to your trip to the theatre?

1. Have you ever been to see a performance at a theatre before this one?
4. Have you ever participated in the following:
7. Are you going alone or with other people (Select all which apply)

For more information about the project, click on: [popup FURTHER INFORMATION] Theatre Spectatorship and Value Attribution 1.WHAT IS THIS PROJECT? ‘Theatre Spectatorship and Value Attribution’ is a research study looking at how theatre audiences value the experience of attending performances. The focus is on the self-reported description of experiences of individuals who attend the theatre, which will be gathered mainly through online questionnaires. You can also volunteer to be interviewed or take part in a creative workshop.. We will also tap memory by asking some subjects about a performance they saw one year ago. We hope the benefit of this project lies in the contribution of the findings to questions about cultural value and how it is produced and defined—an important topic within debates about government funding for the arts. 2. WHO ARE THE PARTNERS AND PRINCIPAL LEADERS OF THIS PROJECT? This project is led by the University of Warwick, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and is carried out in collaboration with Royal Holloway University of London, Manchester Metropolitan University, and The British Theatre Consortium (BTC), a small think-tank of academics and artists. Professor Janelle Reinelt (Warwick) is the principal investigator, and Professor Dan Rebellato of Royal Holloway and Lecturer Julie Wilkinson of Manchester Metropolitan are co-investigators. The playwright David Edgar is consultant to the project –all are members of the BTC. In addition, the project has three theatre partners: the Royal Shakespeare Company, the Young Vic, and the Drum Theatre in Plymouth, who are facilitating this research. 3. HOW CAN YOU BE INVOLVED? You would provide information to the research team before, right after, and two months after the production you see by filling out 3 online questionnaires; and you can also volunteer for a follow-up interview or creative workshop. The interview would be conducted by one of the team’s post-graduate student researchers and would last approximately 30 minutes, and might be audio-recorded. It can take place either at the theatre or over the phone. The creative workshop will have no more than ten participants and will last two hours. It will take place in a space at the theatre, and will be conducted by Julie Wilkinson who is a playwright and teaches creative writing and theatre practice and might be audio or video recorded. If you take part in the study your data will be anonymised and stored on secure computer servers at the University of Warwick for a duration of 10 years, at which point it will be permanently destroyed. If at any time you wish to withdraw from the study you may of course do so without giving any reason, at any point. If you have further questions, contact Simply send an email to to withdraw. In addition, if you should want to contact the RSC about this project, you can email Should anyone have any complaints relating to a study conducted at the University or by University's employees or students, the complainant should be advised to contact the Deputy Registrar at [/popup]
For more information on INTERVIEWS AND WORKSHOPS, click here: [popup DETAILS] Interviews are held after you have completed the three questionnaires and will explore how your answers might be expanded and will also ask more about your reactions to the show. Creative workshops will involve you in imaginative activities and discussions designed to enhance your memories and deepen your experiences of the show.[/popup]
CONSENT FORM: I agree to take part in the above study and I am willing to: (check all that apply)
I understand that my information will be held and processed for the following purposes: Use A for academic articles and presentations comparing the data across the project; may be published in books, journals, or newspapers. (yes or no) Use B for public discussion at the theatre, on websites, blogs, or social media, in op-ed pieces or public speeches (yes or no) Use C for future grant applications, in final reports of this present project, and in any requested reports of this research by government or civic organisations.
I agree to these uses (required)
Privacy notice
Your participation is voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any time without giving any reason and without being penalized or disadvantaged in any way. Your data will be anonymised and stored on secure computer servers at the University of Warwick for a duration of 10 years, at which point it will be permanently destroyed. By submitting the survey you agree to all these matters.

The University of Warwick is the Data Controller of any information you have entered on this form and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with Data Protection Legislation. The University's Data Protection webpages provide further information on your rights and how the University processes personal data. If you wish to submit a data subjects rights request, make a complaint or report a suspected personal data breach, please contact the University’s Data Protection Officer by email at

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