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Yuche Li

Yuche LiMPhil/PhD student

Email: Yuche dot Li at warwick dot ac dot uk


I am a full-time research student studying for a PhD in Creative Industries. I received my B.A in Media with Media Practices from Nottingham Trent University (2014), and then I pursued my M.A degree in Creative and Media enterprises in the University of Warwick (2015). While I was pursuing my educational qualification, I also worked in cultural organisations. I undertook internships at both a radio station (2012) and in the advertising department of the television station of Chongqing (2013), China. In 2015, I worked as an assistant in an Italian contemporary art gallery (Le Dame), in London. The time I spent there was short, but for somewhat reason, this experience has led me to recognise a more specific area that I would like to learn more about, the art-related issues in the cultural creative industry.

Research interests

The idea of my research project is ignited by my interest in the academic subject of ‘everyday aesthetics’, which applies the concept of aesthetics to different creative practices (of both the collective group and individuals) in today’s cultural society. My research project develops from this idea and explores what aspects of the quotidian issues and mundane living experiences are the potential resources that could give rise of an aesthetic reaction (and may also deliver an artistic inspiration), and in the same manner, another assumption is that to notice and to figure out a way of catering to people’s aesthetic needs in their everyday lives is a good approach to designing and to begin a creative project in the cultural industries.

The meaning of ‘aesthetics’ in the everyday context has an increased practicality compared to its philosophical origin; the particular focus of this notion in relationship to individuals’ living situation evaluates the question of what can be aestheticized rather than what aesthetics is. My project considers three general issues: 1) to examine what aspects of everyday life can be aestheticized by identifying the academic origin and purpose of the study of everyday aesthetics; 2) to use the example to explain how a creative project can develop based on acknowledging the pervasiveness and importance of the aesthetics in an individual’s day-to-day life; and 3) to explore the roles of art that applied in the everyday setting by referring to academic discussions on the notion of ‘artification’. This project gives respect to and embraces the academic study of pragmatist aesthetics, everyday aesthetics, and cultural analysis of the ideas of ‘artification’ as well as art’s function in everyday life. It will attempt to shape a conceptual framework by scrutinizing relevant issues from these theories; and also it will include examples and a case study of a Chinese online-based creative art organisation (Art pai pai), applying the case mainly in the demonstration of the second and third research issues of the project. Dr David Wright is my supervisor.