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Theatre and Performance Studies News

TOP STORY: TaPRA 2025 Conference to be hosted at WarwickTaPRA Logo

We're delighted to announce that the annual Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA) conference will be hosted by Theatre and Performance Studies at Warwick between 27 and 29 August 2025. The conference will mark both the 20th birthday of TaPRA and the 50th anniversary of Theatre and Performance Studies at Warwick. Our conference keynotes, plenary panels, artistic activity, conference dinner and programmed events will speak to the themes of milestones and markers, focussing on celebrations, festivities, spectacle and joy. We'll look forward to welcoming you to Warwick next year!

To keep up to date with the conference plans, please visit our dedicated TaPRA pages here.

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Cultures of the Left: Manifestations and Performances Colloquium hosted at Warwick

Cultures of the Left: Manifestations and Performances

Colloquium June 5th and 6th 

(Supported by British Academy and Connecting Cultures GRP

On the anniversary of the October Revolution, questions of the Left have been re-emerging as timely and urgent. This colloquium explores how to live and do Leftist politics in response to injustices of our own time.


After workshops at Warwick (UK) and JNU (India) earlier this year, British Academy Partnership project Cultures of the Left: Manifestations and Performances gathers again for a series of talks and discussions, asking: How can the cultural and ethical legacy of the Left inspire political resistance under neoliberalism? How does cultural Left imagine and perform new ways of doing Left politics to integrate a range of issues (i.e. immigration, nationalism, gender, etc.)? Can performances and manifestations of the cultural Left be explored as means of rethinking the structure of Leftist political organisation and mobilisation in a global context?



Dr Ameet Parasvaram (JNU) & Dr Igor Štiks (University of Edinburgh):



Prof. Elaine Aston (Theatre, Lancaster University)

Prof. Samik Bandyopadhyay (Theatre, JNU)

Dr Anna Hájková (History, Warwick)

Dr Brahm Prakash (Theatre and Performance, JNU)

Prof. Andy Lavender (Theatre & Performance Studies, Warwick)

Prof. Janelle Reinelt (Theatre & Performance Studies, Warwick)

Prof. Anupama Roy (Centre for Political Studies, JNU)

Dr Mallarika Sinha Roy (Women Studies, JNU)

Dr Illan Rua Wall (Law, Warwick)


Tue 06 Jun 2017, 17:32 | Tags: Research Seminar Research