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Image of three students sat in a library against a black background. Text to the left reads "About the Digital Pedagogy Library".

Project Aims

  • The aim of the project is to provide a space through which to record, collate and disseminate information about digital pedagogy in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Warwick.
  • The Library will serve three discrete purposes:
  • as a showcase of excellence, it will offer recognition to staff for the hard work they are devoting to digital pedagogy whilst allowing the Faculty to capture examples of pedagogic innovation;
  • the Library will enhance the learning community by providing a space for staff to share best practice and search for ideas to enhance their teaching.
  • it will inspire innovation in digital pedagogy and experience; the DPL will raise both awareness of the exciting opportunities offered in this field and the profiles of likeminded individuals across the campus, enabling the Faculty of Arts to create new, exciting and inclusive learning opportunities for all of our students.

Project Timeline

  • January 2021: Recruit Student interns; Co-create approaches to the project
  • February 2021: Friendship Interviews begin
  • March 2021: Thematic analysis of the interviews
  • April 2021: Recognise common areas and tangible examples for the different pedagogies identified
  • May 2021: Collate resources to include in the library. Start to promote the resource with the wider community through the DAL showcase and TEALFest.
  • June 2021: Continue to grow the resource
  • July 2021: Official launch and evaluation phase.

A red banner which reads "Digital Pedagogy Library Team" on the left. On the right is the a photo of a hand reaching up to take a book off a library shelf.

Project team

Bryan Brazeau (Cross Faculty Studies)

Robert O’Toole (Arts DSEP)

Elena Riva (IATL)
