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Tutor-Led Podcasts as a Flexible Learning Resource


As part of his general approach to pedagogy, Dr Bryan Brazeau frequently records podcasts that his students may listen to in preparation for upcoming learning sessions and future lesson topics. These podcasts are informal in their presentation to make them more engaging for the students, making links to pop culture and ideas discussed during the lessons.

The podcasts are meant to encourage a more passive approach to learning that would not overburden the student with structured, time-consuming information. Students are never tested on this information; rather, it is used entirely as a way to engage while educating.


Bryan Brazeau, Liberal Arts

A photograph of Bryan Brazeau

Lesson plan

Tutor's observations

The idea with the podcasts is that they are meant for a passive absorption of knowledge, and I make this explicit to students... I think that's really helpful for getting across... quite complex information in an informal way.

Example of learning material

Please feel free to access an episode of Bryan's podcast here.

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