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Using Microsoft Forms to Record Student Absences


Alastair Smith uses Microsoft Forms to more efficiently record and monitor student absences for a large cohort of students. The module’s Moodle page includes a section on absences, which instructs students not to email tutors about their absences and instead to complete a Microsoft Form. Depending on what the student puts on the form, they are directed to relevant wellbeing and support resources and advice. The options on the form mirror the options for recording absences on Tabula so that Alastair can easily review the forms and submit the information on to Tabula.

The main aim of using Microsoft Forms to record student absences is to increase efficiency and engagement when teaching large cohorts. The forms also generate data that could be useful in thinking about how to better support students.

Lesson plan

  1. Alastair created a form for recording student absences using Microsoft Forms and tailored the form to mirror Tabula.
  2. The module’s Moodle page links to the form and informs students not to email about their absences and to complete the form instead.
  3. Alastair reviews the forms submitted and inputs this into Tabula.

Tutor's observations

The form aims to connect the bureaucratic exercise of recording student absences with the student welfare and support experience.

It’s important to have clear and consistent messaging and behaviours so that students understand the process.

More Information

Find out more hereLink opens in a new window [video].

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