Step 2: Consider the relationship between learning outcomes and assessment.
Assessment should align with intended learning outcomes, although assessment can be designed to develop learners in broader ways than the specific learning outcomes. At this stage it is also important to verify that the learning outcomes identified can be assessed, and that the way in which they are written makes explicit precisely what will be evaluated through assessment. You should also consider how module learning outcomes contribute to programme level learning outcomes.
Prompts for critical thinking:
- Do your learning outcomes clearly and unambiguously communicate what students should know and be able to do by the end of the module?
- Is it possible to assess your intended learning outcomes? (If intended learning outcomes cannot be assessed they will need to be reconfigured).
- How well do your learning outcomes map to the QAA Qualifications Framework, i.e. are they level appropriate?
- How well do your learning outcomes articulate with the programme outcomes?
- Are certain outcomes under/over represented across the programme (and therefore under/over assessed)?
- Do you wish to incorporate skills, knowledge, attitudes and/or behaviours which aren’t represented in your intended learning outcomes?
- Is it important that these are assessed? If so you should add them to your intended learning outcomes.
- If they are developmental and do not need to be assessed, or do not need to be assessed at this point in the programme, how are you going to ensure that student performance in these areas will not impact (positively or negatively) upon the way in which students are able to demonstrate achievement of intended learning outcomes?