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Warwick Education Conference

A special guest speaker event took place on 10th July 2024 to continue conversations on the theme of reimagining assessment: Following the disruptions: addressing continuing issues for assessment, Prof David Boud, Deakin University Australia - find out more and access the slides from the session.

Event details

The Warwick Education Conference is a significant annual event in the academic calendar. It is an in-person event, complemented by asynchronous activities, that allows students and staff to come together as an educational community to connect, share and inspire each other through a variety of presentation and discussion-based sessions.

Key information

The 2023/24 conference took place on Thursday 2nd May 2024.

Radcliffe Conference Centre

2022/23 Event Highlights

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Conference theme - Reimagining assessment

The 2023/24 conference took place on Thursday 2nd May 2024

Assessment plays a vital role in higher education and is an integral element of the learning process. Recent seismic shifts in the assessment landscape mean that there has never been a more pertinent time to question its purpose as well as its place in responding to educational and societal priorities.   

In 2007, a challenge was set to reframe assessment as if learning was importantLink opens in a new window. Over 15 years later, the argument that we need to ‘rethink what is being done in assessment in higher education’ is more important than ever. Questions about what assessment exists to do, who and what it serves, what type(s) of learning it promotes, remain fundamental for educational communities to address. Alongside these is the most important question of how assessment can work to enable and empower all students to achieve to the best of their abilities.   

The Warwick Education Conference 2023/24 provides an opportunity for us as a community (students and staff) to add our voices and experiences to conversations occurring across the sector more widely (see Resources below). Questions we might want to explore as we come together to collectively reimagine assessment include: 

  • How might assessment promote equity and social justice in higher education?
  • How can assessment for learning and as learning be emphasised within the curriculum?
  • What is the place of assessment in the world of AI? How might generative AI be used to change assessment for the better?
  • How might assessment be a vehicle for promoting sustainable development?
  • How might the values of academic integrity be designed into assessment?
  • How can creative and innovative assessment respond to current needs and priorities? 

Conference programme

The conference programme is still available to view if you'd like to see the sessions that took place.

Students' creative pieces inspired by Reimagining Assessment theme

Ahead of the conference, students were invited to submit any creative pieces inspired by their experience with assessments. The pieces submitted share fascinating insights into their approaches to assessment, assessment methods they have enjoyed and their personal experiences within the assessment process. View the creative submissions booklet.

Nano Presentations

Reimagining Assessment Nano-Presentations

These are short (up to 10 mins) recorded presentations that aim to share practices and inspire others. Watch, engage with the conference theme and feel inspired at a time and place that suits you!

Small Teaching Nano-Presentation

Small teaching was the theme of the Warwick Education Conference 2023. These short (10 mins) nano-presentations share the small teaching changes colleagues' have implemented to inspire others to make their own small change.

Keynote speakers

Find out more about the inspiring keynote speakers who joined us on the day and watch their keynote recordings:

  • Prof Tansy Jessop, lead of the 'Transforming the Experience of Students through Assessment' (TESTA) research and change project.
  • Dr Paul Campbell, a sector leader in developing and evaluating interventions for making HE curricula and assessment racially inclusive.

Resources to explore the conference theme

Below are some resources connected to the conference theme that you might find interesting and helpful to explore: