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Preparing to Teach in Higher Education

The University values the efforts of its wide and active community of postgraduate tutors. It also considers teaching as a core skill needed for postgraduates to develop into well rounded members of the academic community.

Therefore, Warwick requires that all PhD students complete a teaching skills development course by the end of their first year of registration.

Preparing to Teach in Higher Education has been created by the Academic Development Centre to provide an introduction to the core skills and techniques that promote active, student-centred learning in the higher education environment. Delivered in conjunction with departments and research centres from across the University, Preparing to Teach in Higher Education balances fundamental aspects of good teaching practice with discipline-specific perspectives.

Course details

For the 2024/25 academic year Preparing to Teach in Higher Education will involve (1) completion of an online module and (2) attendance of an in-person workshop, which the Academic Development Centre will organise with your department.

How to enrol

We are currently updating the content of Preparing to Teach in HE in advance of the 24/25 academic year. As a result, enrolments for are currently paused.

This will reopen towards the end of September 2025.

What next?

Having completed all three sections of Preparing to Teach in Higher Education and receiving the certificate of completion you may wish to progress to the Academic Professional Pathway for Postgraduate Researchers

Information for Departments

Preparing to Teach – Workshop for 2024-25:

Alongside the Moodle course, the Academic Development Centre is offering all participants an optional workshop – exploring some of the key themes and ideas contained within the Preparing to Teach, which will be discussed in relation to their subject area. The workshops are not planned and run in a centralised way; we are organising separate ones with each department. This means that the content of each workshop is tailored to meet the needs of your GTAs.

We would be most grateful if you could fill in this form, giving me a sense of your department’s preferences in relation to having/not having a workshop

What if my department only has a small number of GTAs?:

We can still run something with a small number of GTAs, although it would be more of a roundtable than a workshop. Alternatively, we can invite them to another department’s workshop.